"The wisdom of the language from God of the Creation" which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom is recorded in history.

"God" and encounter experience 10th year "global standard philosophy research" GPRC of the Creation "were revitalized" to the "heart"

"The wisdom of language" which "God" of the Creation sends to the infinite world "heart" is recorded on the Internet.

"They are "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance to "a fabrication philosopher" who revolts existence of God" against negative - "God"". [ of the Creation ]

The "world philosophy revolution" which "God" of the Creation starts on the earth this century, "world of the Creation" research

My  because of [ consider ]  my  it is    GPRC


Sat., February 9, 2002 ("God" of the Creation and encounter / discovery "global standard philosophy research" start "were revitalized" to the "heart")

The "God and encounter experience" 10th year human beings of the Creation cannot understand on Fri., November 11, 2011  " my  because of [ consider ]  my  it is  "  it solves

Sun., November 20, 2011 "wisdom of language from God" "record of unexplored truth" research and renewal of the Creation

The foolish monist who understands and interprets me as "it thinks"

The foolish critic supporting $BM#G>(B who understands and interprets me as "it thinks"

The foolish brain science person who understands and interprets me as "it thinks"

The "heart" understood and interpreted as "I think"  "ignorance"  "a fabrication philosopher"

The brain science person of false science fraud research who understands and interprets me as "it thinks"

The "fabrication philosopher" who cannot understand and interpret the words of "thinking" (it considers by the "heart" and thinks intellectually), either

It is the "sensitivity knowledge" of the "heart" which cannot be taught Socrates's language "philosophy.

(Man is [ "it being sent to the heart from God" and "wisdom of the language of guidance" of philosophy ] foundations by "God and encounter experience")   

This language is the French philosopher called father of modern philosophy, and Rene Descartes's (1596- 1650) words.
$B$3$N8@MU$3$=!"E/3X$N5/8;(B$B!V:2!W(B$B$HAx6x7P83$NL5$$?M4V$K!"M}2r!&2r This language is just the language that cannot be understood and interpreted at a human being without the philosophical origin "soul" and encounter experience.
$B$3$N8@MU$3$=!"!V@8L?$N5/8;!W(B$B!V?4$N??M}!W(B$B$KL5CN$J?M4V$K!"1J1s$KM}2r!&2r This language is just the language that cannot be understood and interpreted forever at a human being ignorant in "the origin of a life", and "the truth of the heart."

This language  "truth of life function" "mind and body - duality  "  it is the language which cannot be understood and interpreted forever by any means at an ignorant human being 
Descartes is 23 years old and this language will be the wisdom from the origin "soul" of the philosophy which had an encounter experience in the furnace room in October, 1619.
"God" of the Creation is the language which sues "truth of a life function" for one of "the sensitivity knowledge" (philosophy idiom) sent to the "heart."

$B!V?4$N??M}!W$KL5CN$J?M4V$K$O!"1J1s$KM}2r!&2r It is the language which cannot be understood and interpreted forever at a human being ignorant in "truth of the heart."

Actually ignorant human beings to whom "the confrontation axis of the heart and flesh" and the heart have a "feeling consciousness function"

Actually ignorant human beings to whom the "heart" feels language and has an understanding and the function to interpret by experience
$B!V?4!W$,F,$KB8:_!)Ey$H!"5?;w2J3X$rYTB$8&5f$9$k0l85O@ The "heart" is the language which cannot be forever understood and interpreted as existence ? etc. on the head at the monist who does fabrication research of the false science.
$B!V?4!W$KL5CN$G!"F,$GO@$8$?!VYTB$E/3X It is ignorant to the "heart" and is "the philosophy idiom (sensitivity knowledge)" which cannot be understood and interpreted forever at the "fabrication philosopher" who discussed with the head. 
$B!V?4$HF,$N0c$$!W!V8@MU$NM}2rJ}K!!W$KL5CN$G$O1J1s$KM}2r!&2r If ignorant to "a difference between the heart and the head", and the "understanding method of language", it is the language which cannot be understood and interpreted forever.

A "Soul" analyzes and solves from the wisdom of the language sent to the "heart."

$B-!(B  $BE/3X$N5/8;!V:2!W$O!"?M4V$N;`$K$h$C$F!"FyBN!JF,!K$,>CLG8e!V?4!W$K!VI|3h!W$7$F!V8@MU!W$rAw$C$FMh$k(B
According to man's death, "it revives" to the "heart" after flesh's (head's) disappearing, and the philosophical origin "soul" sends "language."

$B-"(B  $B%=%/%i%F%9$,3NN)$7$?!VE/3X!W$H$O!"Am$F!V:2!W$+$i$N!V8@MU$NCN7C!W!J46@-CN<1!K$,4pK\$G$"$k(B
"The wisdom of language of the "philosophy" which Socrates established" (sensitivity knowledge) from a "soul" is foundations altogether. 

$B-#(B  $B=>$C$F!"!VE/3X!W$O!"!V:2$HAx6x7P83!W$r$7$??M4V$K$7$+!"M}2r!&2r
Therefore, an understanding, an interpretation, and an elucidation are impossible for "philosophy" only to the human being who had "the soul and an encounter experience."

$B-$(B  $B!V:2$+$i$N8@MU$NCN7C!W$O!"!V<+2f!W$N6/$$?M4V$r!"!V8@MU!W$K$h$C$F!V??M}!W$KF3$$$F9T$/8=
"The wisdom of the language from a soul" leads a "strong" human being to "truth" by means of "language", and goes -- actual

$B-%(B  $B!V:2$HAx6x7P83!W#1#0G/L\!&!V:2!W$OKhF|8@MU$GL5CN$J?M4V$r!V8g$j!W$X$HF3$$$F9T$/!VL58B$N@$3&!W(B
"The infinite world" which "soul and encounter experience" ten-year - "soul" leads an ignorant human being to "spiritual enlightenment" by means of language every day, and goes

$B-&(B  $B!V:2!W$H$O!"E7COAOB$$N!V?@!W$G$"$j!"!V?@$+$i$N8@MU$NF3$-!W$GE/3X$N=O8l$,Am$F2rFI$G$-$k(B
A "soul" is "God" of the Creation and all philosophical idioms can decode by "guidance of the language from God."

$B-'(B  $B!V?@!W$+$i$N8@MU$NF3$-$G!V@8L?5!G=$N??M}!W$,Am$FJ,@O!&2rL@$G$-$F$7$^$C$?(B
All "truth of a life function" has analyzed and solved by the guidance of the language from "God." 

$B-((B  $B?M4V$,!"F,$GO@$8$FM}2r!&2r
Man discusses with the head and an understanding and the philosophy idiom which cannot be interpreted are "sensitivity knowledge" taken in by the "heart."

It analyzes and solves from the "understanding method of language" of the "heart."

$B-)(B  $B!V?4!W$N!V8@MU$NM}2rJ}K!!W$KL5CN$J?M$K$O!"@bL@$7$F$bM}2r!&2r
Even if it explains to a person ignorant to the "understanding method of language" of the "heart", an understanding and an interpretation cannot do, but it dares explain and record.

$B-*(B  $B!V?4!W$K$O!"?MN`$,L5CN$J!"!VFyBN$H?4$NBPN)<4!W$G$"$k8@MU$r7P83$G46$8$FM}2r!&2r
Human beings feel for the "heart" the ignorant language which is "flesh and the confrontation axis of the heart" by experience, and an understanding and the "feeling consciousness function" to interpret exist in it.

$B-+(B  $B%k%M!&%G%+%k%H$NE/3X=O8l$O!"E/3X$N5/8;!V:2!W$HAx6x7P83$NL5$$?M$K$O!"1J1s$KM}2r!&2r
Rene Descartes's philosophy idiom is the language which cannot be understood and interpreted forever at people without the philosophical origin "soul" and encounter experience. 

It analyzes and solves from the truth of a life function. .

$B-,(B  $B%G%+%k%H$O!"!V:2!W$HAx6x7P83!J#1#6#1#9G/#1#07n!K(B $B$r$9$k;v$G!"?M4V$N;`$GFyBN!JF,!K$,>CLG8e$NL58B!V?4$N??M}!W$rH/8+(B
Descartes is having an encounter experience (October, 1619) for a "soul", and discovers the infinity "truth of the heart" after flesh (head) disappearing by man's death. 

$B--(B  $B?M4V$NF,$O!"M-8B$G$"$j!"!V?4!W$O!VL58B$N@$3&!W!V^:\Q$N@$3&!W!JJ)65!K$G$"$k8=
The reality in which man's head was limited and the "hearts" was "the infinite world" and "the world of Nirvana" (Buddhism) was discovered.

$B-.(B  $B!V:2$+$i$N8@MU$NCN7C!W$G!"$I$s$I$s$H!V?@$H$O$I$s$J$b$N$+!"$I$N$h$&$K8@MU$rAw$C$FMh$k$N$+!W$,M}2r=PMh$FMh$?(B
With "the wisdom of the language from a soul", he can understand rapidly "in what kind of thing language is sent how with God."

$B-/(B  $B;Q!&7A$NL5$$!V:2!W!&2J3X$GB,Dj$G$-$J$$!V:2!W!J:2$+$i$N8@MU$rG>GHB,Dj4o$GB,DjIT2DG=!K$,!"#2#1@$5*$N8=
The "soul" (measurement with a brain-waves measuring instrument is impossible in the language from a soul) which cannot be measured by a "soul" and science without a form will be the reality in the 21st century.

$B-0(B  $B=>$C$F!"G>$N>>2LA#!JA0F,MU!K$K!"$J$
Therefore, it was studied why (method introduction) a thought of the "heart" would get across to a cerebral pineal body (frontal lobe) as a signal.

$B-1(B  $B$=$3$G!"!V?4!W$K;W$C$?;v$O!"FyBN$N9TF0!&;Ep$H$7$F!"I,A3E*$KFyBN$K8=$l$k;v$r!VE/3X!W$+$iH/8+(B
Then, having considered to the "heart" discovers appearing in flesh inevitably from "philosophy" as an expression of a corporal action, behavior, and face.

$B-2(B  $B%=%/%i%F%9$NDo;R%W%i%H%s$O!"!VFyBN$O?4$NO49v!W$H!"!V?4!W$,FyBN$r;YG[!&4IM}$7$F$$$k8=
Socrates's pupil Plato discovers from philosophy "flesh is the prison of the heart", and the reality in which the "heart" has governed and managed flesh.

$B-3(B  $BF|K\$N<-=q$G$O!"!V(B$B$?$^$7$$(B$B!Z:2![-!FyBN$K=I$C$F?4$NF/$-$r!V$D$+$5$I$k!W$b$N!#Nn:2!#-"?4!#@:?@!#5$NO!#(B

$B-4(B  $B$D$+$5$I$k(B$B!Z;J$k![-";YG[$9$k!#4IM}$9$k!#$H=P$F$$$k!#(B

Proof of mind-and-body duality

$B-!(B       $BF,$G9M$(!"8}@h$G8@MU$K$9$k!V13!W$,8@$($k?M4V(B
The human being who can tell the "lie" which considers intellectually and is made into language with a honeyed words

$B-"(B       $B?4$K;W$C$F!"9TF0$7$J$$!"!V13!W$r8@$&?M4V(B
The human being who considers to the heart and does not act and who tells a "lie"

The above experience -- Descartes -- "truth of a life function" -- "mind and body -- duality --" "heart, and difference" of the head, and "the limited head and the infinite heart" are discovered

Descartes's words  " My  I consider  "  there are those who understand "I think" by ignorant "monist" who says that the "heart" exists in the head

An ignorant monist is "self" and the "fabrication philosopher" who cannot understand and interpret the words (it considers to the heart and thinks intellectually) of "thinking", either.

$B#W(Bhy is he a philosopher without also being able to understand and interpret the reality which is not called ? which considers with the head and is considered by ? heart by any means, and such an easy word?

$B?M4V$O!"I,$:!V?4$G;W$$(B $B!"F,$G9M$($k!W$H8@MU$r;H$$J,$1$k!"$3$l$3$=!V@8L?5!G=$N??M}!W$,!Z?4?HFs85![$N8=
this in which man surely uses language properly saying "it considers by the heart and thinks with   and the head" -- "truth of a life function" -- [mind and body -- duality -- it is the reality of ]

The reality in which he appears as corporal action, behavior, and expression "having considered to the heart" is "the heart is governing flesh."

"A thought of the heart" controls blood, sends a signal to the frontal lobe of the head, and appears as corporal action and behavior.

That he considered to the "heart" is the precious language which is itself (those with self) and which appealed against "truth of a life function."

"truth of a life function" was just expressed with intelligible words  " My  because of [ consider ]  My  it is  "  it is a deep meaning


As a result of the above research, I have the following experiences because a "soul" "revives" to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing by man's death.

- which a corporal sense organ and the sensitivity of an eye, an ear, a nose, a tongue, and the skin increase, and is seen - scent, the taste, and the feel to hear change keenly 

(Therefore, much talent buds by rise of the corporal senses)

$B-!(B       $B8+$k463P$N9b$^$j$G!"2h$d
By rise of the feeling to see, he self-trains $BL}2h(B and can understand the heart of drawing there where the outline of drawing or a photograph is increasing.

$B-"(B       $B1i2N$d2;3Z$N46EY$,9b$^$j!";m$d2N$N8@MU$N0UL#$,?<$/M}2r=PMh$F!"46>p$r9~$a$?%a%j%O%j$N$D$$$?2N$$J}$,=PMh$k(B
The sensitivity of enka or music increases, the meaning of the language of poetry or a song can understand deeply, and how [ attached / $B%a%j%O%j(B which put feeling ] to sing can be done.

$B-#(B       $B9a$j$d!"@e46!"L#46$,9b$^$j!"%3%s%=%a%9!<%W$NL#!&%"%_%N%5%s$N;]$_$rL#8+$9$k;v$,=PMh$k(B
A scent, and a feeling of a tongue and a feeling of the taste increase, and $B;]$_(B of the taste and friend $B%N%5%s(B of consomme can be tasted.

$B-$(B       $B46@-$N9b$^$j$G!";m$d8^<78^$N8@MU$,1|?<$/FI$a$F!"?4$G46$8$k;v$,$G$-$k(B
By rise of sensitivity, poetry and the language of 575 can be read deep, and it can feel by the heart.

$B-%(B       $B!V:2!W$,!V?4!W$KAw$C$FMh$k!"1i2N$d2;3Z$GFbMF$r!V?4!W$G46$8
The contents can be taken in by the "heart" by the enka and music which a "soul" sends to the "heart."

If a "soul" governs the "heart", flesh is made to take action and it acts, "an accidental occurrence" will happen.

with "the wisdom of spiritual language", all "thoughts of the heart" appears as corporal action and behavior -- it is actual and a partner's "heart" can be discerned

However, the heart of a desire of man is strong, in order to judge for money, a partner's heart cannot be discerned but there is reality deceived by fraud.

It is judgment of profit and loss, life surely goes wrong, fate is out of order, and the heart of its foolish desire progresses to a misfortune, and falls to the bottom. 

$B-!(B       $B@/<#2H$N!V?4!W$,F6;!$G$-$k(B
A politician's "heart" can be discerned.

$B-"(B       $B;HL?46$N@/<#$H$O2?$+!VE/3X$H@/<#!W$rJ,@O!&2rL@(B
Some "philosophy and politics" are analyzed and solved as the politics of a sense of mission.


Grand - "infinite world" and the "heart" are analyzed, solved and studied from philosophy.

"The wisdom of language" from "God" of the Creation, "sensitivity knowledge", "philosophy global standard research"

"God" of the Creation studies analysis and an elucidation "truth of a life function", and "the limited head and the infinite heart."

The "world philosophy revolution" which "God" of the Creation starts on the earth this century, and "the world of the Creation"

"God" discerns and exposes "fabrication philosophy research" of Japan of inexperience, ignorance, inappreciative, and an incorrect interpretation.

"They are "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance to "a fabrication philosopher" who revolts existence of God" against negative - "God"". [ of the Creation ]

"Collapse of the Philosophical Association of Japan" which carries out "fabrication treason" of the philosophy of "God" of the Creation, "collapse of the University of Tokyo"

Socrates's counterattack and Heaven's Vengeance