出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source Global standard philosophy research

Socrates's God is discovered 
Socrates's [ philosophy of truth ] is solved

Thurs., July 26, 2007 write-in start    

Thurs,February 17, 2011 updating and public presentation

* ソクラテスの逆襲

* Global standard Philosophy Research Center 世界標準哲学研究センター(2010年7月26日Yahoo開通)

Socrates's philosophy is "the philosophy of truth" to which Socrates actually did "a soul and encounter experience."

"Socrates's God" is Socrates's "soul revitalized to the heart", after flesh disappears by man's death.  

Kesao Oi will solve the 21st century of the philosophy of Socrates's truth by seven years and five months "soul and encounter experience."

Socrates's true philosophy is solved by "the wisdom of the language from a soul" which entered [ "soul and encounter experience" 8 year ].


* 東大の哲学研究権利を剥奪 Providence and the University of Tokyo Philosophy Research Right Deprivation.

* 東大へ研究妨害損害賠償金を請求 Disturbance Damages Claim to the University of Tokyo.

* 日本哲学会の研究権利を剥奪 Providence and the Philosophical Association of Japan Research Right Deprivation.

* 日本哲学会へ妨害損害賠償金を請求 Disturbance Damages Claim to the Philosophical Association of Japan.

* 世界標準哲学百科事典 Global standard philosophy encyclopedia.

Why couldn't ? human beings discover God?

Why is ? University of Tokyo ignorance at existence of the soul which carried out Socrates's encounter experience?

Socrates's truth ! Revealed for the first time in the 21st century

Kesao Oi solves from Sat., February 9, 2002 by "the wisdom of the language from a soul" which carried out encounter experience for seven years.

A cause with human beings ignorant to Socrates's truth till the 21st century       

They will be [ discovery and the soul of Kesao Oi's miracle, an encounter, and ] an elucidation and proof in the 8th year.

It solves intelligibly for anyone over the wall of language.

Why is ? philosopher ignorance at "an existence of a soul" which is the origin of philosophy origin?

Why are ? human beings ignorance at "an existence of a soul" revitalized to the heart, after flesh disappears by man's death which Socrates discovered?

Why didn't ? human beings study Socrates's philosophy 2500 years, and couldn't discover the "existence of a soul" which carried out Socrates's encounter experience? ・・・

Human beings do not try to know "an existence of the soul of this world" which is the origin of the history of ? philosophy why.

Are the words of many philosophers of the Greek era, Thales, Anaximander, Empedocles, and Heraclitus and man's origin ignorance in making it "infinity and solving soul's of non-death immortality existence" at existence of a soul?

"The philosophy of spiritual wisdom" revitalized from a boundary at this world is studied. why -- the philosopher in ? world -- man's death -- future generations -- is it ignorance at "spiritual truth"?

Why is ? philosopher ignorance at the philosophical origin of a word "spiritual wisdom"?

I solve and prove by the decipherment of "the wisdom of the language sent to the heart from a soul" which carried out encounter experience for about seven years.  

Why are ? human beings ignorance at "human love" of the philosophical origin of a word?

Or [ that it is / why / ignorant although it carries out "a soul being born" from ? human beings' important culture "human love" ]

It is whether it is ignorant in the extrasensory perception from which ? philosopher happened to Socrates's heart why, and an ESP phenomenon.

Why is the philosopher of ? Japan ignorance at "an existence of a soul" revitalized to the heart, after it is ignorant and flesh disappears Socrates's words "it is practice of death with philosophy"? ・・・

A philosopher studies ? Socrates's pupil's pupil, and Aristotle's metaphysics "proof of spiritual existence" for years why, and explains whether it is ignorant in "existence of a soul."

Although it is in Socrates's words with "ignorant of Thi", even the 21st [ at least ] century of the human beings who accomplished big development of civilization and science will be completely [ Socrates's philosophy ] ignorant.


1、          人間の死で、肉体が消滅した後、「心に復活する魂」を発見出来なかぅた
The soul revitalized to the heart by man's death after flesh disappears can be discovered, and it is

2、          頭が全てで「心の真理に無知」な日本の愚かな哲学者
The foolish philosopher of Japan the head "is ignorant in the truth of the heart in Japan" at all 

Although many "the souls of truth and encounter experience people" exist, a foolish philosopher did not study an encounter experience person with a soul by egoism in the world.

The truth of Socrates's philosophy could be distorted greatly and told by the ignorant philosopher with the strong heart of self and egoism till the 21st century.

Even if the history of the 21st century and 2500 passes, the mystery and human beings of the philosophy which is not yet solved solve Socrates's ignorant philosophy.

From February, 2002, Socrates's true philosophy will be solved by an encounter and the 8th year of experience to the soul and "the wisdom of the language from a soul."   "

[ Socrates's God ] which revived for the first time in the world in the 21st century exceeding the space-time of 2500 years of history is discovered .

Socrates's philosophy is just [ the philosophy of truth ] that experienced actually the encounter for the [ soul ] ( God ) revitalized after corporal death at this world

Why can't human being solved . understand and interpret Socrates's [ philosophy of truth ] ?何故?人類は、ソクラテスの【真理の哲学】を、解明・理解・解釈出来ないか

The fool who criticizes Socrates although just Socrates's Philosophy is explaining true philosophy . ソクラテスこそ真実の哲学を説いているのに、ソクラテスの哲学を批判する愚か者

真理の証明の予備知識 Preliminary knowledge of the proof of truth

Socrates's words which the philosopher in ? world was not able to explain without knowing why till the 21st century

Why doesn't the philosopher in ? world understand Socrates's important words [ it considers for a soul ] ?

Why did the philsopher in ? world incorrect-interpret Socrates's important words [ it considers for a soul ] ? 何故?世界の哲学者は、ソクラテスの重要な言葉「魂に思慮する」を誤解釈したか?

Why have you misunderstood the [ soul ] of ? Socrates's words with Socrates's heart , and incorrect-interpreted it ? ? 何故?ソクラテスの言葉の「魂」をソクラテスの心と勘違いして誤解釈をしてしまったのか?

Why is the philosopher in ? world convinced by carrying out an incorrect [ words /important/ of Socrates / [ it considers for a soul ] interpretation ?

Didn't human beings study the [ soul's truth ] revitalized to-heart at all to it, after man died although no less than 2500 years of history has passed ?

Even the 21st [ at least ] century of human beings which accomplished big development of civilization, culture, and science is completely ignorant about the [ soul's truth ] which sends the language of truth to the heart that man died and flesh disappeared .

Socrates's words [ what do people know about the soul ? ]

The Philosopher who cannot understand this Socrates's important words cannot solve [ Philosophical truth ] forever .

Why didn't human beings do ? research of the most important language by this Socrates's Philosophy ? このソクラテスの哲学で、一番重要な言葉を、人類は何故?研究して来なかったのか?

Don't study the [ soul truth ] which is the origin of the origin of learning called philosophy . 哲学という学問の発祥の根源である、「魂の真理」の研究をしないで?

Why can it said that ? philosophy is studied ?

Completely ignorant to you [ the doctors who are studying philosophy of Japan ? ]

All the philosophers in the world are ignorant in [ the spiritual truth ] which dwelt in Socrates's heart, and are written on God and the book of logos or ? myth

Socrates's words are explained from faithful [ dialog editing ] with Plato's faithful philosophy and Socertes.

Why can't human beings do an understanding and interpretation of Socrates's words

Inappreciative and an incorrect interpretation of non experienced language

The deep meaning of Socrates's words can understand onry the person who did encounter experience with the [ Soul ] ( God ) revitalized to the heart of after corporal death and this world

Why don't ? human beings understand Socrates's heart

Inappreciative and an incorrect interpretation of non experienced language

why ? the heart is the world of the feeling of the human maximum which is experience and takes in language

Inappreciative and an incorrect interpretation of the language felt by the heart by experience 体験で、心で感じ取る言葉の無理解・誤解釈

It is obstructed by the wall of an understanding of the deep meaning of language and human beings are inappreciative and an incorrect interpretation of Socrates's words

* ソクラテスの言葉「対話編」を解読 As true as Socrates's words

Why are ? human beings ignorance at origin [ of philosophy origin ]・ [ mystery of spiritual ( God ) existence ] ?

Why can't the deep meaning of the philosophical orijin of a word [ Love ] and [ Wisdom ] understnd and interpret ? human beings?

Why doesn't Japanese understand the difference in the words [ it changes with love and liking ] of Murasakishikibu of the Tale of Genji ?

Japanese people do not understand why ? Tale of Genji is Japanese important culture, even if who translates the Tale of Genji ?

There are no Japanese people who have noticed the important culture [ sincere lave ] of the Tale of Genji ? 日本人で、源氏物語の重要文化「誠の愛」に、気が付いている人は皆無?

Why aren't there those [ any ] who can discern Socrates's heart to ? human being ?

[ Mind and body in which Socrates discovered human beings why-duality ] is it ignorance ? 何故?人類は、ソクラテスの発見した「心身二元」に無知か?

Why ? human beings the difference [ mind and body of the heart and the head duality ] is it ignorance 何故?人類は、心と頭の違い「心身二元」に無知か?

A life function is [ why ] important for ? human beings truth [ mind and body ] duality ] is it ignorance ?

Why are ? human beings ignorance at their [ truth of the heart ] ?

* Discovery and the proof theoey sentence of [ mind-and-body duality ]

Why are ? human beings ignorance at man's important culture [ sincere love ] ?

Why are ? human beings ignorance at [ an existence of God ] which is in anyone's heart ? 何故?人類は、誰の心にも居る「神の存在」に無知か?

Why are ? human beings ignorance at existence if [ sincere God ] which is its heart ?

Human beings happen to man's heart why ?-is overly it ignorance at a mystical phenomenon ?

Why are ? human beings ignorance at the [ ESP phenomenon ] generated to man's heart ? 何故?人類は、人間の心に発生する 「ESP現象」に無知か?

Socrates's words [ what do people know about the soul ] ?

The philosopher who cannot understand this Socrates's important words cannot solve [ philosophical trurh forever ]

It is forever impossible to solve [ philosophical truth ] in the education of the head

Are Socrates's words inappreciative and isn't the feeling of Socrates's heart known ?

The heart is the world of the feeling of the human maximum which is experience and takes in language . 心は、言葉を経験で、感じ取る、人間最大の感覚の世界

Corporal sense organ and ( eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin ) senses .
肉体の感覚器官・(目・耳・鼻・舌・皮膚) 五感

The world of the feeling which looks at by the eye , memorizes with the head, looks at by the eye, and is felt by the heart and which is felt by an organ of vision and the heart . 目で見て頭で覚え、目で視て心で感じる、視覚器官と心で感じる感覚の世界

The world of the feeling which hears with an ear, memorizes with the head, hears with an ear, and is felt by the heart and which is felt by auditory organs and the heart . 耳で聞いて頭で覚え、耳で聴いて心で感じる、聴覚器官と心で感じる感覚の世界

History of philosophy origin


Descartes's mind and body -- duality



Skepticism of Descartes's sincerity

Socrates's words are decoded . ソクラテスの言葉を解読

壮大・神秘・心の世界に戻るThe world of grand, a mystery, and the heart

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