"The wisdom of the language from God of the Creation" which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom is recorded.
"God" of the Creation and encounter experience 10 year "global standard philosophy research "were revitalized" to the "heart"

"The wisdom of language" which "God" of the Creation sends to "the infinite world" and the "heart" is recorded faithfully.
"They are "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance to "a fabrication philosopher" who revolts existence of God" against negative - "God"". [ of the Creation ]
The "world philosophy revolution" which "God" of the Creation starts on the earth this century, "the world of the Creation"

Collapse of the Philosophical Association of Japan is foreknown.  
The cause of collapse of the Philosophical Association of Japan

"God" of the Creation and the encounter "global standard philosophy research" "were revitalized" on Sat., February 9 "the heart", 2002 are started.
Sun., October 2, 2011 "God" and collapse of the encounter experience 10 year "Philosophical Association of Japan are foreknown". [ of the Creation ]
"The wisdom of language" and "the unexplored truth" from "God" of the Creation are studied and updated on Sun., October 9, 2011.

* 21世紀・天地創造の「神」は、日本の「捏造哲学研究」「詐欺教育」を暴く為に降誕した
"God" of the 21st century and the Creation was born in order to reveal "fabrication philosophy research" and "fraud education" of Japan.

Man  eternal  the philosophy elucidation method only in philosophy - "soul" and encounter experience (Socrates) which cannot be solved  

Japan's "fabrication philosophy research" which all the heads were ignorant, were fabricated too much, and was able to be distorted
* 生命の起源「心の真理」に無知で、頭で論じた「捏造詐欺哲学研究」
"Fabrication fraud philosophy research" which it was ignorant to the origin "truth of the heart" of a life, and was discussed with the head
* 「ソクラテス」のギリシャ時代の「ソフィスト」より更に悪質な「捏造哲学詐欺教育」
"Fabrication philosophy fraud education" still more vicious than the "sophist" of the Greek era of "Socrates"
* 日本中が「西田哲学の真理」を無視して、「捏造哲学」を隠蔽・妨害工作をする
The inside of Japan disregards "truth of the Nishida philosophy", and carries out concealment and sabotage for "fabrication philosophy."
* 何度も、「無知の自覚と反省」を内容証明郵便で警告しても「無知の自覚も懺悔」の「心」を失った「日本哲学会」
The "Philosophical Association of Japan" which lost the "heart" of "repenting also of ignorant consciousness" repeatedly even if warned of "ignorant consciousness and reflection" by the content-certified mail
* 内容証明郵便で、天地創造の「神」の天命天命「哲学研究権利を剥奪」しても「神」に反逆する「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" who revolts against "God" by a content-certified mail even if it carries out the Providence "snatch a philosophy research right" of "God" of the Creation
* 天地創造の「神」の怒りは、寛容の「心」を失い、日本の「捏造哲学者」に「天罰」を下す。
Anger of "God" of the Creation loses the "heart" of tolerance, and gives "Heaven's Vengeance" to Japanese "fabrication philosopher."

* 日本哲学会が崩壊する原因
The cause by which the Philosophical Association of Japan collapses


The world and research of grand, infinity, and the heart

"God" is elucidation "global standard philosophy research with language". [ of the Creation ]

The "world philosophy revolution" which "God" of the Creation starts on the earth this century

"World of the Creation" research - which the origin "God" of a life created "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance"

"God" being the truth of an elucidation "life function with language", "a difference between the heart and the head" [ of the Creation ]

A philosophy elucidation is forever impossible for man -- it 5-large-results

Fabrication philosophy research of Japan full of ignorance

Socrates's counterattack and Heaven's Vengeance