The mind and body from philosophy -- duality is solved
The life function of mind-and-body duality is proved from philosophy.
2008年9月22日(月)書き込み 2008年9月26日(金)更新
It writes in on Mon., September 22, 2008. Fri., September 26, 2008 updating
* 人類は、哲学を2700年間も研究して来て、ソクラテスが遭遇体験をした「魂の存在」に完全に無知
Human beings are ignorant in "an existence of a soul" to which
philosophy was studied 2700 years, and Socrates revived to Socrates's heart and
dwelt in Socrates's heart according to ignorant Socrates's friend's death
completely [ "an existence of a soul" which carried out encounter
experience ].
* 人類は、近代哲学の父とまで賞賛される、フランスの哲学者、ルネ・デカルトが1919年、23歳でウルム市近郊の炉部屋で発見した「驚くべき学問の基礎」「哲学発祥の基礎の魂」を発見している現実に無知
Human beings are ignorant to the reality in which the French philosopher,
"the foundation of surprising learning" which Rene Descartes
discovered in the furnace room near Ulm at the age of 23 in 1919, and "the
basic soul of philosophy origin" which are admired even to the father of
modern philosophy are discovered.
* 世界の多くの哲学者が、哲学の真理の解明に挑んだが、形の無い心、姿・形の無い魂を解明する事は永遠に不可能であり、「魂と遭遇体験者」以外、「真理の哲学」を解明する事は永遠に出来ない
Although many philosophers in the world challenged the elucidation of
philosophical truth, it is forever impossible to solve the heart without a form
and a soul without a form, and it cannot perform solving "philosophy of
truth" forever except "a soul and an encounter experience
person." 。
* 哲学とは、人の死で人間の心に起こる神秘現象で「魂が心に送って来る言葉の導きの知恵」で、21世紀でも人類が無知な生命機能の真理「心身二元」「心の真理」の解明と、ハイクオリティーな人間学の解明である。
the truth "mind and body of a life function with human beings philosophy
is "the wisdom of the guidance of the language which a soul sends to the
heart" by the mysterious phenomenon which happens to man's heart by
people's death, and ignorant [ the 21st / at least / century ] -- duality --
the elucidation of truth" of" "heart, and a high -- it is the
elucidation of quality humanics.
* 私が約7年間に及ぶ永い年月に、魂との遭遇体験から、ソクラテスの真実の哲学と、ルネ・デカルトの真理の哲学を解明して、ソクラテスとデカルトが発見した、生命機能の永遠の真理「心身二元」を解明し証明してまいります。
truth "mind and body with the eternal life function which solved
Socrates's true philosophy and the philosophy of Rene Descartes's truth, and
Socrates and Descartes discovered from encounter experience with a soul to the
long years when I reach in about seven years -- duality -- " -- it solves
and proves.
* 人間の頭の知識を遙かに超越した、魂が言葉で導く、「超感覚的知覚」「ESP現象」の知識と知恵を、生かして、20世紀に開発された、パソコンのインターネット上に、「人類の真理の証拠」として永遠に書き残す。
It forgets to write the knowledge of man's head forever as "a proof of
human beings' truth" on the Internet of the personal computer which was
transcended you to be Haruka, which a soul leads by means of language and which
was developed in the 20th century taking advantage of the knowledge and wisdom
of "extrasensory perception" and a "ESP phenomenon."
* ESP現象の約7年間の体験により、人の行動、言葉から、その人の心を洞察する、洞察力が高まり、予知能力の向上によって、日本の政治の将来、日本の政治家の心を洞察して、日本の将来を予知してまいります。
By experience for about seven years of an ESP phenomenon, the insight which
discerns the man's heart increases from people's action and language,
beforehand, by improvement in intelligence power, a Japanese politician's heart
is discerned and the future of Japan will be foreknown in the future [ of
politics of Japan ].
* 人類は、「心の真理」に無知な為に、21世紀でも、日本では「心が肉体の頭に存在」すると思い込んで、科学で頭を測定して、無知な偽装研究をしているのが現実?「頭を研究しても頭に存在しない心」を解明する事は永遠に不可能
Since human beings are ignorant in "truth of the heart", it is
forever unable to solve reality ? "heart which does not exist in the head
even if it studies the head" for it to be convinced that it carries out
"the heart exists in the corporal head" in Japan, to measure the head
by science, and to do even the 21st [ at least ] century of ignorant camouflage
* ソクラテスの真実の哲学を解明
Socrates's true philosophy is solved.
* ソクラテスの真理の言葉を解読
The language of Socrates's truth is decoded.
* 大井今朝雄の形而上学と魂のメカニズムを解明
Kesao Oi's metaphysics and a spiritual mechanism are solved.
* 大井今朝雄の哲学発祥の歴史
History of Kesao Oi's philosophy origin
* ルネ・デカルトの心身二元
Rene Descartes's mind and body -- duality
* 大井今朝雄の懐疑論
Kesao Oi's skepticism
* デカルトの残した言葉を解読
The language which Descartes left is decoded.
* 大井今朝雄の批判、反論者の無知を解明した暴露本を発刊
The expose which solved Kesao Oi's criticism and a counterargument person's
ignorance is published.
* 心の真理を解明、カントの心と感性の世界を解明
The heart of an elucidation and Kant and the world of sensitivity are solved
for the truth of the heart.
* 哲学の真理から生命機能の永遠の真理「心身二元」を解明して証明する
* この世に魂の存在の証明から生命機能の真理「心の真理」を解明して証明する
* 形の無い心を、形として残す方法に挑戦
壮大・神秘・心の世界 TOPに戻る