License copyright in the 8th year of the proof, and the world Kesao Oi's truth
Philosophical Association of Japan member (December 15, 2007) Japan Kant associate member
Heaven's Vengeance and warning of whistleblowing - "he is a camouflage fraud philosopher at ignorance of Japan"

Warning and Heaven's Vengeance from a soul

Warning and Heaven's Vengeance from God

神の怒りと天罰 起源を無視する東大の重罪
Anger and Heaven's Vengeance of God   

2009年9月6日(日)書き込み 2010年1月3日(日)更新・公開
It writes in on Sun., September 6, 2009.   Sun., January 3, 2010 updating and public presentation    

* 偽装詐欺哲学者よ「無知の自覚と反省」
camouflage fraud - a philosopher - "hurry ignorant consciousness"!

Major criminals who oppose God by fabrication philosophy research

Major criminals who oppose God by concealment philosophy research  

* 神の天罰(?)が下ってからでは遅すぎる!
After the Heaven's Vengeance (?) of God goes down, it is too late then!

* 偽装詐欺犯罪者たち天罰を受けては遅すぎる!
It is too late if camouflage fraud offender Heaven's Vengeance is received!

* 神を恐れぬ、愚か者ソフィスト、天罰は必ず下る
The fool sophist and Heaven's Vengeance which do not fear God are surely gone down.  

* 偽装詐欺教育者たち
Camouflage fraud educators "hurry ignorant consciousness"

* 己がこの世での使命を果たせない愚かな命
The foolish life on which oneself cannot achieve the mission in this world

The foolish life which cannot achieve the mission as a philosopher

The foolish life which cannot do the duty which a philosopher should study, either

* 哲学者として義務も使命を果たせない無知な命
The ignorant life on which duty cannot achieve a mission as a philosopher, either

The foolish heart and the life which ignore " carry out and bury existence of "soul as if nobody understands  


The ignorant life which cannot achieve a mission as a child of God of the Creation

* 無知の結末・自我の結末・欲望の結末

The reality efficiently employed by the impermanence of all things and God is found. 

* 野家 啓一 前日本哲学会 会長の無知な悪徳詐欺論文を分析・解読・公開

* 加藤 尚武 ソクラテスの言葉も理解・解釈できないソフィスト(元日本哲学会会長)

* 天地創造の神の真理に逆らう愚かな日本の哲学者!
The philosopher of foolish Japan opposing the truth of God of the Creation!

* 姿・形の無い魂・弁証法で無視が一番と思い込んでいる詐欺哲学者
The fraud philosopher in whom disregard is convinced No. 1 and is by a soul and dialectic without a form

* 誰にも解らなければと?偽装詐欺哲学研究を続ける愚か者の重罪
Felony of the fool who continues ? camouflage fraud philosophy research if nobody understands

The philosopher of the foolish University of Tokyo which has ignored the philosophy "pure experience" of the Kitarou Nishida 

* 真理の哲学研究を妨害する、ギリシャ時代より悪質ソフィスト哲学者
He is a vicious sophist philosopher from the Greek era of blocking philosophy research of truth


The sad Japanese philosopher made into the University of Tokyo type camouflage philosophy in brainwash education

The end of a foolish philosopher ignorant to the heart of one's egoism

* 偽装詐欺哲学者に神の天罰は下る!
The Heaven's Vengeance of God is gone down to a camouflage fraud philosopher!

I wish "ignorant consciousness and reflection" of a Japanese philosopher from the bottom of my heart, also in order for the Heaven's Vengeance of God to be trivial.

* 既得権と偽装の重罪 Felony of vested rights and camouflage. 
偽装教育と既得権の重罪 Felony of camouflage education and vested rights. 
偽装研究と権利の乱用の重罪 Felony of abuse of camoufloage research and a right. 
多額の税金無駄使いの重罪 Felony of a tax waste of a large amount of.

* 東大が哲学に完全に無知な原因・東大が哲学を捏造研究している証拠

* 神からの言葉
Language from God


After Michizane Sugawara's death

* 菅原道真(すがわら の みちざね)・インターネット上の『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』より

* 平将門の死後
*   After Masakado Taira's death

* 平将門(たいら の まさかど)・インターネット上の『ウィキペディア(wikipedia)』より

* 神の洞察・東大の無知な偽装詐欺哲学教員

* 世界標準哲学事典 Global standard philosophy encyclopedia.

* 魂の存在に無知な哲学者の重罪

World research of grand, infinity, and the heart

World research of grand,-dimensional [ 5 ], and the heart
壮大・無限・心の世界研究 TOPに戻る