The origin of the greatest discovery and philosophy of this century "God"

The "world philosophy revolution" which God starts on the earth


The Providence of the fabrication philosophy researcher in the world, and the rule of Heaven's Vengeance

It is the “Okite” of Providence and Heaven's Vengeance to a Japanese fabrication philosopher

"The wisdom of the language from God" of the Creation "was revitalized" on Sat., February 9 "the heart", 2002 is recorded in history.

Sun., March 29, 2009 "God" and encounter experience ten year - "God" are establishment "world philosophy revolutions". [ of the Creation ]


"The Okite of Heaven's Vengeance" is enacted to the "fabrication philosopher" who revolts against "God" (May 15, 2011).

第一条   天命・「魂」の存在を否定する、哲学者に哲学研究を禁止命令(2011年7月21日)
A restraining order is given of the philosopher who denies existence of Providence - "soul" in philosophy research (July 21, 2011).

第二条   天命・「魂」が復活する「心」に無知な、哲学者に哲学研究を禁止命令(2011年7月21日) 
A restraining order is given of a philosopher ignorant to the "heart" which Providence - "soul" revitalizes in philosophy research (July 21, 2011).

第三条   天命・頭は有限・「心」は無限の世界に、無知で愚かな「捏造哲学者」「哲学研究禁止命令」(2011年7月21日)
Providence and the head  limited "heart"  a "fabrication philosopher" ignorant in the infinite world, and foolish -- "a philosophy research restraining order"

第四条   「神」に反逆する「捏造哲学者」に「天命東大哲学研究権利を剥奪(2011年2月3日) 天命・日本哲学会の哲学研究権利を剥奪
""Providence and a philosophy research right are snatched to the "fabrication philosopher" who revolts against God"." (February 3, 2011)

第五条   「神」に反逆する「捏造哲学者」「神が天罰を下す」
"The preliminary announcement of "Heaven's Vengeance is warned to the "fabrication philosopher" who revolts against God".

第六条   人間が裁けなければ、「神」が裁く「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" whom "God" judges if man cannot judge

第七条   「神」の鋭い洞察力で探索(検索)して「天罰を下す」
Sharp insight of "God" is searched (search) and "Heaven's Vengeance is given."

(The language, the "fabrication philosopher" whom the Heaven's Vengeance of God went down from 2008 to 2009 simultaneously saying, "サイ was given up" of God)

76 years old (February 12, 2008 death) (from the West, collected papers are planned by Mamoru fabrication philosopher and Takayama, and Hisatake Kato - which imported the fabrication paper system) of Jiro Watanabe


72 years old (June 3, 2009 death) of Sakabe blessings

Ignorant in from what it died, since "warning and a forecast" had not been carried out, although it is the person philosophically ignorant three persons whom "Heaven's Vengeance of God" went down for the "fabrication philosopher"


"Global standard philosophy" which human beings studied 2700 years and were not able to solve till the 21st century

The greatest "causes" that philosophy cannot be solved is "self" of the "heart" of man, and "disturbance."  

The greatest "cause" with difficult philosophy is "disturbance" according to ignorance and "ego" to the "heart."

The greatest "cause" with difficult philosophy is disturbance of Japanese "Japanese fabrication and ignorant idiom enumeration paper."

The greatest “cause” by which human beings cannot solve philosophy is ignorant to "the understanding method of the language of the heart", and is in it

"The fabrication philosophy fraud research group and educational criminal incident" of Japan and the University of Tokyo "which God discerns"

"Fabrication philosophy fraud research / educational criminal incident" of Japan "which God judges", and the University of Tokyo

"Fabrication philosophy fraud research / educational criminal incident" of Japan "which God solves", and the University of Tokyo

"Fabrication philosophy fraud research / educational crime" of Japan "which God reveals", and the University of Tokyo

"Fabrication philosophy fraud research / educational criminal incident" of Japan "which God punishes", and the University of Tokyo

"God" surely gives Heaven's Vengeance to ignorant and foolish the "fabrication philosopher" who blocks the "world philosophy revolution" started on the earth. 

Heaven's Vengeance which goes down the "global standard philosophy" research which "God" solves to the "fabrication philosopher" who revolts against disturbance - "God" inevitably

Be ready for the reality which the Heaven's Vengeance in the 21st century "God" will go down to Japan and the University of Tokyo in which "fabrication philosophy" has been educated and studied, 100 years.

By the tolerance of "God", since Heaven's Vengeance was avoided, the ignorant and foolish "fabrication philosopher" has done "large breeding" on the earth.

Heaven's Vengeance is given to a "fabrication philosophy researcher" by the sharp insight and the power of "God" by the big reflection which appealed against "truth" of the existence of "God" and which was not able to save "Socrates" and "Jesus Christ." Carry out "fabrication fraud philosopher of Japan" Iza Kakugo”  

"Heaven's Vengeance" is thoroughly given to ignorant and foolish the "fabrication philosopher" who revolts against "God" after the "world philosophy revolution" which "God" starts. . 

The origin of the philosophy discovered by "Thales" and "Anaximander" at no less than 2700 years of old history "soul"

The origin of the philosophy of Socrates who was not able to solve for human beings in the history of the philosophy research in 2500 "God"

(Since human beings were ignorant in existence of a "soul" without a form, they were ignorant and were not able to solve even the 21st [ at least ] "the century of the philosophy which only a "soul" and the person experienced in an encounter can dispel")

"Philosophy" established in the language from a "soul" without a form by means of which "Socrates" had an encounter experience in no less than 2500 years of old history

(Human beings discussed to the "heart" the "philosophy" which only a "soul" and the person experienced in an encounter can solve with ignorance and the head, distorted it greatly to it, and have fabricated it to it)

Since human beings cannot understand and interpret the words (Plato's dialog editing) of "Socrates" -- eternal -- what cannot be solved -- "philosophy"

((It cannot understand it) Since it is ignorant in existence of a "soul", the "origin of a word" of the "philosophy" which Socrates established cannot interpret "human love" and "the wisdom of language which a soul sends to the heart")

The "soul" which does not have the Buddhistic origin to which "Gautama Buddha" had an encounter experience in India, and a form in about 2500 years of old history

(Language of the Buddhism which cannot be interpreted [ which cannot interpret, and can be ignorant to the "understanding method of the language of the heart" which a "soul" without a form revitalizes as for human beings, and cannot understand ])

* 西暦の起源でもある約2000年も古い歴史に、「イエス・キリスト」が遭遇経験をした宗教の起源「魂」
The origin of the religion to which "Jesus Christ" had an encounter experience in the old history which is also the origin of A.D. also about 2000 "soul"

(Since human beings have buried "Jesus Christ" who had an encounter experience for the precious "soul", they have made the elucidation of "spiritual truth" impossible)

(Although human beings buried existence of the "soul" for which Jesus Christ had an encounter experience, the language "Bible" from "God" remains as eternal truth)

The origin of the philosophy "Rene Descartes" told even the father of modern philosophy in the world had an encounter experience in the furnace room "soul"

((He cannot understand) "Rene Descartes" discovered human beings  " the truth and mind and body of a life function  duality  "  since it is ignorant in "truth of the heart", it cannot interpret)

The origin of the philosophy Emmanuel Swedenborg had an encounter experience supposed that Jesus Christ was Genshi"soul"

((They cannot understand) The words of the "wisdom of love and God" of Swedenborg cannot interpret at a human being without the philosophical origin "soul" and encounter experience)

"Kant" who left the name to history by critical philosophy solves brilliant "heart" (sensitivity community) which had an encounter experience for the "soul" completely.

((It cannot understand) If ignorant on the "sensitivity community" (truth of the heart) which the philosophical origin "soul" revitalizes, the meaning of the language "antimony" of a Kantianism cannot interpret)

The philosopher and the Kitarou Nishida which it is [ of Japan ] proud of also lose many relatives, and have had an encounter experience to the philosophical origin "soul" purely.

((It cannot understand) "fabrication philosophy research" in which "ego" of the University of Tokyo runs wild in Japan and which was discussed with the head -- the language of the Nishida philosophy -- "-- inconsistency self-same" cannot interpret by any means)

"The wisdom of language" in which philosophy is sent to the "heart" from the philosophical origin "soul" is foundations.

The language from the "soul" revitalized to the "heart" with philosophy after flesh disappears according to man's death -- foundations

"Philosophy" which philosophy is "the fact on the spirit" and the "psychic phenomenon" which happened to the "heart", and it is ignorant in "truth of the heart" and cannot be dispelled in it

Philosophy is "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to the "heart", and an understanding is forever [ ignorantly and ] impossible to the "heart" -- "a philosophy idiom"

Philosophy is "wisdom of the language led to truth" which was revitalized to the "heart" and which is sent to the "heart" from the philosophical origin "soul." 

Even if it discusses with the head to a human being without a "soul" and encounter experience, what cannot be solved is "philosophy" forever and absolutely.

If Japan's "fabrication philosophy research" which denies existence of the philosophical origin "soul" collapses inevitably, it will be declared.

"Collapse of fabrication philosophy research" of ignorant Japan is foreknown to the "understanding method of the language of the heart" which the philosophical origin "soul" revitalizes.


The worst sophist group Philosophical Association of Japan in the 21st century
The worst sophist group University of Tokyo philosophy laboratory in the 21st century
The worst sophist group University of Tokyo 21 century COE in the 21st century


It investigated and saw with the free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" on a "sophist" and the Internet.

The orator and educator who mainly worked centering on Athens, Greece, and who received money and was presupposed that virtue is taught

COE was [ the Philosophical Association of Japan, the University of Tokyo philosophy laboratory, and the 21st century of the present University of Tokyo which only read this language and is studying deceitful camouflage philosophy ] completely sure that I am a sophist group.

* 「哲学に無知な哲学者」、哲学が何もわかってない日本の哲学者
"A philosophically ignorant philosopher", the philosopher of Japan which understands philosophy for nothing
* 哲学の起源も無知な日本の捏造哲学者
The fabrication philosopher of Japan where the philosophical origin is also ignorant
* 哲学発祥の原因に無知な日本の哲学者
The philosopher of Japan ignorant to the cause of philosophy origin
* 哲学誕生の原因「魂の存在」に無知な哲学者
A philosopher ignorant to the cause "existence of a soul" of philosophy birth
* ソクラテスが遭遇体験をした「魂の存在」に無知な哲学者
A philosopher with Socrates ignorant in "an existence of a soul" which carried out encounter experience
* デカルトが23歳で遭遇体験をした「魂の存在」に無知な哲学者
A philosopher with Descartes ignorant in "an existence of a soul" which carried out encounter experience at the age of 23
* デカルトが発見した、生命機能の真理「心身二元」に無知な哲学者
The truth "mind and body of the life function which Descartes discovered -- duality -- " -- an ignorant philosopher
* イエスキリストの言葉「愛は神である」に無知な哲学者
A philosopher ignorant into Jesus Christ's words "love is God"
* スウェーデンボルグの言葉「愛と神の知恵」に無知な哲学者
A philosopher ignorant into Swedenborg's words "wisdom of love and God"
* 魂が復活する「心の真理」に無知な哲学者
A philosopher ignorant in "the truth of the heart" which a soul revitalizes
* 哲学の語源も無知で理解・解釈できない日本の捏造哲学者
The fabrication philosopher of Japan which cannot interpret [ which cannot interpret, and the philosophical origin of a word can also be ignorant, and cannot understand it ] it
* 哲学の語源「人間愛」と「魂からの言葉の知恵」に無知な日本の捏造哲学者
The fabrication philosopher of Japan ignorant of the philosophical origin of a word "human love" and philosophical "wisdom of language from a soul"
* 哲学の語源を「智を愛する」などと訳して、「人間愛」と「魂の知恵」に無知な哲学者
"智 is loved for" the philosophical origin of a word -- translating -- a philosopher ignorant of "human love" and "spiritual wisdom"

The Japanese sophist philosophy group who is this much ignorant and asserts only a philosopher's right and vested rights.

* 無知だらけの論文を書いて、人間として恥ずかしくないのかソフィスト哲学者
He is [ whether writes a paper full of ignorance and is shameful as man, and ] a sophist philosopher.
* ここまで真理の哲学を捏造して、大学で哲学を教える事は、まさに教育者の犯罪である。
It is just an educator's crime to fabricate the philosophy of truth so far and to teach philosophy at a university.
* 心の真理を研究しなければならない、心の真理に無知な詐欺哲学者の心が完全に荒廃
The heart of the fraud philosopher ignorant in the truth of the heart who has to study the truth of the heart goes to ruin completely.
* 己の無知に気が付かない、日本の無知で愚かな捏造哲学者
The fabrication philosopher ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish who does not notice himself's ignorance
* 無知な詐欺哲学を大学で教える自分の悪に気が付かないほど、無知で愚かな捏造哲学者
Such an ignorant and foolish fabrication philosopher that he does not notice his wrong [ who teaches ignorant fraud philosophy at a university ]
* 自分の無知と愚かに気が付かないで、ソクラテスの哲学を批判する詐欺哲学者
The fraud philosopher who criticizes Socrates's philosophy without noticing foolish that he is ignorant

The University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan are taken [ federal court / international ].

Global standard philosophy research center.

God of the Creation is the truth of an elucidation and a life function.

The "world philosophy revolution" which God of the Creation starts on the earth

"World of the Creation" research and Heaven's Vengeance which were created by God

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