"The wisdom of the language from God of the Creation" which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom is recorded in history.
"God" of the Creation and encounter experience 10 year "global standard philosophy research "were revitalized" to the "heart""
"The wisdom of language" which "God" of the Creation sends to "the infinite world" and the "heart" is recorded faithfully.
"They are "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance to "a fabrication philosopher" of fool Japan which revolts against God"'s existence denial "God"". [ of the Creation ]
The "world philosophy revolution" which "God" of the Creation starts on the earth this century, "the world of the Creation"

知性 GPR (生命の起源「心」の機能を構成する五つの「性」の一つ)
Intellect   GPR (one of five "the sexes" which constitutes the function of the origin "heart" of a life)

"God" of the Creation, and the encounter "global standard philosophy" research and the start "were revitalized" on Sat., February 9 "the heart", 2002

One the "sex" and the "intellect" of the origin heart of "God" of the Creation, and the 10th year of the October, 2011 experience [ 7 / encounter ] per day (Fri.) and a life are analyzed and studied.

2011年10月16日(日)天地創造の「神からの言葉の知恵」「前人未到 の真理を記録」研究・更新
The truth of "wisdom of language from God" "unexplored   of the Creation is recorded, studied and updated on Sun., October 16, 2011.

インターネット上の【知性】 Wikipedia
[Intellect] Wikipedia on the Internet

日本の辞書 ちせい【知性】認識・理解する知的能力
Japanese dictionary   ちせい [intellect] recognition, mental faculties to understand

The 21st century human beings will analyze and solve some as "intellect" of "ignorance" and the "heart" by "the wisdom of the language from God" of ! Creation.

The analysis / elucidation method

Since the 21st century human being will be ignorant to "a difference of the understanding method of language" between the "heart" and the head, he cannot do analysis of the language of thinking, either.

2、   21世紀人間は、「心と頭の違い」「生命機能の真理」に無知な為に、「心で思い・頭で考える」の分析も出来ない
Since the 21st century human being will be ignorant in "a difference between the heart and the head", and "the truth of a life function", he cannot do analysis of "thinking with a thought and the head by the heart", either.
* 「21世紀人類が無知な心の言葉の理解方法」
* 「21世紀人間が無知な、経験によって言葉を理解する方法」
* 「21世紀人類が無知な、頭で絶対に理解・解釈出来ない言葉」
* 「今世紀まで人類が無知な、心で経験によって感じ取る言葉」
* 「人類が21世紀まで解明出来なかった心の言葉の理解方法」
* 「人類が21世紀まで理解・解釈出来なかった心の感性知識」
* 「人類が21世紀まで理解・解釈出来なかった経験による哲学熟語」 

3、   日本の理化学研究所・脳科学擬似研究では、「心」が頭に存在として頭の「知性」を研究しているが有限の頭と無限の「心」が区別できない
In Japan's Institute of Physical and Chemical Research and brain science false research, although the "heart" is studying "intellect" of the head as existence on the head, the limited head and infinite "heart" are undistinguishable.

4、   頭の「知性」は、勉強によって言葉の知識を、頭に記憶する
"Intellect" of the head memorizes the knowledge of language on the head by study

5、   頭の「知性」は、目・耳から言葉をインプットして、頭で言葉を理解して記憶する
"Intellect" of the head inputs language from an eye and an ear, and understands and memorizes language intellectually. .

6、   「心」の「知性」は、「心の感性」によって、経験で感じて得た知識「感性知識」(哲学熟語)を理解・解釈する
"Intellect" of the "heart" understands and interprets the knowledge "sensitivity knowledge" (philosophy idiom) felt and acquired by experience by "sensitivity of the heart."

7、   哲学の「語源」である「愛」と「知恵」は、「魂と遭遇経験」の無い人間には、永遠に理解・解釈出来ない言葉である。
The "love" which is philosophical "origin of a word", and "wisdom" are the language which cannot be understood and interpreted forever at a human being without "a soul and encounter experience."


Grand and infinite world - "heart" is studied.

"God" is this century elucidation "global standard philosophy research". [ of the Creation ]

The "world philosophy revolution" which "God" of the Creation starts on the earth this century

"World of the Creation" research which the origin "God" of a life created

"God" is the truth of an analysis / elucidation "life function". [ of the Creation ]

"God" is the difference between the analysis / elucidation "heart and the head". [ of the Creation ]

Man discusses with the head and they are the five major causes in which a philosophy elucidation is impossible forever.

"They are "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance to "a fabrication philosopher" who revolts against God"". [ of the Creation ]

"They are "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance to the University of Tokyo which revolts against God"". [ of the Creation ]

Socrates's counterattack and Heaven's Vengeance