The elucidation of Kesao Oi's easy humanics, and the easy heart, easy life study

The world of spiritual enlightenment of the heart

Sat., October 11, 2008 writing

The world of spiritual enlightenment is in the heart.  
The world after death exists in the heart.
The infinite world is in the heart.
The world of Nirvana exists in the heart.

Although well called the world of spiritual enlightenment, the world of Nirvana, etc. in Buddhism, human beings realize and solve what kind of thing it is as realizing. まず日本の辞書では、さとり【悟り】@、悟ること。知ること。気つ゛くこと。A、[仏] 煩悩を去って真理を会得すること。悟道。と出ている。それでは、さとる【悟る】・【覚える】@、[仏] 迷いを去って真理を知る。A、推量して知る。3、感つ゛く、と出ている。それでは、すいりょう【推量】おしはかること。推測。と出ている、どの辞書を引いても、心と頭の違いに無知な、人たちが訳した言葉は、頭と心がおなじ物として訳すために、一般の人には理解できない意味になってしまう。

It is the language of the guidance from the soul which I consider encounter experience as a thing and a between [ it is long ] soul for about seven years, and is in my heart, "Truth of the heart" can solve all of "existence of the sensory function of the heart", and "a difference between the heart and the head", a thing called Buddhistic worldly desires will realize how if what kind of thing and truth notices by what kind of thing and the heart, it is different to get to know with the head, and a realizing meaning will be able to understand and interpret deep.

"The world of spiritual enlightenment of the heart" is solved by "the wisdom of the guidance in the language from a soul" which transcended the knowledge of man's head.

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