"The wisdom of the language from God of the Creation" which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom is recorded in history.
"God" of the Creation and encounter experience 10 year "global standard philosophy research "were revitalized" to the "heart""
$BE7COAOB$$N!V?@!W$,L58B$N@$3&!V?4!W$KAw$C$FMh$k!V8@MU$NCN7C!W$rCi "The wisdom of language" which "God" of the Creation sends to the infinite world "heart" is recorded faithfully.
$BE7COAOB$$N!V?@!W$NB8:_$rH]Dj!V?@!W$KH?5U$9$k6r$+ "They are "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance to the fool "fabrication philosopher" who revolts existence of God" against denial "God"". [ of the Creation ]
The "world philosophy revolution" which "God" of the Creation starts on the earth this century, and "the world of the Creation"

Reason   GPRC (one of five "the sexes" which constitutes the origin "heart" of a life)

"God" of the Creation and the encounter "global standard philosophy research" "were revitalized" on Sat., February 9 "the heart", 2002 are started.
"God" of the 2011 year 10 month 8 day (Sat.) Creation, and encounter experience 10 year "the reason which is functioning the life is analyzed and solved.
The "wisdom of language from God" "unexplored truth of the Creation is recorded, studied and updated on Sun.,November 13, 2011.

The 21st century and human beings will analyze and solve the ignorant reason of the "heart."

It analyzes and solves by "the wisdom of the language from God" of the Creation.  
Wikipedia "inappreciative" in "pure reason criticism" which German philosopher and Immanuel Kant solved, "practical reason criticism", and "judgment criticism"

Reason   Wikipedia

Reason man "cannot put up with" most

Reason which man cannot control by himself

although it is not the "Xu Dara paragraph" of the Hitoshi Ueki   " even if it understands and $B$k$1$I(B and" body which is not understand that it is bad -- overeating and overdrinking

It is "reason" of the heart which cannot be put up with even if it turns out that it is not good for the body.

By the limit and period of sumptuous lifestyle "collapse of the reason of the heart which cannot bear" of material civilization, man does ephemeralization and goes.

Japan which Chinese "$B0e?)F18;(B" cannot understand and interpret

"Collapse of reason" which cannot control the "nature" in which life goes wrong in judgment (Butuyoku) of profit and loss


$B!v(B      $BJ,@O!&2rL@J}K!(B
The analysis / elucidation method

Since the language of one meaning exists mostly, Japanese understands the meaning of language from a Japanese dictionary first.

$B-!(B   $B!!<-=q!!$j$;$$!ZM}@-![!!J*;v$r9gM}E*$K9M$(!"H=CG$9$kG=NO"N46@-!=$F$-!Z!]E*![%K7AF0!KM}@-$K=>$C$FH=CG$79TF0$9$k$5$^!#9gM}E*"N46>pE*(B
Dictionary   $B$j$;$$(B [reason] The way consider things rationally, and judge and act according to capability <=> sensitivity-$B$F$-(B [- target] $B%K(B type $BF0(B reason to judge. Rational, <=> emotional

$B-"(B  $B!VM}@-!W$H$O!"!V?4!W$,!V2fK}!W$r$9$k;v$G$"$k$,!"(B$B$3$l$,$J$+$J$+Fq$7$$(B$B!#(B
This is rather difficult although "reason" is the "heart" "bears."

$B-#(B   $B!V?4!W$K<+A3$KH/@8$9$k!V?)$NM_K>!W$r!V2fK}!W$G$-$J$$0Y$K!"?)$Y2a$.$FHnK~!&%a%?%\!&@83h=,47IB$NFyBN$K@.$k8=
Reality which overeats and grows into the flesh of overweight, $B%a%?%\(B, and a lifestyle-related disease since "the desire of a meal" automatically generated to the "heart" "cannot be put up with" (moderate eating)

$B-$(B   $B!V?4!W$K<+A3$KH/@8$9$k!V@-$NM_K>!W$r!V2fK}!W=PMh$J$$$G!"%9%H!<%+!<9T0Y!&G_FG!&%(%$%:$NIB5$$K@.$kFyBN!J@-$r(B$B!VL52f0&!W(B$B$KJQ$($k!K(B$B:G=i$N:"$K=q$-9~$s$@!V?M4V0&!W(B
Flesh which grows into the illness of stalking, syphilis, and AIDS without "being able to put up with" "the sexual desire" automatically generated to the "heart" (a sex is changed into human love)

$B-%(B    $B!V?4!W$K<+A3$KH/@8$9$k!VJ*$NM_K>!W$r!Z2fK}![=PMh$J$$$G!":b;:$r;D$9!&lEM_$J$^$G$N6b$K$N<9Ce?4$O!";R6!$rIT9,$KF3$/85!JJt;E$N@:?@$,Bg@Z!K(B
Origin [ the attachment of - avaricious raw $B6b$K(B which leaves property leads a child to a misfortune without [being able to put up with] "the desire of a thing" automatically generated to the "heart" ] (the soul of service is important)

The world and research of grand, infinity, and the heart
"God" is elucidation "global standard philosophy research". [ of the Creation ]
"God" being the truth of an elucidation "life function", "a difference between the heart and the head" [ of the Creation ]
A "world philosophy revolution", "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance" which "God" of the Creation causes on the earth this century
"The world of the Creation" created according to the origin "God" of a life
"Fabrication philosophy fraud research" of Japan full of ignorance and inconsistencies revealed by "God" of the Creation
Man discusses with the head and they are the five major causes which cannot be solved forever.
Socrates's counterattack and Heaven's Vengeance