Apply Primer - Dec Primer which has a strong alkali resistance and adhesion performance. It will be a color of joint line after the application of whole system. It has Gray, Light Gray, Black and white colors as our standard.
Lay out Dec Tape Jp which is a special masking tape to creat the joint line. 2mm foamed tape with double sided tape can create straight line and sharp edge.
Apply Decrea - Stone texture coating from the edge to another edge of joint line. It can create a feeling & taste of stone. The color is made of Ceramic chips which do not have color fading matter.
Take off surface layer of the Dec Tape Jp right after the application of Decrea.
After the completion dry of Decrea, body part of Dec Tape Jap is taken off.
Optionally apply a top coat - Dec Putop10 which is protection coat for heavy air pollution, chemical pollution, etc.
Completion - Super durable finish, Decrea stone coating system
Standard Application for Concrete substrate