出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research
Language and analysis research from a soul

Fabrication philosophy full of inappreciative
Fabrication philosophy full of incorrect interpretations
Inconsistency philosophy research full of ignorance

"God" solves the ignorance of the "fabrication philosophy" discerned for ten years.

"God" of the Creation, and the encounter "global standard philosophy" research and the start "were revitalized" on Sat., February 9 "the heart", 2002 
Sat., December 18, 2010 "God" of the Creation, and the encounter experience 9th year "inconsistency philosophy full of ignorance" elucidation .
Sun., October 16, 2011 "wisdom of language from God" research and renewal of the Creation 

Philosophy which a philosopher without a "soul" and encounter experience cannot dispel forever

Philosophy which it is ignorant in "truth" of the "heart", is ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart", and cannot be dispelled by any means

The language with which a "soul" revives to the "heart", and sends the wisdom of language with philosophy -- foundations
The "soul" which sends language to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing according to man's death with philosophy -- foundations

Language of the philosophy which cannot be understood and interpreted with the head (idiom)

* 心に無知な日本の捏造詐欺哲学研究
Fabrication fraud philosophy research which is Japan ignorant to the heart
* 哲学も心も無知な日本の捏造哲学者
The fabrication philosopher of Japan where philosophy and the heart are also ignorant
* 心の真理に無知で理解?解釈できない哲学の言葉(感性知識)
Language of the philosophy which cannot be interpreted [ which cannot interpret, and can be ignorant in the truth of the heart and cannot understand ] (sensitivity knowledge)
* 心と肉体の対立軸・心の「感覚知覚機能」に無知で理解できない哲学の言葉(感覚知覚知識)
Language of the philosophy which it is ignorant to the "feeling consciousness function" of the heart and a corporal confrontation axial center, and cannot be understood to it (feeling consciousness knowledge)
* 心が経験によって、言葉を感じ取る、心の「感覚知覚機能」の存在に無知な哲学者
A philosopher with the heart ignorant in existence of the "feeling consciousness function" of the heart to take in language by experience

Rene Descartes's words  " my  because of [ consider ] " "mind and body with self  duality  "  inconsistency of inappreciative and an incorrect interpretation
* イマヌエル・カントの言葉「アプリオリ」「二律背反」が理解・解釈できない哲学者
The philosopher whom Immanuel Kant's language "a priori" and "antimony" cannot understand and interpret
* プラトンの言葉「肉体は心の牢獄」「イデア論」「実在論」を無理解・誤解釈の矛盾
Plato's language "flesh is prison of the heart", "idealism", and "realism"  inconsistency of inappreciative and an incorrect interpretation
* アリストテレスの言葉「原因と結果」「形而上学」が理解・解釈できない哲学者
The philosopher whom Aristotle's language "cause and effect" and "metaphysics" cannot understand and interpret
* ソクラテスの言葉「哲学とは死の練習」「魂に思慮する」が理解・解釈できない哲学者
The philosopher whom Socrates's words "it is practice of death with philosophy" and "it considers for a soul" cannot understand and interpret

Idealism, ontology, and realism are discussed with the head, and they are ignorant "existence of a soul" and "the infinite world heart."

2、   「現象学」を頭で論じて、「心」に起こった「心霊現象」「心霊上の事実」「超感覚的知覚現象」に無知な「捏造哲学者」
A "fabrication philosopher" ignorant in the "psychic phenomenon" which discussed "phenomenology" with the head and happened to the "heart", "the fact on the spirit", and an "extrasensory perception phenomenon"

3、   「解釈学」を頭で論じて、無知な哲学の「語源」とソクラテスの言葉の「無理解」「誤解釈」
"Hermeneutik" -- the head -- discussing -- the "origin of a word" of ignorant philosophy and Socrates's words "are inappreciative", and "an incorrect interpretation"

4、   「解釈学」を頭で論じて、「無理解」な哲学の「語源」とルネ・デカルトの言葉を「無理解」「誤解釈」
The "origin of a word" of philosophy "hermeneutik" is discussed with the head and "inappreciative", and Rene Descartes's words -- "inappreciative" and "an incorrect interpretation"

5、   「経験論」を頭で論じて、哲学の起源「魂と遭遇経験」の無い愚かな「捏造哲学者」
Foolish "fabrication philosopher" who discusses "empiricism" with the head and does not have the philosophical origin "soul and encounter experience"

6、   「分析学」を頭で論じて、哲学の起源「魂」「復活」する「心」の「感覚知覚機能」に無知な「捏造詐欺哲学者」
A "fabrication fraud philosopher" ignorant to the "feeling consciousness function" of the "heart" discusses "analytics" with the head and the philosophical origin "soul" "revitalizes"

7、   「分析学」を頭で論じて、肉体と「肉体と心の対立軸」・頭に存在しない「心の五つの性」(天性理性感性悟性知性)に無知 な「捏造詐欺哲学者」
Ignorant to the "five sexes of the heart" (nature, reason, sensitivity, understanding, and intellect) which discusses "analytics" with the head and does not exist in the confrontation axis and the head of flesh and the "heart" are  . "Fabrication fraud philosopher"

An ignorant fabrication sophist's paper is decoded and analyzed and Japan's fabrication fraud philosophy research is opened to the world

Language and reference data from a soul


Related data on the Internet

"God" is the truth of an elucidation "life function". [ of the Creation ]

"God" of the Creation is an elucidation "a difference between the infinite heart and the head."

The "world philosophy revolution" which "God" of the Creation starts on the earth this century

"The world of the Creation" which the origin "God" of a life creates

Man discusses with the ignorant head and they are the five major causes in which a philosophy elucidation is impossible forever.

"They are "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance to the "fabrication philosopher" who revolts against God"."

Socrates's counterattack and Heaven's Vengeance

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