License copyright in in the proof and the world Kesao Oi's 8th year truth

The Philosophical Association of Japan member and the Japanese Kant associate member  
"Camouflage fraud philosophy research of the University of Tokyo" is solved and exhibited. . .

2009年4月23日(木)書き込み開始 2009年10月18日(日)「東大が無知の自覚」まで更新
Thurs., April 23, 2009 write-in start   It updates to Sun, October18 , 2009 .  . .
The criminal incident of the University of Tokyo

東大が哲学に無知な原因 A cause with the philosophically ignorant University of Tokyo
東大が哲学に無知な証拠 Proof with the philosophically ignorant University of Tokyo.
 The cause by which the University of Tokyo cannot dispel philosophy..

The camouflage philosophy research criminal incident of the University of Tokyo which it forgets to write in human beings' history as it is eternal

* 人間は神の子の真理 Truth of the child of God.

* 起源を無視する東大 The University of Tokyo which ignorant the origin. 
起源に無知な東大 The University of Tokyo ignorant to the origin. 
東大が哲学に無知な原因 A cause with the philosophically ignorant University of Tokyo.

* 心に無知な東大 The University of Tokyo ignorant to the heart. 
心が狂った東大 The University of Tokyo where the heart went wrong. 
心が荒廃した東大 The University of Tokyo where the heart went ruin. 

* 独裁者の洗脳教育と東大の偽装マインドコントロール教育

* 法律を研究し、法律を教える東大の偽装詐欺哲学研究犯罪

* 濱田 純一 東大総長の実現不可能な課題の挨拶文を分析

* 東大の無知な偽装哲学を詐欺教育する犯罪者教員

The "soul" which someone encounters unawares on the earth

The "soul" in which someone does encounter discovery unawares on the earth

Existence of "the soul of the origin of philosophy origin" which someone discovers on the earth

the 21st century and a human-beings in history  super large-sized discovery "wisdom of spiritual truth

Philosophy cannot be forever solved to the origin of philosophy origin, and the University of Tokyo "ignorant in existence of a soul."
Philosophy cannot be forever solved to the origin of philosophy birth, and the University of Tokyo which does "existence of a soul is disregarded."

Philosophy is just the learning to which a soul exists on the earth and that was actual and took place.

It is "the wisdom of language" in which a soul revives to man's heart and sends just philosophical foundations to the heart.

Did it "a soul without a form" soul [ the heart without a form, and ] Pat, and is "it being camouflaged and fabricating" of the philosophy of Japan carried out?

It is forever impossible to solve philosophy to the University of Tokyo ignorant in "truth of the heart which a soul revitalizes."

The Kitarou Nishida  cannot dispel philosophy forever to the University of Tokyo which did encounter experience and which ignores "existence of a soul" intentionally.
天地創造の神によって誕生した「哲学の真理」を、「東大によって歪め偽装」 された日本の哲学研究
"The philosophical truth" born by God of the Creation is distorted and camouflaged by the University of Tokyo.   Japan's done philosophy research 
Heaven's Vengeance surely goes down to the University of Tokyo which does "denying and ignoring" of the existence of God intentionally, and continues studying camouflage philosophy.

* 哲学発祥の起源「魂の存在」に無知な愚かな哲学者よ「無知の自覚」を急げ!

* 魂の真理 対 東大の犯罪事件 The criminal incident of the Spiritual truth pair University of Tokyo..

* 既得権と偽装の重罪 Felony of vested rights and camouflage. 
偽装教育と既得権の重罪 Felony of camouflage education and vested rights. 
偽装研究と権利の乱用の重罪 Felony of abuse of camouflage research and a right.

* 事の重大が解っていない東大の犯罪 The crime of the University of Tokyo which the heavy size of things does not understand. 
事件の重大が解っていない東大の犯罪 The crime of the University of Tokyo which the heavy size of an incident does not understand. 
詐欺哲学教育の重罪に無知な東大の犯罪 The crime of the University of Tokyo ignorant for the felony of fraud philosophy education.

心こそ哲学の世界 The heart is just the philosophical world. 
哲学こそ心の研究 Philosophy is just research of the heart. 
哲学こそ神の学問 Philosophy is just the learning of God.
心こそ魂の世界 The heart is just the Spiritual world. 
心こそ神の世界 The heart is just the world of God.

* 東大・21世紀COE・偽装研究犯罪 The University of Tokyo, the 21st century COE, and a camouflage research crime.
21世紀COE・東大の偽装詐欺研究犯罪事件を解明 The elucidation of the camouflage fraud research criminal incident of the University of Tokyo.
21世紀COE・東大の偽装論文を解読により証明 The camouflag paper of the University of Tokyo is proved by decipherment.

A philosopher, Empedocles's (493 years - B.C. 433 years) words

"He must be the Chie person in order to look for the Chie person."

A philosophy elucidation is impossible except "a soul and an encounter experience person" as Empedocles's words.

If ignorant in "the truth of the heart" which a soul revitalizes, as for a soul, the philosophy of the origin cannot be solved by any means.

If the heart is ignorant to the feeling consciousness function of the heart which does not exist in the head to take in language by experience, philosophy cannot be dispelled forever.

* 哲学に無知な東大・The Philosophically ignorant University of Tokyo . 
哲学者失格の東大・The University of Tokyo philosopher disqualification. 
哲学を偽装する東大・The University of Tokyo which camouflages philosophy.
人間失格の東大・The University of Tokyo of NO Longer Human.

If ignorant in the extrasensory perception phenomenon (ESP) which happened to man's heart, an elucidation of Socrates's philosophy is impossible

the truth "mind and body of a life function - duality  "  to an ignorant philosopher, an elucidation of Descartes's philosophy is impossible

It forgets forever to write "the wisdom of spiritual language" and "spiritual survival record" which entered in 8th on the Internet.

It is ignorant to the heart and it is forever impossible to solve the philosophy of "learning of spiritual enlightenment of the heart" truth in the University of Tokyo where the heart went to ruin.

To genius with the sufficient head of "extrasensory perception" phenomenon and the University of Tokyo which happened to the heart, an elucidation is forever impossible in "learning of spiritual enlightenment of the heart" philosophy.  

巨悪の根源は東大にあり The origin of great evil is in the University of Tokyo.
心を捨てた東大 The University of Tokyo which threw away the heart.
心が狂った東大 The University of Tokyo where the heart went wrong.
東大の無知の結末を予知 The ignorant end of the University of Tokyo is foreknown.

* 哲学に無知で、世界の哲学界から見下げ、あざけられ、ばかにされても、日本の哲学研究の既得権を乱用する東大
The University of Tokyo which abuses the vested rights of philosophy research of Japan even if it is philosophically ignorant, and it despises, and it is ridiculed and makes a fool of from the philosophy community in the world

* 魂を無視する詐欺犯罪哲学者の天罰 Heaven's Vengeance of the fraud criminal philosopher who disregards a soul. 魂の存在に無知な偽装犯罪哲学者の天罰 Heaven's Vengeance of a camouflage criminal philosopher ignorant in existence of a soul. 
偽装詐欺哲学教育の大学・月謝返還運動を開始 Return movement of the university and monthly fee of camouflage fraud philosophy education is started !

* 哲学を歪め偽装して、人類を騙し「無知の自覚も無い」東大の愚かを世界に訴える
It complains of whether it is 愚 of the University of Tokyo distorts and camouflages philosophy, deceives human beings and "does not have ignorant consciousness, either" to the world. 

          日本の哲学への批判 Criticism to philosophy of Japan.

魂からの警告と天罰 Warninng and Heaven's Vengeance from a Soul. 
神からの警告と天罰 Warninng and Heaven's Vengeance from God.

* 日本の偽装哲学教育大学に月謝の返還要求を行動開始
The return demand of a monthly fee is action-started to a Japanese camouflage philosophy university of education.

* 偽装教育と心の荒廃・無知な詐欺教育と心の崩壊

* 大学の月謝返還要求運動を開始

”Global standard truth dictionary"development and research endeavor" country is search-started.

"Wisdom of language from soul of the infinite world and heart" - "it is the proof of truth to the world" -- an action start and Japan's "Global standard philosophy idiom dictionary"

Furthermore,  research and an elucidation of the development of intelligible "Global standard Buddhism word dictionary" begun in the world, and the mystery of "the phenomenon and [ wonderful ] occurrence" which happened actually on the mystery and the earth of "being the world after death as Buddhism birth."

"The end ignorant to the heart" in which the head carried out "exposing the wrong of man's heart and self" is foreknown. [ of the foolish University of Tokyo which can read no points ]

The University of Tokyo ignorant of "the wisdom of spiritual truth" which hid many research tasks (beforehand intelligence power and insight others [ sensitivity, politics, economy, medicine, physics, and science ]) of infinite size [ Future ]

The University of Tokyo which does origin [ of the University of Tokyo ? philosophy origin which camouflages "philosophy of truth" ] - "existence of a soul is disregarded intentionally" does not have future prosperity.

唯物論で頭が全ての東大の、「心が狂いに狂った」、派閥次元と人間のエゴの悪質な、偽装哲学 研究の終焉と権利の剥奪を予知する
Camouflage philosophy with the head vicious [ the ego of the faction dimension and human being whose heart of all the University of Tokyo went wrong in deviation ] at materialism   The end of research and deprivation of a right are foreknown.

Demolition of the University of Tokyo department of literature which is doing camouflage fraud research full of ignorance is pronounced.


Japan which accomplished prosperity and economic growth of a thing and missed the most important heart as man in postwar high growth

There is no future development of Japan which does not accept important discovery of "the wisdom of the truth of God" with the joint research subject of infinite size, "the infinite heart and humanics", and "the truth of a life function."

ソクラテスではないが、東大が魂の存在を、素直に認め、自分の無知の自覚 と反省(身を捨ててこそ立つすべもあり)を、行動する日を 待つ。
Consciousness with one   Day which acts reflection (there being also a way which stands just by sacrificing itself)   It waits. [ ignorant / although it is not Socrates, the University of Tokyo accepts existence of a soul obediently, and ] 

It collection-starts in "wisdom of infinite soul" "ESP" Research University, a research company, and the world.     


With [ the proof of my truth ] no cloudy weather of one point

It forgets on the Internet to write "the language of the guidance of the philosophy of truth" sent to the heart from a soul.

"Proof of spiritual existence" with the ignorant University of Tokyo which forgets to write in philosophical history, and truth

Human beings' ignorant 5-dimensional "world and heart" which it will forget to write in the 21st century and a human-beings in history forever

Truth of the guidance of the language which the Creation and God for [ my ] eight years send to the heart

The camouflage fraud philosophy research criminal incident of the University of Tokyo elucidation and whose exposure "spiritual wisdom" did over the years for about eight years

The present condition that the camouflage philosophy research fraud crime still more vicious than the Greek era is dignifiedly performed in the University of Tokyo of country-ruled-by-law Japan    

February 2, 2009 and the University of Tokyo Philosophical Association of Japan-conventions[ disregard, May 2009 16, and / 17 ]-force the content-certified mail of "soul's existence proof duty."

The language of the philosopher and the Nishida 幾多郎 which it is [ of Japan ] proud of "a philosopher is obligated to prove the fact on the spirit which happens to the heart.

哲学者の義務と権利 A philosopher's duty and right.
東大の権利と義務 The duty and the right of the University of Tokyo.

Anger of God of the Creation developed even into the camouflage criminal investigation incident of the University of Tokyo, and performed investigation of ignorant philosophy camouflage research of the University of Tokyo. .

The camouflage fraud educator of the University of Tokyo of No Longer Human which loses the conscience as man and does not have "reflecting also on ignorant consciousness"

The writing on this Internet is constituted and edited by "the wisdom of the language of the truth sent to the heart from a soul" by "the soul and encounter experience for eight years."   

The decipherment of the camouflage philosophy paper which generally cannot be undone, and the elucidation of camouflage philosophy research of the University of Tokyo include many contents of camouflage still more.  

しかし、日本の「ことわざ」で、心について、世界で一番詳しいとされて来た日本が「心が頭に存在?」 とロボット研究を開始
however, Japan -- "-- things -- Japan where it has been supposed about the heart Kotowaza that it is the most detailed in the world -- "the heart being existence ? to the head" Robot research is started.

Being Plato's words and "flesh's being the prison of the heart", and having considered to the heart is actually ignorant Japan with which instructions go to the head in order to move flesh. 

形の無い心の言葉の理解方法に、無知な日本・哲学発祥の起源・姿・形の無い「魂 の存在に無知」な日本
Japan "ignorant in existence of soul  " which does not have the origin and the form of ignorant Japan and philosophy origin in the understanding method of the language of the heart without a form

The University of Tokyo which cannot solve the "pure experience philosophy" of the Kitarou Nishida which had an encounter experience for the soul, but ignores intentionally

Philosophy camouflage research of the University of Tokyo which criticizes Socrates's philosophy by "it is ignorance to existence of a soul" which Socrates did for encounter experience

The University of Tokyo which cannot do "reflecting also on ignorant consciousness" even if it appeals against more than this and truth, the University of Tokyo [ falling on deaf ears (in at one ear and out at the other) ] where the heart went wrong in deviation

今後それぞれの、リンクは、更に真理の内容を.充実させて行くが、このリンク の更新は、2009年8月29日(土)で一部の期間停止
Each link will be this link from now on, although . fullness of the contents of truth is done further and it goes.   Updating is on Sat., August 29, 2009, and is a part of period stops. . 

As for future deployment, a Japanese philosopher action-starts the petition of "philosophy of truth" in the world with "a decipherment of a philosophical Chinese character idiom" of inappreciative and an incorrect interpretation.       

The University of Tokyo which is ignorant and camouflages "philosophy of the wisdom of God"

Interference of the University of Tokyo which is ignorant and opposes God of the Creation 

It is ignorant and the head goes down a verdict to camouflage research of all the University of Tokyo. 

* 東大の21世紀COEプログラム偽装詐欺研究犯罪に無知な文部科学省の怠慢 

* 東大で歪め偽装された哲学 Philosophy distorted and camouflaged in the University of Tokyo. 
日本で歪め偽装された哲学 Philosophy distorted and camouflaged in Japan.

The crime of the University of Tokyo solved by the wisdom of God of the Creation

The camouflage philosophy research fraud criminal incident of the University of Tokyo discerned by God of the Creation  

東大の詐欺哲学者・神の洞察 The fraud philosopher of the discernment and the University of Tokyo of God. 
魂に無知な詐欺哲学者・神の洞察 A fraud philosopher ignorant for discernment and soul of God. 
哲学に無知な詐欺哲学者・神の洞察 A fraud philosopher ignorant to discernment and philosophy of God.

Camouflage research of the University of Tokyo judged by God.

The camouflage philosophy research criminal incident of the University of Tokyo which God gives a decision of

* 哲学史上最悪の東大偽装詐欺研究 The University of Tokyo comouflage fraud philosophy research of philosophy worst rver. 
人類史上最悪の東大偽装哲学研究犯罪事件 The camouflage philosophy research criminal incident of the University of Tokyo of human-beings worst ever.

The University of Tokyo ignorant in existence of a soul

The University of Tokyo which denies existence of a soul intentionally

The fraud criminal incident of the University of Tokyo ignorant to the philosophical origin

* 魂に無知と哲学研究犯罪 THey are ignorance and a philosophy research crime a Soul. 魂の存在を無視と哲学研究犯罪 They are disregard and a philosophy research crime a Soul. 魂の存在否定と哲学研究犯罪 Soul's existence denial and a philosophy research crime.

The camouflage philosophy research fraud criminal incident of the University of Tokyo ignorant to the philosophical origin of a word

To the University of Tokyo ignorant in existence of a soul, philosophy cannot be dispelled by any means.   

The camouflage research crime of the philosophically completely ignorant University of Tokyo

魂に無知で哲学は解けない It is ignorant for a Soul and philosophy cannot be dispelled. 心に無知で哲学は解けない It is ignorant to the heart and philosophy cannot be dispelled.
超感覚的知覚現象に無知で哲学は解けない It is ignorant in an extrasensory perception phenomenon, and philosophy cannot be dispelled.

Foolish "ignorance, foolish self, and egoism" of the University of Tokyo distort and camouflage truth.  

* 頭が日本を壊す日 The day when the head breaks Japan. 
キャリヤ官僚が日本を壊す日 The day when a carrier bureaucrat break Japan.
愚かな学者が日本を壊す日 The day when an ignorant scholar breaks Japan.
東大が日本を壊す日 The day when the University of Tokyo breaks Japan.
無知な学者が日本を壊す日 The day when a foolish scholar breaks Japan.

The three major wrong of the University of Tokyo

* 東大が100年間も日本国民を騙し続けて来た、三大悪を公開

* 東大・文学部・哲学研究室の無知な偽装詐欺哲学研究を暴露

* 無知な偽装研究・東大文学部解体作戦 The ignorant camouflage research and University of Tokyo department-of-literature demolition strategy.

* 東大が利己主義な派閥次元で組織した偽装詐欺哲学集団・日本哲学会

The three major ignorance of the University of Tokyo

* 東大が完全に無知なソクラテスの哲学 The University of Tokyo is completely ignorant Socrates's philosophy. 
ソクラテスの魂の存在を否定する東大 The University of Tokyo which denise existence of Socrates's Soul.

           東大が完全に無知なデカルトの哲学 The University of Tokyo is completely ignorant Descartes's philosophy. 
デカルトが23歳で遭遇した魂の存在を否定する東大 The University of Tokyo where Descartes denies existence of the soul which encountered at the age of 23.

* 西田幾多郎の哲学に無知な東大 The University of Tokyo ignorant to the Philosophy of the Kitarou Nishida. 
西田幾多郎の遭遇体験「魂の存在を意図的に無視」する東大 The University of Tokyo where the Kitarou Nishida carried out encounter experience and which does "existence of a soul is disregarded intentionally".

Three major camouflage of the University of Tokyo

Camouflage of a philosophy paper

Camouflage of the truth of a life function

Camouflage of the understanding method of language 

The camouflage research three powers of the University of Tokyo

Camouflage fraud education of the University of Tokyo

東大の詐欺教育 Fraud education of the University of Tokyo.
東大の偽装教育 Camouflage education of the University of Tokyo.

* 無知と偽装・暴露本・発刊

Fraud research which deceives the Japanese

* 哲学者失格の東大・人間失格の東大

Felony of the University of Tokyo which blocks human beings' development 

哲学の真理の主体は、「魂の知恵」 The subject of the philosophical truth is Spiritual Wisdom.
真理の哲学の主体は、「魂の存在の証明」 The subject of the philosophy of truth is the proof duty of Spiritual Existence.
哲学を研究して、「哲学に無知な東大」 Philosophy is studied and he is the philosophically ignorant Universty of Tokyo.
哲学を研究して、「魂の存在を否定する東大」 The University of Tokyo which studies philosophy and denies existence of a soul.
哲学を研究して、哲学の「語源を無理解・誤解釈する東大」 The University of Tokyo which studies philosophy and interprets the philosophical origin of a word inappreciative and incorrect.

Desolation of dangerous judgment of the University of Tokyo and the heart 

東大の哲学研究が偽装された原因 The cause that philosophy research of the University of Tokyo was camouflaged.
日本の哲学研究が偽装された原因 The cause that Japan's philosophy research was camouflaged.

Desolation of dangerous research of the University of Tokyo and the heart 

哲学が難解の原因 The cause that philosophy is difficult.
哲学が解けない愚かな無知 Foolish ignorance which cannot dispel philosophy.
哲学に無知で愚かな東大 The philosophically ignorant and foolish University of Tokyo.
心の真理に無知な犯罪者の東大 The University of Tokyo, an offender ignorant in the truth of the heart.

The mad University of Tokyo of the heart which cannot do judgment of good and evil, either 

" The University of Tokyo of shoplifter feeling where ? heart went wrong as ?" if nobody understood

The University of Tokyo where the heart also with ignorant judgment of truth went wrong

Judgment of the profit and loss of the University of Tokyo which missed a sense of mission


Did you study philosophy 100 years and what [ philosophical ] does the University of Tokyo know?

Did you study philosophy 100 years and what [ philosophical ] did the University of Tokyo discover?

Japan which should tell morality and where the department of philosophy of the University of Tokyo commits a camouflage fraud crime

"The crime to which ignorance and the heart went wrong in the truth of the heart" of the University of Tokyo which is studying man's heart

Philosophy was educated 100 years and the University of Tokyo brought up the ignorant camouflage fraud philosopher" into "philosophy. 

How 100 years write foolish "camouflage fraud philosophy paper" was taught. 

The ignorant University of Tokyo is foolish in philosophical metaphysics.

The University of Tokyo completely ignorant in existence of a soul

The University of Tokyo ignorant for the soul which carried out Socrates's encounter experience

The origin on which learning called philosophy in "existence of a soul" was born

The University of Tokyo which does "denying existence of a soul" does not have the right of philosophy research.  

Soul's existence denial is just a philosophically ignorant proof.

The philosophically perfect ignorant University of Tokyo and camouflage research

東大が無知な「哲学の真理」 と詐欺教育
"Philosophical truth" with the ignorant University of Tokyo Fraud education

The University of Tokyo ignorant in "truth of the heart"

The University of Tokyo more ignorant than the head in important "truth of the heart" 

Ignorance of the University of Tokyo, and "desolation of the heart"

Ignorance and "deviation of the heart" of the University of Tokyo

It rushes into "the time when the heart went to ruin in Japan" in the ignorant camouflage fraud education of the University of Tokyo.

Camouflage fraud education of the University of Tokyo, and collapse of Japan  

* 日本哲学会の偽装論文を解明・哲学に無知な偽装論文を解明暴露

Disturbance [ fall on deaf ears / that it is ignorant and ]
Interference of philosophy research of ignorant philosophy and truth

The dangerous ignorance of the University of Tokyo is unconscious.

Felony of the University of Tokyo of ignorant philosophy education


Deceitful felony of the University of Tokyo which deludes a monthly fee with ignorant philosophy education

Felony of the University of Tokyo which deludes a national tax with ignorant philosophy research

Right and duty of the philosopher who should be aware of ignorance    

The University of Tokyo should commit a crime -.

The criminal incident of the University of Tokyo which gets to know only God which had a big trap there

It analyzes, solves and opens to the public thoroughly why by ? "philosophy research of the University of Tokyo is a crime" and "the wisdom of the guidance of God."

God discerns all the index crimes of "camouflage fraud philosophy research" of the University of Tokyo where the heart went wrong.

"Camouflage philosophy research and the crime" of the University of Tokyo since it started in human beings' history

A human-beings in history  "the philosophy camouflage fraud education of the University of Tokyo and crime" which it forgets to write forever

"The crime of the University of Tokyo and philosophy camouflage research" which remain in the history of philosophy research in the world

"The philosophy camouflage fraud education of the University of Tokyo" which blocks human beings' prosperity greatly is solved thoroughly.

* 神とコンピョーターの融合 Fusion of God and a computer. 
神とユビキタス As ubiquitous as God. 
神とイノベーションの時代 The time of God and an innovation. 
神と哲学とイノベーション God, philosophy, and an innovation.

Felony of the University of Tokyo which gets and does the origin "deny existence of a soul" of the income of philosophy origin by philosophical research

* 魂の存在を否定して解明不可能な哲学 Existence of a soul is denied and it is the philosophy which cannot be solved. 
魂の存在の否定は哲学に無知な証拠 Denial of spiritual existence is a philosophically ignorant proof. 
魂の存在を無視する哲学研究権利を剥奪 The philosophy reseach right for existence of a soul to be disregarded is snathed. 
魂の存在と心の真理に無知な東大・日本哲学会 The University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant in the truth of existence of a soul and heart. 
魂の存在と生命機能の真理に無知な東大・日本哲学会 The University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant in the truth of existence of a soul and a life function.
魂の存在を否定こそ、哲学に無知な完全な証拠 Denial is just a philosophically ignorant perfect proof about existence of a Soul.

God electronizes on the Internet "the wisdom of the guidance of language" sent to the heart every day in English.

There, the "philosophical truth" license copyright in the world is born there, and the felony of camouflage fraud philosophy research of the University of Tokyo is solved and opened. 

無知な哲学教育の重罪 Felony of ignorant philosophy education.
偽装哲学教育の重罪 Felony of camouflage philosopy education.
詐欺哲学教育の重罪 Felony of fraud philosophy education.

The educational crime of the University of Tokyo which teaches philosophy, gets income and does mind control of the "camouflage fraud philosophy"

The index crime as the fraud education and educator of the University of Tokyo which teaches camouflage philosophy and carries out "it is brainwash education about a student"

"The University of Tokyo of camouflage philosophy research" proves, solves and exhibits forever the reality in which "philosophy of truth" cannot be solved.  

東大が「哲学を絶対に解けない原因」 東大が哲学に無知な原因

* 東大の偽装詐欺論文の隠蔽を分析 Concealment of a camouflage paper is analyzed. Concealment of a fraud paper is analyzed.

From infinite "world and heart", God discerns thoroughly the crime of "the University of Tokyo also without ignorant consciousness and reflection", and solves it.

"The wisdom of the guidance by spiritual language" has detected the crime of the University of Tokyo splendidly. 

"The worth of historical copyright" on the Internet increases dignity, so that "ignorant consciousness" of the University of Tokyo is overdue.

Like "the egoism and reflection of the heart of the University of Tokyo are overdue", on the Internet, the truth which God solves increases light and goes.

* 東大の偽装哲学洗脳教育を発見 The camouflage philosophy brainwash education of the University of Tokyo is discovered.

Socrates's words "the virtue of my heart increased light on the contrary by the material itself used for the attack"

The virtue of Kesao Oi's heart increases light on the Internet by the decipherment of "a camouflage philosopher's fraud paper."

My "philosophy research of truth" on the Internet increases brightness for "camouflage fraud philosophy research of the University of Tokyo" by a decipherment and elucidation.     

The day when the University of Tokyo deprived of a philosophy research right.

As for the origin of great evil, the University of Tokyo has.

As for the origin of great evil, the philosophically ignorant University of Tokyo has.

As for the origin of great evil, the University of Tokyo ignorant in "truth of the heart" has. 

As for the origin of great evil, the University of Tokyo where the heart went wrong has.

The fraud case of the historic University of Tokyo

The camouflage philosophy group and the Philosophical Association of Japan which the University of Tokyo brought up

The fraud philosophy educational group and the Philosophical Association of Japan which the University of Tokyo organized

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology which cannot perceive fraud research of the University of Tokyo

The foolish Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology which pays a large amount of subsidy (national tax) for camouflage fraud research

Heaven's Vengeance is surely gone down to the wrong which deceives the wrong and the Japanese of the University of Tokyo. 

* インターネット上の『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』日本の哲学への批判

* 哲学に無知な哲学輸入業者 A philosophically ignorant philosophy import trader. 
哲学に無知な偽装哲学学者 A philosophically ignorant camouflage philosophy scholar. 
偽装論文が著作権と思い込んでいる愚かな哲学者 The foolish philosopher of whom the camouflage paper is convinced copyright. 
天地創造の神の洞察と天罰 Discernment, anger, Heaven's Vengeance of God the Creation.

The 21st century and God were born in order to judge camouflage fraud research of the University of Tokyo. 
東大偽装哲学研究室 ソフィスト詐欺哲学教員 天野 正幸


Camouflage philosophy research revealed by God
東大偽装哲学研究室 ソフィスト詐欺哲学教員 松永 澄夫

* ラ・マンチャの男と東大偽装詐欺哲学研究犯罪の解明作戦

Vicious camouflage philosophy research ignorant to the origin "existence of a soul" of philosophy origin which is the University of Tokyo
哲学史上最悪のソフィスト集団・日本哲学会・会長 詐欺哲学教授 高山 守

* 東大偽装哲学研究室 偽装哲学にマインドコントロールされた 鈴木 泉 教授

Do you carry out the philosophical origin "deny existence of a soul" on which learning called philosophy was born, and why can solve philosophy?

Do you carry out Socrates "ignores existence of a soul", and why can solve "philosophy of truth"? [ which carried out encounter experience ]

ソクラテスの哲学に無知な偽装哲学者 A camouflage philosopher ignorant to Socrates's philosophy. 
ソクラテスの哲学を無理解な詐欺哲学者 He is an inappreciative fraud philospher about Socrates's philosophy. 
ソクラテスの哲学を批判するソフィスト教育者 The sophist educator who criticized the Socrates's philosophy.

The father of modern philosophy and Rene Descartes are ignorant on the discovered "the basis (soul) of surprising learning", and can solve "philosophical truth" why at the age of 23.

* デカルトの哲学に無知な東大偽装哲学者 The University of Tokyo camouflage philosopher ignorant to Descartes's philosophy. 
デカルトの哲学に無知な東大詐欺哲学者 The University of Tokyo fraud philosopher ignorant to Descartes's philosophy. 
デカルトの哲学に無知な東大ソフィスト教育者 The University of tokyo sophist educator ignorant Descartes's philosophy.

* 23歳で遭遇体験をした、デカルトの「魂の存在証明」哲学(フランス語)

Do the philosopher and the Kitarou Nishida which it is [ of Japan ] proud of lose many families, and is "the fact on the spirit" which carried out pure experience disregarded, and why is philosophy cleared?

Is Swedenborg ignorant in "the love of God, the wisdom", and "the account of world-of-spirits inquiry" which carried out encounter experience at the age of 57, and why is the philosophy of truth cleared?

大井今朝雄が2006年から郵送している、「真理の内容証明郵便を無視」する東大に 、何故?哲学研究の権利があるのか?
For the University of Tokyo which does "the content-certified mail of truth being disregarded"   Why is there any right of ? philosophy research? [ which Kesao Oi has mailed since 2006 ]

"The University of Tokyo of camouflage fraud philosophy research" blocks "philosophy research of truth" intentionally, in order to be the pile of a crime further and to protect its vested rights.

Why is philosophical truth cleared in the philosophical origin "it is ignorance to existence of a soul" by the philosopher who should study the world after death "soul"?

"Camouflage fraud philosophy research of the University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan" is solved thoroughly, and it forgets to write "philosophy of truth" in the history on the Internet in the world.  

魂に無知な詐欺哲学者 A fraud philosopher ignorant for a Soul.
神に無知な偽装哲学者  A camouflage philosopher ignorant for a God.

Fraud philosophy research of the University of Tokyo ignorant of the philosophical origin of a word "love" and philosophical "spiritual wisdom of language"

* 哲学の語源にまで完全に無知な東大哲学研究室の詐欺挨拶

Can the philosophy of truth be solved without Socrates and Plato being able to do "an understanding of the philosophical origin of a word" which carried out koan?

* 語源に無知な偽装哲学者 A camouflage philosopher ignorant to the origin of a word. 
語源に無知な詐欺哲学者 A fraud philosopher ignorant to the origin of a word. 
語源に無知なソフィスト教育者 A sophist educator ignorant to the origin of a word.

Why does the University of Tokyo "ignorant of the wisdom of spiritual language" seen off in the heart from the infinite world "soul" assert a philosopher's right?

哲学に無知な偽装哲学者 A philosophically ignorant comouflage philosopher.
 哲学に無知な詐欺哲学者 A philosophically ignorant fraud philosopher.
哲学に無知なソフィスト教育者 A philosophically ignorant sophist educator

Revival, the index crime of the University of Tokyo discovered by God for the 8th year

* 熟語を無理解な偽装哲学者 He is an inappreciative camouflage philosopher about an idiom. 熟語に無知な詐欺哲学者 A fraud philosopher ignorant to an idiom. 
熟語を無理解なソフィスト教育者 He is an inappreciative sophist educator about an idiom.

The vicious camouflage philosophy research of the University of Tokyo which the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology cannot perceive, either is exposed.
東大偽装哲学研究室 ソフィスト詐欺哲学教員 一ノ瀬 正樹

God is [ revival 8 year ] and discerns camouflage research of the University of Tokyo splendidly.
東大偽装哲学研究室 ソフィスト詐欺哲学教員 榊原 哲也

* 心に無知な偽装哲学者 A camouflage philosopher ignorant to the heart. 
心に無知な詐欺哲学者 A fraud philosopher ignorant to the heart. 
心の狂ったソフィスト教育者 The sophist educator to whom the heart went wrong.

The crime and punishment of the University of Tokyo

* カント哲学を無理解な偽装哲学者 
He is an inappreciative camouflage philosopher about a Kantianism. 
カント哲学に無知な偽装哲学者 A camouflage philosopher ignorant to a Kantianism. 
カント哲学に無知な詐欺哲学者 A fraud philosopher ignorant to a Kantianism. 
カントの「感性界」に無知な日本カント協会 The Japanese Kant association ignorant on Kant's sensitivity community.

* 心が頭に存在するかも無知な東大詐欺哲学者 The University of Tokyo fraud philosopher with whenther ignorant the heart exists in the head. 
東大は偽装詐欺ソフィスト養成所 The University of tokyo is a camouflage fraud sophist training school. 

神に反抗する愚かな東大詐欺哲学者の結末 The end of the foolish University of Tokyo fraud philosopher who resists God.

* 心の退化と肉体の退化 Degeneration of the heart, and corporal degeneration. 
心の腐敗と肉体の退化 Decomposition of heart and corporal degeneration.

Although it is not vicious such "a camouflage philosopher's being a sinner" and is not Dostoevski, who should be made into a sinner?

and the professor of the educator of the University of Tokyo, the National Universities, which should do the education which brings up the child who boils and twists the future of Japan -- a camouflage fraud crime

Does the educator who should educate truth do mind control of camouflage philosophy research and the camouflage philosophy education?

An ignorant belief of the professor of the University of Tokyo philosophy laboratory into whom "camouflage fraud philosophy" was instilled 100 years

The "professor of ignorant philosophy of the University of Tokyo" by whom mind control was done to camouflage fraud philosophy is so foolish that he does not notice his ignorance.

The University of Tokyo which is studying law ignores the content-certified mail which appealed against truth, "in order to hide camouflage."

Law is built, and in order "to acquire the vested rights of camouflage research", the University of Tokyo which should protect the law does "a content-certified mail is disregarded intentionally", and continues camouflage research.

Socrates's words "there is nothing that has been appealed against law and from which it is, and he violates national law and escapes in feelings"

By vicious camouflage research of the University of Tokyo, the heart of Japan goes to ruin rapidly, and goes.    

Anger and Heaven's Vengeance of God

Camouflage fraud philosophy research and Heaven's Vengeance of the University of Tokyo which God discerns

The Heaven's Vengeance of reward is gone down to the wrong of the University of Tokyo, and camouflage fraud philosophy research.

Heaven's Vengeance [ being lucky (reward of cause and effect) ] is gone down certainly.

The law, an end and Heaven, and hell of cause and effect

* 人類の発展を大きく阻害する東大の悪質偽装哲学研究を解明
Vicious camouflage philosophy research of the University of Tokyo which checks human beings' development greatly is solved.

* 世界の哲学の発展を大きく妨害する、ソフィスト集団・東大の哲学研究室・日本哲学会
The philosophy laboratory and the Philosophical Association of Japan of the sophist group and the University of Tokyo which blocks development of the philosophy in the world greatly 
* 文部科学省の、21世紀
21 century COE of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology -- philosophy camouflage research of the University of Tokyo vainly using a huge amount of subsidies (national tax)  

* 哲学に無知な東大・哲学に無知な日本哲学会 The Philosophically ignorant University of Tokyo.

* 天地創造の神と遭遇、8年目の神からの「言葉の知恵」による使命で、東大の偽装研究を解明する
Camouflage research of the University of Tokyo is solved with the mission by "the wisdom of language" from God of the Creation, and an encounter and God for the 8th year


Business of philosophy is "spiritual research."

Philosophy is "research in the infinite world" (Daisetz Suzuki)

Learning of the wisdom which is "soul with philosophy", and "spiritual enlightenment of the heart" (Kesao Oi)

Do know [ "spiritual non-death", "it considering for a soul", and / "what people know about the soul" (Socrates) ]?

Philosophy is practice of death (Socrates)

"Death  future generations  a boundary  the heart  it is  " (Kesao Oi) --

" The infinite world  the heart  it is  " (Kesao Oi) --

The world of "Nirvana  the heart  it is  " (Kesao Oi) --

"Sensuous consciousness does not exist in intellect." (Rene Descartes)

"The sensuous consciousness of the heart does not exist in the head." (Kesao Oi)

"The heart cannot be polished even if it trains the head." (Kesao Oi)

       「心は頭に存在しない」 (大井今朝雄)
"The heart does not exist in the head" (Kesao Oi)

"Flesh is the prison (Plato) of the heart.

Flesh is governed by the heart (Kesao Oi).

"It is the increase in ego's strong person by the education of only the head."

"It is the increase in a strong person by the education of only the head."

A philosopher must not do "fabricating Buddhism study" (Nishida Kitarou).

A philosopher is obligated to prove the fact on the spirit (Kitarou Nishida )

The right of philosophy research is in "soul's existence proof duty" (Kesao Oi). .

Philosophy is "extrasensory perception phenomenon" ESP which happened to the heart (Kesao Oi).


Camouflage research of the shoplifter feeling of the University of Tokyo (if nobody understands, anything may I study?)

The University of Tokyo completely ignorant to "the origin of philosophy origin"

Why does the ignorant University of Tokyo have a philosopher's right on the philosophical origin? 

The University of Tokyo ignorant of the philosophical origin of a word "human love" and philosophical "spiritual wisdom"

Why is the philosopher who should study the world after man's death "soul" ignorance in "existence of a soul" and "the philosophical origin of a word"?


The University of Tokyo ignorant in the truth of the heart

To the University of Tokyo which believes existence ? etc. and false science on the head, the heart cannot dispel the philosophy of "the extrasensory perception phenomenon which happened to the heart."  

The University of Tokyo which studies camouflage philosophy

The University of Tokyo which teaches camouflage philosophy

The University of Tokyo, a camouflage philosophy research group

The sophist group University of Tokyo of human-beings worst ever

The philosopher of the only truth which it is [ of Japan ] proud of, the University of Tokyo which ignores the Kitarou Nishida

The philosophy of the philosopher of ? foreign country is cleared why without also solving the philosophy of the "pure experience" of the Kitarou Nishida .

The University of Tokyo also without ignorant consciousness and reflection

The University of Tokyo which does not do the duty which should assert only a philosopher's right and vested rights and a philosopher should study

The fraud educator of only the discussion as the old sophist of the Greek era also with 2500 [ same ]

Reality such whose a fraud educator is in the National Universities of Japan

Furthermore, the University of Tokyo, the fraud philosophy group who taught the student camouflage philosophy and has got income 

The University of Tokyo which is found in its shame and has neither ignorant consciousness of the one as an educator, nor reflection as man

The educator of the University of Tokyo where the heart went wrong has missed "the torture of conscience" of the heart.

The University of Tokyo where the consciousness of the heart which judges the good and evil of its act morally was also missing

       自分の犯している「罪の重大」さに、気が付かない、愚かな「前東大総長 小宮山 宏」
Foolish "former University of Tokyo president-of-a-university  Hirosi Komiyama   " which does not notice "serious [ a crime ]" which he has committed

       職を辞しても、神は、これから「小宮山 宏」が行く地獄の底で待っている。
Even if it resigns a job, it is waiting for God at the bottom of the hell to which the "Hirosi Komiyama  " will go from now on.


The heart of Japan goes wrong greatly by the University of Tokyo, and Japan rushes into the next generation of the confusion in which the heart went to ruin. 、   


* 哲学者の研究義務・東大の研究義務

There are also no right and qualification for studying philosophy to the University of Tokyo.

Say that the University of Tokyo studied philosophy and knows what of Socrates's philosophy no less than 100 years.

Why is the philosopher of the University of Tokyo philosophically ignorant at all not coming a philosophy educator?



The 8th year of proof of a soul, and Kesao an encounter (February 9, 2002) and Oi 

* 2006年1月18日東大総長 小宮山 宏 宛 内容証明郵便郵送「真理の証拠」
January 18, 2006 University of Tokyo president of a university   Komiyama  Hirosi   Addressing   Content-certified mail mailing "proof of truth"
* 2006年6月29日回答期限までに回答せず、東大は内容証明郵便を意図的に無視
It does not answer by a reply term on June 29, 2006, but the University of Tokyo ignores a content-certified mail intentionally.
* 2007年5月14日心身二元の構図と、心身二元の論文を内容証明郵便で郵送「真理の証拠」
the composition of May 14, 2007 mind-and-body duality, and the paper of mind-and-body duality -- a content-certified mail -- mailing "proof of truth"
* 2007年12月15日、日本哲学会に入会認証「真理の証拠」
It is admission attestation "proof of truth" to December 15, 2007 and the Philosophical Association of Japan.
* 2008年から約1年間、日本哲学会の学会論文を解読して、「偽装哲学研究」を発見「真理の証拠」
the society paper of about one year after 2008, and the Philosophical Association of Japan -- decoding -- "camouflage philosophy research" -- discovery "proof of truth"
* 2009年2月2日、東大21世紀COE国際哲学交流センターに「魂」の研究義務を命ずる「真理の証拠」
"Proof of truth" which orders February 2, 2009 and the 21st century COE international philosophy exchange center of the University of Tokyo to perform a "spiritual" research duty
* 2009年2月2日、日本哲学会に「魂の存在の研究義務」を命ずる内容証明郵便郵送「真理の証拠」
"Proof of truth"
February 2, 2009, content-certified mail mailing which orders the Philosophical Association of Japan to perform "the research duty of spiritual existence" "proof of truth"
* 2009年5月16日、17日、日本哲学会は、「内容証明郵便を無視」して、第68回日本哲学会大会を強行、「罪の上塗り」

May 16, 2009, 17 days, and the Philosophical Association of Japan ignore a content-certified mail, and are forcing and "criminal glazing" about the 68th conventions.
* 今後、日本哲学会の偽装哲学論文を徹底的に解読して、偽装研究の全容を解明する「偽装の証拠」
"Proof of camouflage" which will decode thoroughly the camouflage philosophy paper of the Philosophical Association of Japan from now on, and solves the whole picture of camouflage research

Furthermore, the camouflage paper "Plato and Russia" of "construction of thanatology" of the 21st century COE international philosophy exchange center of the University of Tokyo, and "the other side of death" -- thorough -- solving -- the world -- public presentation "proof of camouflage"

* カントの心の感性、悟性、批判哲学に無知な哲学者・日本カント協会第33回学界論文発表の現状

* 「ソクラテスの逆襲」・東大の無知で愚かな偽装哲学研究を解明して暴露



The mortality rate of the thing, "a dying growing old death due to sickness", and human being who surely visits death and it to anyone is 100%.  

people -- this world -- "birth" -- "growing old" -- "getting sick" -- "dying" -- it goes

            仏教の言葉、「諸行無常」(しょぎょうむじょう) この世に形があるものは、必ず滅する
Buddhistic language and the "impermanence of all things" -- what has a form in this world is surely destroyed

By studying the world heart and the infinite world heart after man's death, human beings do big development. 
The world research after man's death is "just philosophy of truth."

Socrates's words "with philosophy, it is practice of death"

The learning which can solve completely the highest humanics "what has man done?" (some [ man ]) by the wisdom of the language which a soul draws is "just philosophy of truth."

The wisdom of the language which a soul sends to the heart -- the truth "mind and body of a life function -- duality -- the elucidation of truth" of" "heart is "just philosophy research of truth"

Man is noticing the infinite world "truth of the heart", and can discover the secret of long life.

            物の世界から、「無の世界」 を感知する事で、人類の寿命は遙かに延命できる。
The world to "the world of nothing" of a thing Human beings' life can live long by perceiving you to be Haruka.

I am sure that it can contribute to human beings' development greatly by human beings' thing to do for "solving the truth of a life function."

It will be sure, if the world after man's death "truth of the infinite world and heart" is studied and human beings taste a deep happy feeling by elucidation.

The infinite world and "the spiritual language of guidance" sent from the bottom of its heart -- "the Grateful Crane" -- you are surely led every day at this auspicious day

壮大・真理・心の世界 TOPに戻る

