Heaven's Vengeance which "God gives to the "fabrication philosopher" ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish "will fabrication inquire and educate" Socrates's "philosophy" 100 years"

$BF,$,A4$F$N(B$B0-Kb$NAc$G$"$k(B$B!VElBg65M\3XIt!W(B$B!#1@$5*#C#O#E!&9q:]E/3X8rN.%;%s%?!<5rE@%j!<%@!.NS9/IW$K(B. $B!V?@$,2<$9E7H3!W(B

The head is Heaven$B!G(Bs Vengeance which God gives in Yasuo Kobayashi of the University of Tokyo college of general education, 21 century COE, international philosophy exchange center base leader, and evil spirit which is the nest of all evil spirits

$B%o%7!J%=%/%i%F%9!K!*$N3NN)$7$?E/3X$N!V8l8;!W$bM}2r!&2r There is qualification for studying philosophy why (method skepticism) without being able to understand and interpret the "origin of a word" of the philosophy which eagle (Socrates) ! established.

The "fabrication philosopher" ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish who distorts the philosophy of eagle ! and does fabrication research without being able to perform the language of eagle !, and an understanding and an interpretation -- Heaven's Vengeance

$B$"$^$j$K$b!"L5CN$G6r$+$G0-$B!VYTB$E/3X $B$K(B$B!V?@!W$,2<$92|$a$NE7H3!W(B
Too much ignorant, foolish, and vicious Japanese "fabrication philosopher" Heaven's Vengeance of the warning which "God" gives

Socrates's counterattack and Heaven's Vengeance (dialog section)


A dialog with the "soul" for which Socrates had an encounter experience

Socrates's truth is proved (Socrates's words are decoded).

A soul global-standard-philosophy-research[ revival and ]-begins on Sat., February 9, 2002. 

Thurs., May 1, 2008 the language, the write-in public presentation, and the start from God 

Sun., October 9, 2011 God, and encounter 10 year truth, research and updating  

10th year research [ of the June, 2011 29 language from God per day (Wed.) ]  faithful  record and a world philosophy revolution  

God is born as man at this world, and it is the 90th [ full ] birthday (the infinite age of God which sends language to this world is challenged)

Gautama Buddha's words  " heavens top world self-righteous" is proved actually

Heaven's Vengeance which God gives

The "greatest Heaven's Vengeance" which "God of the Creation" gives to the "world philosophy revolution disturbance educational group" of human-beings worst ever, and the University of Tokyo this century

"Felony Heaven's Vengeance" which "God of the Creation" gives to "he being a disturbance group about philosophy research development" this century, and the Philosophical Association of Japan [ of human-beings worst ever ]

"Heaven's Vengeance of God of the Creation" given to the "fabrication philosopher" of "it revolting against God" this century, and the "Philosophical Association of Japan" [ of human-beings worst ever ]

Heaven's Vengeance which God of "Creation gives to the "Philosophical Association of Japan" which ignored the "content-certified mail" of "snatching Providence and a philosophy research right" of human-beings worst ever this century"

Heaven's Vengeance which disregards a deprivation content-certified mail for Providence and a philosophy research right on Sun., July 31, 2011 and which God of "Creation gives to Japan"

Heaven's Vengeance in which a forecast and God of "Creation give collapse of the 21st century and the ignorant "fabrication philosophy research group" University of Tokyo"

Heaven's Vengeance of death and fear which God which is not visible to "eye with a forecast in collapse of the 21st century and the ignorant and foolish "fabrication philosophy educational group" Philosophical Association of Japan gives"

"Heaven's Vengeance" which "God" gives to Japanese "sophist" who does with the head "it being fabrication research in slight ovalness" of the philosophy which Socrates established

Heaven's Vengeance which "God gives to Japanese "sophist" "ignorant" for "the soul revitalized to the heart" for whom Socrates had an encounter experience"

The language sent to the heart from God is faithfully recorded on the Internet every day on Sun., July 24, 2011

"It is Heaven's Vengeance to a fabrication philosopher" with foolish Japan which records, explains and interprets an understanding and the philosophical idiom (sensitivity knowledge) which cannot be interpreted inappreciative and incorrect.

Heaven's Vengeance which "God gives to foolish Japanese "fabrication philosopher" who can write only the paper which enumerated ignorant and inappreciative philosophy idioms (sensitivity knowledge)"

"It is Heaven's Vengeance to fabrication philosopher"". [ which cannot do in an understanding and an interpretation even if it will record and solve "the language sent to the heart from God" ten years ] [ foolish ]

The "fabrication philosopher" who will not have "confession of ignorant consciousness" ten years even if it records faithfully "the language which God draws" on the Internet -- Heaven's Vengeance

Heaven's Vengeance of the death which "God will give to "the University of Tokyo which does the fraud education of the fabrication philosophy", and the University of Tokyo which revolts against the philosophical origin "God" 100 years"

"It falls on deaf ears", "Heaven's Vengeance" which has said, tells and God gives to an understanding, the "philosophy idiom" (sensitivity knowledge) which cannot be interpreted, and ignorant and foolish a "fabrication philosopher"

"Heaven's Vengeance of God" given to the "sophist" ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish who continues "it falls on deaf ears" and "fabrication philosophy research" which has said, tells and is not understood

Heaven's Vengeance of the death which "God gives to ignorant and foolish a "sophist" which stretches "in at one ear and out at the other" and the self has said, tells and "has neither ignorant consciousness nor reflection""


The language sent to the heart from God on Sun., July 17, 2011 is recorded faithfully.

Heaven's Vengeance which tells a word and admonishes against the foolish fabrication philosopher who does not understand, and who revolts against "God" "world of the Creation"

"The threat which is not a foregone conclusion and the world of fear" which tell a word and are not known where "God" admonishes against "a foolish human being" (fabrication philosopher)

Philosophy of "Socrates who cannot solve forever by "it is ignorance to the understanding method of the language of the heart"" which tells a word and is not known

The "soul denial fabrication philosopher" who tells a word and does not understand and whose philosophy is "the fact on the spirit" which happened to the "heart" -- "Heaven's Vengeance"

"Extrasensory Perception" phenomenon which tells a word and is not known and which happened to the "heart" with philosophy, and "an ignorant fabrication philosopher"  "Heaven's Vengeance"

"Heaven's Vengeance" of the fear which tells a word and is not visible to Japanese "fabrication philosophy research scholar full of ignorance" who does not understand at "eye"

"It is the anger of God of "Creation to fabrication philosophy research scholar" full of inconsistencies" and "Heaven's Vengeance" of Japan which tell a word and are not known

Fear" and "Heaven's Vengeance" which tell a word and are not in sight of Japanese "philosophy idiom enumeration paper scholar full of inappreciative" who does not understand at "eye

A word is told, and the philosophy which is not known will give the 21st century "Heaven's Vengeance" to "the ignorant and foolish fabrication philosopher who denies existence of a soul", therefore the language from the "soul" which revives to the "heart" and sends language is foundations, after flesh disappears by man's death. 

2700 years, the foolish human being "blocks [ fabrication, camouflage concealment, ] and studies [ fraud ]" philosophy is admonished, and it will be "Heaven's Vengeance of the Creation."

2011 year 7 month 10 day (Sun.) "language of truth sent to the heart from God" 10 year record

Ignorant and foolish Japanese "fabrication philosopher" who studies Socrates's philosophy and cannot carry out "an understanding and interpretation" of the philosophical "origin of a word"

People (partner)  being foolish  a solution  however, not noticing foolish [ a one ]  Man ...

With a human being with foolish the objective one of "ego" not understanding at all, even if a subjective him understands ...

Man is [ why / (method skepticism) ] ignorant in "truth of the heart", and it is studied, analyzed and solved whether "an understanding and interpretation" of "Socrates's words" (philosophy idiom) can be carried out.

$B$J$<(B$B!JJ}K!2{5?O@!K(B$B!"(B$B!VF,$GO@$8$F!W(B$B!VE/3X!W(B$B$,(B$B!V1J1s$K2rL@IT2DG=!W(B$B$J$N$+(B $B?M4V$N(B$B!V6r$+$JJI!W(B$B$r!"8&5f!&J,@O!&2rL@!!(B$B!V6r$+$JJI!W(B
Why (method skepticism), it discusses with "head and" "philosophy" is "forever impossible [ an elucidation ]".   Man's "foolish wall" is studied, analyzed and solved.

Human beings will inquire 2500 years, and Socrates's "philosophy" which was not able to be solved will be studied, analyzed, solved and exhibited. .

Human beings will inquire 2700 years, and the philosophical origin "existence of a soul" "which was not able to be discovered", and "the wisdom of the language from a soul" will be studied, analyzed, solved and recorded. .

"The fear and happiness" in the world which is not a foregone conclusion which the 21st century and human beings have not yet experienced, "the world of the Creation" which the philosophical origin "God" starts    


Sun., June 26, 2011 the language, the renewal of writing, and the theme from God

The origin "God" of the greatest revolution and philosophy of this century records the "World Philosophy Revolution" started on the earth.

The origin "God" of the greatest the "revolution" and philosophy of this century records "the revolution of the Creation" which admonishes against a foolish human being.

"God of the Creation" which revolts against greatest in the 21st century "revolution" - "God" and which admonishes against foolish "fabrication philosopher"

The origin "God" of the greatest "discovery" philosophy of this century records "it starts on the earth", and "the world of the Creation."

The origin "God" of the greatest "elucidation" philosophy of this century records "it solves on the earth", and "the world of the Creation."

"The world of the Creation" where "world which is not foregone conclusion" God which admonishes against the foolish philosopher who lost penitential "heart" also causes greatest "discovery" and the ignorant consciousness of this century


The "soul" "is revitalized" to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing by the death of the greatest "discovery" and human being of this century

The origin", "God" of the philosophy "which sends "language to cardiac"" with the greatest ignorant "discovery" human beings of this century

$B:#@$5*:GBg$N!V5-O?!W(B$B!V?@!W(B$B$,$3$N@$$rF6;!$7$F!"KhF|!V?4!W$KAw$C$FMh$k8@MU$r!"%$%s%?!<%M%C%H>e$K!VCi The language which the greatest "record" of this century and "God" discern this world, and send to the "heart" every day  the Internet top  "recording faithfully"    

"The wisdom 10 year truth of language" from origin [ of the greatest "discovery" and philosophy of this century ] $B!H(BGod$B!I(B the Internet top  "recording that it is eternal"

"Mind and body which are man's "truth of a life function" the origin "soul" of the life of the greatest "discovery" and human being of this century "solves" by means of "language"  duality  "

"Truth of a life function" Rene Descartes of the father and France of the greatest "an elucidation" and modern philosophy of this century had an encounter experience for the "soul", and "discovered"

In the 21st century and France, "philosophy Research University" which mentions a "grand ecole" and a country and studies Descartes's "philosophy of truth" will exist actually.

In foolish Japan, what cannot be solved is "global standard philosophy research" forever and absolutely of "ego" with the head ignorant to the "heart" at all monism.

$B!J(B$BF,$GO@$8$F2r$1$J$$!"?4$KL5CN$G2r$1$J$$(B$B!"?M4V$N(B$B!V@8L?5!G=$N??M}!W!V?4?HFs85!W(B $B$r!"%k%M!&%G%+%k%H$O!"#1#7@$5*$K8+;v$J$^$G$K(B$B!V2rL@!W(B$B$7$F$$$k!K(B
(The "truth of life function" "mind and body of the human being who cannot discuss and solve with the head and who is ignorant to the heart and cannot solve to it  duality  "  by brilliant raw, Rene Descartes is alike and is solving in the 17th century)

"On the Internet, in "Japanese and English, the history of record" and unexplored "global standard philosophy research" is recorded as it is eternal". [ which is the maximum this century ]


"The origin of a life and the world of the infinite "heart"" which the origin "God" of the greatest "discovery" and philosophy of this century solves are studied and recorded.


The origin "God" of "worst" "discovery" and philosophy records "it discerns and judges" and "Japan's fabrication, fraud, and concealment philosophy research" this century.

The origin "God" of the "discovery" and philosophy of this century "worst"   the "Heaven's Vengeance" which is discerned and is given to the "fraud philosophy education" of judgment" Japan

The group of "the Providence, the warning, deprivation and Heaven's Vengeance" and Japan which judges by the insight of "the worst end" and sharp God this century "fabrication philosophy research"


Sun., June 19, 2011 the language, updating, and the theme from God

The more the University of Tokyo "Jiga" self-willed, the more the reality "in which Japan's trust falls greatly by philosophy research in the world" is foreknown.

$BElBg$,!"(B$B!V?@$NB8:_!W(B$B$rIn$C$F!"(B$B!V?@$KH?5U!W(B$B$9$l$P!"$9$k$[$I!"ElBg$N(B$B!VLL;R!&CO0L!&?.MQ!&L>M@!&8"0R!&8"Mx!W(B $B$,!"Jx2u$7$F9T$/8=
If the University of Tokyo despises and does "revolting against God" of "the existence of God", so that -- "the face, the status, trust, the honor, the authority, and right" of the University of Tokyo It collapses and the reality which goes is foreknown. . 

The more the University of Tokyo lets "Jiga" of "fabrication research" pass, the more it foreknows the ignorant reality "in which worth of the doctor's degree of the life functional graduate course school-affairs committee issue falls in the world" in "truth of a life function."

The more the University of Tokyo continues "the education of fabrication philosophy", the more worth of the title [ the "paper doctor title" ] which the University of Tokyo publishes foreknows the reality which turns into a free slip of paper. 

(The honorary doctor title awarded to Mr. Mario Vargas Llosa on Wed., June 22, 2011 is a paper doctor's degree of the "fabrication philosophy fraud research University of Tokyo")

The "life functional graduate course school-affairs committee" of the University of Tokyo  "truth of life function" "mind and body  duality  "  if it does not accept, so that it does not accept  "value falling" [ of a "doctor title" ]

The more the University of Tokyo does "denying existence of the philosophical origin", the more it foreknows the reality of leaving "proof of the philosophy revolution which God starts" to history.

The University of Tokyo  "  existence of the cause "soul" of philosophy birth  negative"  the reality "is involved in the whirlpool of the philosophy revolution which God starts, and goes the more" the more it carries out is foreknown

The reality "the fabrication body of philosophy collapses" is foreknown, so that it does not achieve, if the University of Tokyo does not do "the truth research duty of the heart" of "ego". [ of Japan ]

If the University of Tokyo does not do "ignorant consciousness and reflection", a degree foreknows the reality "in which Heaven's Vengeance is given by God of the Creation."

The more the University of Tokyo loses "the sense of mission which searches for truth", the more the reality "which the Heaven's Vengeance of God as educator disqualification goes down" is foreknown.

The reality "the Heaven's Vengeance of God as philosopher disqualification goes down the more" the more the University of Tokyo loses "the sense of mission which searches for philosophical truth" is foreknown.

The University of Tokyo foreknows the reality "the Heaven's Vengeance of God as No Longer Human goes down the more" the more it continues "fabrication philosophy research which revolts against God."  

The more the University of Tokyo loses "the penitential heart" by "they are education and research about fabrication fraud philosophy", the more "Heaven's Vengeance" foreknows the reality "which pounces on the heart of the mad University of Tokyo." 

The more the University of Tokyo continues "disturbance" of "global standard philosophy research" which carries out "God solves", the more it foreknows "the reality in which a crime and punishment become heavy."

$BElBg$,!"(B$B!VE7COAOB$$N?@$KH?5U!W(B$B$9$l$P!"$9$k$[$I!"(B$B!VE7H3$,2<$k3NN((B $B$,9b$/@.$k!W(B$B8=
If the University of Tokyo does "revolting against God of the Creation", a degree will foreknow the reality "in which probability   which Heaven's Vengeance goes down changes highly."

If the University of Tokyo does "Providence (a philosophy research right is snatched) is disregarded", it will foreknow the reality "whose probability which anger and Heaven's Vengeance of God go down increases" in the degree.

The University of Tokyo  "unreasonable"  " the more it continues the "fabrication philosophy research" attitude of unreasonableness incorporeal", the more the reality which carried out "anger of God reaches the greatest limit" is foreknown

The more the University of Tokyo protects "the vested rights of fabrication philosophy research", the more it foreknows "the reality driven into fear of death" by "the insight and power of sharp God."

The reality in which the citadel of "fabrication philosophy research" called the 21st century and University of Tokyo crashes that it is rickety, and goes by "the judgment and Heaven's Vengeance" of "the sharp insight of God" is foreknown.

"A decline of Japan" and Japan where "fabrication philosophy research, fraud education, concealment, and disturbance" of the University of Tokyo are allowed  " it economy-fails, " carries out and the reality which goes is foreknown     .


Sun., June 12, 2011 the language and the updating theme from God

Japan - wake up! Major event which has arisen now in Japan and in which it is ignorant and a fool ruins a country

Japan - wake up! Major event which revolts against "God" and in which an ignorant and foolish monist ruins "country"

Japan - wake up! Major event which disregards and blocks "global standard philosophy research" and ruins "country by "fabrication research""

Japan - wake up! Major event which ruins "country in the education of only the head by the University of Tokyo where the "heart" went to ruin"

Japan - wake up! "Major event which throws away the important heart and ruins "country by "the bureaucrat-turned politician and scholar" of the education of only" head from the head"

$BF|K\$h!"L\3P$a$h!*(B$B!VG>2J3X8&5f!W(B$B$G!"F,$,(B $BA4$F$N(B$B!V0l85O@$B$K$h$C$F(B$B!V?4$N9SGQ!W(B$B$,(B$B!V9q$rLG$\$9Bg;v7o!W(B
Japan  wake up! "brain science research"  the head   Major event in which "desolation of the heart" ruins "country by all monists"

Japan  !. Wake up! Major event which carries out "the heart goes to ruin" to "the limit of material civilization" by "brain science research", and ruins "country"

Mysterious [ of the super-maximum ] - "a counterattack of Socrates and Heaven's Vengeance" which has happened to the 21st century and Japan actually, a "spectacular SF Story"

It goes with a background the historical novel of "Dostoevski", "Tolstoi", and "Shakespeare" which has happened actually in the 21st century and Japan.

Super- - "Hamlet", "the dream of the night of midsummer", and mysterious spectacular SF tale, and "crime and punishment" "evil spirit" and "revival" "war and peace" "Romeo t and Juliette" - "fabrication philosophy research and duty, and right"

"The world of the Creation" and the super-mysterious premium historical essay word which will admonish against the fabrication philosopher whom "God" wakes up in Japan the 21st century and from now on are recorded. 


This homepage is offered to Socrates who accomplished regrettable death by disturbance of a sophist a long time ago of 2500


Sun., June 5, 2011 the language and the updating theme from God

As sad ignorant Japanese "fabrication philosopher" who gets to know a sophist's "wrong" and conceals the reality in which he is a sophist, for vested rights as foolish

"It is objective"  people  being foolish  a human being with ignorant and foolish not noticing it "being subjective" by the "heart" foolish [ a one ], even if he can understand ..  

"God" will judge Japanese "sophist" in the 21st century who distorted Socrates's "philosophy" and has got income by "fabrication fraud research."

Socrates is "being research for about ten years about the wisdom of the language of guidance", [ which is sent to the "heart" from the philosophical origin "God" which had an encounter experience ]

"The philosophy of Socrates's truth is proved."

" If nobody understands, you may study anything - in ?" head, "God" judges the University of Tokyo of all the "ignorant and foolish hearts which went wrong"

"Red signal -- it is not fearful if it crosses all together -- "God" judges the too ignorant foolish "fabrication philosophy research group" Philosophical Association of Japan of Japan which goes ?" with a background

$BF|K\$N(B$B!VL5CN2a$.$kYTB$E/3X$B$H!"L5CN$G6r$+2a$.$k(B$B!V(B $BYTB$E/3X$r:>5=650i!&8&5f$9$k:>5=;U!W(B$B$r?@$,:[$/(B
With Japanese "too ignorant fabrication philosopher", God judges "the swindler who studies [ who studies and fraud-educates ] fabrication philosophy" who it is ignorant and is too foolish.

"God" judges ignorant and foolish Japanese "fabrication philosopher" who criticizes Socrates's philosophy further by the sharp insight of "God" without studying Socrates's "philosophy" and also being able to understand and interpret Socrates's words (Plato's dialog editing), and "Heaven's Vengeance" is given.

The language and the updating theme from May, 2011 and God


Philosophy that Socrates who revives now exceeding 2500 years of history is true like spring breath

Philosophy of Socrates who revives now like spring forcible breath exceeding the space-time in 2500

Human beings do not try to know the "heart" in the world of such wonderful "God" why (method skepticism)

Human beings do not inquire the "heart" of "philosophical world" - "infinite world" why (method skepticism)

Human beings do not do research, analysis, and an elucidation of the "heart" which is "the origin of a life" why (philosophical principle)

Human beings do not study the truth "a difference between the heart and the head" of a life function why (method skepticism)

The language and the updating theme from May, 2011 and God

The greatest discovery of a human-beings miracle in history and Socrates study the language from "God" which had an encounter experience in 2500 years of old history this century.

People analyze, solve and study thoroughly the deep meaning of "knowing-what of their own "heart"" Socrates's words.

People decode and study "knowing-about the "soul" revitalized to the "heart" according to man's death-what" Socrates's precious words.

"Philosophical" "origin-of-a-word" - "human love" and "the wisdom of the language from a soul" which were splendidly established by Socrates are analyzed, solved and studied.

Socrates's "method of arguing" (dialectic) decodes and studies "the arguing method with an ignorant "devising-why (method skepticism)" philosopher." 

The end of Japan "missed the heart" in the education of only the head is foreknown as "the heart more important than the head" which is also the origin of a life existing in the head etc.


The language, updating, and the theme from April, 2011 and God

Prediction of "God" of the Creation which saves a "fabrication philosopher" ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish

On the Internet, ignorant and foolish "collapse of fabrication philosophy research" of a "world philosophy revolution" and Japan of the 21st century is recorded as it is eternal.

$B@$3&0l7P:QH/E8$r?k$2$?F|K\$N(B$B!VL5CN2a$.$k(B $BYTB$:>5=E/3X8&5f$NJx2u(B $B!W(B$B$r%$%s%?!<%M%C%H>e$K!"1J1s$HNr;K$K(B$B!V7A$H$7$F5-O?!W(B
"On the Internet, collapse  " of too ignorant   fabrication fraud philosophy research is recorded in history as a "form as it is eternal". [ of Japan which accomplished Kazutsune Sekai finishing development ]

Japan of "the heart exists in the head", and false scientific inquiry (brain science) -- "collapse of too foolish fabrication fraud philosophy research" -- the Internet top -- "recording as a form that it is eternal in history"

Heaven's Vengeance of intolerable anger of the philosophical origin "them are the felony of negative fabrication philosophy research, and "God about God"

Like the faction of the Buddhism and religion which "God" judges, the "fabrication fraud philosophy research group" who is flooding with Japan is disassembled.

History of "fabrication fraud philosophy research" which "God" attains to also in [ of an elucidation and Japan which reveals ] 100 years

 It chooses which with the "life" and "the vested rights of fabrication philosophy research" which are efficiently employed in God -- oneself -- deciding -- the "fabrication philosopher" of ignorant, foolish, and sad Japan

On human beings' history, the name of a Japanese "as sad ignorant fabrication philosophy research offender as foolish" is recorded as it is eternal, and let it be the dishonor to ancestor each generation.

On philosophical history, "a fabrication philosophy research offender's name" of Japan which revolts against God is recorded as it is eternal, and it forgets to write the dishonor of the offender to ancestor each generation in history. 

   $B%=%/%i%F%9$NE\$j(B Anger of Socrates.

The language, updating, and the theme from March, 2011 and God

Global standard philosophy research (man solves the domain which cannot be solved [ that it is inexperienced and ])  

A soul and encounter 10 year truth (the language sent to the heart from a soul is recorded faithfully)

"Global standard Philosophy Reserch" which "God" solves as a "group fabrication philosophy" research incident of Japan

The elucidation of the "fabrication research organization crime" of the University of Tokyo, and the "world philosophy revolution" which "God" starts

A "group philosophy research disturbance incident" of Japan and the "world philosophy revolution" which "God" starts

"Heaven's Vengeance to a fabrication philosopher" which "God" gives, and the 21st century which "God" will start "world philosophy revolution"

"It being judged by God" and Japan are splendidly ignorant at "the sharp insight" of God -- elapsing -- foolish "fabrication philosophy research incident"

(It reveals and exposes it) However, even if the University of Tokyo conceals and blocks, it exhibits Japan's "fabrication philosophy research" by "the sharp insight of God" in the world)  

The present condition and God (it is fear of treason and Heaven's Vengeance to God of the Creation) of the trouble situation of Japan

The language "a philosopher must not fabricate Buddhism from a self system" of the Kitaropu Nishida which warned Meiji Era of ignorant "fabrication body of philosophy" of Japan

"Ignorant "fabrication philosopher" whose religion is a fact on the spirit and who does not have a "soul" and encounter experience is obligated to prove the fact on the spirit."

"God gives Heaven's Vengeance" to the Japanese sophist who ignored "warning" of this Kitarou Nishida and has continued "fabrication philosophy research" 100 years.

Collapse of the ignorant "fabrication body of philosophy" of a monist (the head wholly) is foreknown. 

Too ignorant foolish fabrication philosophy research group - "collapse of the Philosophical Association of Japan" is foreknown. . 

Collapse of the department of literature and college of general education of "the foolish University of Tokyo" which revolts against God is recorded in history as it is eternal. .

The end of "fabrication philosophy research" of Japan where the ego of the "heart" of man runs wild is recorded. 

Voice [ of the heavens of the sound and the Jeta's temple of the bell of the 21st century and a Jeta's temple ]  [Oborerumono Hisasikarazu]

Japan's of Restoration of the Imperial rule "fabrication philosophy research"  "philosophy research right of Japan which should be returned to God"

The "Fabrication Philosopher" whom God judges if an ignorant human being cannot judge to the "heart"

Sun. the
"World Philosophy Revolution" memorial day and May 15, 2011 which "God" started

The memorial day when the 21st century and human beings will attest existence of the
philosophical origin "God" 

Outline (preliminary knowledge of philosophy research)

From now on, also 2500, eagle (Socrates) ! had an encounter experience to $B!H(BSoul$B!I(B, and complained of truth to the old ancient times of the Greek era. ...

"Language" of eagle (Socrates) ! has a philosopher's qualification why (method skepticism) without being able to understand and interpret...

He understands the "origin of a word" of the philosophy of eagle (Socrates) !. There is a philosophy research right why (method $B2{5?(B) without being able to interpret...

An eagle (Socrates) denies the existence of philosophical "origin" and a "soul" which had an encounter experience, and "fabrication philosophy" is studied why (method skepticism)...  

(What do Plato's dialog editing and man know about the soul?)

"The wisdom of language" in which "philosophy" of eagle ! is sent to the "heart" from a "Soul" - Foundations ...

"The knowledge of sensitivity" in which "philosophy" of eagle ! is sent to the "heart" from "God" -- Foundations ...

Therefore, it cannot solve by any means [ it is ignorant in existence of a "soul" and / ignorant and foolish the "fabrication philosopher" who denies existence of a "soul" ] -- "philosophy" ...

Therefore, the "fabrication philosopher" ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish who denies existence of "God" of the Creation cannot solve forever -- "philosophy" ...

In ignorant and foolish the "fabrication philosopher" who does "denying existence of a soul", what cannot be solved is at the philosophy of eagle ! forever... [ of Japan ]

Even if it discusses what year "philosophy" with the head to Japanese "fabrication philosopher" who does "revolting against God" -- absolute -- what cannot be solved -- "philosophy" of eagle ! ...

In 2500 years, human beings are eagles (Socrates)! The "soul" which cannot be measured by - science without a form which had an encounter experience was not able to be discovered.

The philosophy of the Descartes, and Swedenborg and the Kitarou Nishida which had "a precious soul and encounter experience" after the death of eagle ! in the world has been buried of man's "ego."

Since [ furthermore, ] it is ignorant in "the truth of the heart" which carries out "a soul revives"  the language of eagle !  an understanding and an interpretation  it cannot do  the head  discussing  " fabricating  distorting  "  it kept

The "fabrication philosopher" of ignorant and foolish Japan whom the language of eagle ! cannot be understanding and interpreting at all since it is ignorant to "the understanding method of the language of the heart"

"An understanding and interpretation" of the language of eagle ! have not been carried out to ignorant and foolish Japanese "fabrication philosopher" at all...

Japanese "devilish fabrication philosopher" who protects "the vested rights of a philosophy research right" without "the philosophical origin of a word" which carried out probability being able to carry out "an understanding and interpretation" of eagle !

Ignorant and foolish Japanese "fabrication philosopher" who cannot understand and interpret "metaphysics" proved in "the existence as a result of philosophy, and existence of "God" of a cause" by "the cause and effect" which the pupil's pupil and Aristotle of eagle ! solved splendidly  eternal  what cannot be solved -- "philosophy" ...

By "a devilish fabrication philosopher" and Ichinose Masaki (University of Tokyo teacher), by "the cause and the labyrinth of a result", "the cause and the effect" were $B$F(B(ed) in slight fabrication ovalness, and it waited for them in Japan.

The metaphysics it was presupposed that the "soul" of a cause exists since the learning called "philosophy" with "cause and effect" of Aristotle existed in this world as a result

If an ignorant and foolish sophist philosopher does fabrication research, he will do incorrect interpretation and fabrication of surprising "philosophy idiom"...

Furthermore, the philosophical origin "soul" revives and a "fabrication philosopher" ignorant in "the truth of the heart" which sends "language", and foolish cannot solve forever -- "philosophy" of eagle ! ...

The philosophical world "heart", the infinite world "heart", and death -- future generations -- a "fabrication philosopher" ignorant on a boundary "heart" and foolish cannot solve by any means -- the philosophy of eagle ! ...

A"fabrication disturbance fraud philosopher" ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish earnest and convinced to the "heart" if Macy cannot live on the "heart"

"The scholar ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish" who is earnest, is convinced and is when the "heart" important for human beings and important which is also the origin of man's life exists in the head

The end of an ignorant and foolish "fabrication, concealment, and a fraud philosopher" which is earnest, is convinced by the "heart" and is when it can keep hiding Japan's "fabrication research"

$BF|K\$G$O!"(B$B!VG>2J3X(B $B!W(B$B8&5f$G!"(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$,F,$KB8:_$H$7$F!"(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$r8&5f$7$F$$$k$,!"(B$BF,$G$O!"1J1s$K2r$1$J$$$N$,E/3X$8$c(B$B!&!&!&(B
Although the "heart" is studying the "heart" as existence on the head by "brain science [   ]" research in Japan, it cannot solve forever with the head -- philosophy ...

By the proof by which the "heart" does not exist in the head by any means just the head which cannot dispel philosophy ...

With the proof which discussed philosophy with the head of Japan which did "fabrication research" and with which the "heart" does not exist in the head in ignorant and foolish a "fabrication philosophy paper" ...

or it cannot dispel philosophy with the head why (method skepticism)  Japanese "fabrication philosopher"  drive the language of the sincerity of eagle ! in the "heart"

The research of the "heart" which philosophical language can understand and interpret from research "brain science" of the head (sensitivity knowledge) which philosophical language cannot understand and interpret -- $B=EMW(B ...

"Extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to the "heart" with philosophy  it is  a "fabrication philosopher" ignorant in the truth of the "heart", and foolish  absolute  an elucidation impossibility ...

In the learning which philosophy is a phenomenon which happened to the "heart", and which is "a fact on the spirit" (Kitarou Nishida) and cannot be solved by ignorance to the "heart" ...

Philosophy is the psychic phenomenon which is man's death, and a "soul" revives and sends "the wisdom of language" to the "heart" after flesh (head) disappears...

In Japan, the University of Tokyo studied "fabrication philosophy" 100 years, and since it is ignorant to the "heart" which a "soul" revitalizes, the philosophy of eagle ! has been distorted rapidly.

In Japan, it was ignorant to the "heart", the philosophy of eagle ! was rapidly distorted to it by "it discussed to the incorrect interpretation with the head", and "fabrication philosophy research", and "fabrication research" has been done to it. 

In Japan, by "it is ignorance to the understanding method of the language of the heart", it was interpreted inappreciative and incorrect and has carried out "philosophy distorting and fabricating" of the language of eagle ! rapidly.

It is called what... It is at abnormal circumstances that the "fabrication philosopher" who cannot understand and interpret language of eagle !, either just has a philosophy research right of Japan...

In Japan, since the language of the Nishida philosophy cannot understand and interpret it as ignorance at the "soul" for which the Kitarou Nishida  had an encounter experience, philosophy has been distorted rapidly.

$BF|K\$G$O!"5.=E$JM#0l$N@>EDE/3X$,L5;k(B $B$5$l$F!"(B$B!VElBg$N%(%4$GYTB$!W(B$B$7!"(B$B!VF,$GO@$8$?YTB$E/3X8&5f!W(B$B$,#1#0#0G/4V$bK=Av$7$F$7$^$C$?(B
The precious only Nishida philosophy ignores in Japan.   It was carried out, and it carried out "fabricating of the ego of the University of Tokyo", and "fabrication philosophy research" discussed with the head has run recklessly 100 years.

In Japan, by the egoist ignorant for "Jiga" of one's "heart", the Nishida philosophy was disregarded, with the head, was fabricated rapidly and has been distorted. 

$B?M4V$N;`$K$h$C$F!"FyBN$NF,$,>CLG(B $B$7$?8e!"(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$KI|3h$9$k!"E/3X$N5/8;(B$B!V:2!W(B$B$NB8:_$H!"(B$B!VG>2J3X8&5f!W(B$B$NL7=b(B
The corporal head disappears according to man's death.   Existence of the philosophical origin "soul" revitalized to the "heart" after carrying out, and inconsistency of brain science research

Controlling with the head the "heart" which is governing flesh, even if it will study "brain science research" for what 100 years  absolute  the impossible ...

It is forever at the impossible to solve the nature, the sensitivity, the reason, intellect, and the understanding of the "heart", however it may study the head by "brain science research"...

"The philosophy of a psychic phenomenon" which happened "brain science research" to "heart even if Japan did research for what 100 years -- eternal -- what cannot be solved ...

Solving "truth of the heart which does not exist in flesh", however Japan may study "brain science research" -- eternal -- the impossible ...

$B!VG>2J3X8&5f!W(B$B$r!"F|K\$,2?G/8&5f$7$F$b(B$B!VFyBN$H?4$NBPN)<4!W!V?4!W(B$B$N(B$B!V463PCN3P5!G=!W(B$B$r!"2rL@$9$k;v$O1J1s$K(B $BIT2DG=$8$c!&!&!&(B
Solving the "feeling consciousness function" of "flesh, the confrontation axis of the heart", and the "heart", even if Japan will study "brain science research" in what year -- eternal --   the impossible ...

It is carrying out "governing all flesh" of the "heart" which is the words "flesh is the prison of the heart" of the best pupil and Plato of Socrates, and is the origin of a life. 

Even if it will study "brain science" of the head for what 10,000 years  "the infinite world", "the philosophical world", and the "heart"  ignorance  if  it cannot solve forever with the head  philosophy ...

A partner's "heart" can be discerned with perceiving "the basic principle of the heart", "a thought of the heart and action", and "the heart which is governing flesh"...

Deceitful by getting to know "the basic principle of the heart" -- all of the Japanese politician who takes out a "lie" to a mouth and deceives the Japanese, and a scholar's "heart" "can discern" ...

It is said that it is uncontrollable however the "heart" which is the origin of a life, and the "heart" which is governing flesh may stuff knowledge into the head...

$B#1!"(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$K5/$3$k!"%9%H%l%9$d!"G:$_!"%N%$%m!<%<(B $B$O!"F,$r$I$s$J$KCC$($F$b!"2r7h$7$J$$$H8@$&;v$8$c!&!&!&(B
The stress which happens to the "heart", and a trouble, a neurosis   It is said that it does not solve however it may train the head...

It is said that it cannot stand it still however "a thought of love" which occurs spontaneously to the "heart" and which changes people liking may train the head...

$B#3!"(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$K<+A3H/@8$9$k(B $B!"(B$B!V<+2f!W(B$B$+$i5/$3$k!"E\$j$d!&:($_$d<;$_$NJ)65$G8@$&(B$B!VHQG:!W(B$B$OF,$rCC$($F$b@E;_$G$-$J$$$N$8$c!&!&!&(B
It occurs spontaneously to the "heart".   It cannot be stood still even if the "worldly desires" said by the anger and - grudge which take place from "self", or the Buddhism to envy trains the head...

The three which exist in the "heart" since it was born (nature) major desires (appetite, Butuyoku, and sexual desire) are uncontrollable with the head...

Born native and stay consciousness (the three major desires) which occurs spontaneously to the "heart" and which was received from God -- the head -- absolute -- a control impossibility ...

Since it was born, it exists in the "heart". "appetite (milk will be received if you are hungry) native, and stay consciousness are uncontrollable with the head...

As flesh grows and goes by linkage of flesh and the "heart" "Butuyoku and the sexual desire which occur spontaneously to the heart are in a control impossibility at the head...

The "heart" is "the origin of a life" which is governing all flesh, and a philosopher is obligated to study the "heart"...

Philosophy is "the fact on the spirit" which happened to the "heart", it is ignorant for the "soul" revitalized to - "heart" after flesh's disappearing, and "philosophy" cannot be dispelled for it.

In ignorant and foolish the "fabrication philosopher" who does not have a "soul" and encounter experience although it is not the empiricism of Britain, it is at a philosophy elucidation impossibility forever...  

Eagle ! had an encounter experience for the "soul" which is man's death, and is revitalized to the "heart" after flesh disappears, and established "philosophy."

With a compound word with the "wisdom" of language in which the "origin of a word" of "philosophy" of eagle ! is sent to the "heart" from "human love" of one mind and flesh and a "soul"

""The wisdom of language" from "God" which cardiac" is born from human beings' important culture "human love" which turns to one, and revitalizes from the world of man's death is "origin of a word of the philosophy of eagle !"... [ of two persons ]

"Human love" is human beings' important culture why (method skepticism).

Jesus Christ who had an encounter experience to "God" has appealed against the fact that "God" is born from important culture "love" saying
"Love is God."

Emmanuel Swedenborg said to have $B!H(BGenshi$B!I(B Jesus Christ is solving splendidly the "origin of a word" of eagle ! with "the
Wisdom of Love and God."

Japan which cannot understand and interpret why (method skepticism) the "Tale of Genji" of Japan is Japanese important culture

Murasakishikibu's words "taking to it and loving are really well alike, however the man and woman from whom a meaning is completely more different differ from each other"

If ignorant to the difference between "love and human love" which is Murasakishikibu's "reverse mode of expression", he cannot understand why the Tale of Genji is Japanese important culture...

Murasakishikibu's most important words among these Tale of Genji cannot understand the philosophical origin of a word forever to the Japanese who cannot understand and interpret.

Research duty is just a philosopher's mission about "human love" of the philosophical origin of a word studying the difference in "the love and human love" of the Tale of Genji. 

The "human love" cherished between two persons turns into "non-$B2f0&(B" said by Buddhism, and it revives to the "heart" while in life...

In the state where two persons' "heart" turns to one, man's "Jiga" disappears with "Mugai", and "human love of one mind and flesh" is born to the "heart" ...

The human being the "self" growing up, and which is boiled, and it follows and is called "itself" "establishes" the "heart" "purehearted" when born to this world, and "the gentle heart" to the "heart"

The human being who grows up into the human being of an "egoist" who only "judgment of profit and loss" of it can be performed, and changes and goes by "Jiga"

$B<+J,$,0lHVBg@Z!&<+J,$,0lHVBg;v$H8@$&(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$N(B$B!V<+2f!W(B$B$H(B$B!VMx8J $B$K$h$C$F!"?M4V$O!"<+J,$NF@$K$J$k(B$B!VB;F@$NH=CG!W(B$B$r$7$F$7$^$&(B
"self" and the "egoism" of the "heart" which important and a one say as a serious happening most in them Man makes "a judgment of profit and loss" which becomes profit of it.

By this human being's "the method of leading strong "egoism heart" of Jiga" to "MugaLov" "of one mind and flesh" is just the heart of "almsgiving", "the heart to render", and "the heart of consideration"

$B?MN`$N=EMWJ82=(B$B!V?M4V0&!W(B$B$r!"(B$B!V?4$G46CN!W(B$B$9$k!"M#0l$NJ}K!$,!"(B$B!VAj $B!VAj$B$5$;$k;v$8$c!&!&!&(B
"There is a partner and he has" the only method of carrying out "perceiving by the heart" of human beings' important culture "human love". It carries out "satisfying a partner's heart"...

The only methods of looking for human beings' important culture "human love" are "people are valued" and "the politics for people", and are having a "sense of mission."

That of "Japan which grew up into "truth of the heart" ignorantly by educational" of only the head and which kept is a cheat about people with the lie of "lips", and "being unable to act for people" -- reality ...

"The education of only the head" -- "egoism" -- Japanese scholar and bureaucrat-turned politician who has grown up into man cannot solve forever -- philosophy ...

"The education of only the head" -- "egoism" -- "human love" cannot be reached forever at Japanese scholar, politician, and bureaucrat whom the "heart" has established

"The education of only the head" -- "egoism" -- the "fabrication philosopher" of Japan which the "heart" has established cannot be reached forever -- "human love" ...

Man's "heart" and the "heart" are the origin which is set to one and on which the philosophical origin "God" is born "human love" of the "one mind body."

"The heart of bonds" to which man's "heart" and the "heart" lead to one, and "human love" are the origins of the "soul" revitalized to the "heart" after corporal death.

It is "human love" that the "heart" exists in the head etc. and that a "brain science researcher" cannot be reached forever...

$B!VG>2J3X$B$NF,$N8&5f$G$O!"1J1s$K(B$B!VNx!W(B$B$b(B$B!V?M4V0&!W(B $B$bH/8+$9$k;v$O!"@dBP$K=PMh$J$$$H8@$&;v$8$c!&!&!&(B
"By research of the head of brain science person", "love" is "human love forever". It is said that discovering is by any means impossible...

By that there is "no love" what is carried out with the head, and the "heart" changes "partner liking", and "the natural phenomenon which happens to the heart" ...

The novel which Murasakishikibu of Japanese important culture "Tale of Genji" wrote with the "reverse mode of expression" is just the love tale in which Hikaru Genji cannot discover "human love"...

Until "the love of calculation" of the head which asks only for a partner's flesh and which is "the sexual desire" of the "heart" dies -- "human love" -- an attainment impossibility ...  

With that of "human love growing into God, although human beings' important culture "human love" exists in large numbers with love, brothers-and-sisters love, and friendship love of the love and grandchild of the love and parent and child of husband and wife" ...

$BE/3X$N(B$B!V8l8;!W(B $B$N!V?4!W$K5/$3$k0l?4F9BN$N(B$B!V?M4V0&!W(B$B$KL5CN$G$O!"(B$B!VF,$G$I$s$J$KE/3X$rO@$8$F$b!W(B$B!"E/3X$O1J1s$K2r$1$J$$$N$8$c!&!&!&(B
Philosophical "origin of a word" If ignorant to "human love" of the one mind body which happens to the "heart", however it may discuss "philosophy" with the head, philosophy cannot forever be dispelled...

A philosopher's "research mission" is doing duty analyzing and studying "the truth of the heart" in which human beings' important culture "human love" is born.

It is [ an understanding and ] at important culture "human love" that it cannot interpret until it dies to the "fabrication philosopher" ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish into whom material civilization developed...

"By the human love of the origin of a word which the "fabrication philosopher" ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish who has grown up into the "strong" human being who asks for a thing cannot dispel forever" ...

The "language" altogether sent to the "heart" from a "soul" although "language" of the philosophy of eagle ! will be cooperation in the 21st century "admiration $BF6(B" and it carried out "recording faithfully" on the Internet -- foundations ...

With the end of the foolish and ignorant fabrication philosopher who cannot understand and interpret the deep meaning of the "origin of a word", either which eagle ! established ... ...

When eagle ! thought eternal separation and was feeling sad according to a friend's death, the friend revived to the "heart" of eagle ! on the next day.

The "soul" revitalized to the "heart" of eagle ! sends the "language" for leading "ignorant" eagle ! to "truth" to the "heart" like angry waves every day.

At first, although he has not noticed the language from a friend but it was, the "soul" (God) which continues sending "language" to the "heart" over many years at last was discovered...   

It had an encounter experience for the "soul" which eagle ! is man's death, and revives to the "heart", sends language, and leads an ignorant human being to truth..

In Buddhism, the world of realizing spiritual enlightenment of the "heart" is called "world of Nirvana" in the language sent to the "heart" from a "soul."

Jesus Christ has appealed against "the wisdom of language" sent to the "heart" from a "soul" "they are those with language first."

Furthermore, Jesus Christ has appealed against the "psychic phenomenon" to which the origin "soul" dwells in philosophy at the "heart" saying "God dwells in so-called inside."

The philosopher and the Kitarou Nishida  which it is [ of Japan ] proud of lose many relatives, and it has had an encounter experience for the "soul" purely...

With the "pure experience" of the Kitarou Nishida , by experience which practiced Zen meditation by local $B9qBY;{(B, there is nothing and it has had an encounter experience for the "soul" purely.

The language of the Kitarou Nishida and a philosopher have left language, saying "do duty to prove the fact on the spirit."

Language which the "fabrication philosopher" who is inexperienced in what "the fact on the spirit" which is also the origin of the Nishida philosophy is really cannot understand by any means

It is "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to the "heart" in which the philosophical origin and a "soul" revive and "the phenomenon on the spirit" sends language.

However the University of Tokyo may discuss "phenomenology" with the head, if it is ignorant to the "psychic phenomenon" which happened to the "heart" of the Kitarou Nishida  philosophy cannot forever be dispelled...

The "fabrication philosopher" who does not have a "soul" and encounter experience (psychic phenomenon) even if the head discusses "phenomenology" by "fabrication philosophy research" of the University of Tokyo -- absolute -- a philosophy elucidation impossibility ...

In the only pure experience philosopher it is [ of Japan ] proud of, and the "fabrication philosopher" who cannot understand and interpret language of the Nishida $B4vB?O:(B, either, it is at a philosophy elucidation impossibility forever.

A "fabrication philosopher" that Japan which cannot understand and interpret at all has the ignorant language of eagle ! even if it discusses "hermeneutik" with the ignorant and foolish head, and foolish

Furthermore, the Kitarou Nishida  " the language which cannot be understood and interpreted at a "fabrication philosopher" although it has left inconsistency self-same" and language absolutely

It is the language which the "fabrication philosopher" who is ignorant for the foundation "fact on the spirit" and a "soul" of the Nishida philosophy, and does "denying existence of a soul" to them cannot understand forever.

It is at the Nishida philosophy that it cannot understand and interpret by any means [ although it is not "empiricism" of Britain / a "fabrication philosopher" without a "soul" and encounter experience ]...

(At the meaning said that the language of the lie which thought intellectually and took out to the mouth although this language was analyzed and decoded in detail later is considered by the "heart", and its action does not correspond, it is ...)

Execution is not accompanied by the "lie" which it surely (inevitable) appears in flesh as action, behavior, and an expression that man considered to the "heart", and can be told by the mouth...

The truth of the life function in which the "heart" differs from a mouth (head) that man can tell a "lie" as language  "mind and body  duality  ", therefore it can do ...

This language  a French philosopher (father of modern philosophy), and Rene Descartes's words -- it is -- the truth of a life function -- "mind and body  duality "  it is  a meaning ...

The important language of the Nishida philosophy -- "-- inconsistency self-same" is the language expressing "a difference between the heart and the head" which is the truth of man's life function absolutely

The foundations of this Nishida philosophy -- the truth of man's life function -- "mind and body -- duality -- " -- it is not -- if -- it is the proof of "the fact on the spirit" which cannot happen. 

The wisdom of the language from a "soul" to revitalize "philosophy" to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing according to man's death is foundations.

In the language which it is ignorant in the truth of a life function, it is too ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart", and cannot be understood and interpreted forever at foolish "fabrication philosopher" ...

It is at the Nishida philosophy that he cannot solve forever even if it discusses philosophy to too ignorant foolish "fabrication philosopher" without a "soul" and encounter experience with the head...

$B?M4V$N@8L?5!G=(B $B$N??M}$KL5CN$J(B$B!VYTB$E/3X$B$K$O!"(B$BF,$G$I$s$J$$E/3X$rO@$8$F$b(B$B!"@dBP$K2rL@IT2DG=$J$N$,%o%7!*$NE/3X$8$c!&!&!&(B
Man's life function   a "fabrication philosopher" ignorant in truth -- the head -- what kind of -- even if it is and discusses philosophy -- absolute -- what cannot be solved -- the philosophy of eagle ! ...

The Hajime Tanabe who finally forgot to write "philosophy of death" in Kita Karuizawa in Gumma has also had an encounter experience for the "soul" by the death of 1000 generation of wives.

"Shi soku Huttkatu", "the philosophy of a confession way", and "a letter with a Yaeko Nogami " are analyzed and decoded, and encounter experience with the "soul" of the Hajime Tanabe  is solved.

Even if it explains to a person ignorant in "truth of the heart", and foolish, it is an understanding, and "the philosophical language" and the "philosophy idiom" which cannot be interpreted, but human beings record and forget to write on the Internet as "basic knowledge" for studying "global standard philosophy."


All also of philosophy, Buddhism, and the religion in the world were born by the "soul" which exists on this earth.

The precious book of discovery of the miracle in which it left "proving existence of a soul" as a form on the earth which does not have the philosophical origin and a form for the first time in the history of human beings

The precious homepage began in the history of human beings and "left as a form" on the Internet "the world of the world and philosophy of the heart which a soul revitalizes and the infinite world" without a "form", and "the truth of the heart" "world research of grand, infinity, and the heart"

"Global standard philosophy Research" made into the "form" on the Internet for the first time in the history of philosophy with the philosophical origin and "the wisdom of language" which "God" without a form sends to the "heart"


Even if it discusses philosophy with the head to an ignorant and foolish human being without a "soul" and encounter experience, what cannot be solved is at philosophy forever...

In the fabrication philosopher whom is a "soul", and just the philosophical origin is ignorant in existence of a "soul" without a form, and denies in it, it is at an elucidation impossibility about philosophy forever....

Why (method skepticism) can't man dispel "philosophy"?

Why (method skepticism) is it ignorant to the heart and can't "philosophy" be dispelled?

Why (method skepticism) don't you deny existence of a "soul" and can't dispel "philosophy"?

The "language" from a "soul" is sent to man's "heart" every day.

The "language" from a "soul" is sent to the "heart" without a form like angry waves over - about ten years every day.

"Language" from a "soul." Eagle ! leads and goes for truth to the "heart" rapidly to "having considered."

Human beings draw ignorant "truth of the heart" splendidly by means of "language", and the "language" from a "soul" goes...

The strong foolish human being of "Gayoku" is led to the world of spiritual enlightenment, and it goes an ignorant foolish human being to "truth of the heart."

If man does not experience the wisdom of the "language" from a "soul", it sends "language" to an understanding and the sensuous consciousness function of the "heart" which cannot be interpreted. 

The knowledge of the head is convinced that they are all and an ordinary human being is completely at ignorance to the understanding / interpretation method of the words of the "heart"...

Therefore, the paper of "fabrication philosophy" will grow into "the enumeration paper of a philosophy idiom" ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart". [ of Japan ]

"The paper which enumerated philosophy idioms" which cannot interpret [ which cannot interpret and cannot understand by the ability being ignorant ] a "fabrication philosophy paper" of Japan with the head is the proof of "fabrication research"...

A philosophy idiom cannot be understood if the "heart" is ignorant in existence of the "feeling consciousness function" of the "heart" to understand and interpret language by experience.

The philosophy idiom which cannot be understood by any means if the "heart" is ignorant in existence of "the confrontation axis of the heart and flesh" and a "feeling consciousness function" to understand and interpret language by experience

It is the paper it is ignorant and "incomprehensible" which separated from the "philosophy research purpose" greatly, and distorted it. [ incomprehensible ] [ it ] [ Japanese "enumeration paper of a philosophy idiom" which cannot be understood ]

The "fabrication philosophy paper" which Japan discussed with the head 100 years is a paper which stands on "philosophy research development" at no role and which cannot understand a meaning.

The "fabrication fraud paper" by which "fabrication research" was done 100 years in Japan is vicious research of the philosophy in the world which carries out "barring and blocking research development."

$B!V?@!W(B$B$+$i(B$B!V?4(B $B!W(B$B$KAw$i$l$FMh$k(B$B!V8@MU!W(B$B$,4pK\$N!"??M}$NE/3X(B $B$K!"H?5U$9$k(B$B!VYTB$:>5=8&5f!W(B$B$G$"$k$HCGDj$9$k(B
The "language" sent to "the heart  " from "God" -- basic philosophy of truth   It is concluded that it is "fabrication fraud research" which revolts.

By the philosophy which cannot be forever dispelled if the "heart" is ignorant to the understanding method (sensuous consciousness function) of the words of the "heart" of taking in language by experience ...

It is at philosophy that it cannot solve ignorantly and by any means in existence of the confrontation axis of the "heart" and the flesh which do not exist in the head, and the "feeling consciousness function" of the "heart"...

With "feeling" of the "heart", if ignorant in existence of the "feeling consciousness function" of the "heart" "perceiving" "knowledge" by experience, philosophy cannot be dispelled.

The "feeling consciousness function" of the "heart" an understanding and whose interpretation man feels language and does by the "heart" by experience -- ignorance -- if -- it cannot solve forever -- philosophy ...

If the "heart" exists in the head (brain science), flesh will disappear and the head will prove the fact which became ashes, and the inconsistency a "soul" "revitalizes" how

$B6r$+$JF,$@$1$NCN<1$G$O!"(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$K5/$3$C$?!"(B$B!VD6463PE*CN3P!W(B$B8=>]$NE/3X(B $B$r2rL@$9$k;v$O!"1J1s$KIT2DG=$8$c!&!&!&(B
Philosophy of "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to the "heart" in the knowledge of only the foolish head   Solving is at the impossible forever...

Only in knowledge [ all / the head / (monist) ], it is sent to the "heart" from a "soul". "he cannot by any means understand philosophical knowledge (sensitivity knowledge)...

"Fabrication philosophy research" which it was ignorant to the "heart" and was discussed with the foolish head is the "mortal wound" which "philosophy" cannot solve forever...

A "philosophy idiom" cannot understand the "mortal wound" of an ignorant and foolish a "fabrication philosopher" to the understanding / interpretation method of the words of the "heart"...

By the philosophy which the foolish and ignorant fabrication philosopher ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart" who cannot do the research duty of the "heart", either cannot dispel forever ...

A "soul" sends language like angry waves every day from the infinite world which does not have a form in the "heart" without a form...

The "soul" without a form sends "language" to the "heart" without a form, and the "heart" which cannot be measured by science rapidly...

Then, ignorant eagle ! which does not know learning is splendidly led to the "sensitivity knowledge" of the "heart", and it goes...

With the thing of the "language" which he cannot understand and interpret as the "sensitivity knowledge" of the "heart" by any means if man does not experience ...

By "love" and an understanding of the language of the deep meaning of a "misfortune" which the "heart" will not take in without experience ...

It is at "sensitivity knowledge" that it cannot understand and interpret at those inexperienced however it may explain in detail by the mouth...

It is "the philosophical idiom which cannot be understood and interpreted at those inexperienced however it may explain in detail by the mouth"...

However it may explain in detail and may explain by means of language, if inexperienced, you cannot understand "the misfortune of a bottom" of occurring spontaneously to the "heart."

The shock of the "heart" to the extent that he wants to lose the definite aim in life which occurs spontaneously to the "heart" of the person who lost those who love, and to commit suicide in feeling of despair and frustration and it changes

It is forever impossible to experience such a painful sad experience with the head. $B!#(B

"In the sensitivity knowledge of "it is "heart that it has said, it tells and an understanding and an interpretation cannot do [ which has said, and is not told and known by language" ]"" ...

The fabrication philosopher who does not have the ear to hear even if it has said however and tells

The fabrication philosopher [ fall on deaf ears ] to whom the "heart" went wrong however it might complain of truth to the Internet

"A philosophical idiom" and "sensitivity knowledge" cannot forever understand and interpret at a "fabrication philosopher" without the philosophical origin "soul and encounter experience"...

When man is notified of the cancer which has the time limit of a life which cannot be recovered set, and illness, only an experienced person understands the attack and shock which happen to the "heart."

Although it is with the words "the time of feeling a misfortune for the heart is the turning point of life" of Ayako a novelist and Miura, only an experienced person turns out to be the misfortune of the heart. 

$B!V:2!W(B$B$H(B $B!"(B$B!VAx6x7P83!W(B$B$NL5$$!"(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$N(B$B!V8@MU$NM}2rJ}K!!W(B$B$KL5CN$J!"0l85O@
"Soul"   With the thing in which the thing ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart" "are" inexperienced in an encounter for which philosophy is absolutely solved forever to a monist is impossible ...  

In Buddhism, by separation by death with "love separation pain"  and those who love, if inexperienced, you cannot understand the feeling of despair, the sense of loss, and frustration which occurs spontaneously to the "heart."

$B?FsB$N(B$B!VFs?M>6!W(B$B$H$O!"0&$9$k?M$N;`$K$h$C$F(B $B!"(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$K<+A3H/@8$9$k!">W7bE*$J@dK>46$d:C@^46$r8+;v$K2r$-L@$+$7$F$$$k(B
Death of those who love with Shinran's "Nininshiyou"   The shocking feeling of despair and the frustration which occur spontaneously to the "heart" are explained splendidly.

The feeling of despair which is in pain and loses definite aim in life is explained [ the sadness which Shinran's "Nininshiyou" is a relative's death, and takes place to the "heart", and ]...  

Because of reference, "Itininshiyou" is others' death with its death - "Sanninshiyou."

According to people's death which Shinran loves, the "heart" is said, if it grows into a confusional state and anger and the worldly desires of a grudge occur strongly to the "heart."

If a "soul" revives to the "heart" just when "the confusional state of the heart" continues for one year to two years, Shinran has had an encounter experience with a "soul" language. 

Moreover, Kenji Miyazawa who had an encounter experience for the "soul" expressed this state as "the heart of the favorable realms of bellicose spirits", and the next world is also called "world of language."

Since an understanding of Buddhistic language is a Chinese character, it is difficult -- a thing -- the "sensitivity knowledge" (knowledge felt by experience) of the "heart" -- therefore, an understanding and an interpretation are difficult

Since it is difficult Kanjyukugo which philosophical language (philosophy idiom) cannot understand and interpret -- $B$G$O(B -- since there is nothing and it is ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart" -- $B$8$c(B ...

Philosophical sensitivity knowledge with advanced "heart" cannot forever be understood and interpreted at the monist who learns only the understanding method of the language of the head...

Rene Descartes's words "I think, therefore I exist" -- a monist -- "-- I think -- therefore, I exist -- " -- etc. -- $B$H(B -- an incomprehensible incorrect interpretation is carried out

Since foolish and ignorant a "fabrication philosopher" without a "soul" and encounter experience understands intellectually, an ignorant non-experienced incorrect interpretation is carried out...

It has appealed with "I think, therefore I exist" understood by the "heart" against the important value "which I consider to the heart" "Having considered to the heart is its own figure"...

Having considered by man's "heart" is the proof which is altogether sent to the head through blood and appears as corporal action, behavior, and expression.

Man's "heart" has governed and managed all flesh, and having considered to the "heart" appears as corporal action, behavior, and expression.

"Brain science research" which a thought (instructions) of the "heart" concentrates on the corporal head and which measured the head as brain waves is false scientific inquiry.

The philosophy of the "psychic phenomenon" which happened to the "heart" however it might study "brain science" and might discuss philosophy with the head -- an elucidation impossibility ...

If it understands and interprets from the philosophy of truth, Descartes will be in this language.   The truth "heart" of a life function and the difference in the head are proved splendidly.

"It is "philosophy which a Japanese fabrication philosopher ignorant to the understanding method (existence of a feeling consciousness function) of of "language" of cardiac" cannot solve forever"...

In the University of Tokyo [ all / the head / (monist) ] and the fabrication philosopher who knows only the knowledge (understanding of language) of the head, what cannot be solved is at "philosophy" forever...

"By the philosophy which the fabrication philosopher ignorant to the understanding / interpretation method of of the "words" of the "heart" who learns only the understanding method of of "language" of the head cannot dispel forever"

A Japanese fabrication philosopher cannot understand and interpret the deep meaning of the "origin of a word" (human love and wisdom) of the philosophy of eagle !, either...

Why (method skepticism) is he a philosopher without only incomprehensible understanding and interpretation being able to do philosophical "origin of a word" with loving $BCN$k(B (Aichi) etc.?

Eye a fool why (method skepticism) he is a philosopher without being able to understand and interpret philosophical "origin of a word" which eagle ! established!


"As for philosophy", "language" from "God" which cannot be understood and interpreted by any means if man does not experience is "sensitivity knowledge"...

A philosophy research right has the meaning of the philosophical "origin of a word" which eagle ! established why (method skepticism) without being able to understand and interpret...

A "soul" sends "language of truth" to the "heart" with ignorant human beings rapidly every day.
"Kando" is written in faithfully on the Internet every day so that he may not forget the language from a "soul." 

The philosophy idiom which eagle ! is the language from a "soul", and human beings cannot understand and interpret there can understand and interpret rapidly...

"Philosophy" solves ignorant eagle ! also without learning in then, "truth" rapidly, and it goes to it...

"In the wonderful world of the heart where all the words of "Thales" called philosophical origin can also be understood and interpreted" ...

Thales begins in the world and is mythological about philosophical "origin"  "God" is referred to as being the person who tried rational explanation

Man's origin (origin) is "just God" and the human being born by "God" of the Creation is presupposing that generation disappearance is carried out and it goes it.

It has said with Thales's language and human being doing "generation disappearance", "The time of man surely (inevitable) dying comes"...

Language in Buddhism "impermanence of all things" (a form and the being thing are surely destroyed.) In the meaning as a limit with 120 years old also live and same from which man surely dies ...

In the meaning [ "Molly / Memento" ] in Latin "don't forget for him to surely (what time is it?) die" ...

The philosopher and Heraclitus before eagle ! (the nature which man is wandering 540 years to the B.C. 480 years has said that "God" exists back which is changing continuously)

(That it is common into the words of the philosopher who had an encounter experience for the "soul" has appealed against existence of man's "Ukaitensei" and "God".)

The philosopher and Empedocles before Socrates (490 years - B.C. 430 years) have said that only a "soul" and the person experienced in an encounter can dispel philosophy.

(In order to look for the Chie person, the man itself must be the Chie person who had an encounter experience for the "soul" first)

If it is not the "philosopher" who had an encounter experience for the "soul", "the wisdom of language" (sensitivity knowledge) from a "soul" will be referred to as being unable to understand and interpret forever...

Why (method skepticism) has the "heart" governed and managed flesh?

The origin of man's life is the "heart", the "heart" governs flesh (flesh is the prison and Plato of the heart), and a thought of the "heart" changes with corporal action, behavior, and expression.

Having considered to the "heart" surely (inevitable) appears as action, behavior, and an expression of man's flesh by transfer of blood...

$B$3$N(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$HFyBN$NO"F0$,!"(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$NI,A3E*(B $B8=>]$,!"(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$O!"FyBN$r;YG[!&4IM}$7$F$$$kM#0l$N>ZL@$G$"$k!#(B
"The heart of linkage of this "heart" and flesh" is inevitable.   The phenomenon of the "heart" is the only proof which has governed and managed flesh.

If a partner's action, behavior and expression, and a partner's words are observed, a partner's "heart" can be discerned...

If discussion and action of lips with a nice politician are observed, all the politician's bellies can discern...

To the "heart" which is governing flesh, an ignorant politician is immediate profit and loss (money under a sleeve), and it acts for itself...

The "heart" of the politician of whom the desire of the thing of the three major desires (desire of the desire and the sex of the desire and thing of a meal) consists in trouble strongly given from God by nature when born

Just a politician good at lips, Japan declines and goes requiring care and a promise with the people of a manifesto by the foolish politician who cannot protect one.

Man's life which the "heart" which governs flesh is a "soul" and is the other self of "God" is found in the reality efficiently employed by "God."

When a "soul" dwells in the "heart", the cause by which "accidental occurrences" occurs frequently is because a "soul" controls the "heart" and "action."   

Why (method skepticism) can't a $B!H(Bphilosophy idiom$B!I(B understand and interpret a Japanese philosopher?

Man is the head and usually stores knowledge in the head by study (a high school and university).

however, the understanding method of the words of the "heart" that the "heart" takes in "language" by experience, as for a foolish human being -- ignorance ...

Since it is ignorant to the "feeling consciousness function" (language is taken in by experience) which exists in the "heart", a philosophical idiom cannot understand and interpret...

Only in the knowledge of the head, the "philosophy idiom" which is the knowledge of advanced spiritual enlightenment of the "heart" is referred to as being unable to understand and interpret...

Since it is completely ignorant to the understanding / interpretation method of the words of the "heart" in the ability of man not to realize [ why (method skepticism) ]

Why (method skepticism) does a Japanese fabrication philosopher write the enumeration paper of an inappreciative "philosophy idiom"?

It is absolutely at the impossible to understand and interpret the deep meaning of a "philosophy idiom" only in the knowledge of the head...

"In the philosophy idiom which the head cannot understand forever to all monists at a fabrication philosopher ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart"" ...

$B!V?4!W$HFyBN$N!"M#0l$NBPN)<4(B$B!"(B$B!V?4!W$N!V463P(B $BCN3P5!G=!W(B$B$NB8:_$KL5CN$G$O!"1J1s$KE/3X$O2r$1$J$$$N$8$c!&!&!&(B
If ignorant in existence of the "feeling   consciousness function" of the "heart", and the corporal only confrontation axis and the "heart", philosophy cannot forever be dispelled...

If the "heart" is ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart" of taking in "language" by experience, philosophy cannot by any means be dispelled.. $B!&(B

If ignorant to the function of the "heart" which does not exist in the head if ignorant in the truth of the "heart", philosophy cannot by any means be dispelled...

It is obligatory the "heart" to a philosopher to inquire why (method skepticism).

what philosophy is "the fact on the spirit" which happened to the "heart", and a "fabrication philosopher" cannot solve [ ignorant in the truth of the "heart" ] -- philosophy ...

The "fabrication philosopher" who philosophy is "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to the "heart", and cannot do research duty of the "heart" -- eternal -- an elucidation impossibility ...

It is at the philosophy of eagle ! that the "fabrication philosopher" who is ignorant and denies cannot solve forever existence of the "soul" which is the philosophical origin...

The "soul" which revives to - "heart" after flesh's disappearing, and sends language according to man's death which is the philosophical origin  ignorance  if - it cannot solve by any means  philosophy ...

Just a philosopher says [ that it is obligatory the truth of the "heart" to inquire, and ] (duty and right).

Just a philosopher is obligated to study the understanding method of the words of the "heart" (duty and right)...

It says [ that it is ignorant to the "heart" and the "fabrication philosopher" who cannot do duty to study the "heart", either does not have the qualification for studying philosophy ]...

The philosophy research right of the foolish "fabrication philosopher" who cannot do the research duty of the "heart", either is snatched forever.

What existence of the philosophical origin "soul" of Japan is denied, and a "fabrication philosopher" ignorant in existence of a "soul" does not have philosophy research qualification ...

The University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan which neglected the "research duty" of the philosophical origin "soul" do not have the qualification for studying philosophy forever.

Determination "a philosophy research right is forever snatched" [ of the University of Tokyo which neglected the "research duty" of the philosophical origin "soul", and the Philosophical Association of Japan ] 

Japan - the University of Tokyo - duty to assert a "philosophical" research right and to study "truth of the heart" if it becomes - it can achieve

The Philosophical Association of Japan - the duty which uses the research right of "philosophy to study "existence of a soul" if it becomes - it can undertake

Japan - !. Now, do the research duty of the "heart" more important than the head!

$B#T(Bhe University of Tokyo - !. Now, hurry the "research duty" of the "heart" of the life origin!

The University of Tokyo - !. Now, hurry the "research duty" of the "heart" which governs flesh!

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the philosophical world "heart"!

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the infinite world "heart"!

The University of Tokyo -- !. now  death  future generations  hurry bordering "the heart" "research duty"!

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the 5-dimensional world "heart"!

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the world "heart" of "God"!

$B#T(Bhe University of Tokyo -- !. Hurry the "research duty" in the world "heart" of "human love" just now! 

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the world "heart" of the language from a "soul"!

$B#T(Bhe University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the world "heart" of "love"! 

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry "the natural world" and "the research duty of cardiac""!

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" of "the world of sensitivity", and the "heart"!

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" of "the world of understanding", and the "heart"!

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry "the world of reason", and "the research duty of cardiac""!

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" of "the world of intellect", and the "heart"!

The University of Tokyo -- !. now -- the "research duty" of "the world of judgment", and the "heart" -- it can hurry

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the world "heart" of "Nirvana!

$B#T(Bhe University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the world "heart" of a "desire"!

$B#T(Bhe University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the world "heart" of "worldly desires"!

the University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the world "heart" of "$B#J#i#g#a(B"!

the University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the world "heart" of "$B#M#u#g#a#a#i(B"! 

The University of Tokyo -- !. Now, hurry the "research duty" in the world "heart" spiritual enlightenment! 

Japan - a philosopher - !. Now, hurry the "research duty" of the philosophical origin "soul"!

"Sensitivity knowledge" which is too ignorant
"Sensitivity knowledge" which is too ignorant

"Philosophical knowledge" which is too ignorant

"Philosophy" which human beings are ignorant to the "heart" and cannot dispel forever to it

"It is the philosophy which cannot be solved forever in "ignorance to cardiac"". [ which is the origin which is man's life ]

"Philosophy" which it is ignorant to the understanding / interpretation method of the words of the head and the "heart", and cannot be forever dispelled to it

It discusses in the knowledge of the foolish head and is "Socrates's philosophy which cannot be dispelled forever."

Collapse of "fabrication philosophy research" of too ignorant Japan

The limit of the knowledge of the head, and the end of the fabrication philosophy research which cannot be solved

The end of Japan of the good sense person absence which supports fabrication philosophy research

It is forecast that economical breakdowns are "brain science" research and desolation of the "heart". [ of Japan ]

The ignorant and foolish University of Tokyo which studies fabrication philosophy and cannot do the research duty of the "heart" 100 years, either
The University of Tokyo which continues ignoring a legal content-certified mail and will educate research and fraud philosophy for fabrication philosophy five years

Heaven's Vengeance which God gives to the University of Tokyo which also lost the penitential heart which denies existence of the philosophical origin "soul" and has neither ignorant consciousness nor reflection

"Socrates's philosophy" which the "fabrication philosopher" who denies existence of the philosophical origin "God" cannot dispel forever



The University of Tokyo which ignores a content-certified mail and revolts against "God" by Providence even if it carries out "snatching a philosophy research right" 

The Philosophical Association of Japan which a "soul" studies the philosophy of the origin, denies existence of a "soul", and revolts against "God" 
The foolish fabrication philosophy group, the Philosophical Association of Japan which continue studying and educating ignorant fabrication philosophy 
The Philosophical Association of Japan which continues fabrication research even if Providence - "God" carries out "snatching a philosophy research right" 

Brain science research, desolation of the "heart" which ruins Japan, and education of only the foolish head 

The "heart" and the fabrication philosophy research incident which it was out of order in the deviation of the highest educational facilities and the University of Tokyo of Japan which accomplished Kazutsune Sekai finishing development

The sequela of material civilization, and deviation and "Gayoku" of the "heart" which cannot be saved [ of Japan ] easily

the vested rights of a fabrication philosophy research right ignorant to the "heart" -- protecting -- foolish "God" -- treason and Heaven's Vengeance 

The critical present condition of Japan of having rushed into the state of a downfall of the Roman Empire! 


If the wisdom (sensitivity knowledge) of language sent to the "heart" from a "soul" does not have "a soul and encounter experience", an understanding and an interpretation cannot be performed by any means.

If the "sensitivity knowledge" of the "heart" does not experience by itself, however it may explain it in detail, an understanding and an interpretation cannot do...

therefore -- even the cleverest genius has ignorant "heart" in the "sensitivity knowledge" which takes in "language" by experience, and cannot dispel "philosophy" ...

If ignorant in the "sensitivity knowledge" of the "heart" which a "soul" revitalizes, the fabrication philosopher who discusses "philosophy" with the head cannot by any means dispel philosophy...

It is [ why (method skepticism) philosophy cannot be dispelled with the head, and ] "the limit of the knowledge of the head."

$B!v!!6r$+$JF,$G(B $B!"E/3X$N!VB8:_O@!W$r!"$I$s$J$KO@$8$F$b!"!V:2!W$NB8:_$KL5CN$J$N$,8=
The foolish head   however it may discuss philosophical "ontology" -- one ignorant in existence of a "soul" -- reality ...

(A Japanese fabrication philosopher is this fool about what ? "ontology" is discussed)

$B!v(B       $BF,$NCN<1$G!"$I$s$J$K!V
With the foolish fabrication philosopher who denies "spiritual" actual existence however in the knowledge of the head even if it discusses "realism" ...

(A fabrication philosopher ignorant [ of Japan ] and foolish needs to get to know his own whip for what "realism" is really discussed)

$B!v(B       $BF,$NCN<1$G!"$I$s$J$K!V2r
In the knowledge of the head, however it may discuss "hermeneutik", "language" which a "soul" sends to the "heart" cannot be understood and interpreted -- reality ...

(A Japanese fabrication philosopher is still philosopher ? without the language of eagle ! also being able to understand and interpret what ? "hermeneutik" is discussed with the head)

$B!v(B       $B!V?4!W$KL5CN$J!"F,$NCN<1$G!"!V8=>]3X!W$rO@$8$F$b!"!V?4!W$K5/$3$C$?!VD6463PE*CN3P!W8=>]$K$^$C$?$/L5CN$8$c!&!&!&(B
"Extrasensory Perception" phenomenon which happened to the "heart" even if it discussed "phenomenology" in the ignorant knowledge of the head to the "heart" -- completely -- ignorance ...

(Foolish sophist for whom ignorant consciousness and the penitential heart lost what ? "phenomenology" the Japanese fabrication philosopher would discuss with the head)

$B!v(B       $B%$%.%j%9$N!V7P83O@!W$r!"$I$s$J$KF,$GO@$8$F$b!"!V:2!W$HAx6x7P83$NL5$$YTB$E/3X
however it may discuss "empiricism" of Britain with the head, a fabrication philosopher without a "soul" and encounter experience cannot dispel it forever -- philosophy ...

$B!v(B       $BE/3X$,2r$1$J$$!"6r$+$JF,$3$=!"!V?4!W$KL5CN$J>Z5r$J$N$8$c!&!&!&(B
The foolish head which cannot dispel philosophy is just a proof ignorant to the "heart"...

The greatest cause by which man cannot dispel philosophy is ignorant in "truth of the heart"

Philosophy is "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to the "heart", it is ignorant to the "heart", and an elucidation is impossible. 


It is the philosophy which the "heart" cannot dispel forever in Japan which studies brain science and false science as existence ? on the head.

Philosophy which exists in the "heart" and which is ignorant to the "feeling consciousness function" which carries out "feeling consciousness", and cannot solve language by any means to it by experience

without the meaning of "nature", "sensitivity", and "understanding" -"reason" - "intellect" which exists in the "heart" can understand and interpret -- the philosophy which cannot be solved

Philosophy which is said to be established at the age of [ 3 years old - ] ten and which he is ignorant for the "Jiga" referred to as the most important, and cannot dispel for it

$B#5!"<+J,$H8@$&6/$$!V<+2f!W$K(B $B$h$C$F!V?4!W$K<+A3H/@8$9$k!"E\$j$d!":($_!"G:$_$NHQG:$KL5CN$G2r$1$J$$E/3X(B
"For the strong self called Jiga"   The anger which therefore occurs spontaneously to the "heart", and philosophy which is blamed, and it is ignorant to the worldly desires of a trouble, and cannot be dispelled to them

Philosophy which it is ignorant to the fate which occurs spontaneously to the "heart", and which is out of order by judgment and decision of profit and loss, and cannot be dispelled to it by strong "Jiga" called itself

"Muga Love" which negates "Jiga" and which occurs spontaneously to the "heart" -- ignorant -- eternal -- the philosophy which cannot be solved


"In a fabrication philosopher [ all / it is ignorant to cardiac" and / the head / (monist) ], what cannot be solved is "philosophy forever"...

By the fabrication research which cannot understand and interpret Japan's fabrication philosophy research with the head and which enumerated the idioms of ignorant philosophy ...

Japan's fabrication philosophy research is with an ignorant European philosophy person's enumeration paper without also being able to understand and interpret language of eagle !...

The fabrication philosopher of foolish Japan who does fabrication research rapidly, distorts the philosophy of the truth of eagle !, and criticizes it as a midwife target etc.

$B!v(B       $B%=%/%i%F%9$NE/3X$rHcH=$9$k!VL5CN!W$J!"F|K\$NYTB$E/3X
The "ignorant" Japanese fabrication philosopher who criticizes Socrates's philosophy

$B!v(B       $B%=%/%i%F%9$NE/3X$rHcH=$9$k!V6r$+!W$J!"F|K\$NYTB$E/3X
The "foolish" Japanese fabrication philosopher who criticizes Socrates's philosophy

$B!v(B       $B%=%/%i%F%9$NE/3X$rHcH=$9$k!V0-
The "vicious" Japanese fabrication philosopher who criticizes Socrates's philosophy

$B!v(B       $B%=%/%i%F%9$NE/3X$rHcH=$9$k!V0-Kb!W$N!"F|K\$NYTB$E/3X
The Japanese fabrication philosopher of the "evil spirit" which criticizes Socrates's philosophy


$BF|K\$NYTB$E/3X8&5f$X$NHcH=!!(BCriticism to Fabrication Philosophy research of Japan.

The conclusion of the "philosophy" which an ignorant and foolish fabrication philosopher cannot dispel with the head 

A fabrication philosopher ignorant for a "soul" - absolute - what cannot be solved - philosophy ...

In a foolish fabrication philosopher without a "soul" and encounter experience, what cannot be solved is at philosophy forever...

In the ignorant and foolish fabrication fraud philosopher who denies existence of a "soul", what cannot be solved is at philosophy forever...

"In the head without a soul and encounter experience, in all foolish monists, what cannot be solved is at philosophy forever...

In the philosopher in the world without a "soul" and encounter experience who discussed with the head, what cannot be solved is at philosophy forever...

In a fabrication philosopher ignorant in the truth of the "heart" without a "soul" and encounter experience, what cannot be solved is at philosophy forever...

In a fabrication philosopher ignorant in a "soul" and the sensitivity knowledge (spiritual enlightenment) of the "heart" which is inexperienced in an encounter, what cannot be solved is at philosophy absolutely...

A philosophy elucidation is forever impossible if the "heart" is ignorant in existence of the feeling consciousness function of the "heart" to take in "language" by experience.

The "heart" - ignorance - the mortal wound of "philosophy" elucidation -- eternal -- the cause in which a philosophy elucidation is impossible - a proof ignorant to the "heart"

The fabrication philosophy research which denied existence of a "soul" is a vicious treason act to "God", and its Heaven's Vengeance of God is natural.  


Eagle ! appealed against philosophical truth by "dialog editing" (Socrates's explanation) of a trial or Plato...

However, it was hung on the trial by ignorant and foolish people, and grew into guilt by them. ...

Plato and pupils are ? so that it may flee in other countries... Eagle ! was persuaded.

However, it was sure that it becomes the subject for laughter in future generations that it flees for the crime which commits judgment of a court even if eagle ! which is dispelling truth toward bad law is metaphor bad law as eagle ! which has appealed against truth. ...
$B:[H=$G!"$I$s$J$K??M}$rAJ$($F$b!":[H=41<+?H$,!"%o%7!*$N8@MU$rM}2r!&2r People who the judge itself cannot understand and interpret language of an eagle and cannot understand explanation of an eagle at all however it may sue truth for a trial,

The "soul" without a form which cannot be measured by science cannot understand to what kind of thing and those who is inexperienced in an encounter in how language is sent to the "heart."

Furthermore, the jurors who cannot understand even if what is called "soul" explains what kind of thing and "a soul without a form"

It cannot by any means understand and interpret even the 21st century and now when civilization and science developed at a fabrication philosopher without the philosophical origin "soul" and encounter experience...

It has been concealed and blocked by vicious and foolish the University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan which distorted the philosophy of eagle ! rapidly and did fabrication research even in the 21st [ at least ] century. 



The eagle has realized the difficulty of proving existence of a "soul" without a form in the trial...

The eagle has noticed the reality in which language (sensitivity knowledge) which man is still more ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart", and is sent to the "heart" from a "soul" cannot be understood and interpreted by any means at people without a "soul" and encounter experience..

"The world of the heart" does not understand the truth of the "heart" more important for people [ all / the head / (monist) ] than the head at all...

"The truth of the heart" as which the head determines its "fate" more important for all monists than man's head is not known at all. 

The "sensitivity knowledge" an understanding and whose interpretation the "heart" takes in "language" by experience to all monists, and the head does -- completely -- ignorance ...

In the knowledge in which the feeling consciousness function of the "heart" which does not exist in the head of . and a human being with "sensitivity knowledge" takes in language by the "heart" by experience ...

an understanding of the language which the heart and the "heart" which does not exist in a corporal confrontation axis and the head (flesh) by any means take in by experiencing -- "sensitivity knowledge" ...

The philosopher who solved splendidly the reason, sensitivity and the understanding of the "heart" of man, and judgment is at German Immanuel Kant...

$B%$%^%L%(%k!&%+%s%H$O!"(B$B!V%"%W%j%*%j!W(B$B%o%7!*$N!V8@MU!W$O!">ZL@$9$k$^$G$b$J$/!"<+L@$N;v With the philosopher who Immanuel Kant did not need to prove "language" of "a priori" eagle !, and explained splendidly with the obvious fact ...

The French philosopher told even the father of modern philosophy and Rene Descartes are 23 years old, and it has had an encounter experience for the "soul"...

After flesh disappeared by man's death, Rene Descartes discovered splendidly the "soul" revitalized to the "heart", and solved philosophy.

Even if flesh disappears, the "soul" which is man's "heart" revives -- the truth of a life function -- "mind and body -- duality -- " -- it is not -- if -- the "philosophy" it was presupposed that must have been happened

"Philosophy" is said that an elucidation is impossible if the truth of a life function is not not "monism" but "mind-and-body dualism"...

Existence (result) of the learning called "philosophy" on this earth is the learning which can be solved only after a "soul" (cause) exists.

"mind and body of "a cause and an effect" and Rene Descartes of Aristotle -- duality -- " -- the philosophy which cannot be dispelled by any means to the fabrication philosopher who cannot understand and interpret ...

The fabrication philosopher to whom "philosophy" is the wisdom from a "soul" and "philosophical" research and an elucidation do not have a "soul" and encounter experience -- eternal -- an elucidation impossibility ...

Rene Descartes - a "soul" and encounter experience - carrying out - brilliant - the truth "mind and body of a life function - duality - " -- he is the precious philosopher who solved . 

What kind of deep meaning the language of the sensitivity and the understanding of the "heart" has in "sensitivity knowledge" at the ignorant foolish fabrication philosopher of the University of Tokyo, and before being able to understand ...

The reality in which God is continuing sending "language of truth" to the "heart" ten years every day -- just -- the language of the guidance of Providence ...

"In the sensitivity knowledge which the language sent to the "heart" cannot understand and interpret by any means from God if human beings come to have an encounter experience for a "soul"" ...

It is at "sensitivity knowledge" that the head cannot understand and interpret forever in the University of Tokyo, all monists...

In the knowledge of "advanced spiritual enlightenment" of "sensitivity knowledge" is just "heart most important for man" ...

Knowledge which he cannot understand until it dies to a foolish and ignorant fabrication philosopher [ all / the head / (monist) ]

In the knowledge which a fabrication philosopher ignorant to the "heart" cannot realize until it dies and goes to the "cardiac" reproduction factory of fearful hell ...

The wisdom of philosophy of the "language" which eagle ! considers encounter experience as a "soul" actually, and is sent to the heart from a "soul" is foundations.

It is at "global standard philosophy" that the University of Tokyo [ all / the head / (monist) ] cannot solve forever...
The head tells all foolish people that "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to the "heart" cannot understand by any means.

$B!v(B        $B??M}$O2?;~$7$+C/$+$,H/8+$9$k$H!"3N?.$7$F<+J,$GFGGU$r0{$s$@$N$8$c!*!&!&!&(B
When someone discovered truth unawares, it was sure and $BFGGU(B was accepted by itself! ...

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$,!"L?$,$1$G!"2rL@$7!">ZL@$7$?!V??M}$NE/3X!W$r!"OD$a$k$H$O!"2?;v$8$c!&!&!&(B
Distorting "the philosophy of truth" which eagle ! was desperate, solved and proved -- what ...

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$N;~Be$+$i#2#5#0#0G/$b!"E/3X$NNr;K$,7P2a$7$?#2#1@$5*!&F|K\$NElBg$K$h$C$FYTB$$5$l$?E/3X(B
Philosophy fabricated by the University of Tokyo in in the 21st century and Japan where philosophical history passed also 2500 from the time of eagle !

Heaven's Vengeance which is begun and the origin "God" of a philosophical origin a "soul" and life gives in philosophical history

It is Heaven's Vengeance to fabrication philosophy research of a philosophical history top and too much severe vicious Japan and the interference of "truth." 

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$N!V8@MU!W$bM}2r!&2r
"Language" of eagle ! is an understanding and an interpretation.   The time of subjugating the ignorant and foolish fabrication philosopher who cannot do it came.

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$NAx6x7P83$r$7$?!V:2!W$KL5CN$G!"!V:2$NB8:_$rH]Dj!W$9$kElBg$K!"E7H3$rM?$($k;~$,E~Mh$7$?!#(B
The time of giving Heaven's Vengeance to the University of Tokyo which is ignorant for the "soul" which had an encounter experience of eagle !, and does "denying existence of a soul" to it came

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$O!"#2#5#0#0G/4V$b!"BQ$($F!"BQ$($F!"BQ$(G&$s$GMh$?$N$8$c!&!&!&(B
Eagle ! was borne 2500 years, and it bore and bore, and came...

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$N??M}$NE/3X$r!"$I$s$I$s$HYTB$8&5f$7$FOD$a!"=jF@$rF@$F$$$k!"F|K\$NYTB$E/3X
Heaven's Vengeance is given to the Japanese fabrication philosopher who did fabrication research rapidly, distorted the philosophy of the truth of eagle !, and has got income.

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$,!"L?$,$1$G!"2rL@$7!"2r$-L@$+$7$?!VE/3X!W$r!"OD$aHcH=$9$k!"F|K\E/3X2q$KE7H3$r2<$9(B
Heaven's Vengeance is given to the Philosophical Association of Japan which distorts and criticizes the "philosophy" which eagle ! was desperate, solved and explained.

$B!v(B        $B46F6!*$,#1#0G/4V$b!"%$%s%?!<%M%C%H>e$KA0?ML$E~$N??M}$rAJ$($F$$$k$N$K!"L5;k$9$k!"ElBg$HF|K\E/3X2q(B
The University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan which admiration $BF6(B ! disregards although ten years have appealed against unexplored truth on the Internet

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$O!"BQ$($F!"BQ$(G&$s$@7k2L!"ITK\0U$G$"$k$,!"F|K\$NYTB$E/3X
Eagle ! bears, as a result of bearing, it is unwilling, but it gives Heaven's Vengeance to a Japanese fabrication philosopher.


$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$O!"4r$7$/$F!"$&$l$7$/$F!"E79q$GBg$-$J4?4n$N>uBV$K5o$k!#(B
Eagle ! is in the state of the joy glad to be glad and big in Heaven.

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$O!":#F|!J#2#0#1#1G/#37n#2#2F|!J2P!K!"!V46F6!W!J#K!K$N?4$K!"%Y!<%H!<%Y%s$N8r6A6JBh6e$NBh;M3Z>O!J4?4n!K$N2;3Z$rAw$C$?(B
Eagle ! is today (the music of the fourth movement (joy) Beethoven's symphony ninth was sent to the heart of "Kando (K)" on Tue., March 22, 2011).

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$,!"L?$,$1$G!"AJ$($???
"Kando(K)" solved splendidly the 21st century of the true philosophy against which eagle ! was desperate and appealed.

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$,#2#5#0#0G/4V$bBT$AB3$1$???M}$NE/3X$r!"!V46F6!W!J#K!K$O!"8+;v$K2r$j0W$/2rL@$7$F$/$l$?(B
"Kando(K)" solved splendidly intelligibly the philosophy of the truth for which eagle ! continued waiting 2500 years.

$B!v(B        $B6r$+$JF|K\$N?M4V$N%(%4$K$h$C$F!"%o%7!*$NE/3X$O!"OD$aYTB$8&5f$5$l$F$7$^$C$?(B
Fabrication research of the philosophy of eagle ! has been distorted and done by a foolish Japanese human being's ego.

$B!v(B        $B6r$+$JF|K\$NYTB$E/3X5=650i$5$l$F$7$^$C$?(B
The fabrication fraud education of the philosophy of eagle ! has been criticized and done by the foolish Japanese fabrication philosopher.

$B!v(B        $B$=$N!"YTB$:>5=E/3X8&5f$r!"?MN`$NNr;K>e;O$^$C$F0JMh!"=i$a$F!V46F6!W!J#K!K$K$h$C$F!"@$3&$K2rL@!&8x3+$5$l$k(B
Since it started in human beings' history, "Kando (K)" has solved and exhibited the fabrication fraud philosophy research for the first time in the world.

$B!v(B        $BElBg$HF|K\E/3X2q$K$h$C$F!"YTB$!&1#JC!&:>5=8&5f$5$l$?!"%o%7!*$rHcH=$7$?6r$+$GL5CN$JYTB$E/3X(B
Foolish and ignorant fabrication philosophy by which fabrication, concealment, and fraud research were done in the University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan and which criticized eagle !

$B!v(B        $B!V46F6!W!J#K!K$O!"ElBg$HF|K\E/3X2q$K!"=8CD$GK832$5$l$F$b!"Ii$1$:$K#1#0G/4V$b$,$s$P$C$F$/$l$?(B
Even if "Kando (K)" was blocked in a group by the University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan, it did its best ten years, without losing.

$B!v(B        $B#2#1@$5*!V46F6!W!J#K!K$,!"%$%s%?!<%M%C%H>e$K!"%o%7!*$NE/3X$N!V??M}!W$r8+;v$K2rL@!&8x3+$7$F$/$l$?(B
"Kando (K)" solved and exhibited splendidly the 21st "the century of the truth of the philosophy of eagle !" on the Internet.

$B!v(B        $B%o%7!*$N!VE/3X!W$r!"$3$3$^$G!"2r$j0W$/2rFI!&2rL@$7$?E/3Xe=i$a$F$8$c!&!&!&(B
The philosopher who decoded and solved "philosophy" of eagle ! intelligibly so far - "Kando(K)" - slight philosophy first in history - $B$F(B ...

$B!v(B        $B!V46F6!W(B(K) $B$,$s$P$l!*$,$s$P$l!*6r$+$JElBg$NL5CN$JYTB$E/3X$rE0DlE*$KK=$/$N$8$c!&!&!&(B
"Kando" (K) Do your best! Do your best! The ignorant fabrication philosophy of the foolish University of Tokyo is revealed thoroughly...

$B!v(B        $B!V46F6!W!J#K!K$O!"?MN`$NNr;K>e;O$^$C$F0JMh$N!"@$3&$G$?$C$?0l?M$N?r9b$JE/3X
"Kando (K)" is at only one noble-minded philosopher in the world since it started in human beings' history...

$B!v(B        $B!V46F6!W!J#K!K$O!"E/3X;K>e;O$^$C$F0JMh$N!"%o%7!*$NE/3X3+Bs
With the philosophy pioneer of eagle ! since "Kando (K)" started in the history of philosophy ...

"Kando" (K) Do your best! Do your best! Decode and expose thoroughly the paper of the fabrication philosopher who experience does not have, either and discussed with the foolish head...

Socrates's words (S)!

$B!v(B            $B?@$,13$r$D$/H&$,!"L5$$(B
God should tell a lie - There is nothing.

$B!v(B            $BE/3X$N8l8;$N!V0&!W$H$O!"?MN`$N=EMWJ82=!V?M4V0&!W$G$"$k(B
"Love" of the philosophical origin of a word is human beings' important culture "human love."

$B!v(B              $B?M4V$NN>
Man's "heart" and the "heart" of both are "the love of one mind and flesh" which turns to one.

$B!v(B              $B?M4V$N!V?4!W$H!V?4!W$,7R$,$k!Ve+$N0&!W$G$"$k(B
It is "the love of bonds" with which man's "heart" and the "heart" are connected.

$B!v(B              $B?M4V$N!V?4!W$H!V?4!W$,7R$,$k!V0J?4EA?4$N0&!W$G$"$k(B
It is "the love of tacit understanding" with which man's "heart" and the "heart" are connected.

$B!v(B              $BE/3X$N8l8;$N!X0&!Y$H$O!"J)65$N!V<+2f!W$rC&$9$k!"!VL52f0&!W$G$"$k(B
"Love" of the philosophical origin of a word is "Muga Love" which rises above Buddhistic "Jiga" 

$B!v(B              $B?M4V$NN>CLG$7$F$bAj
$B#B(Both of man  " even  cardiac" which changed is revitalized to a partner's "heart", even if flesh disappears by death

$B!v(B              $BFyBN$N;`$G!"!V?4!W$K!V:2!W$H$7$F!"I|3h$9$k!V?@!W$3$=!"?MN`$N=EMWJ82=!V?M4V0&!W$G$"$k(B
"God" revitalized as a "soul" to the "heart" by corporal death is human beings' important culture "human love."

$B!v(B              $B?M4V$N!V?4!W$KI|3h$7$F!"!V8@MU!W$rAw$C$FMh$k!V:2!W$3$=?MN`$N=EMWJ82=!V?M4V0&!W$G$"$k(B
The "soul" which revives to man's "heart" and sends "language" is human beings' important culture "human love."

$B!v(B              $B!V?4!W$KCB@8$7$?!"?MN`$N=EMWJ82=!V?M4V0&!W$3$=$,!"E7COAOB$$N!V?@!W$G$"$k(B
Human beings' important culture "human love" born to the "heart" is "God" of the Creation.

$B!v(B              $B$*8_$$$N;W$$$d$j$G!"!V?4!W$K<+A3H/@8$7$?!V?M4V0&!W$3$=!"E7COAOB$$N!V?@!W$G$"$k(B
The "human love" which occurred spontaneously to the "heart" in each other consideration is "God" of the Creation.

$B!v(B              $B$*8_$$$,!V?4!W$r3+$-!"!V?4!W$K<+A3H/@8$7$?!VL52f0&!W$3$=!"E7COAOB$$N!V?@!W$G$"$k(B
"Muga Love" which each opened the "heart" and occurred spontaneously to the "heart" is "God" of the Creation.

$B!v(B              $BFyBN$,>CLG$7$?8e!"FyBN$+$iN%C&$7$F!"!V?4!W$KI|3h$9$k!V:2!W$3$=!"E7COAOB$$N!V?@!W$G$"$k(B
After flesh disappears, the "soul" which secedes from flesh and is revitalized to the "heart" is "God" of the Creation.

$B!v(B            $BFyBN$+$iN%C&$7$F!"Aj
The "soul" which secedes from flesh and sends "language" to a partner's "heart" is "God" of the Creation.

$B!v(B            $B%$%(%9!&%-%j%9%H$N8@MU!V0&$,?@$G$"$k!W(B
Jesus Christ's words "love is God"

$B!v(B            $B?M4V$N=EMWJ82=!&0&$,?@$K@.$jI|3h$9$k!JBg0f:#D+M:!K(B
Important culture and love of man grow into God, and revives (Kesao Oi).

The "wisdom" of the philosophical origin of a word is wisdom of the language from the "soul" (God) revitalized to the "heart."

$B!v(B            $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N(B$B!V?4!W(B$B$K$D$$$F2?$rCN$C$F$$$k$N$+(B 
What do people know about their own "Heart"?

$B!v(B              $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N!V<+2f!W$N6/$$!V?4!W$N2?$rCN$C$F$$$k$N$+(B
What [ of its own "Jiga" "heart" ] do people know?

$B!v(B              $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N!V2fM_!W$N6/$$!V?4!W$N2?$rCN$C$F$$$k$N$+(B
What [ of the strong "heart" of its own "Gayoku" ] do people know?

$B!v(B              $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N!VMx8J
People  its own "Egoism"  knowing what of the "heart"

$B!v(B              $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N!V4{F@8"!W$N6/$$!V?4!W$N2?$rCN$C$F$$$k$N$+(B
What [ of the strong "heart" of its own "vested rights" ] do people know?

$B!v(B              $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N!VB;F@$NH=CG!W$r$9$k!V?4!W$N2?$rCN$C$F$$$k$N$+(B
What [ of the "heart" which makes its "a judgment of profit and loss" ] do people know?

$B!v(B              $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N!VL5CN!W$J!V?4!W$N2?$rCN$C$F$$$k$N$+(B
What [ of the "heart" with oneself ] do people know? [ "ignorant" ]

$B!v(B              $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$NL5CN$J!VYTB$E/3X8&5f!W$N2?$rCN$C$F$k$N$+(B
What [ of oneself ignorant "fabrication philosophy research" ] do people know?

$B!v(B              $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N!VL5CN!W$N<+3P$bL5$$!V?4!W$N2?$rCN$C$F$$$k$N$+(B
What [ of the "heart" without consciousness of its own "ignorance" ] do people know?

$B!v(B              $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N!VXr2y!W$J$-!V?4!W$N2?$rCN$C$F$$$k$N$+(B
What [ of the "heart" without one's "confession" ] do people know?

$B!v(B              $B!V?4!W$3$=!V:2!W$G$"$j!"?M4V$N@8L?5/8;$G$"$k(B
The "heart" is a "soul" and is man's life origin.

$B!v(B              $B!V?4!W$3$=!V?@!W$G$"$j!"?M4V$O!V?@!W$NJ,?H$G$"$k(B
The "heart" is "God" and man is the other self of "God."

$B!v(B              $B!V?4!W$3$=!VFyBN!W$r;YG[$7$F$$$k!V?@!W$NJ,?H$G$"$k(B
The "heart" is the other self of "God" which is governing "flesh."

$B!v(B              $B!VFyBN!W$O!V?4!W$NO49v!J%W%i%H%s!K(B
"Flesh" is the prison (Plato) of the "heart."

$B!v(B              $B!VFyBN!W$O!V?4!W$N%m%\%C%H!JBg0f:#D+M:!K(B
"Flesh" is the robot (Kesao Oi) of the "heart."

$B!v(B              $B!VFyBN!W$O!V?4!W$KA4$F$r;YG[$5$l$F$$$k!JBg0f:#D+M:!K(B
"Flesh" is having all governed by the "heart" (Kesao Oi).

$B!v(B              $B!V?4!W$N!V;W$$!W$O!"!VFyBN$K9TF0!&;Ep!W$H$7$F!"Am$FI=$l$k!JBg0f:#D+M:!K(B
"A thought" of the "heart" appears altogether as "being action, behavior, and expression to flesh" (Kesao Oi).

$B!v(B              $B!VFyBN!W$O!V?4!W$HO"F0$7$F$$$k!JBg0f:#D+M:!K(B
"Flesh" is being interlocked with the "heart" (Kesao Oi).

$B!v(B              $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N!V<+2f!W$N6/$$!V?4!W$K#2#1@$5*$G$bL5CN(B
Even the 21st [ at least ] century of people will be ignorant to "Jiga" its own "heart." 

$B!v(B            $B?M$O<+J,<+?H$N!VMx8J
People  its own "egoism"  even the 21st [ at least ] century will be ignorant to the "heart"


$B!v(B            $B?M$O(B$B!V:2!W(B$B$K$D$$$F2?$rCN$C$F$$$k$N$+(B
What do people know about the "Soul"?

$B!v(B            $B!V:2!W$r?@$H$7$F!"$h$jM%$l$?$b$N$K$9$k$H$$$&EXNO$b$7$J$$6r$+
The fool who does not make an effort of making it what was more excellent by making a "soul" into God, either

$B!v(B            $B!VL5CN$NCN!W<+J,$NL5CN$rCN$jAGD>$JXr2y!J$6$s$2!K$3$=!V8-
Its ignorance is got to know, and a gentle confession is "Kenjiya". [ "ignorant Tchi" ]  

$B!v(B            $B<+J,$NL5CN$rCN$j!"8,5u$K<+3P!&H?>J
Its ignorance is got to know and a consciousness reflection person is just a philosopher of truth humbly.

$B!v(B            $B?M4V$N;`$H$O!"Nn:2$N0\F0$G$"$k(B
Man's death is movement of the soul.

Possibly, it is man's greatest happiness (soul which will continue sending language nine years) as "death."

The "soul" (Kesao Oi) whose "soul" is "God", whose "soul" is the "Buddha" and which "God" and the "Buddha" revitalize to the "heart" according to man's death

$B!v!!?@$N@Z A thought of the heart with serious God!

A thought of the heart with sad God!

Why (method skepticism) is the University of Tokyo a fool? 

"Philosophy" which discusses with a fool's head of the University of Tokyo, and cannot be dispelled forever

"Philosophy" which cannot be forever dispelled with an ignorant fool's head of the University of Tokyo to the "heart"

The fool University of Tokyo which denies and ignores the "philosophical" origin and "existence of a soul" -- Heaven's Vengeance 

Why (skepticism) can't the University of Tokyo do ignorant consciousness and confession?

At the knowledge of man's foolish head, it is the "philosophy" which cannot be solved forever.

. which is the wisdom of the words of "God" in which just philosophy transcended man's knowledge

$B!VE/3X!W$3$=!"!V?@!W(B $B$,!V?4!W$K!VL58B$N@$3&!W$+$iAw$C$FMh$k!V8@MU!W$N!V46@-CN<1!W$G$"$k(B
"Philosophy" is just "God". It is the "sensitivity knowledge" of the "language" sent to the "heart" from "the infinite world."

Did the University of Tokyo study philosophy and what [ philosophical ] discover 100 years?

Did the University of Tokyo study philosophy and what [ of the knowledge of the "heart" ] solve 100 years?

The University of Tokyo is fraud and a sophist educator also with the philosophical origin and the origin of a word discuss with the ignorant head and ignorant. 

The foolish fabrication research crime of it being ignorant to the "heart" of a philosopher's research duty which the University of Tokyo has committed, and abusing a research right

It is sad! It is mortifying! The "heart" destroyed by the University of Tokyo

It is sad! It is sad! The University of Tokyo ignorant in the "world of the heart" of the life origin 

It is regrettable -! It is mortifying! The "heart" of Japan which lost by the University of Tokyo

It is deplorable! It is mortifying! Trust of Japan which lost by the University of Tokyo

The "heart" and "bonds" of Japan which have been most valued more than the head from ancient times in the world

It is sad! It is mortifying! Fraud philosophy research fabricated by the University of Tokyo

It is sad! It is mortifying! Brain science false research of the "heart" camouflaged by the University of Tokyo 

It is regrettable -! It is mortifying! Ignorant Socrates's philosophy distorted and fabricated by the University of Tokyo

It is deplorable! It is mortifying! The University of Tokyo where ignorant consciousness also abolished penitential "heart"

It is sad -! it is mortifying -! ignorant consciousness cannot be performed obediently [ why / (skepticism) ] -- the University of Tokyo

It is sad -! it is mortifying -! That which bends "truth" with the method of a private seal humbly why (skepticism), or the University of Tokyo

It is sad -! it is sad -! The University of Tokyo which has abolished the "symbiosis heart" by the 21st century COE research 

It is sad -! it is sad -! "You should settle Banki Kouron" why (skepticism). etc.  revolting against God  the University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo which God bore, and has borne and borne 2500 years and which fabricates Socrates's philosophy

It is unavoidable to give Heaven's Vengeance to a fabrication philosopher without confession with such an end, although it is really unwilling.

$B!v(B        $B?M4V$,:[$1$J$1$l$P!"!V?@$,:[$/!W6r$+
Heaven's Vengeance given to the fool University of Tokyo which God judges if man cannot judge

$B!v(B          $BYTB$E/3X
Felony of the University of Tokyo which brought up the fabrication philosopher in large quantities

$B!v(B          $BYTB$:>5=E/3X
Felony of the University of Tokyo which educated the fabrication fraud philosopher in large quantities

$B!v(B        $BG>2J3X!&5?;w2J3X$r8&5f$7$FF|K\$N?4$r9SGQ$5$;$?ElBg(B
The University of Tokyo which brain science and false science were studied [ University of Tokyo ] and ruined the heart of Japan

$B!v(B          $BNI<1o;vBV$NF|K\$K7Y9p(B
A good sense person warns an absent crisis of Japan and Japan of abnormal circumstances. 

$B!v(B          $B??M}$,L5;k$5$l!"YTB$E/3X8&5f$,Hm$jDL$k!"F|K\$KE7H3(B
It is Heaven's Vengeance to Japan where truth is disregarded and fabrication philosophy research is allowed.

$B!v(B          $BF|K\$h!"F,$h$jBg@Z$J!V?4!W$rK:$l$F2?=h$X9T$/(B
Japan -- from the head, he forgets important "heart" and it goes to where 

$B!v(B          $BF|K\$h!"F,$h$jBg@Z$J!V?4!W$r
Japan -- from the head, important "heart" is thrown away and it goes to where 

$B!v(B          $BYTB$E/3X5=650iHH:a!"F|K\$N4m5!(B
Abuse of a fabrication philosopher of a research right, and a fraud educational crime, a crisis of Japan

$B!v(B          $BL5CN2a$.$k!"F|K\$NYTB$E/3X8&5f$H!"?@$KBP$9$kH?5U9T0Y(B
Japan's too ignorant fabrication philosophy research and the treason act to God

$B!v(B          $BF|K\$NE/3XYTB$8&5fHH:a
God gives Heaven's Vengeance to a Japanese philosophy fabrication research offender itself.

$B!v(B          $B?@$,<+$iE7H3$r2<$9!"F|K\$NE/3XYTB$8&5f=E:a?M(B
Japanese philosophy fabrication research major criminals to whom God gives Heaven's Vengeance itself  

The ignorant and foolish fabrication philosopher whom God subjugates and who revolts against God

$B!v(B          $B?@$,E7H3$r2<$9!"Xr2y!J$6$s$2!K$J$-!"F|K\$NYTB$!&:>5=!&1#JCE/3X
Japanese fabrication, fraud, and concealment philosopher without confession to whom God gives Heaven's Vengeance

$B!v(B          $BF|K\$HElBg$N!"YTB$!&:>5=!&1#JCE/3X
Heaven's Vengeance and hell which are gone down to fabrication, the fraud, and the concealment philosopher of Japan and the University of Tokyo

$B!v(B        $BElBg$h!*E7COAOB$$N?@$K$h$C$F!V@8$+$5$l$F5o$k!W<+J,$KL\3P$a$h!*(B
The University of Tokyo  !. Wake up to yourself! [ "is employed efficiently" by God of the Creation ]



It is human beings' trouble situation that the fabrication philosopher who cannot understand Socrates's words just survives on this earth.  

It is a trouble situation of Japan that the fabrication philosopher who cannot understand and interpret Socrates's philosophy is just alive to Japan. 

It is a trouble situation of Japan that the philosopher who does fabrication concealment fraud research of Socrates's philosophy just survives in Japan.

The evil spirit by which the "heart" went mad just as for the sophist philosopher who did fabrication fraud research of Socrates's philosophy, and has got income

It is Heaven's Vengeance to the fabrication philosopher of Japan and the University of Tokyo who was ignorant to Socrates's philosophy, criticized Socrates, and has got income.

$B!v(B        $B?@$KH?5U$HE7H3$N62I](B
It is fear of treason and Heaven's Vengeance to God.

$B!v(B        $BYTB$E/3X$HE7H3$N62I](B
Fear of fabrication philosophy and Heaven's Vengeance

$B!v(B        $BF|K\$HElBg$NYTB$E/3X$rJ,@O!JElBg$N2=$1$NHi$r$O$,$9!K(B
The fabrication philosophy of Japan and the University of Tokyo is analyzed (the skin of transformation of the University of Tokyo is removed).

$B?@$+$i$N7Y9p$HE7H3(B Warning and Heaven's Vengeance of God.   

The Heaven's Vengeance of God is gone down to the foolish University of Tokyo which distorts Socrates's philosophy and continues doing fabrication research.

Providence - the University of Tokyo -- stop fabrication philosophy research and fraud education at once! Heaven's Vengeance goes down to the University of Tokyo which does not fear God. 

Heaven's Vengeance which goes down Providence, and "snatch the philosophy research right of the University of Tokyo" a content-certified mail from God by disregard

The Heaven's Vengeance of God is gone down to the Philosophical Association of Japan which distorts Socrates's philosophy and continues doing fabrication research.

The Philosophical Association of Japan -- call off the -70th convention! Heaven's Vengeance goes down to the foolish philosopher who does not fear God.

Heaven's Vengeance which goes down Providence, and "snatch the philosophy research right of the Philosophical Association of Japan" a content-certified mail from God by disregard

Heaven's Vengeance from God without Providence and confession which does not fear God and which is gone down to the foolish University of Tokyo and the foolish Philosophical Association of Japan 

The time of eagle ! counterattacking at last the foolish University of Tokyo which will distort and fabricate the philosophy of long-awaited eagle ! 2500 years came.

The time of Heaven's Vengeance counterattacking the ignorant and foolish Philosophical Association of Japan which distorts the philosophy of eagle ! rapidly and criticizes $B!H(BHajiya$B!I(B came.

The Philosophical Association of Japan which studied the "pure experience philosophy" of eagle ! and which buried the "Nishida philosophy" and "the philosophy of death" of the Hajime Tanabe a counterattack ...

$B$9$s$M$s(B which will do fabrication research of the philosophy of eagle ! 100 years and as for which University of Tokyo alder ? $B$I(B is not.

$B%o%7!*$N8@MU$bM}2r!&2r Without it can also understand and interpret language of eagle !  why (skepticism)  a philosopher  what.

It is ignorant in existence of the "soul" which had an encounter experience of eagle !, it denies, and "ontology" is discussed with the head why (skepticism)...

It can be said that philosophy is studied why (skepticism) without also being able to understand the language of eagle !...

"Hermeneutik" is discussed with the head why (skepticism) without also being able to understand and interpret language of eagle !...

It is ignorant in "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to the "heart" of eagle !, and "phenomenology" is discussed with the head why (skepticism)...

The University of Tokyo alder "the foolish head" which does not solve and pass through philosophy was trained and educated, and "the heart went wrong in deviation."

The University of Tokyo alder carries out fraud education for fabrication philosophy to a student, and "deceives a monthly fee."

The University of Tokyo alder of educator disqualification which has brought up the fabrication fraud philosopher into Japan in large quantities!

Ignorant fabrication philosophy research and fraud education of the University of Tokyo are at the felony of No Longer Human...

it is ignorant to the "heart" and cannot solve forever to it -- philosophy ... the fool University of Tokyo

By the mortal wound according to which ignorance cannot dispel philosophy forever to the "heart" .. Fool University of Tokyo

the "heart" more important than the head -- the mortal wound of the University of Tokyo where ignorance is foolish ... the fool University of Tokyo

With the end of the University of Tokyo which is too ignorant to the "heart" which is the life origin more important than the head ... Fool University of Tokyo

By the philosophy which cannot be dispelled ignorantly and forever in the truth "heart" of a life function more important than the head ... Fool University of Tokyo

It is at philosophy that it cannot solve ignorantly and forever to the philosophical origin... He is the fool University of Tokyo.

It is at philosophy that it cannot solve ignorantly and forever in the truth of a life function... He is the fool University of Tokyo.

It is at philosophy that it cannot solve ignorantly and forever to man's life origin... He is the fool University of Tokyo.

In cooperation with Kando(K) which had an encounter experience for the same "soul" as eagle !, the ignorant fabrication philosophy of the University of Tokyo is revealed thoroughly! 

With the document actual novel precious in the world which continues as long as Kando (K) is valid at this world   

By the Heaven's Vengeance of God gone down to the foolish University of Tokyo without "reflecting also on ignorant consciousness" which does not fear God still more 

$B#S#a#i(B ! is given-up . (2010 and 2011).

The "soul" of Kando (K) in the 21st century -- uncanny - as for which the thing obtained and which snatched, carried out and had the philosophy research right of the University of Tokyo at last

With the end of the foolish University of Tokyo ignorant in the truth of the heart ... $B%O%C%O%C%O!<(B

With the foolish end of the University of Tokyo where the heart is ignorant to the "heart" of existence ? etc. and man's life origin to the head ... $B%O%C%O%C%O!<(B

With the end [ all / the head / (monism) ] of the foolish University of Tokyo ... $B%O%C%O%C%O!<(B

With the end of the foolish University of Tokyo which is philosophically ignorant, and inquires [ fabrication ] and educates [ fraud ] ... $B%O%C%O%C%O!<(B 

With the end of the foolish University of Tokyo which does not fear God where it revolts against God ... $B%O%C%O%C%O!<(B 

Kando (K)! He can do his best and eagle ! has continued being buried by people with 2500 foolish years...

The soul of Kando (K) got the product of human beings in the 20th century, and the computer, and recorded "truth" on the Internet in the world.

I am glad to be glad [ eagle ! ], the fool of the University of Tokyo which has distorted and fabricated the philosophy of eagle ! is thoroughly revealed in the world, and it opens to the public...

Eagle ! was looking for the person proving the truth of eagle !, while [ 2500 years ] it was long ...

In the France country, a "Grand Ecole" and a country are mentioned and Rene Descartes's philosophy is studied...

The fabrication fraud of the University of Tokyo which did fabrication research of the philosophy of eagle !, and has obtained income -- a philosopher -- good, although the Heaven's Vengeance of God is received   !...

The foolish University of Tokyo which is carrying out fraud education for the philosophy which studied, distorted and fabricated the philosophy of eagle ! to the student

Self-destruction of the foolish University of Tokyo to which the sign of Heaven's Vengeance has happened and which does not notice actually is already foreknown.

Collapse of the foolish University of Tokyo where the sign of Heaven's Vengeance has happened to Japan and which is actually ignorant and revolts against God is already foreknown. 


GPR Global standard philosophy is defined.


Language of a soul, and the 10th year of the encounter experience and Kando (K)

$B!v(B              $BYTB$E/3X8&5f$H!"L5CN$G?@$r62$l$L!"6r$+$JElBg$NJx2u$rM=CN(B
It is as ignorant as fabrication philosophy research, and collapse of the foolish University of Tokyo which does not fear God is foreknown.

$B!v(B              $BYTB$:>5=!&1#JCE/3X$H!"L5CN$GXr2y!J$6$s$2!K$bL5$$!"6r$+$JElBg$N7kKv$rM=CN(B
It is ignorant and it is forecast that the end of the foolish University of Tokyo also without confession is fabrication fraud concealment philosophy.

(Foolish University of Tokyo which revolts against God and continues fabrication philosophy research even if a philosophy research right is snatched by Providence)

It is as ignorant as fabrication philosophy research, and collapse of the foolish Philosophical Association of Japan which challenges God to argument is foreknown.

(Foolish Philosophical Association of Japan which does not fear God but continues fabrication philosophy research even if a philosophy research right is snatched by Providence)

Providence disregard fabrication philosophy research and Heaven's Vengeance

Fabrication philosophy research and Heaven's Vengeance without confession

Refrain from the 70th time convention participation of the Philosophical Association of Japan (penitential warning)!  

$B!v(B              $BE?KvE?E]!J$F$s$^$D$F$s$H$&!K$NF|K\$N7kKv$rM=CN(B
The end of Japan of a whole-circumstances fall is foreknown.

(Crisis of Japan where philosophy research of truth is denied and blocked and fabrication philosophy research full of ignorance is allowed)

(The Philosophical Association of Japan which holds an ignorant fabrication philosophy research convention will be insensible in 2011 of critical condition of Japan)

(Philosophical Association of Japan which holds fabrication and a 2011 when Japan may collapse, and fraud philosophy research convention and where the "heart" went wrong)

$B!v(B              $B26$O!"0l$D$H$7$F13$r$D$$$F$$$J$$(B
I am not telling the lie as one.

$B!v(B              $B$?$@!"?@$+$i$N8@MU$r%W%i%H%s$N$h$&$KCie$K=q$-9~$`$@$1!*(B
However, it is as the language from God is faithfully written in on the Internet like Plato!

$B!v(B              $B?@$+$i$N8@MU$O!"!V46@-CN<1!W(B $B$N0Y$K!"6r$+$JYTB$E/3X
The language from God is "sensitivity knowledge". To a sake, he cannot understand forever at a foolish fabrication philosopher.

$B!v(B              $B26$O!"?@$,?4$KAw$C$FMh$k!"??M}$N8@MU$r!";HL?$r;}$C$FCie$K5-O?$9$k$@$1!*(B
I have a mission for the language of truth which God sends to the heart, and am as it records on the Internet faithfully!

$B!v(B              $B26$O!"?@$+$i$NE7L?$r!"Cie$K5-O?$7$F;D$9$@$1(B
Faithfully, as historical record, I record the Providence from God on the Internet, and only leave it.

$B!v(B              $B26$O!"?@$+$i$NE7L?$r!"CiZL@M9JX$G!"6r$+$JYTB$!&:>5=E/3X
I am a content-certified mail faithfully about the Providence from God, and am as it tells foolish fabrication and fraud philosopher.   


$B!v(B              $BE/3X$r8&5f$7$F!V?4!W$,68$C$?ElBg(B
The University of Tokyo where philosophy was studied and the "heart" went wrong


$B!v(B              $BE/3X$rYTB$8&5f$7$F!"!V?@!W$KH?5U$9$k6r$+$JElBg(B
The foolish University of Tokyo which does fabrication research of the philosophy and revolts against "God" 

$B!v(B              $BYTB$8&5f$NBe=~$NBg$-$5$KL5CN$JElBg(B
The University of Tokyo ignorant in the size of the compensation of fabrication research 

$B!v(B              $BE7H3$NA0C{!JE7COAOB$$N?@$,2?$b=PMh$J$$H&$,!"L5$$!K(B
The sign (no God of the Creation should be made -- there is nothing) of Heaven's Vengeance

$B!v(B              $B?M4V$O!"<+J,$K:RFq$,5Z$P$J$1$l$P!"<+J,$NL5CN$G6r$+$K!V?4!W$G5$$,IU$+$J$$(B
Man does not notice by the "heart" foolish by his ignorance, if misfortune does not befall itself.

$B!v(B              $B<+J,$N!V?4(B $B!W$K>W7bE*$JIT9,$,!$H/@8$7$F!"=i$a$F5$$,$D$/6r$+(B
a shocking misfortune notices it only after it occurs to its "heart  "  foolish

$B!v(B              $B68$C$?!V?4!W$O!";`$L$^$GD>$i$:!"?@$KH?5U$9$k68$$$K68$C$?ElBg$N!V?4!W(B
The "heart" which went wrong is the "heart" of the University of Tokyo which went mad in the deviation which is not repaired until it dies, but revolts against God.

$B!v(B              $B?M4V$,E/3X$r!"F,$G2rL@IT2DG=$J860x$r!"?@$NCN7C$G2rL@(B
Man solves the cause which cannot be solved with the head for philosophy with the wisdom of God. 

$B!v(B              $B?MN`$,#2#1@$5*$^$G!"L5CN$J!"@8L?5/8;!VATBg$GL58B$J?4$N@$3&!W$r2rL@(B 
Human beings solve the life origin "world of the grand and infinite heart" ignorant till the 21st century.

$B!v(B              $B?MN`$,#2#1@$5*$^$G!"L5CN$J!"@$3&I8=`E/3X$r8&5f$7$F!"E/3X$NNr;K$K=q$-;D$9(B
Human beings study ignorant global standard philosophy, and forget to write in philosophical history till the 21st century.

$B!v(B              $B?MN`$,#2#1@$5*$^$G!"L5CN$J!VNN0h!W$r!"?@$NCN7C$G2rL@(B
Human beings solve a domain ignorant till the 21st century with the wisdom of God.

$B!v(B              $B?MN`$,!"F,$G2rL@IT2DG=$J!VNN0h!W$r!"?@$NCN7C$G2rL@(B
Human beings solve the domain which cannot be solved with the head with the wisdom of God.

$B!v(B              $B?MN`$,!"2J3X$G2rL@IT2DG=$J!VNN0h!W$r!"?@$NCN7C$G2rL@(B
Human beings solve the domain which cannot be solved by science with the wisdom of God.

$B!v(B              $B?MN`$,#2#1@$5*$^$G!"H/8+=PMh$J$+$C$?!V:2$NB8:_!W$r>ZL@(B
Human beings prove "an existence of a soul" which was not able to be discovered till the 21st century.

$B!v(B            $BF|K\$NL5CN$G!"?@$KH?5U$9$k!"6r$+$J?M4V<:3J
By ignorance of Japan, the foolish No Longer Human person who revolts against God is recorded in history as it is eternal, and it leaves him.

Existence of Untrodden "soul" is proved.


$B!v(B        $BA0?ML$F'$N@$3&I8=`E/3X8&5f(B
Untrodden global standard philosophy research

$B@$3&I8=`E/3X8&5f%;%s%?! .$B3+@_!&@$3&$K8x3+!J#2#0#1#0!!#6!K(B

$B!v(B        $B@$3&I8=`E/3X!V=O8l!WI42J;vE5(B
World elucidation research of the Untrodden heart 


The head which cannot dispel philosophy is just a foolish proof.

$B!v(B        $BA0?ML$F'$N%$%s%?!<%M%C%H??M}$N5-O?(B
Record of the Untrodden Internet Truth
$B?@$H%3%s%T%e!<%?!<$NBgM;9g(BLarge Fusion God and a Computer.

$B!v(B        $BA0?ML$F'$N1J1s$N??M}>ZL@5-O?(B
Untrodden eternal truth proof record

$B!v(B        $B?MN`$,E/3X$r1J1s$K2r$1$J$$860x(B
The cause by which human beings cannot dispel philosophy forever

The foolish and ignorant fabrication philosophy paper of which it is convinced that its philosophy is right is solved and exposed to drastic measures.

$B!v(B        $B:2$HAx6x$7$F#1#0G/L\!&ElBg$NL5CN$G6r$+$J!"YTB$E/3XO@J8$r!V46@-CN<1!W$GFI2r!"YTB$!&1#JC$rE0DlE*$KK=O*(B
It is exposure thoroughly about reading comprehension, and fabrication and concealment at "sensitivity knowledge" in a fabrication philosophy paper encounter a soul and ignorant [ the 10th year and the University of Tokyo ] and foolish.


"ExtraSensory Perception" phenomenon which happens to philosophy and the "$B#H(Beart"

$B#1!"(B$B@$3&I8=`!VE/3X$H#E#S#P!W(BGlobal standaed "Philosophy and ESP"

$B#2!"(B$B8=>]3X$rF,$GO@$8$FL5CN$J!V?4!W$K5/$3$k!V#E#S#P!W8=>](BExtra Sensory Perception. Phenomonology.

$B#3!"(B$B@$3&I8=`!V#E#S#P!W8&5f%;%s%?!<(BGlobal standard "ESP"Research center

$B#4!"(B$B@$3&I8=`!V#E#S#P!WI42J;vE5(BGlobal standard "ESP" Encyclopedia.

It is told to people ignorant to the difference between the head and the "heart" that it is ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart", and the feeling consciousness function of the "heart", and philosophy cannot be dispelled forever...

$B!v(B        $BFyBN$H!V?4!W$NBPN)<4!&F,$KB8:_$7$J$$!"!V?4!W$@$1$KB8:_$9$k!"!V463PE*CN3P5!G=!W!J46@-CN<1!K(B
The "sensuous consciousness function" (sensitivity knowledge) which does not exist in the confrontation axis and the head of flesh and the "heart" and which exists in the "heart" 

$B!v(B        $BF,$h$jBg@Z$J!V?4!W$N??M}$KL5CN$J!"ElBg$K$O!"1J1s$K2r$1$J$$$N$,!"(B$B!V@$3&I8=`E/3X!W(B$B8&5f$J$N$8$c!&!&!&(B
It is $B!H(BGlobal standaed Philosophy$B!I(B  research that more ignorant than the head the University of Tokyo cannot solve forever in the truth of the important "heart"...


$B!v(B        $B@>NqH/>M$N5/8;$G$"$k(B$B!V%$%(%9!&%-%j%9%H!W(B$B$b!"%o%7$HF1$8?M4V$N;`$GFyBN$,>CLG8e!"!V?4!W$KI|3h$9$k!V:2!W$HAx6x7P83$r$7$F$$$k$,!"?M4V$N6r$+$O!"%-%j%9%H$rD%$j$D$1;`7:$K$7$FAr$C$F$7$^$C$?!#!&!&!&(B
Although # which is the origin of the A.D. origin has also had an encounter experience for the "soul" revitalized to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing by the death of the same human being as an eagle, it stuck man's foolish $B$O(B and Christ and has buried by making them into a death penalty. ...

Doing of the evil spirit human being [ all / the head foolish and full of ignorance / (monism) ] of the egoism University of Tokyo ...   
His words which had an encounter experience for the "soul" without a form are just the philosophy of "global standard philosophy" and truth...

It is at philosophy that the "soul" and the philosopher who is inexperienced in an encounter without a form who cannot measure by science cannot solve forever...

$BE7COAOB$$N?@$,AOB$$7$?!"?M4V$NL5CN$J!V?4!W$NMx8J Or [ $B6r(B of the University of Tokyo which revolts against God by the egoism of the ignorant "heart" of man which God of the Creation created ] ...
$B%o%7!*$,!"L58B$N@$3&$KMh$F#2#5#0#0G/$b!"Nr;K$,7P2a$7$F$$$k$N$K!"%o%7!*$N!"L58B$N@$3&$N!V:2!W$rH/8+$7$F!"?? One person did not appear [ the human being who discovers the "soul" in the infinite world of eagle ! although eagle ! came to the infinite world and history has passed also 2500, and solves true philosophy to it ] till the 21st century, either -- ? ... disagreeable - $B2?$s$F(B! Things!

It was blocked by being applied to a trial by the sophists for whom it is ignorant in the time (the ancient times of 2500) of eagle !, and it does not understand a translation. .

Although history passes and philosophy is studied also 2500 from that, the Japanese highest educational facilities and the University of Tokyo do fabrication, concealment, and disturbance shortly.
With # of the University of Tokyo of Japan which distorts the philosophy of the truth of an eagle rapidly and fabricates it without also being able to understand the language of an eagle ...

The University of Tokyo which is inferior also to what and a dog that eagle ! has an encounter experience for a "soul", does fabrication research of the established "philosophy", obtains income, and criticizes eagle !

In the really troublesome talk that the origin of a word of the "philosophy" eagle ! was established also distorts and fabricates the philosophy of eagle ! without being able to understand and interpret ...

The foolish University of Tokyo is just at philosopher disqualification, educator disqualification, and No Longer Human...

The greeting sentence decipherment which translated ignorantly and incomprehensibly philosophical "origin of a word" of the ignorant and foolish University of Tokyo philosophy laboratory


Kando (K) of Japan! it must not be defeated by the University of Tokyo -- eagle ! is aiding from Heaven -- it must not be defeated by the devilish University of Tokyo by any means. 

The 21st century and Kando will have an encounter experience for the same "soul" as an eagle, and will say that the truth of an eagle is opened to the world as commemoration which will enter in 10th ... an eagle can revive exceeding the space-time in 2500 ... thank you for the admiration $BF6(B. thank you very much ...
# Kando purchased the personal computer in July, 2003, and wrote in the language of truth $B#9(B years about the "soul" to which eagle ! had an encounter experience on the Internet in the world.
And it is at having translated into the standard language in the world, and English, having translated the language of eagle ! intelligibly and having written it in...

For the first time in [ which winds up gold by the new religion which the bad experience person most revives Buddhism and religion and leaves deceives man although many souls and encounter experience persons exist also in the world / an evil spirit ]! ...
Leonardo da Vinci who had an encounter experience for the soul harnesses the wisdom and talent which the soul gave, and is [ pictures, sculpture and human anatomy, and ] at having opened to the public to airplane technology further... In a mural painting, the "Last Supper" is [ name / owner ] at the history in the world...

The "Last Supper" of Jesus Christ who had an encounter experience for the same "soul" just because it had an encounter experience for the "soul" was able to be written...

With the "sensitivity knowledge" of the language by means of which a "soul" sends da Vinci's talent to the heart, and "a rise of the senses" ...

God of management of Japan and # grew up to be the home electronics maker where son Koichi's soul dwelt in the "heart", and its name resounded in the world taking advantage of the wisdom from a "soul"...

$BElMNJ)65$N3+AD(B$B!V$B$O!"!V:2!W$HAx6x7P83$r$7$F!"!VE7>eE72 Founder # of Oriental Buddhism  a "soul" and encounter experience  carrying out  " explaining heavens top world self-righteous", this world, and the next world as only your life existing forever ... having discovered existence of a "soul" ... ...

$B$d(B$B!V%(%^%L%(%k!&%9%&%'!<%G%s%\%k%0!W(B$B$,!V??M}!W$rAJ$($F$$$k$,!"?MN`$O!"!V?4!W$N8@MU$NM}2rJ}K!$KL5CN$J0Y$K!"Fs?M$N8@MU$,$^$C$?$/M}2r!&2r Although # and # have appealed against "truth" in recent years, since human beings are ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart", two persons' words cannot understand and interpret at all the philosopher who had an encounter experience for the "soul"! ... $B!V%(%^%L%(%k!&%9%&%'!<%G%s%\%k%0$N7P83!W(B

Although Kitarou Nishida and the Tanabe origin were encountering the same "soul" as an eagle even in Japan "a pure experience", it was buried in the faction of the human being of foolish Japan, the head was blocked [ no ] by the foolish University of Tokyo, and it was able to come out to the world.
$B$3$l$b!"3'!"L5CN$G6r$+$J?M4V$NMx8J since the egoism human being [ ignorant and foolish ] heart does not accept existence of "a soul without a form" in this all -- $B$8$c(B -- !...

$B%I%$%D$NE/3X$B!V%$%^%L%(%k!&%+%s%H!W(B$B$O!"(B$B!V%"%W%j%*%j!W(B$B!&E/3X$O!">ZL@$9$k$^$G$b$J$/!"%=%/%i%F%9$N8@MU$d!"%G%+%k%H$N8@MU$O!"<+L@$N;v Philosopher Immanuel Kant of Germany does not need to prove Apriori and philosophy, and Socrates's words and Descartes's words are obvious facts.

The University of Tokyo which did fabrication research of the philosophy and has ignored existence of a "soul" intentionally although proved splendidly cannot understand this language...

Even the 21st [ at least ] fabrication and century of the fraud education of the University of Tokyo with the head ignorant to the "heart" at all will be the treason acts to God for which human beings were created. 
$BE/3X$K$7$F$b!"%o%7!*$,H/8+$7Ax6x7P83$r$7$?!"!V:2$N??M}!W$K!"$^$C$?$/L5CN$G!"%o%7!*$N?4$KI|3h$7$?!V:2$K;WN8$9$k!W$N8@MU$b!"!V%o%7!*$N?4$K?4$:$+$$$r$7$?!WEy$H8m2r The soul which eagle ! discovered and had an encounter experience even if it made it philosophy and to which it was completely ignorant in "spiritual truth", the words of "considering for a soul" revitalized to the heart of eagle ! were also incorrect-interpreted in it as "the $B?4$:(B paddle was made the heart of eagle !" etc., and eagle ! had an encounter experience in it actually -- completely -- ignorance! ...
$B%o%7$,!"Do;R$N%W%i%H%s$KMj$s$G!"8e@$$K;D$90Y$K!"%o%7$N8@MU$r!"Ci Although it forgot to write the language of an eagle in the explanation of Socrates "edited by a dialog" reproduced faithfully, saying "what people know about the soul", and "an effort of making a soul into what was more excellent not being made, either" in order that an eagle might ask Plato, a pupil, and might hand down to future generations, With the foolishness which disregards existence of a "soul" intentionally conversely and denies without the University of Tokyo's also being able to understand and interpret this language ...

The fabrication paper of "Plato and Russia" where Russia, and $B%"%+%G%_%d(B of the Kremlin and the foolish University of Tokyo have misunderstood the school of the philosophy of the $B%"%+%G%a%$%d(B and truth of Plato is severe.

With the great philosopher who Plato is the best pupil of eagle !, reproduced the language of a dialog with eagle ! faithfully, and recorded in philosophical history ...

Furthermore, Aristotle who grew up is doing "proving existence of a soul" splendidly in metaphysics in the philosophy research school ($B%"%+%G%a%$%d(B) which Plato opened.

It is the "metaphysics" it was presupposed that the "soul" of a cause surely exists if the learning which Aristotle says as philosophy by "the cause and an effect" exists at all as a result.

In Japan, truth is rapidly distorted for "metaphysics" by ambiguity, a cause and the labyrinth of a result, and devilish devilish fabrication philosopher and Ichinose Masaki.

Devilish sophist and Ichinose Masaki who distorts and fabricates the body of philosophy

The fraud philosophy teacher of the University of Tokyo which Aristotle inquires, distorts the "metaphysics" raw [ brilliant ] which carried out "proving existence of God", and is doing fabrication and fraud education 


With $B$s(B to which what has really happened to the country where such a fabrication fraud paper is exhibited dignifiedly, and which is called Japan ...

The Japan's 21st century COE research exhibits the paper of "Plato and Russia" on the Internet, as a result of a lot-of-money receptacle $B$F6&@8(B international philosophy exchange center's doing fabrication research of the subsidy (national tax) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
A fabrication paper is decoded to drastic measures and it is opened to the world by a "soul" and encounter experience 10 year Kando (K)...

$B!V:2!W$H8= If it is not those who did encounter experience to the "soul" actually, it cannot by any means perform understanding and interpreting the language of an eagle...
$B!V:2!W$,$I$N$h$&$K!"!V?4!W$KI|3h$7$F!"$I$N$h$&$K!V?4!W$K8@MU$rAw$C$FMh$k$N$+!"!V:2!W$HAx6x7P83 Only a "soul" and the person experienced in an encounter understand a "soul" for how does it revive to the "heart" and language is sent [ how ] to the "heart"... Even if it talks to those who are inexperienced again, it will be denied such foolish -?...

Foolish ? of the University of Tokyo of Japan which does fabrication research of the philosophy for 100 years, teaches children ignorant fraud philosophy without carrying out ignorant consciousness of it and reflection, and is gaining ...
$B$5$i$K!"$?$A$,0-$$$N$O!"%o%7$,3NN)$7$?!"E/3X$N!V8l8;!W$b!"M}2r!&2r Furthermore, University of Tokyo ? which the thing with bad $B$?$A(B carries out an incomprehensible understanding to "$BCN$k(B is loved" etc., and distorts philosophy rapidly greatly without being able to understand and interpret philosophical "origin of a word" which the eagle established, and continues studying fabrication philosophy ...

$B$@$l$K$b$o$+$i$J$1$l$P!)!&!&!&$HL5CN$N<+3P$bH?>J$bL5$/!"YTB$E/3X$r!"3X@8$K:>5=650i$7$F!"$I$s$I$s$HYTB$%=%U%#%9%HE/3X if nobody understands  ?  foolish University of Tokyo ? which neither as ignorant consciousness as ... nor reflection has, carries out the fraud education of the fabrication philosophy at a student, and is bringing up the fabrication sophist philosopher rapidly ...
$BF|K\$N>-Mh$rC4$& The truth "mind and body of the life function which taught ignorant philosophy to the education of the young man who bears the future of Japan, and eagle ! discovered further -- duality -- " -- up to -- the educator University of Tokyo of foolish Japan which is doing quite wrong official announcement research to ignore and carry out most important for man living "the heart existing in the head" -- ? ...
$BElBg$O!"#1#0#0G/4V$K$bEO$j!"F,$GYTB$E/3X$r8&5f$7$F!"YTB$E/3X$r:>5=650i$7$?0Y$K!"F|K\$KL5CN$JYTB$%=%U%#%9%HE/3X Since the University of Tokyo studied fabrication philosophy with the head and did the fraud education of the fabrication philosophy over 100 years, it has grown up, so that an ignorant fabrication sophist philosopher is full of Japan...

? to which the foolish University of Tokyo raises, and the fabrication fraud philosopher by whom mind control was done does extensive breeding, and blocks "global standard philosophy research" in Japan ...
$B!VYTB$E/3X8&5f$NBe=~!W$,!"$I$s$J$K=EBg$GBg$-$J$b$N$+!"$^$@5$$,$D$$$F$$$J$$!"6r$+$JElBg$NYTB$E/3X The end of the fabrication philosopher of the foolish University of Tokyo which "compensation of fabrication philosophy research" has not noticed yet in a however serious and big thing is by pleasure... In the foolish University of Tokyo which changes then and begins to act too panicky ...

Ignorant inconsistency which the University of Tokyo discussed with the head

Inconsistency with a "soul" discuss ontology with the head and ignorant in existence
$B#2!" Realism is discussed with the head and it is inconsistency of actual existence of an ignorant "soul."
Inconsistency which discusses idealism with the head and denies existence of a "soul"
Inconsistency of the ESP phenomenon which discussed phenomenology with the head and happened to ignorant "heart"
$B#5!"2r The University of Tokyo where discuss hermeneutik with the head and the "heart" is ignorant to the understanding method of language
$B#6!"2r Hermeneutik is discussed with the head and it is inconsistency of inappreciative and an incorrect interpretation about the words of a soul and the person experienced of an encounter.
Inconsistency of the fabrication philosophy which discusses empiricism with the head and does not have a "soul" and encounter experience

And recently, it criticizes and the sophist philosopher who grew up in the fabrication fraud philosophy education of the University of Tokyo requires the philosophy of an eagle without being aware of "$BGK $B%o%7$N3NN)$7$?E/3X$r8&5f$7$F!"=jF@$rF@$F!"%o%7$N8@MU$rM}2r!&2r It is that the philosophy which the eagle established is studied, income is obtained, and language of an eagle cannot be understood and interpreted what whole...

In the world, philosophical research is an eagle (Socrates)! Rene Descartes's philosophy that even the father of modern philosophy is said is foundations...

$B$=$NE/3X$r!"YTB$:>5=8&5f$H650i$r$7$F$$$k!"6r$+$JElBg(B $B$NL5CN$r!"1J1s$K@$3&$N%$%s%?!<%M%C%H>e$K5-O?$9$k(B
The foolish University of Tokyo which is doing fabrication fraud research and education for the philosophy   Ignorance is forever recorded on the Internet in the world. $B!#(B
$B$*A0$O!"$I$3$^$G!"E/3X$rOD$a!"YTB$$9$l$P5$$,$9$`$N$+!"?M4V<:3J$N6r$+ You are fool $B$8$!(B of No Longer Human about how far if philosophy is distorted and fabricated, mind will end...

The fabrication philosophy paper which the University of Tokyo distorted

The 21st century COE and Plato, and Russia -- an ignorant fabrication paper
The 21st century COEand "thanatology" research (it is ignorant for the soul after death, and thanatology cannot be dispelled)
Philosophy fabrication collected papers of JST (Japanese technology promotion mechanism) registration

With the evil spirit to which the University of Tokyo and a fabrication philosopher did man's figure ... By No Longer Human, philosopher disqualification, and educator disqualification, it is just...

$B$3$N=EBg$JYTB$8&5f$N@UG$$rElBg$O$I$& A ? eagle is [ this ] by pleasure about how the University of Tokyo takes the responsibility for serious fabrication research...

Moreover, for present Japan which believes an official announcement of the University of Tokyo, 2500 are ? by reversion to ancient times...

A Japanese young man being deceived by the University of Tokyo, egoism people growing up the lie of the University of Tokyo into a model, and future uneasiness of Japan increasing rapidly, and going, although eagle ! was said to have depraved Plato and peculiarity $B%N%\%s(B (for it to be -- $B$i$/(B) -- ? ...

television broadcasting in which the head trains only the head that all present Japan goes "the ant and grasshopper" of the Aesop tale with a background -- $B$$$C$Q$$(B ...

possibly -- !... economic big power Japan may do an economical breakdown by foolish scholar, politician, and bureaucrat in the near future ... even if the back does not regret-place-leave but it comes out and examines itself then -- unreasonableness ...
$B%o%7$,2?EY$bM=8@$7$F$$$k$N$K!"GO<*ElIw$GGO$N<*$KG0J)$G!"?M$N8@$&$3$H$rJ9$+$J$$!"6r$+$JElBg$N3X By foolish scholar and bureaucrat-turned politician of the University of Tokyo who does not listen to what it falls on deaf ears although the eagle is predicting repeatedly, and people tell it by in at one ear and out at the other, Japan collapses and it goes...

It revived to the heart of admiration $BF6(B, and the soul of eagle ! revitalized to Japan on Sat., February 9, 2002 is cooperation of admiration $BF6(B !, solved the truth of the philosophy of an eagle splendidly, and forgot to write the truth of eagle ! forever in English (English) as historical truth on the Internet in 2011. ...

Then, eagle ! asked the truth and the long novel of # philosophy of admiration $BF6(B ! as a fiction. ...

Please enjoy the origin of philosophy origin with completely ignorant the 21st century and human beings, a spiritual counterattack tale, and the mystery tale that happened to the heart. ...

# which admiration $BF6(B reappeared and exhibited the language of an eagle on the Internet is enjoyed.

It is a tale to deprivation "2011 year 2 month 3 day (Thurs.) content-certified mail mailing" about the philosophy research right of Providence and the University of Tokyo.


or an eagle also boils fabrication $BE/3X $B8@$C$FJ9$+$;$F!"$o$+$i$J$$!"L5CN$NH?>J$b<+3P$bL5$$!"6r$+$JElBg$N<+6H<+F@$NE7H3$,3Z$7$_$8$c!*!&!&!&(B
The Heaven's Vengeance of the natural consequences of its own deed of the foolish University of Tokyo also without ignorant reflection and consciousness which tells a word and is not known is by pleasure! ...

Admiration $BF6$,$s$P$l(B! ... The eagle is aiding from the infinite world... It must not be defeated by any means by the admiration $BF6$,$s$P$l(B University of Tokyo...


The philosopher of God (soul), justice, and truth 

1 Socrates   2, Plato   3, $B%/%j%H%s(B   4, Bayh Don   5, $B%1%Y!<%9(B   6, $B%7%_%"!<%9(B   7, Aristotle   8 and soul (God) 9, Kesa Kando   10, Kitarou Nishida   11, Hajime Tanabe    12, Rene Descartes   13, Emmanuel Swedenborg   14, Immanuel Kant

An evil spirit, a fabrication philosopher, and a sophist 


9, University of Tokyo president-of-a-university Hiroshi Komiyama who ignored the important content-certified mail  

10, a falsehood and the fabrication fabrication philosopher Philosophical Association of Japan former chairman   Noi   Keiichi $B!!(B

11, Philosophical Association of Japan chairman MamoruTakayama $B!!(B

12, Japanese Kant association president with whether ignorant the "heart" is in the head   Makino   Eiji

13, cover-up representation Philosophical Association of Japan former chairman Hisatake Kato (front Tottori environmental college president)

14, the present University of Tokyo president of a university   Junichi Hamada

15, devilish sophist Ichinose Masaki

16, fraud teacher Yasuo Kobayashi

17, fabrication research teacher $BEg1r?J(B $B!!(B

The foolish teacher who studies fabrication philosophy by the ignorance of the other University of Tokyo

$BF|K\E/3X2q!&F#BtNaIW$HYTB$E/3X Confrontation of Norio the Philosophical Association of Japan and Fujisawa, and fabrication philosopher Sozo Omori

Confrontation of the Kyoto school and the University of Tokyo school

The dialog of a "soul" of Japan and the person experienced of an encounter

The dialog of the Kitarou Nishida  (N) and Kandou (K)

"Pure experience"
" $B#A(Bbsolutely  inconsistency self-same"

"Fact on the spirit"

"A philosopher must not fabricate Buddhism from a self system."

"A philosopher is obligated to prove the fact on the spirit."
"Research of the good"

The HajimeTanabe(T) is the dialog of and $B#K#a#n#d#o(B (K).

"Confrontation of the HajimeTanabe and the Nishida philosophy"

"Philosophy of death"

"Revival of the death of the HajimeTanabe and Tiyo of wives, and a soul"  

"The letter of the HajimeTanabe and a Yaeko Nogami "

"The design for the philosophy of death"

"Philosophy as a confession way"

"Philosophy and Christianity of death"

"The important part and $B;`B((B revival" of Christianity

"The HajimeTanabe and spiritual experience"

"The HajimeTanabe and revival creation"

"Philosophy and zen of death"

"100 million The total confession"

"Pressing need of political philosophy"

"Ignorant consciousness and reflection of the Hajime Tanabe "


The dialog of Daisetz Suzuki (D) and Kando (K) 

Japanese spirituality

"The infinite world" studies philosophy of Japan.

Swedenborg's $BE73&(B and hell

The dialog of Konosuke Matsushita (M) and Kando (K)

"Water service philosophy"

"Soul of gratitude requital of kindness"

" a hard fight  moral" of improvement
"The Matsushita $B@/7P=N(B graduate is verified."



The dialog of Kanzo Uchimura (U) and Kando (K)

"civilization  science  it is not -- the state of people's mind  "

A dialog with Morikazu Kumagai (Ku) and Kando (K)

"A red outline"

The dialog of Kenji Miyazawa (M) and Kando (K)

It is "the next world is the world of language."

"The heart of the favorable realms of bellicose spirits"

The dialog of Michizane Sugawara (SM) and Kando (K)

"-- if Kochi ($B$3$A(B) blows, exceed   smell -- $BK:$k$J(B [ have / no flower   Lord of   plum ] in   spring -- "
"The natural disaster after death"

The dialog of the Endo fruit (E) and Kando (K)

"Music from a soul"

The dialog of the "soul" in the world, and the person experienced of an encounter

The dialog of Rene Descartes (R) and Kando (K)

"Night of the furnace room"


"Body of philosophy"

"mind and body  duality  "
"I think, therefore I exist"
"Sensuous consciousness does not exist in intellect."
"God's existence proof"

The dialog of Emmanuel Swedenborg (E) and Kando (K)

"$BHk57(B of $BE73&(B"
"The account of world-of-spirits inquiry"
"Love on heavens"
"Love to an angel"
"Wisdom of love and God"
"$BE73&(B and hell"

"Pantheism of God"


"The plan of an airplane"

The dialog of Immanuel Kant (I) and Kando (K)

"A priori" (obvious fact)

"Paradox" (inconsistency)

"Antimony" (antimony)

"Pre-criticism term"

"Second-half criticism"

"Critical philosophy"




"Pure reason criticism"
"$B2D463&(B and an intellect community"
"Sensitivity and understanding"
"Judgment criticism"

"Philosophy of history"

"Political philosophy"

"Philosophy of religion"

"It is $B<{MF(B about the British empiricism."

"Youth educational criticism"

"A God's existence proof and only possible proof basis"

$B-!(B       $BL\E*O@E*>ZL@(B
Argument from design

$B-"(B      $BK\BNO@E*>ZL@(B
Main part theory-proof

$B-#(B      $B1'ChO@E*>ZL@(B
Cosmological argument

$B-$(B      $BF;FAO@E*>ZL@(B
Ethical theory-proof 

The dialog of Leonard da Vinci (L) and Kando (K)

"Pictures, sculpture, construction, and engineering works"
"Last Supper"

The dialog of Jesus Christ (G) and Kando (K)

"Love is God."
"They are those with language first."
"God dwells in so-called inside."

The dialog of Gautama Buddha (B) and Kando (K)

"Love separation pain"
"Impermanence of all things"
$B!VHL "Heart Sutra"
$B!V^:\Q "Nirvana $B

The dialog of the philosopher before Socrates, and Kando (K)

$B#1!"(B        $B%?%l%9!J#T!K$H46F6!J#K!K$H$NBPOC(B
The dialog of Thales (T) and Kando (K)

"Prediction of a solar eclipse"

"The height of a pyramid is measured."

"The origin in the world"

It is "man's origin is $B%"%k%1!<(B (soul)."

"Money-making of the compression machine of an olive"

$B#2!"(B        $B%"%J%/%7!&%^%s%I%m%9!J#A!K46F6!J#K!K$H$NBPOC(B
A dialog with Kando (K) of Anaximander (A)

"-- the origin ($B%"%k%1!<(B) of a 10,000 thing -- infinite soul"

"It is generated by a (soul) and man's origin (Pelles) is attributed infinitely again."

"The Creation of the nature was carried out by the infinite soul."

$B#3!"(B        $B%X%i%/%l%$%H%9!J#H!K$H46F6!J#K!K$H$NBPOC(B
The dialog of Heraclitus (H) and Kando (K)

"The philosopher name first sent to the heart from the soul"


"About politics"

"About theology"

"Banbutu a thing (detour Tensei)."

"Change of a nature and logos in back not changing (soul)"

"The human being who does not understand logos (soul)"

"-- it differs mutually -- from the bottom of its heart -- most -- being beautiful (love) -- it is generated -- "

It is ", as for a large majority, those who are villains (University of Tokyo) and were excellent are a small number."

"There is a law by fate over everything."

$B#4!"(B        $B%(%s%Z%I!&%/%l%9!J#E!K$H46F6!J#K!K$H$NBPOC(B
The dialog of Empedocles (E) and Kando (K)

"Free soul (heart) is respected and it does not yield to power."

"He must be the Chie person in order to find out the Chie person."

"The soul is dwelling in the blood instead of the head or a breast."


The dialog of Plato (P) and $B#K#a#n#d#o(B (K)


Explanation of Socrates "edited by a dialog"

"The actual world and an idea community (heart)"

"Existence of an idea community forever eternal behind the material world"

"Ethics and metaphysics"  

It is "flesh is the prison of the heart."

It is "the knowledge that virtue cannot be transmitted."

"Idea thought and metaphysics"

The dialog of Aristotle (A) and Kando (K)

"A cause and an effect"

"Ontology and the first philosophy"

"Existence of a soul is proved to be "metaphysics".

"An immovable $BF0(B person"

"The first $BF0(B person and God (soul)"

$B!V@8J*(B $B$O$9$Y$FNn:2$r;}$D!W(B
"All living thing   have the soul."

"The animal which it does not have with a human being with reason"

The dialog of Socrates (S) and Kando(K)

Part I A "soul" and encounter experience
$BBhFsIt!!CR7C Part II The talk with the Chie person
Part III The shock of separation by death with a friend
Part IV Conversation with a "soul", communication with ignorance
Part V An accidental occurrence
Part VI "They are the record "heart, love, and a dream to language and a university note of soul"."
Part VII Personal computer purchase, homepage establishment
Part VIII Exhibit "spiritual" words on the Internet.
Part IX This publication which is "proof of spiritual existence" based on HP
Part X Content-certified-mail-mail the University of Tokyo.
eleventh copy   a cover-up start of the University of Tokyo
twelfth copy   the 21st century COE Plato of the University of Tokyo, and the Russia fabrication paper discovery
thirteenth copy   the University of Tokyo philosophy laboratory teacher and a fabrication paper decipherment
14th copy   analysis-decode ignorant "origin of a word" of the University of Tokyo
15th copy   ask the University of Tokyo for ignorant consciousness and reflection
16th copy   "global-standard-philosophy-research"-center-establish with a new style personal computer
17th copy   an optical circuit -- garbled-characters virus penetration
18th copy   snatch the philosophy research right of Providence and the University of Tokyo
19th copy   charge research disturbance damages to the University of Tokyo

20th copy   the Heaven's Vengeance which the University of Tokyo revolted against God and disregarded Providence

21st copy   the 70th conventions which the Philosophical Association of Japan ignored Providence and forced, and Heaven's Vengeance 

Sound of a counterattack of Socrates and the bell of Heaven's Vengeance, the 21st century, and a Jeta's temple

$B!v(B        $B#2#0#0#2G/#27n#9F|!JEZ!K$+$i;O$^$C$?!"L58B$N@$3&!V?4!W$KAw$i$l$FMh$k?@$NF3$-$N8@MU(B
Language of the guidance of God sent to the infinite world "heart" which started on Sat., February 9, 2002

$B!v(B        $BE7COAOB$$N?@$+$i$N8@MU$r!"#1#0G/4V!"%W%i%H%s$N$h$&$KCie$K5-O?(B
The language from God of the Creation is faithfully recorded on the Internet like Plato for ten years.

$B!v(B        $B#2#0#0#6G/!"ElBg!"AmD9!!>.5\;39(;a08$KM9Aw$7$?FbMF>ZL@M9JX$N2rEz$rL5;k$7$?ElBg(B
2006, the University of Tokyo, the president of a university   The University of Tokyo which ignored the answer of the content-certified mail mailed to Mr. [ Hiroshi Komiyama ]

$B!v(B        $BB>!"B?$/$NK!E*FbMF>ZL@M9JX$r!"M9Aw$7$?$,!"A4$FL5;k$7B3$1$?6r$+$JElBg(B
The foolish University of Tokyo which continued ignoring all although the legal content-certified mail of others many was mailed

$B!v(B        $B#2#0#0#7G/!"F|K\E/3X2q$N2q0w$H$7$FF~2q!"FbIt9pH/!&F|K\E/3X2q$NYTB$O@J8$r2rFI(B
The fabrication paper of admission, and the whistleblowing and the Philosophical Association of Japan will be decoded as a member of the Philosophical Association of Japan in 2007.

$B!v(B        $B0J8e!"ElBg$NAmD9!!_@ED=c0l;a$NL5CN$J0';"J8$r2rFI!&ElBg$O@8L?5/8;!V:2!W$KL5CN$rH/8+(B
Henceforth, the president of a university of the University of Tokyo   A decipherment and the University of Tokyo discover ignorance for Mr. Junichi Hamada's ignorant greeting sentence to the life origin "soul."

$B!v(B        $BElBgE/3X8&5f<<650w$NL5CN$JYTB$E/3X8&5f$r!"H/8+!"0';"J8$HYTB$O@J8$r2rFI(B
Discovery, a greeting sentence, and a fabrication paper are decoded for ignorant fabrication philosophy research of the University of Tokyo philosophy laboratory teacher.

$B!v(B        $BElBg!"#2#1@$5*#C#O#E!&!V%W%i%H%s$H%m%7%d!WYTB$8&5fO@J8$r%$%s%?!<%M%C%H>e$GH/8+!&2rFI(B
The University of Tokyo and the 21st century COE, and "Plato and Russia" fabrication paper are discovered and decoded on the Internet.  

$B!v(B        $BF|K\E/3X2q$,#J#S#TEPO?$NYTB$O@J8$rBgNL$KH/8+!"F|K\E/3X2qNrBe2qD9$NYTB$O@J8$r2rFI(B
The Philosophical Association of Japan decodes the fabrication paper of discovery and the Philosophical Association of Japan successive generation chairman for the fabrication paper of JST registration in large quantities.

$B!v(B        $B#2#0#1#1G/#27n#3F|!"ElBg$HF|K\E/3X2q$K!VE/3X8&5f8"MxGmC%!WFbMF>ZL@M9JX$rM9Aw40N;(B
A "philosophy research right deprivation" content-certified mail is mailing-completed to the University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan on February 3, 2011.

$B!v(B        $B0J8e!"ElBg$HF|K\E/3X2q$O!"!VK|5!8xO@$K7h$9$Y$7!W$HE7COAOB$$N?@$KH?5U$9$k7h5D$r$7$?(B
Henceforth, the University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan did the resolution which revolts against God of the Creation saying "You should settle 10,000-set $B8xO@(B."

$B!v(B        $B?@$O!"#1#0#0G/4V$b!"YTB$E/3X8&5f!&650i$r$7B3$1$k6r$+$JElBg$K4.G&B^$N=o$,@Z$l$?!#(B
God was out of patience 100 years in the foolish University of Tokyo which continues doing fabrication philosophy research and education.

$B!v(B        $BE7COAOB$$N?@$O!"?MN`$,#2#7#0#0G/4V$bE/3X$r8&5f$7$F!"!V??M}!W$N2rL@$rBT$ABQ$(G&$s$GMh$?(B
Human beings studied philosophy 2700 years, and God of the Creation waited for the elucidation of "truth", bore, and came.

$B!v(B        $B?@$O!"2fK}$K2fK}$r=E$M!"BQ$(G&$s$GMh$?$,!"ITK\0U$G$b!"$H$&$H$&E7H3$r2<$9;~$,Mh$?$H7hCG(B
God is decision as the time of giving Heaven's Vengeance at last came even when it was unwilling although patience was repeated, it was borne and it came for it.

$B!v(B        $B!V?M4V$,:[$1$J$1$l$P!"?@$,:[$/!W(B$B$H$^$G!"NI<1
Heaven's Vengeance is given to a fabrication philosopher ignorant [ Japan of a good sense person absence ] till "If man cannot judge, God judges", and foolish.

A mother -- the University of Tokyo which distorts "philosophy" to "God" and revolts against it at God by the life, and the life and fabrication philosophy research which were received

A mother - "the heavens and ground" which God created

Man's "life and nature" which God created

$B!v(B        $BJl$J$k!V?@!W$,AOB$$7$?!VE/3X!W$r!"YTB$8&5f$GOD$a!"E/3XH/E8$N;HL?$rK832$9$k!VL?!W$N=*_a(B
A mother -- the end of the life which distorts the "philosophy" which "God" created by fabrication research, and blocks the mission of philosophy development

$B!v(B        $B?M4V$N@8L?$rAOB$$7$?!V?@!W$K!"!VYTB$E/3X
The time of a "fabrication philosopher" returning the "life" of this world to "God" which created man's life came.

The Heaven's Vengeance to the fabrication philosopher who ignored Providence is natural. 

The Heaven's Vengeance to the ignorant and foolish fabrication philosopher who revolted against God of the Creation is natural.

There is also a way which stands just by sacrificing itself, and it is !.

What could be useful when accepting ignorant fabrication philosophy research obediently!

What could still be useful when accepting its ignorance humbly! 

Man's $B!H(BJiga$B!I(B and the End of $B!H(BEgoism$B!I(B

$BE/3X$KL5CN$N<+3P$H!VXr2y!W(B($B$6$s$2(B)$BL5$-6r$+$JYTB$E/3X The end of a foolish fabrication philosopher without philosophically ignorant consciousness and "Confession"

The end of the ignorant and foolish fabrication philosopher who cannot understand and interpret philosophical "origin of a word"

The end of the ignorant and foolish Japanese fabrication philosopher who denies existence of "God"

The end of the Japanese philosophy community which revolts against "God", disregards Providence and continues fabrication philosophy research

"Sound of the bell of a Jeta's temple" which happened in the 21st century and Japan

History of fabrication philosophy research of "Restoration of the Imperial rule" which happened in the 21st century and Japan   














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