出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research .
A "soul" and encounter "philosophy" research [ for the 10th year ]

It is an Elucidation Impossibility "Philosophy" Forever at the Head.
It is Elucidation Impossibility "Philosophy at Ignorance to “Cardiac".
It is Elucidation Impossibility "Philosophy” by Denial about “Soul".
It is Elucidation Impossibility "Philosophy” at Ignorance to ”Life Origin".  

"It is Elucidation Impossibility "Philosophy” at Ignorance to “Life Function".

Tue. October 28, 2008 writing  

The 10th year research of the February, 2011 20 language from a soul per day (Sun.), and updating


The Japanese Kant association convention full of inconsistencies

The strange 33rd Japan Kant association convention

1、          日本哲学会入会認証(2007年12月15日)
The Philosophical Association of Japan admission attestation (December 15, 2007)

I had an encounter experience for the "soul" from Sat., February 9, 2002, and "philosophical" research started.

At first, although time" of the NHK "heart was contacted by phone, I did not have you believe but it was ignored.

The letter also wrote Japan's "soul" and encounter experience to those [ the ] (Kunio Yanagida) who considers that it was carried out by him through the edit company.

Furthermore, it has been ignored although a letter was written to the Buddhist scholar, Ms. Jakucho Setouchi.

そして、日本哲学会の会長 野家啓一さんに手紙を書いたら、勝手に研究しろと返事が来た。
And the chairman of the Philosophical Association of Japan   When writing a letter to Mr. Keiichi Noya, the reply came "Inquire freely."

It was refused although the message was otherwise written to an edit company, and Mr. Takeshi Umehara and people considered to be a Japanese well-informed person.

such ! -- it should exist in this world in foolish - and a "soul" -- there is no が -- ? ... will be your real intention.

I studied Socrates's philosophy and thought that it was reasonable if Socrates is ignorant for the "soul" which had an encounter experience.

However, such wonderful discovery was sure that it is precious discovery in the 21st century in human beings' history, and advanced research further.

The personal computer was purchased, and the language from a "soul" has been written in and exhibited on the Internet in 2003.

The book of "proof of spiritual existence" was able to be published by cooperation of a literature company on December 15, 2004.

2006年には、東大総長 小宮山宏 様宛に内容証明郵便を郵送したが、無視された。
He will be the University of Tokyo president of a university in 2006.  Hiroshi Komiyama  It was ignored although the content-certified mail was mailed to appearance.

it was alike with great difficulty, and was attested as a member of the Philosophical Association of Japan on December 15, 2007, and member qualification has been understood.

However, the Philosophical Association of Japan enacted the Philosophical Association of Japan copyright regulation, and presupposed on July 5, 2008 that my paper is belonged to the Philosophical Association of Japan.

It is research disturbance. Naturally, I refused the Philosophical Association of Japan the paper announcement by the content-certified mail from now on in む which does not make a paper announcement.

Furthermore, the Philosophical Association of Japan registered the paper since the Philosophical Association of Japan first meeting into JST.

By my decipherment, this paper is altogether saved to me as a proof of a fabrication paper.

Admission was accepted as a member, and since the Japanese Kant association said that a paper announcement was made, it registered as a club member in 2008.

I made a paper announcement on the November, 2008 Japan [ 15 33rd ] Kant association convention per day, and the Kyushu University Hakozaki campus.

In the convention, saying that it is Yoichi Ohashi 郎先生 of Sophia University acts as my chairman, and it arranged in advance.

The title of a paper entitled "How a soul sends language", and challenged the paper announcement of Kyushu University on the day. 。

They are three persons to what, Chairman Eiji Makino whose auditor is not in my classroom on the day, the professor of Waseda University, and others.

After my paper announcement finished, "Hear people's talk to a slight degree" was said to Chairman Makino, but didn't I understand?

Then, only in about three persons, it did not exist, the "soul" did not exist really, or the paper was announced, and the "soul" ended the morning part.

Isn't there any title of the what and the whole meeting at which I was surprised to participate in the whole afternoon meeting in "realism"?

I had good will, and I was still hearing the paper announcement, hoping that there may be my turn by somewhere.

However, the paper was severe, was an enumeration paper of a philosophy idiom and English, and was a completely incomprehensible ignorant paper.

He was surprised at a "soul" and the ignorance of the teacher who reads out "spiritual realism" at early speed in front of me under encounter experience foolish.

Are thought [ which it was asked / "whether it is thought that the heart is in the head" ] by the severe announcement of the ignorant fabrication paper considered intellectually, as for me?

The Yasuo Deguchi teacher of Kyoto University "does not understand" one more person who got angry with "- from such a thing and わ", and answered.

This is useless -- it was disappointed about -? っ and today's paper announcement my, and the next question was stopped.

Why is it philosophy research without Kant's also being able to understand the sensitivity, the understanding, reason, and judgment of the heart which was solved splendidly and which does not exist in the head?

I participated in the announcement convention of the ignorant and vicious fabrication philosophy paper of the strange Japanese Kant association, and discovered fabrication research.

As for the "soul", "summer of Prague" and language were sent to the heart on the previous day when the admission documents of the Japanese Kant association are mailed.

The decipherment work of a Japanese fabrication philosophy paper began from this convention.

Falling on deaf ears, in at one ear and out at the other, and language have been sent at convention that day.

この大会後、私は、日本哲学会会長 高山守氏の捏造論文の解読と、牧野英二会長の論文を解読
After this convention and I are the Philosophical Association of Japan chairmen.   The decipherment of Mr. Mamoru Takayama's fabrication paper and Chairman Eiji Makino's paper are decoded.

It was ignorant in existence of a "soul" two persons, and the paper got the proof which is an incomprehensible fabrication paper.

And the paper of the teacher of the University of Tokyo philosophy laboratory besides all the past Philosophical Association of Japan chairmen also got much all proof of a decipherment and a fabrication paper.

Global standard philosophy research center establishment

The philosophy research right of Providence and the University of Tokyo is snatched.

Research disturbance damage money is charged to Providence and the University of Tokyo.

The research right of Providence and the Philosophical Association of Japan is snatched.

Disturbance damages are charged to Providence and the Philosophical Association of Japan.

Why (skepticism) can't "philosophy" be dispelled with the head? It explains with the wisdom of the language from a "soul."

Human beings are ignorant in the truth of the "heart."

In Japan, the "heart" is doing false research of the "heart" which does not exist in the head as existence at flesh by brain science.

Socrates's philosophy is studied, and all Socrates's words cannot understand and interpret.

Completely ignorant to the difference between the "heart" and the head

A completely [ the understanding method of the language of the "heart" and the head ] ignorant thing

The actually ignorant thing which the "heart" takes in language, and understands and interprets by experience

He cannot understand by the ability being ignorant in the "sensitivity knowledge" of the "heart", and the language of the philosophy of a "soul" and the person experienced of an encounter cannot interpret.

If man does not experience [ "knowledge / sensitivity" ], however it may explain by means of language, an understanding and an interpretation cannot do.

Ignorant in existence of the "soul" revitalized to the "heart", after flesh disappears by man's death on this earth

10、         「魂」から「心」に送られて来る言葉は、「心」の「感性知識」で、「魂」と遭遇経験の無い人には理解できないこと
Those for whom the language sent to the "heart" from a "soul" is the "sensitivity knowledge" of the "heart" and who do not have a "soul" and encounter experience cannot understand

11、         生命誕生の起源こそ「心」であり、「心」は「魂」であり、人間は、神の子である真理
It is the truth "whose heart" is a "soul" and whose human being the origin of life birth is "just the heart" and is the child of God.

12、         この世に生まれて来る人間は、総て「心」を持っており、「心」は、肉体を支配しているのである
All the human beings born to this world have the "heart", and the "heart" is governing flesh.

13、         人間が、「心」に思ったことは、血液に指令が出されて、総て肉体の行動・仕種・表情として現れる
Instructions are issued by blood and it appears altogether as corporal action, behavior, and expression that man considered to the "heart."

14、         肉体は、「心」の牢獄であり、完全に「心」に支配された肉体は、「心のロボット」である
Flesh is the prison of the "heart" and the flesh completely governed by the "heart" is "the robot of the heart."

15、         人間が口で言った言葉と、行動が違う「嘘」(うそ)は、「心」と頭が違うからできるのである
Since the head differs from the "heart", the language which man said by the mouth, and the "lie" (lie) with which action is different can be done.

16、         「哲学」こそ「生命機能」の真理が、「心身二元」であるからこそ誕生した学問である
"Philosophy" - the truth of a "life function"  "mind and body - duality  "  it is  since  it is the born learning

The research of the "philosophical" origin of a word, and "human love" and "the wisdom of the language from a soul" which Socrates established is "just global standard philosophy."

Socrates's words and a "philosophical" idiom - an understanding and an interpretation - ignorance is the cause at the understanding method of the words of the "heart" that it can do

* 明治時代から哲学の研究をして、この世に「魂」が存在する現実に無知な日本の哲学者
The philosopher of actually ignorant Japan where philosophy is studied from Meiji Era and a "soul" exists in this world

* 2700年間も哲学の研究をして来て、哲学発祥の「起源」である「魂の存在に無知」な世界の哲学者
The philosopher in the world "ignorant in existence of a soul" which philosophy is studied and will be the "origin" of philosophy origin 2700 years

* 2500年間もソクラテスの哲学を研究して来て、ソクラテスが遭遇体験をした「魂」に無知な人類
Human beings ignorant for the "soul" to which Socrates's philosophy was studied and Socrates did encounter experience 2500 years

* 無知と偽装の捏造哲学を研究して、ソクラテスの哲学を批判する愚かな日本の捏造哲学者
The fabrication philosopher of foolish Japan which studies the fabrication philosophy of ignorance and camouflage and criticizes Socrates's philosophy

* ソクラテスの言葉が理解・解釈できない、愚かな東大の捏造哲学者
The fabrication philosopher of the foolish University of Tokyo whom Socrates's words cannot understand and interpret

Japan which taught ignorance and camouflage / fabrication philosophy at the university, did fraud research of Socrates, and has got income, and the philosopher in the world


Even if it will discuss "philosophy" with the head for what 10,000 years, the reality in which "philosophy" cannot be dispelled forever is discovered.

"It is "philosophy which cannot be solved ignorantly [ cardiac" / the "feeling consciousness function" to understand and interpret language by experience ], and forever."

"Philosophy" which "philosophy" is "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to man's "heart", and cannot be dispelled ignorantly and forever for a "soul"

The 10th year of the language, reference data from a soul


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