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The philosopher who is sure that "a soul and encounter experience" were carried out by the history of philosophy in the world
Thales (624 years - B.C. 547 years)

2002年2月9日(土)研究開始 2009年12月18日(金)研究・更新
Sat., February 9, 2002 research start   Fri., December 18, 2009 research and updating

* タレスの、著書は残されていないが、弟子のアナクシマンドロス等によって資料が残されている。
Data are left behind by Anaximander, a pupil, etc. although Thales's work is not left behind.

Moreover, it is introduced to Aristotle's metaphysics together with pupils.
* アリストテレスの形而上学に登場するタレスは、哲学における世界で最初の「魂の知恵の探究者」
Thales who appears in Aristotle's metaphysics is taken up as the first "investigator of spiritual wisdom"

 in the world in philosophy, and is proved as the founder of European philosophy.
* ソクラテスの孫弟子、アリストテレスは、「原因と結果」「哲学の起源」を証明している。
Socrates's pupil's pupil and Aristotle are proving "the philosophical origin" by "the cause and the effect."
* 哲学という学問が存在(結果)する以上の現実(原因)は、この地球上に「魂の存在」を証明したのが「形而上学」
The above reality (cause) in which learning called philosophy existed (result) proved "existence of a soul" on this earth  "metaphysics"

The philosophical origin "soul and encounter experience" is proved from Thales's words.

* タレスは、神を神話的な神ではなくて、自然的な「水」(魂)であると唱えた。人間の根源は「水」から生じ水に帰るとした
Thales recited God that it is not mythological God but natural "water" (soul). Man's origin presupposed that it is generated from "water" and returns to water.

It seems that the infinite thing was expressed as "water" since the word "soul" did not exist in the Thales era of Greece.

It seems that - after man's death "soul revitalized to the heart" was compared to "water" since it would be incorrect-interpreted as God of a myth, if the words "God" were used.

All the philosophers that did "the soul and encounter experience" before Socrates understand a "soul" by considering it as "water", "fire", and the "ground." 

It is said that it predicted in a certain astronomical knowledge, and it is sure that the solar eclipse in B.C. 585 is "a soul and an encounter experience person."
* 魂と遭遇体験をする事で、「魂からの言葉の知恵」により、将来的な予知が現実にできるようになる。
It comes to be able to perform a prospective forecast actually by "the wisdom of the language from a soul" by considering encounter experience as a soul.

A prospective forecast will be attained if the extrasensory perception phenomenon which is the philosophical origin and which happened to the heart is experienced.

タレスの逸話として伝えられている「魂からの言葉の予言」 参考 フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
"Prediction of the language from a soul" told as Thales's anecdote Reference   Free encyclopedia Wikipedia

1、 オリーブの圧搾機械を借り占めの出来事
The compression machine of an olive is borrowed and it is the occurrence of eye fortune-telling.

2、 ギリシャの七賢人の兜を奪い合い事件
It scrambles for the helmet of seven wise men of Greece, and is an incident.  

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