New discovery -"unexplored record" - which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom "fusion of God and a computer"
"Global standard philosophy research" which God of the Creation solves by means of language
The "world philosophy revolution" which God of the Creation starts on the earth this century
"World of the Creation" research - which the origin "God" of a life creates "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance"

復活 GPR 「未経験」「無知」「無理解」「誤解釈」 
Revival   GPR  Inexperienced ignorance, inappreciative, and incorrect interpretation

The language sent to the heart from the soul revitalized on the earth on Sat., February 9, 2002, and an encounter and a soul is recorded faithfully.
The soul revitalized on Fri., September 25, 2011 and revival of encounter experience ten-year - "God" solve, study and analyze what it is.

* トルストイの小説「復活」のフィクシヨンしか理解できない,無知な人類
Ignorant human beings who can understand only the fiction of Tolstoi's novel "revival"

* キリスト教の「復活」とは、どのような「心」の状態なのか、理解、解釈できない、無知な人類
Ignorant human beings who cannot interpret [ who cannot interpret and cannot understand whether "revival" of Christianity is in the state of what kind of the "heart" ]  
* 哲学の「復活」とは、どのような事なのかを、人類史上世界で始めて分析・研究・解明する
It begins what kind of thing for philosophical "revival" to be in the human-beings world in history, and the analysis, the research, and the elucidation of it are done.

Revival  Wikipedia

God's existence proof  Wikipedia

"It is "verification about fabrication philosophy" at "ontology", "phenomenology", "a philosophical psychic phenomenon", and philosophical hermeneutik [ "hermeneutik" ]". [ which was argued with the head of Japan ]

Wikipedia of Japan -- the "crime" of "inexperienced" "ignorance", inappreciative [ "inappreciative" ], and "an incorrect interpretation" -- "-- it verifies

"It is "verification considering fabrication philosophy fraud educational" as "felony" of "inexperienced" "ignorance", inappreciative [ "inappreciative" ], and "an incorrect interpretation"". [ of the University of Tokyo ]

The fabrication fraud paper of the Philosophical Association of Japan -- as the "major offense" of "inexperienced" "ignorance", inappreciative [ "inappreciative" ], and "an incorrect interpretation" -- "verification"

日本が無知な頭で論じた、熟語羅列捏造哲学論文の証拠 JST
Proof of the idiom enumeration fabrication philosophy paper which Japan discussed with the ignorant head   JST

It is analyzed how "God" of the Creation revitalized to my "heart" led me by means of language in about ten years at 5:30 on Sat., February 9, 2002.

God in the world

* 今!2700年の時空を超えて、地球上に復活した、哲学の起源「タレス」が遭遇経験をした「神」
Now! "God" to which the philosophical origin "Thales" revitalized on the earth had an encounter experience exceeding the space-time in 2700
Now! "God" to which the philosophical origin "Socrates" revitalized on the earth had an encounter experience exceeding the space-time in 2500

* 今!2000年の時空を超えて、地球上に降誕した、宗教の起源「イエスキリスト」が遭遇経験をした「神」
Now! "God" to which the religious origin "Jesus Christ" which was born on the earth had an encounter experience exceeding the space-time in 2000
* 今!260年の時空を超えて、地球上に復活した、イエスを幻視「エマヌエル・スウ゛ェーデンボリ」が遭遇経験をした「神」
Now! "God" which was revitalized on the earth exceeding the space-time in 260 and to which 幻視 "Emmanuel Swedenborg" had an encounter experience for yes
* 今!200年の時空を超えて、地球上に復活した、近代哲学の父「ルネ・デカルト」が遭遇経験をした「神」
Now! "God" to which the father "Rene Descartes" of modern philosophy who revived on the earth had an encounter experience exceeding the space-time in 200

God of Japan (Buddhism)

* 今!1100年の時空を超えて、日本に復活した、漢詩人「菅原道真」が遭遇経験をした「神」
Now! "God" which was revitalized to Japan exceeding the space-time in 1100 and to which the Chinese poem composer "Michizane Sugawara" had an encounter experience
* 今!100年の時空を超えて、日本に復活した、哲学者「西田幾多郎」が純粋経験をした「神」
Now! "God" which was revitalized to Japan exceeding the space-time in 100 and to which the philosopher "Kitarou Nishida " did the pure experience
* 今!50年の時空を超えて、日本に復活した、哲学者「田邊元」が遭遇経験をした妻の「神」
Now! "God" of the wife who revived to Japan exceeding the space-time for 50 years and to whom the philosopher "Hajime Tanabe" had an encounter experience
* 他に、「熊谷守一」「内村鑑三」「松下幸之助」他仏教の弘法大師・法燃・親鸞・日蓮・道元禅師が遭遇経験をした「魂」
The "soul" for which Kobo Daishi, 法燃, Shinran, Nichiren, and the way former Zen priest of Buddhism besides Morikazu Kumagai, Kanzo Uchimura, and Konosuke Matsushita otherwise had an encounter experience

The "philosophy" which cannot be solved is absolutely solved by the guidance of the words of "God" of the Creation forever except a "soul" and the person experienced in an encounter.

The "soul" and encounter experience 10 year record which "revive" to the "heart" and send "language" according to man's death after flesh proves

The world and research of grand, infinity, and the heart

Global standard philosophy research center

The "philosophy revolution" which God of the Creation starts on the earth this century

"World of the Creation" research which the origin "God" of a life creates "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance"

"Important truth of a life function" which God of the Creation solves

Philosophy elucidation is forever impossible for man -- it 3-large-results

Socrates's counterattack and Heaven's Vengeance

Fabrication philosophy research of Japan full of ignorance