出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research

Fusion of God and a computer

Fri., March 14, 2008 a write-in start
Sat., November 20, 2010 the language, updating, and record of God

The encounter with God started at 5:30 in the morning (Sat.) of February 9, 2002... びびび-! ... You made っ and a terrible sound, and did the light of a 100mm ball separate from my right eye, and was performed? ・・・

Thinking that it is a very wonderful phenomenon, I am あぁ- to this momentary occurrence! ... Was it convinced that it carried out by a soul separating from my body? ・・・

However, the 9th year after that "I turn to receiving the guidance by the perfect language from God on Sun., June 6, 2010. ・・・

The day of the week of a calendar has noticed six years changing as a cycle. ・・・

A friend departs this world on February 8, 2008, and Friday of the 6th year and the same day is exactly on Fri., February 8. 今年こそ真理の訴えは、世に出ると確信するわけですが、この8年間の神の完璧なる導きを振り返って、神の威力と導きの真理を再度確認して行きます。
Although it is sure that the petition of truth comes out to a world absolutely this year, it looks back upon guidance with perfect God for these eight years, and the power of God and the truth of guidance are checked again and it goes. ・・・

* 世界標準哲学研究センター(2010年7月26日Yhoo回線開通) 
Global standard philosophy research center.

The language about which people speak sounds my heart.

God controls my heart and makes television and radio switched on.

The heart appears in flesh as action.

The heart appears in a face as an expression.

Having considered to the heart appears in flesh as behavior.

The heart is governing flesh as a conclusion (Plato's words "flesh is the prison of the heart").

* 神とユビキタス
As ubiquitous as God

* 神とイノベーションの時代
The time of God and an innovation

* 神と哲学とイノベーション
God, philosophy, and an innovation

* 21世紀は、神とコンピューターの発展の時代
The 21st century will be the time of development of God and a computer.

* 哲学の起源、姿・形の無い「魂」からの言葉をインターネット上に永遠と書き残す
On the Internet, it forgets to write the language from a "soul" without the philosophical origin and a form as it is eternal.

* 神とコンピューターの大融合 Large Fusion of God and a Computer.

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