License copyright in in the proof and the world Kesao Oi's truth
The Philosophical Association of Japan member and the Japanese Kant associate
Kesao Oi's whistleblowing "the University of Tokyo camouflage fraud
philosophy research" elucidation
The ignorant University of Tokyo perfect to Descartes's philosophy
The University of Tokyo where Descartes denies existence of the soul which
encountered at the age of 23
It writes in on Mon., July 6, 2009.
Sun., September 19, 2009 updating and public presentation $B!!(B
Philosophy of Descartes with the ignorant University of Tokyo
the truth "mind and body of the life function which Descartes discovered
-- duality -- " -- the ignorant University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo ignorant to skepticism and reflection of Descartes
Descartes's ignorant University of Tokyo which does "denying existence of
a soul"
The ignorant University of Tokyo which cannot decode Descartes's "I think,
therefore I exist"
$B!v!!(B$B@$3&I8=`E/3X;vE5!!(BGlobal standard philosophy encyclopedia.