The truth [mind and body of man's life function duality]
Discovery and Composition 発見 2002年2月
The World after Death is in the Heart
作成2007年5月14日(月) Mon., May 14, 2007 21世紀 世界の歴史の一ページに【心の真理】を永遠に書き残す
It forgets to write [truth of the heart] in 1 page of the history in
the 21st century and the world forever
Composition of [mind-and-body duality]心身二元の構図
死後の世界・心に存在 It exists in the world and the heart after death ⇔ |
壮大・神秘・心の世界の存在 World existence of grand a mystery, and the heart |
地球・世界・人類・宇宙 The earth, the world, human beings, and the universe |
死者を3年間毎日思い出す The dead are remembered every day during three years 肉体の消滅後・心に復活する魂(神) The soul (God) revitalized to corporal after disappearance and heart 真理の言葉を心に送り導く The language of truth is sent and led to the heart 魂に思慮する(ソクラテス) It considers for a soul (Socrates) 愛は神である・はじめに言葉あり(イエスキリスト) Love is those with language (Jesus Christ) at the beginning of-which is God 宗教の根源 The religious origin 哲学発祥の根源は「魂」(神)の存在 The origin of philosophy origin is in existence of [a soul(God)] |
愛と神の心の世界 The world of the heart of love and God ⇔ 血液・連動・肉体を支配 Blood, linkage, and flesh are governed ⇒ 言葉を経験で感じて理解 He feels and understands language by experience 第五次元の世界・心の神秘 The mystery of the world and the heaet of a fifth dimension 洞察・感性・愛・哲学発祥 Discernment sensitivity, love, and philosophy origin 滞在意識と潜在意識 Stay consciousness and subconscious 煩悩(仏教)自然発生 Worldly-desires (Buddhism) spontaneous generation |
頭(脳)・知覚器官と感覚器官 The head (brain) and the organs of perception, and a sense organ 心の指示で肉体に指令をだす Instructions are taken out with directions of the heart to flesh ![]() 人体(肉体)神経系・血管系 Human body (flesh)-a nervous system blood vessel systen 内臓・遺伝子・DNA Internal organs, a gene, and DNA ![]() |
「心身二元」の発見証明論文 Discovery and proof theory sentence of mind-and-body-duality
Global standard philosophy research center. TOP
「壮大・神秘・心の世界に戻る」The world of grand, a mystery, and the heart