License copyright in in the proof and the world Kesao Oi's truth

Philosophical Association of Japan member (December, Heisei 19) Japan Kant associate member (June, Heisei 20)

Investigation of the "camouflage philosophy research" elucidation and truth Kesao Oi's Japan 

2009年5月14日(木)書き込み 2011年2月17日(木)更新・公開
It writes in on Thurs., May 14, 2009.  Thurs, February 17, 2011 updating and public presentation

* 世界標準哲学研究センター Global standard Philosophy Research Center

日本哲学会会則    平成20年7月改定

第一条                 本会は日本の哲学研究者の全国組織であって日本哲学会と称する。

第二条                 本会は哲学の研究を進め、その発展をはかることを目的とする。

* 真理の哲学の研究目的を失った、偽装哲学研究集団
The camouflage philosophy research group who lost the research purpose of the philosophy of truth
A philosophy research disturbance group and the Philosophical Association of Japan

* 日本哲学会の研究権利を剥奪 Providence and the Philosophical Association of Japan Research Right Depyivation.

* 日本哲学会へ妨害損害賠償金を請求 Disturbance Damages Claim to the Philosophical Association of Japan.

* 東大の哲学研究権利を剥奪 Providence and the University of Tokyo Philosophy Research Right Deprivation. 

* 東大へ研究妨害損害賠償金を請求 Disturbance Damages Claim to the University of Tokyo.


* 悪徳偽装詐欺教育集団・日本哲学会歴代会長20人中9人が東大教授

* 日本哲学会会長・高山 守 の哲学発祥の起源に無知な偽装論文を解読・公開

* 野家 啓一 前日本哲学会 会長の無知な悪徳詐欺論文の証拠を解読・公開
* 牧野 英二 日本カント協会会長(悪徳日本哲学会幹部)「感性界」に無知な詐欺論文解読・公開
* 一ノ瀬正樹・日本哲学会会員の捏造詐欺哲学論文を解読・公開
* 悪徳詐欺哲学者の偽装論文解読集 
A vice philosopher's camouflage paper and decipherment collection.

* 哲学を知らない哲学者・哲学を知らないソフィスト・哲学を知らない日本哲学
* 哲学を知らない愚かな東大哲学教員・哲学に完全無知な東大ソフィスト哲学者
哲学に完全無知な東大教員The philosophically perfect ignorant University of Tokyo teacher.
哲学の熟語を理解・解釈できない東大教員The University of Tokyo teacher who cannot interpret [who cannot interpret at cannot understand a philosophical idiom]

* 起源を無視する偽装哲学者・起源に無知な詐欺哲学者
* 魂に無知と哲学研究犯罪 They are ignorance and a philosophy research crime a Soul. 
魂の存在を否定と哲学研究犯罪 Soul's existence denial and a philosophy research crime. 
魂の存在を無視と哲学研究犯罪 They are disregard and a philosophy research crime about existence of a Soul.

* 頭で理解不可能な言葉 Language which cannot be understood intellectually.
頭に存在しない心の真理 Truth of the heart which doesnot exist in the head.

* 東大が無知なソクラテスの哲学 The University of Tokyo is completely ignorant Socrates's philosophy. 
ソクラテスの魂の存在を否定する東大 The University of Tokyo which denies existence of Socrates's Soul.

* 哲学が難解の原因 The cause that philosophy is difficult.

* 東大が哲学に無知な原因・東大が哲学に無知な証拠

* 巨悪の根源は東大にあり The origin of great evil is the University of Tokyo.

A camouflage fraud philosophy group and the Philosophical Association of Japan

A fraud educational criminal group and the Philosophical Association of Japan

The fraud educational group and the Philosophical Association of Japan which leads human beings to a misfortune 
What [ philosophical ] does the Philosophical Association of Japan know?

It is completely [ philosophy ] ignorant and they are the research criminal group and the Philosophical Association of Japan of camouflage philosophy.
* 偽装哲学研究集団・日本哲学会よ無知の自覚を急げ

The philosophically ignorant sophist group Philosophical Association of Japan
* 既得権と偽装の重罪 Felony of vested rights and camouflage. 
偽装教育と既得権の重罪 Felony of camouflage education and vested rights. 
偽装研究と権利の乱用の重罪 Felony of abuse of camouflage research and a right. 
多額の税金無駄使いの重罪 Felony of a tax waste of a large amount of.

The Philosophical Association of Japan -- carry out "it being aware of the ignorance of spiritual existence"! [ which carried out Socrates's encounter experience ]

* トロイのヘレンと偽装哲学集団・日本哲学会解体作戦 
Troy's Helen , and a camouflage philosophy group and the Philosophical Association of Japan demolition strategy. 
トロイのヘレンとソフィスト集団・日本哲学会解体作戦 Troy's Helen , and a sophist group and the Philosophical Association of Japan demolition strategy.

They are the sophist group and the Philosophical Association of Japan of vicious 21 centuries from the sophist of the Greek era.

It forgets to write the camouflage fraud philosophy research group and the Philosophical Association of Japan of Japan in the history on the Internet.


* 日本の詐欺ソフィスト集団・日本哲学会 会長 高山 守 の偽装論文解読・公開


* 哲学発祥の起源・魂の存在を否定する日本哲学会の会員の、偽装哲学論文を電子化した「無知で邪道で愚かな哲学」のリンク・今後、日本哲学会幹部の「無知で偽装された論文」を徹底的に解読・公開・希望があれば何時でも、無知な論文を解読する

* 真理の哲学の研究を妨害する「哲学に無知」な、「悪質偽装哲学集団」・日本哲学会
"Philosophically ignorant" the vicious camouflage philosophy group and the Philosophical Association of Japan which blocks research of the philosophy of truth
* 「魂の存在を否定」して哲学研究を妨害する、悪質詐欺集団・日本哲学会
The vicious fraud ring and the Philosophical Association of Japan which does "denying existence of a soul" and blocks philosophy research
* 哲学者「ソクラテスの言葉」の意味が理解、解釈できないで、妨害をする・日本哲学会
- Philosophical Association of Japan which blocks without the meaning of philosopher Socrates's words being able to understand and interpret
* 西田幾多郎の遭遇体験をした「心霊上の事実」を無視して、妨害をする・日本哲学会
- Philosophical Association of Japan which blocks by disregarding "the fact on the spirit" which carried out encounter experience of the Kitarou Nishida .
* ルネ・デカルトが発見した「驚くべき学問の基礎・魂」に無知で妨害をする・日本哲学会
- Philosophical Association of Japan which blocks by being ignorant at "the foundation and the soul" of surprising learning which Rene Descartes discovered
* スウェーデンボルグの遭遇体験をした「イエスキリストの幻視」に無知な・日本哲学会
 -Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant to "Jesus Christ's Genshi" which carried out Swedenborg's encounter experience
* 形而上学を研究して「魂の存在を無視」して、「真理の哲学研究」を妨害する・日本哲学会
- Philosophical Association of Japan which studies and does "existence of a soul being disregarded" of the metaphysics, and blocks philosophy research of truth

* ギリシア時代のソフィストより更に悪質偽装・詐欺哲学研究集団・日本哲学会

- Philosophical Association of Japan which does not do the duty as a philosopher, either but asserts only a right

* 給食費を払わず義務教育を主張する日本の親たちと同じ・日本哲学会
The same - Philosophical Association of Japan as the parents of Japan which does not pay the charge for school lunch but asserts compulsory education 
* 大井今朝雄が、7年間遭遇体験をして、解明する「日本哲学会の偽装詐欺哲学研究」
"Camouflage fraud philosophy research of the Philosophical Association of Japan" which Kesao Oi does encounter experience for seven years, and he solves

* 哲学者が研究すべき義務と権利

* 誠の哲学者が研究すべき義務とは


The University of Tokyo "ignorant in existence of a soul" which did camouflage research of the philosophical research 100 years, and did Socrates's encounter experience

"Wisdom of the language which a soul sends to the heart" of philosophy is foundations.

It is the learning which a philosopher "ignorant in truth to the heart" without "a soul and encounter experience" cannot solve forever like Socrates.

The whistle on the camouflage fraud philosophy of a philosophy fraud research group (society) and the Philosophical Association of Japan which the University of Tokyo which is ignorant to the philosophy and studies camouflage philosophy organized is blown.

The camouflage fraud paper of the perfect ignorant Philosophical Association of Japan is decoded and opened to philosophy.

The Philosophical Association of Japan "ignorant in existence of a soul" where Socrates did encounter experience

The Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant in "truth of a life function"

The Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant in existence of philosophical "foundation and soul" which Rene Descartes discovered

The Philosophical Association of Japan "ignorant on the fact on the spirit" where the Kitarou Nishida carried out the pure experience

Does the heart exist in the head? The Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant also in how it is

The Philosophical Association of Japan which cannot interpret [ cannot interpret and a philosophical idiom (language) cannot understand ]


The camouflage fraud philosophy paper of the 68th time convention of the Philosophical Association of Japan which disregarded and forced warning from a soul is decoded and exhibited.

With no qualification for discussing a gap, equal, and a state to the Philosophical Association of Japan of camouflage fraud philosophy research ignorant even in the truth of a life function where the heart went wrong

The ignorant camouflage paper of all the past Philosophical Association of Japan and the chairman is decoded.
日本哲学会捏造研究の歴史 History of the Philosophical Association of Japan Fabrication Research.

日本哲学会歴代会長の捏造論文の証拠 Proof of the Fabrication Paper of the Philosophical Association of Japan Successive Generation Charman.
* 偏差値の高い大学の詐欺哲学教授の無知な偽装論文を解読
The ignorant camouflage paper of the professor of fraud philosophy of the high university of deviation score is decoded.
日本哲学会研究権利を剥奪 Providence and the Philosophical Association of Japan Research Right Deprvation.
日本哲学会に妨害損害賠償金を請求 It is a Disturbance Damages Claim to the Philosophical Association of Japan.

* 2007年12月15日、日本哲学会は、私(大井今朝雄)を会員として承認をした。
The Philosophical Association of Japan recognized by making me (Kesao Oi) into a member on December 15, 2007.

* 偽装詐欺教育の根源・東大の犯罪を裁く・東大の詐欺教育者の偽装論文を公開

* 日本哲学会とはどんな集団か?偽装哲学教育者集団

* 日本哲学会へ内容証明郵便・哲学者としての研究義務と使命

* 日本哲学会の無知な偽装論文を解読・日本哲学会の詐欺論文解読

* 日本哲学会の無知の証拠・日本哲学会の哲学に無知な原因

* 西田幾多郎の真実の哲学・日本哲学会が無視する西田幾多郎の経験哲学

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