Preliminary knowledge of the philosophy of the innovation, the philosophy revolution, and truth Kesao Oi's philosophy

Why is philosophy a mystery?
Why is philosophy difficult?

Why was philosophy of Japan out of order?
Why can't philosophy be solved with the head?

Human beings solve by Kesao Oi's experience for seven years by the wisdom of the language of guidance in which the philosophy which was not able to be solved till the 21st century is sent to the heart from a soul exceeding the space-time in 2700. 
(This homepage is edit creation by the wisdom of the language from a soul)

Mon., December 15, 2008 writing

* 形而上学を研究して魂の存在に無知な日本の哲学者
The philosopher of Japan where study metaphysics and a soul is ignorant in existence
* 「頭に心が存在」などと疑似科学の研究をしている東大
The University of Tokyo which is doing research of false science in "the heart exists in the head" etc.
* 「心の真理」に無知な人類
Human beings ignorant in "truth of the heart"
* 歴史の哲学者の言葉を無知で誤解釈
It is ignorant in a historical philosopher's words, and is an incorrect interpretation.
* 生命機能の真理「心身二元」に無知な哲学者
the truth "mind and body of a life function -- duality -- " -- an ignorant philosopher
* 頭に存在しない、心の感覚知覚機能の存在に無知な哲学者
A philosopher ignorant in existence of the feeling consciousness function of the heart which does not exist in the head

Language of the philosophy which it was difficultly interpreted by Meiji Era incorrect, it was translated into it, and he understands in Japan

* 日本の頭で偽装研究された哲学
Philosophy by which camouflage research was done with the head of Japan
* 日本の頭で捏造された捏造哲学
Fabrication philosophy fabricated with the head of Japan
* 日本の頭で論文化された擬似哲学
False philosophy paper-ized with the head of Japan

The camouflage philosophy of the ignorant and foolish Philosophical Association of Japan is solved, and it forgets to write in the history on the Internet forever as a proof of "philosophical truth."

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