Kesao Oi's ESP research and NPO research $B!VATBg!&?@Hk!&?4$N@$3&%j%s%/=8!W(B

The 21st century and human beings will discover the precious article of the truth of the ignorant heart.

The world an$B#d(B of grand, a mystery, and the heart. $B-6(B
$B!!(B $B!!!!(B$BATBg!&L58B!&?4$N@$3&8&5f!&-6(B
World research of the grand infinite heart$B!!-6(B

Wed., June 6, 2007 write-in start   Ther, November 4, 2009 updating

You   "For three years" Dead person   "Every day" Can it remember? -



$B!v!!(B$B@$3&I8=`!V??M}!WI42J;vE5!!(BGlobal standard Truth encyclopedia.

$B!v!!(B$B@$3&FH@jFC5vCx:n8"!&@$3&I8=`E/3X8&5f%;%s%?! Global standard Philosophy Research center.

Philosophy is humanics of a soul and the heart.

Grand, un myst
ère, et le monde cardiaque qu'Il rend à la trésorerie de philosophie SUPÉRIEURE. 
Grand, a mystery, and the cardiac world   It returns to the treasury of TOP philosophy.


$B!v!!(B$B?4$r2r$/!&?M4V$r2r$/!!(BThe human being who dispels the heart is solved.

Fight the University of Tokyo and a Ramen restaurant.


The philosophy of the truth and truth of the philosophy in the world, and a treasure treasury

Many language with few [ the Internet ] the world of language and this link in the category of the Internet is carried.

It dances and comes out of your HP to the top of the Internet by writing the language of this link in your Brogu.

By this link, you do new discovery of many with human beings ignorant till the 21st century!


It forgets to write as the language of the license and copyright of the world which maintains the Internet top and a category, and TOP firmly, and eternal record. 

$B!v!!?4$O46$8$k0U<1$9$k5$$,IU$/=h(BThe heart is a place to feel, which he is conscious of and to notice. $B!vF,$OCN$k3P$($k9M$($k5-21$9$k=h(Bthe head is got to know -- the place to memorize, to consider and to memorize $B!vI4J9I48+$h$j0lEYBN83$,=EMW!v2~3W$OH?>J9)IW2~A1=,47$N@Q$_=E$M(BIt sees hearing many times 100 and, in experience, important * reform is the pile of a reflection device improvement custom once more. $B!v?4$O4D6-8@MU$G46$8](BThe result of philosophy is an ESP phenomenon. $B!v?4?HFs85$N>ZL@$rAK;_$9$k6r$+ A rise of the historical senses $B!v%=%/%i%F%9$N@?$NE/3X(BPhilosophy of Socrates's sincerity $B!vL5CN$H8m2r(BIgnorance and misunderstanding $B!vF,$G2?8N8@MU$,M}2r$G$-$J$$$+(BWhy can't he understand language intellectually? $B!vF,$GM}2r$G$-$J$$8@MUH/8+(BLanguage discovery which cannot be understood intellectually $B!v?MN`$NL5CN$r;XE&3+;O(BHuman beings' ignorance is indication-started. $B!vHQG:$Np$H;|0&!!(BLove is [ an honored guest and ] affection as it is purehearted. $B!v0&$O;3$h$j$b9b$/3$$h$j$b?<$7(BLove is $B?<(B(ed) rather than the sea more highly than a mountain. $B!v9,$;$O2f$,?4$N0&$K:_$j!!(BHappiness is in the love of my heart. $B!v8g$j$KF3$/?@$N0RNO#E#S#P!!(BPower ESP of God led to spiritual enlightenment $B!v0&$O@-$N$_$K:_$i$:!!(BLove is not only in a sex. $B!v$=$N0l8@$,?4$r=}$D$1$k!!(BThe word damages the heart. $B!v$=$N0l8@$,?4$rL~$9!!(BThe word relieves the heart. $B!v%$%+%m%9%.%j%7%c?@OC$N?MJ*!!(BThe person of the Ikaros Greek mythology $B!v%$%+%k%9$O>.OG@1$NL>!!%$%+%k%9(B is the name of an asteroid. $B!v2?8N%=%/%i%F%9$N??

$B!v(B    $BBg@Z$J?M$N;`$N6l$7$_!!(BPain by an important person's death $B!v2?8N3XpJsLV!!(BThe heart is an information network with the death back. $B!v?4$O:2$N3hF0>l!!(BThe heart is spiritual working space. $B!v?4$O?@$N3hF0>l!!(BThe heart is the working space of God. $B!v?4$OJ)$N3hF0>l!!(BThe heart is the working space of the Buddha. $B!v?4$K@x:_0U<1$,B8:_!!(BSubconscious exists in the heart. $B!v?4$KBZ:_0U<1$,B8:_!!(BStay consciousness exists in the heart. $B!v@hE7E*$J?4!!(BThe native heart $B!v;W$$9~$_$N?4!!(BThe heart of a belief $B!v?4$O0U<1$9$k=h!!(BThe heart is a place which he is conscious of. $B!v?4$O:2$NBZ:_=j!!(BThe heart is a spiritual stay place. $B!v2?8N?4$N??M}$rG'$a$J$$$+!!(BWhy doesn't it accept the truth of the heart? $B!v@8$-9CHe$H$O?4$N>uBV$J$j!!(BDefinite aim in life is the state of the heart. $B!v7P83$NL5$$8@MU$KL5CN!!(BIgnorant into inexperienced language $B!v4V0c$$$N;W$$9~$_!!(BA belief of a mistake $B!v8@$C$FJ9$+$;$F$o$+$i$J$$!!(BA word is told and it does not understand. $B!vNQM}$OZL@!!(BProof to which the heart does not exist in the head $B!v?4$NL4!&Ff!&Ju$rC5$9!!(BThe dream, mystery, and precious article of the heart are looked for. $B!v:2$NB8:_$N>ZL@J}K!!!(BThe proof method of spiritual existence $B!v:2$rH/8+$N>ZL@!!(BProof of discovery of a soul $B!v?4$rKa$/$H$OF,$N650i$K:_$i$:!!(BIt is not polishing the heart in the education of the head. $B!vFI2rNO$OF,$N650i$K:_$i$:!!(BReading ability is not in the education of the head. $B!v?4$OF,$G2r$1$:!!(BThe heart is not solved with the head. $B!vAS<:46$O2?8N5/$3$k!!(BA sense of loss happens why. $B!v?4$N650i$OF,$K:_$i$:!!(BA mental health care is not in the head. $B!vE/3X$OBN83e1J1s$NNr;K$K;D$k??M}!!(Ba human-beings in history -- the truth which remains in eternal history $B!v%=%/%i%F%9$N@?$N8&5f!!(BResearch of Socrates's sincerity $B!vL5BL$JJY3X!!(BUseless study $B!vL5BL$J3XLd!!(BUseless learning $B!vITMW$J3XLd!!(BUnnecessary learning $B!v?4$KIb$+$V8@MU!!(BLanguage which comes into its mind

$B!v(B    $BE/3X$OJu$N;3(B
Philosophy is a treasure mountain. $B!vE/3X$NFf$OLLGr$$!!(BA philosophical mystery is interesting. $B!vL5CN$J$kE/3X

Sincere God is discovered. $B!v=P2q$$$3$=H/8+$N8;!!(BThe source of discovery of just encounter $B!vE79q$+$i$N7Y9p!!(BWarning from Heaven $B!v2?8N<+;&?4$O5/$3$k!!(BThe suicide heart happens why. $B!v2?8N?4$OF,$h$jBg@Z$+!!(BIt is why the heart is more important than the head. $B!vK\G=$r@8$+$9!!(BInstinct is employed efficiently. $B!v?@$N$_$>CN$k!!(BOnly God is $B$>CN$k(B. $B!v?@$N$_$>2r$1$k?4!!(BOnly God is $B$>2r$1$k?4(B. $B!v?4$N8@MU$r46$8$k463P!!(BFeeling which feels the language of the heart $B!v?4$O8@MU$r46$8$k463P$r;}$C$F$$$k!!(BThe heart has the feeling which feels language. $B!v?4$KB8:_$7$FF,$KL5$$$b$N!!(BWhat exists in the heart and is not in the head $B!vE/3X$H$O?4$K5/$3$C$?D6>u8=>](BSuper-$B>u8=>](B which happened to the heart with philosophy $B!vE/3X$O?4$K5/$3$C$?#E#S#P8=>]!!(BPhilosophy is the ESP phenomenon which happened to the heart. $B!v?@$NM=9p$N8@MU!!(BLanguage of a preliminary announcement of God $B!vD6463PE*$JCN3P!!!!(BPretersensual consciousness $B!vD6463PE*$J?4!!(BThe pretersensual heart  $B!vD6463P$r;}$D?4!!(BThe heart with super-feeling $B!v?4$K$OD6463PCN3P$,B8:_!!(BSuper-feeling consciousness exists in the heart. $B!v:2$NM=CNG=NO$r3NG'!!(BSpiritual forecast capability is checked. $B!v?4$ND6463P$r0i$F$kJ}K!!!(BHow to raise the super-feeling of the heart $B!vF,$,A4$F$N3XpJs(B
Personal computer information which is useful to you $B!v%Q%=%3%s$GLrN)$D>pJs!!(BInformation which is useful with a personal computer $B!v3X!$D!!(BEternal truth surely wins. $B!v!v?@$h$j The talent (ESP) with which it was gifted from God can be employed efficiently.$B!!!v?4$NJu$rC5$;!!(BThe precious article of the heart can be looked for. $B!v?4$NJu$O0&!!(BThe precious article of the heart is loved.$B!!!v?4$NJu$O0&(B $B!!(BThe precious article of the heart is loved.$B!!!v0&$O1J1s$NL?(B $B!!(BLove is an eternal life. $B!v0&$O1J1s$N@8L?!!(BLove is an eternal life. $B!v!!#6G/0J>e$b8@MU$rAw$jB3$1$k?@!!(BGod which will continue sending language for six years or more $B!v5.J}$NJu$O?4$K:_$j!!(BYour precious article is in the heart.

$B!v!!5U@bF@K!(B   The paradox gaining method $B!v8@$C$FJ9$+$;$F$o$+$i$J$$?4$N??M}!!(BTruth of the heart which tells a word and is not known $B!v@hF~46$NHQG:!!(BThe worldly desires of a feeling of point ON $B!v;W$$9~$_$NHQG:!!!!(BThe worldly desires of a belief $B!v=q$$$F@bL@$7$FL5M}2r$J?4$K46$8$k8@MU!!(BLanguage which writes and explains and is felt for the inappreciative heart $B!!!v!!L5CN$K@xF~!!(BIt infiltrates ignorantly.$B!v!!L5CN

$B!v!!$J$It is worth of ? skepticism why. $B!v!!2{5?O@$N860x$rDI5f!!(BThe cause of skepticism is investigated.$B!!!v$J$ ? anger takes place why. $B!v!!$J$

$B!v!!L$Mh$NH/?.4pCO!!(BThe dispatch base of the future $B!!!v(B $B>-Mh$rM=CN$9$k4pCO!!(BThe base which foreknows the future $B!!!v!!>-Mh$,Bg@Z$J;~Be!!(BA time with the important future $B!!!v!!>-Mh$r9M0F$9$k2q!!(BThe meeting which devises the future $B!!!v!!>-Mh$r;W0F$9$k2q!!(BThe meeting which thinks about the future $B!!!v!!>-Mh$NL4-Mh$NL4$r-Mh$NL4$r-Mh$r9M0F$9$k2q!!!!(BThe meeting which devises the future .$B!v!!(B $B>-Mh$r9M0F$9$k2q-Mh$r4k2h$9$k2q

$B!v!!F6;!%/%$%:9M0F!!(BDiscernment quiz design $B!!!v!!I=>p$+$i?4$rF6;!!!(BThe heart is discerned from expression. $B!v!!8@MU$+$i?4$rF6;!!!(BThe heart is discerned from language. $B!v!!9TF0$+$i?4$rF6;!!!(BThe heart is discerned from action. $B!!(B

$B!v!!8+$($6$kInvisible hand (Adam Smith) $B!v!!IY9qO@!!(Ba rich country -- argument $B!!!v!!F;FA46>pO@!!!!(BMorality emotional argument $B!!!v!!ElBg#1#8BeL\AmD9!!Bg2OFb!!0lCK!!!!(BThe 18th generation president of a university of the University of Tokyo $B!!(BKazuo$B!G(Bs  Okawachi  $B!v!!B@$C$?FZ$K@.$k$h$j$d$;$?%=%/%i%F%9$K@.$l(B $B!!(BGrow into Socrates who became thin rather than having grown into the fat pig.

$B!v!!F,$N650i$@$1$G5/$3$kLdBj!!(BThe problem which arises only in the education of the head $B!!!v!!F,$@$1$N650i$G5/$3$kLdBj!!(BThe problem which arises in the education of only the head $B!v!!Mx8JJ!!!!(BThe Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology which will report bullying zero seven years $B!v!!?4$,2u$l$k;~Be!!(BThe time when the heart breaks $B!!!v!!;W$$$d$j$N?4$r8+<:$&;~Be!!(BThe time of missing the heart of consideration $B!v!!Ln=CE*?4$N2j@8$(!!(BThe sprout of the wild beast-heart $B!v!!$$$8$a$NB?H/!!(BFrequent occurrence of bullying $B!!!v!!B?H/$9$k56AuLdBj!!(BThe camouflage problem which occur frequently $B!v!!56Au8&5f!J9qL1$N@G6b$NL5BL$:$+$$!K!!(BCamouflage research (is it useless $B$:(B of a national tax?) $B!v!!56AuLdBjB?H/$GF|K\?.MQJx2u!!(BIt trust[ Japanese ]-collapses by camouflage problem frequent occurrence. $B!v!!?4$r0i$F$:?4$,Jx2u!!#T#h#e(B heart is not raised but the heart collapses. $B!v!!?4$r8+<:$C$?3X The University of Tokyo reaches to an extreme of the head, and self reaches to an extreme of the heart.

$B!v!!>/;R2=$G5/$3$kLdBj!!(BThe problem which arises by a decrease in the birthrate $B!!!v!!Bg3XF~3X;n83$,L5MQ$N;~Be!!(BThe time when a university entrance examination is unnecessary $B!!!v!!JP:9CML5MQ$N;~Be!!(BThe time of deviation score uselessness $B!v!!%-%c%j%"@)EYL5MQ$N;~Be!!(BThe time of career system uselessness $B!!!v!!F,$,A4$F$N;~Be$N=*_a(BThe head is the end of all times. $B!!!v!!F,$N650i!!(BV/S $B?4$NBN83650i!!(BEducation of the head   V/S Experience education of the heart $B!!!v!!F,$N650i$h$j7P83$,Bg@Z$J;~Be!!(BA time with an experience more important than the education of the head $B!!!v!!8+1I$N3XNr$h$j7P83$,Bg@Z$J;~Be!!(BA time with an experience more important than the school education of vanity $B!v!!;JK!;n83$K$h$k8xL30w:NMQCf;_!!(BGovernment official hiring freeze by a bar examination

$B!v(B    $BBg0f:#D+M:$N650i3WL?!!(BKesao Oi's educational revolution


$B!v(B    $BBg0f:#D+M:$N@/<#3WL?!!(BKesao Oi's political revolution


$B!v(B    $B:2$H$NAx6xBN83>ZL@K!!!(BThe encounter experience proving method with a soul $B!!!v!!?@$H$NAx6xBN83>ZL@K!!!(BThe encounter experience proving method with God $B!!!v!!:2$HAx6xBN83ZL@!!(BIt proves with the talent of a soul and an encounter experience person. $B!!!v!!?@$HAx6xBN83ZL@!!(BIt proves with the talent of God and an encounter experience person. $B!!!v!!>>2<9,G7=u$N:MG=$G>ZL@!!(BIt proves with Konosuke Matsushita's talent. $B!!!v!!5\Bt8-<#$N:MG=$G>ZL@!!(BIt proves with Kenji Miyazawa's talent. $B!v!!7'C+ZL@!!(BIt proves with Morikazu Kumagai's talent. $B!v!!?@$,?4$KIb$+$Y$k8@MU$NL5M}2r!&8m2rZL@!!(BThe language which God sends to the heart is inappreciative, and it is proof. $B!v!!;`8e$N@$3&$,?4$KB8:_$rL5CN!!(BThe world after death is ignorant in existence to the heart. $B!!!v!!?4$O;`8e$N@$3&$H7R$,$C$F$$$k;vZL@!!(BThe heart is proved with the fact connected to the world after death. $B!!!v!!;`8e$N@$3&$O8@MU$N@$3&$N;vZL@!J5\Bt8-<#!K!!(BThe world after death is proved with the fact in the world of language (Kenji Miyazawa). $B!!!v!!@8L?5!G=$N??M}!V?4?HFs85!W$rH/8+$G>ZL@!!(Bthe truth "mind and body of a life function -- duality -- " -- it proves by discovery $B!v!!@?$N0&!&?M4V0&$NH/8+$G>ZL@!!(BIt proves by discovery of sincere love and human love. $B!!!v!!?@$N8@MU$NCR7C$OF,$GM}2rIT2DG=!!(BAn understanding with the head is impossible for Chie of the language of God. $B!v!!?@$NF3$-$N8@MU$OF,$GM}2rIT2DG=!!(BAn understanding with the head is impossible for the language of the guidance of God. $B?4$HO;ZL@J}K!8x3+!!(BThe soul's existence proof method public presentation $B!!ElBg$N?4$KL5CN$r8x3+!!(BIgnorance is opened to the heart of the University of Tokyo. $B!!ElBg$NE/3X$NL5CN$r8x3+(B
The ignorance of the philosophy of the University of Tokyo is exhibited. $B!!?4?HFs85$H?M4V3X!!(Bmind and body -- duality and humanics $B!!E/3X$3$=:2$NCR7E!!(BPhilosophy is just spiritual wisdom. $B?4$3$=?M4V3X!!(BThe heart is just humanics. $B!!E/3X$3$=?M4V3X!!(BPhilosophy is just humanics.$B!!?M4V3X$HE/3X(B $B!!(BHumanics and philosophy $B!!?M4V3X$H?4!!(BHumanics and the heart $B!!:2$NB8:_$HE/3X!!(BExistence of a soul and philosophy $B!!:2$NB8:_$H=!65!!(BExistence of a soul and religion $B!!NQM}$H?.6D$NM;9g!!(BFusion of ethics and faith $B!!NQM}$H?.6D$ND4OB!!(BHarmony of ethics and faith $B!!NQM}$H?.6D$N6&@8!!(BSymbiosis of ethics and faith $B!!M}@-$H?.6D$N6&@8(B $B!!(BSymbiosis of reason and faith $B!!M}@-$H?.6D$NM;9g!!(BFusion of reason and faith $B!!M}@-$H?.6D$ND4OB!!(BHarmony of reason and faith $B!!:2$HAx6x$9$kJ}K!!!(BHow to encounter a soul $B!!?@$HAx6x$9$kJ}K!!!(BHow to encounter God  $B;`8e$N@$3&$H?4?HFs85(B
death -- future generations -- a boundary and mind and body -- duality $B!!9,$;$r<:$$5$$D!+$/6r$+ Guidance of perfect God $B!!7I0&!!(BVeneration $B!!0&$/$k$7$$!!(BIt is charming. $B!!?4$,F,$KB8:_$7$J$$M}M3!!(BThe reason the heart does not exist in the head$B!!?4$H?4B!$HF,$N4X78(B
Relation between the heart, the heart, and the head $B!!:2$O7l1U$K=I$k!!(BA soul dwells in blood. $B!!F|K\$rJQ$(IT0B2r>C!!(BJapan is changed and it is an uneasy dissolution.

$BF|K\$rJQ$(F|K\H/E8!!(BJapan is changed and it is Japanese development. $BL5CN$GNQM}$,Jx2u!!#E#t#h#i#c#s(B collapse by a desire. $BM_K>$NK~B-$GNQM}$,Jx2u!!(BEthics collapse by satisfaction of a desire. $BM_K>F.Ah$H@/<#NQM}!!(BA desire fight and political ethics $B!!M_K>F.Ah$H@/<#NQM}$NJx2u!!(BCollapse of a desire fight and political ethics $B!!L5:n0Y$N@/<#!!(BRandom politics $B!!L5:n0Y$GNQM}$NJx2u!!(BIt is random and is an ethical collapse. $B!!M_K>F.Ah$HNr;K$N1xL>!!(BDishonor of a desire fight and history $B!!8"NOF.Ah$H@/<#$N1xL>!!(BDishonor of a struggle for power and politics $B!!J*$NK~B-$H7kKv!!(BSatisfaction and the end of a thing $B!!J*$NK~B-$HK0$-!!(BSatisfaction and weariness in a thing

$B:2$N0\F0$3$=?4?HFs85!!(BSpiritual movement -- mind and body – duality$B!!:2$NB8:_$3$=?4?HFs85(B $B!!(BExistence of a soul -- mind and body -- duality $B!!46@-$N9b$^$j$H$O8@MU$r?4$G6/$/46$8$k$3$H!!(BLanguage is felt strong as a rise of sensitivity by the heart.  $B!!?4$J$-56Au8&5f!!(BInconsiderate camouflage research $B!!56Au8&5f$N8B3&!!(BThe limit of camouflage research $B:2$NB8:_$KL5CN$JE/3X A foolish philosopher is ignorant in existence of a soul.

$B?4$HA0N)A#$H@-!!(BThe heart, a prostate gland, and a sex $B!!?4$KL5CN$J@/<#2H!!(BA politician ignorant to the heart $B!!%+%(%5%k$N42MF$H6&@8!!(BCaesar's tolerance and symbiosis $B6b$GGc$($J$$?4$HL?!!(BThe heart and the life which Fri. cannot buy $B!!8@MU$NM}2r!"F,$H?4!!(BAn understanding, the head, and the heart of language $B!!8@MU$NM}2r!"?4$HF,$N0c$$!!(BAn understanding of language, the difference between the heart and the head $B!!463P$N@$3&$3$=?4!!(BThe sensational world is just the heart. $B!!?4$G46$8$k@?$N0&$KL5CN!!(BIgnorant on love of the sincerity felt by the heart

$B@$3&$HF|K\$N:2$HAx6xBN83The world, a soul of Japan, and an encounter experience person's words $BNr;K$N:2$H$NAx6xBN83M$NFf(BThe mystery of philosophy origin $BE/3X$N:,8;$NFf(BThe mystery of the philosophical origin

$B??M}$NK832Confession of the obstructor of truth $BE/3X$N??M}$O:2$NH/8+(BPhilosophical truth is spiritual discovery.$BE/3X$N:,8;$KL5CN$JE/3X$9$k(BMan changes. $B?M4V$N:,8;$KL5CN(BIgnorant on man's origin $B?M4V$N:,8;$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant on man's origin $B?M4V$N:,8;$rH/8+(B
Man's origin is discovered. $B?M4V$N:,8;$N:2$rH/8+(BThe soul of man's origin is discovered.$B?M4V$N:,8;$H?4?HFs85(B Man's origin and mind and body - duality $B?M4V$N:,8;$OL58B$N@$3&$N:2(BMan's origin is the soul in the infinite world.$BL58B$N:2$NB8:_$H?4?HFs85(B Existence of an infinite soul and mind and body -duality $BL5CN$N:,8;$O?4(BThe ignorant origin is the heart. $B2a5n$N@$3&$O?4$K:_$j(B The past world is in the heart. $BL58B$N@$3&$O?4$K:_$j(BThe infinite world is in the heart. $BD6463PE*CN3P$N?4(BThe heart of extrasensory perception $B7P83$G8@MU$r46$8$k?4(BThe heart which feels language by experience $B7P83$G8@MU$rM}2r$9$k?4(BThe heart which understands language by experience $BL5CN$J?4$N8@MU(BLanguage of the ignorant heart $B:2$N0RNO$r@8$+$9(BSpiritual power is employed efficiently. $BL58B$N@$3&$rH/8+(BThe infinite world is discovered.$B2a5n$N@$3&$rH/8+(B The past world is discovered. $B1J1s$N@$3&$rH/8+(BThe eternal world is discovered. $BL5CN$J?4$G46$8$k8@MU(BLanguage felt by the ignorant heart $B?4$3$=;`8e$N@$3&(BThe heart is just the world after death. $BE79q$+$i$Na4$j(BThe revival from Heaven $B?M$NCR7E$rD6$($?@$3&(BThe world beyond people's wisdom $BE79q$+$i$NI|3h(BRevival from Heaven $BL58B$N@$3&$+$i$NI|3h(BRevival from the infinite world $B8@MU$GDL$8$J$$>o<1(B
Common sense which does not pass by means of language $BE79q$+$i$N@<(BVoice from Heaven $BE79q$+$i$N4-5/(BEvocation from Heaven $BE79q$+$i$NF6;!(BDiscernment from Heaven $B2a5n$+$i$NI|3h(BRevival from the past $BL58B$+$i$N4-5/(BEvocation from infinity $BL58B$+$i$NF6;!(BDiscernment from infinity $BL58B$N@$3&$HE/3X(BThe infinite world and philosophy$BE/3X$HL58B$N@$3&(B Philosophy and the infinite world$BE/3X$H?M4V3X(B Philosophy and humanics $B?M4V3X$HE/3X(BHumanics and philosophy $BE/3X$H1'Ch(BPhilosophy and the universe $BE/3X$HM=CNG=NO(BIt is [ philosophy and ] intelligence power beforehand. $B:2$NB8:_$rL5;k$7$?56AuE/3X(BCamouflage philosophy which disregarded existence of a soul $BE/3X$3$=:2$NCR7E(BPhilosophy is just spiritual wisdom. $BE/3X$3$=L58B$N:2$+$i$NCR7E(BPhilosophy is just the wisdom from an infinite soul. $B?M$NCR7E$rD6$($?L58B$+$i$N8@MU$NCR7E(BWisdom of the language beyond people's wisdom from infinity $B$J$
$B%9%&%'!<%G%s%\%k%0$NBN83!!(BSwedenborg's experience. $B%9%&%'!<%G%s%\%k%0$N??o<1(BFor the elite, it is common sense to do the bad thing on the reverse side.$BC/$,2r$$$F$bL$2r$JE/3X(B  Even if who solves, it is Mikai philosophy. $BC/$,2r$$$F$b2r$i$J$$E/3X(B Philosophy which is not known even if who solves $BC/$,8&5f$7$F$b1J1s$K2r$1$J$$E/3X(BPhilosophy which cannot be forever dispelled even if who inquires $BL$2rL@$NE/(BPhilosophy of not solving $B$J$ Philosophy of the mystery of not solving $B%=%/%i%F%9$N5U=1(BA counterattack of Socrates $BL5CN$N<+3P$H8x0F(BIgnorant consciousness and Koan $B8@MU$N8m2rZL@(BProof in the infinite world $BL5CN$JE/3X$N>ZL@(BProof of ignorant philosophy $BL5CN$JE/3X$N8&5f(BResearch of ignorant philosophy $B?4$NL5CN$rH/8+(BThe ignorance of the heart is discovered. $B?4$NL5CN$r2rL@(BThe ignorance of the heart is solved. $B?4$NL5CN$r;XE&(BThe ignorance of the heart is pointed out. $B?4$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant to the heart $B@8L?5!G=$N??M}$KL5CN(BIgnorant in the truth of a life function $B??M}$NM=CN:n@o(BForecast strategy of truth $B$J$-MhM=CN$HD6463PE*CN3P(B A future forecast and extrasensory perception $B2?8N>-Mh$NM=CN$,2DG=$+(BOr [ that a future forecast is / why / possible ] $BM=CNG=NO$H?4(BThey are intelligence power and the heart beforehand.$B?4$H463PE*CN3P(B  The heart and sensuous consciousness $B?4$HM=CNG=NO(BIt is [ the heart and ] intelligence power beforehand. $BE/3XH/>M$NNr;K(BHistory of philosophy origin $B:2$NB8:_$HE/3X(BExistence of a soul and philosophy $BE/3X$H:2$NB8:_(BPhilosophy and existence of a soul $BE/3X$NNr;K$H?4(BPhilosophical history and the philosophical heart $BE/3X$NNr;K$H:2$NB8:_(BPhilosophical history and existence of a soul $BB>?M$N?4$r%3%s%H%m!<%k$9$kJ}K!(BHow to control others' heart$B?4$N;W$$$,2f(B A thought of the heart is self. $B?4$N;W$$$3$=2f(BA thought of the heart is just self. $B?4$N;W$$$3$=<+J,(BA thought of the heart is just itself. $BL5CN$J?4M}3X(BIgnorant psychology $B?4M}3X$OE}7W3X(BPsychology is statistics. $B?4M}3X$G2r$1$J$$?4(BThe heart which cannot be dispelled with psychology $B?4$H:2$N4X78(BRelation between the heart and a soul $B:2$H?4$HE/3X(BA soul, the heart, and philosophy $B?4$H:2$HE/3X(BThe heart, a soul, and philosophy $B?4$HE/3X$H:2$NB8:_(BThe heart, philosophy, and existence of a soul $B?4$HFyBN$H0eNE0e3X(BThe heart, flesh, and medical medicine $BE/3XH/>M$N5/8;(B
The origin of philosophy origin $B?M4V$NCN<1$rD6$($?CR7E(BWisdom beyond man's knowledge $BL$2r$N?4$NCR7E(BWisdom of the heart of a non-solution $BL$3+$NCR7E(BUncivilized wisdom $BL$2r$NCR7E(BWisdom of a non-solution $BL$3+$N?4$NCR7E(BWisdom of the uncivilized heart $BFyBN$H?4$H:2$NB8:_(BExistence of flesh, the heart, and a soul $BL58B$N:2$NCR7E(BWisdom of an infinite soul $B:2$NL58B$NCR7E(BSpiritual infinite wisdom $B:2$NCR7E$N2ACM(BWorth of spiritual wisdom$B5.=E$J:2$NCR7E(B Wisdom of a precious soul $BEEG>?M4V$H?4(BA cyber- human being and the heart$B%W%i%0%X%C%I$H?4(B A plug head and the heart $B;HL?46$HE/3X$N0c$$(BThe difference between a sense of mission and philosophy $B:2$HCR7E(BA soul and wisdom$BCR7E$H:2(B Wisdom and a soul $BLn=C2=$7$??M4V(BThe human being who wild-beast-ized $B?M4V$NLn=C2=(BMan's wild-beast-izing $BF,$KB8:_$7$J$$463P(BFeeling which does not exist in the head$BFyBN$KB8:_$7$J$$463P(B
Feeling which does not exist in flesh $B?4$,FyBN$KB8:_$7$J$$>ZL@(BProof to which the heart does not exist in flesh $B?4$OFyBN$HO"F0(BThe heart is interlocked with flesh. $B?M$NCN<1$rD6$($?CR7E(B. Wisdom beyond people's knowledge$B?MN`$NCN<1$NL5CN(B Ignorance of human beings' knowledge $B?4$NCN<1$KL5CN(BIgnorant in the knowledge of the heart

$BF|K\E/3X2q$NJx2u$rM=CN(B Collapse of the Philosophical Association of Japan is foreknown. $B!!2?8NE/3X$N8@MU$r8m2r

$B0';"$HK\2;(BA greeting and real intention$B!!!!13$HK\2;(B A lie and real intention $B!!?4$K;W$&=EMW2ACM(BImportant value which considers to the heart $B!!$J$<8@MU$rL5CN!"L5M}2r!"8m2r

$B6r$+$J?M$r0i$F$kF|K\(B Japan which brings up a foolish person $B!!?4$,0G$NF|K\(BThe heart is illegal Japan. $B!!?M$NCN7C$rD6$($??@$NCR7C(BChie beyond people's wisdom of God  $B!!?M$NCR7C$rD6$($?:2$NCR7C(BChie of the soul beyond Chie, people $B!!??M}$NE/3X4[(BThe philosophy hall of truth $B!!#E#S#P$N??M}8&5f=j(BThe truth research institute of ESP $B!!:2$NB8:_$KL5CN$GE/3X$r8&5f$9$k6r$+ZL@(BThe mind and body from an experience person's words -- duality is proved $B!!E/3X$+$i?4?HFs85$r>ZL@!!(BThe mind and body from philosophy -- duality is proved $B!!?4?HFs85$rE/3X$NNr;K$+$i2rL@!!(BMind and body -- duality -- the elucidation from philosophical history $B!!:2$NB8:_$H?4?HFs85!!(BExistence of a soul and mind and body -- duality $B!!?4?HFs85$H463P5!G=!!(BMind and body -- duality and a sensory function $BL5CN$G5/$3$k?4$N9SGQ(BDesolation of the heart which is ignorant and happens $B!!L5CN$J463P5!G=(BAn ignorant sensory function $B!!L$2r$N463P5!G=(BThe sensory function of a non-solution $B!!F,$KB8:_$7$J$$?4$N463P5!G=!!(BThe sensory function of the heart which does not exist in the head $BL$3+$N?4$N463P5!G=(BThe sensory function of the uncivilized heart $B!!?MN`$NL5CN$N<+3P$HH?>J(BIgnorant consciousness and reflection of human beings $B!!?4?HFs85$HE/3X!!(BMind and body -- duality and philosophy $B!!?4?HFs85$HL5CN(BMind and body -- as ignorant as duality $B!!?4?HFs85$H8@MU$NM}2r(BMind and body -- an understanding of duality and language $B!!?4?HFs85$H;W9M!!(BMind and body -- duality and thinking $B!!?4?HFs85$H13$HK\2;!!(BMind and body -- duality, a lie, and real intention $B!!?4?HFs85$HF,$H?4$N0c$$!!(BMind and body -- the difference between duality, the head, and the heart $B!!?4?HFs85$H9TF0(BMind and body -- duality and action $B!!?4?HFs85$H?4$NJx2u(BMind and body -- collapse of duality and the heart $B!!?4?HFs85$H:2$NB8:_(BMind and body -- existence of duality and a soul $B!!?MN`$OL5CN$N<+3P$KL\3P$a$h(B Human beings need to wake up to ignorant consciousness.$B!!?4?HFs85$HF6;!(BMind and body -- duality and discernment $B!!?4?HFs85$H46@-!!(BMind and body -- duality and sensitivity  $B?4?HFs85$H8g@-(BMind and body -- duality and understanding $B!!?4?HFs85$HM}@-!!(BMind and body -- duality and reason $B!!?4?HFs85$HNQM}#M(Bind and body -- duality and ethics $B!!?4?HFs85$HLdEzK!(BMind and body -- duality and the arguing method $B!!?4?HFs85$HJ[>ZK!(BMind and body -- duality and dialectic $B!!?4?HFs85$H?4$N0G!!(BMind and body -- the darkness of duality and the heart $B!!?4?HFs85$H7qBU46!!(BMind and body -- duality and a feeling of fatigue $B!!L5CN$J%G%+%k%H$N?4?HFs85(BIgnorant Descartes's mind and body -- duality $B!!5.J}$NL5CN$J@$3&?4!!(BYour ignorant world heart $B!!?MN`$O??M}$KL\3P$a$h(B Human beings need to wake up to truth. $B!!?MN`$OL5CN$KL\3P$a$h(BHuman beings need to wake up ignorantly. $B!!L5CN$@$i$1$N?4$N@$3&(BThe world of the heart full of ignorance $B!!#2#1@$5*?MN`$,L5CN$J?4$N@$3&(BThe world of the heart with the ignorant 21st century human beings $B!!L$3+$NE/3X8&5f(BUncivilized philosophy research $B!!L$2r$NE/3X8&5f(BPhilosophy research of a non-solution $B!!L5CN$JE/3X8&5f(BIgnorant philosophy research $B!!L5CN$J??M}$NE/3X(BPhilosophy of ignorant truth $B!!;`$N62I]46(BThe awful feeling of death $B!!5.J}$O;`$K$?$$$H;W$C$?;v$,$"$j$^$9$+(BYou want whether to die. $B!!1?L?$O<+J,$G7h$a$k(BFate is decided by itself. $B!!1?L?$3$=<+J,$N?4$N7k2L(BJust fate is as a result of its heart. $B!!B8:_46$r<:$C$?;~(BWhen presence is lost $B!!0MB8>I$H<+;&(BDependence and suicide $B!!E/3X$H$OCO5e>e$K:2$NB8:_$N8&5f(BPhilosophy is research of spiritual existence on the earth. $B!!E/3X$H$O:!$N@$$K:2$NB8:_$N8&5f(BPhilosophy is research of spiritual existence into this world. $B!!E/3X$H$O;`$N@$3&$N8&5f(BPhilosophy is research in the world of death. $B!!0x2L$NK!B'$H?M@8(BThe law and life of cause and effect $B!!?M@8$H0x2L$NK!B'(BThe law of life and cause and effect $B!!L5CN$HMx8JZL@$rK832(BIgnorance and egoism block the proof of truth. $B!!L5CN$H<+2f$,??M}$rAK$`(BIgnorance and self obstruct truth. $B!!>/;R2=?M8}8:>/$N>-Mh$rM=CN(BThe future of a decrease-in-the-birthrate decrease in population is foreknown. $B!!?M8}8:>/$H>-MhIT0B(BIt will be uneasy a decrease in population and in the future. $B!!>/;R2=?M8}8:>/$N>-MhIT0B(BIt will be uneasy in the future [ of a decrease-in-the-birthrate decrease in population ]. $B!!56Au8&5f$rNr;K$K;D$9(BIt leaves the name of a camouflage researcher to history. $B!!L5CN$J8&5f$rNr;K$K;D$9(BIt leaves the name of an ignorant researcher to history. $B!!F|K\$N6r$+$rNr;K$K;D$9(BIt leaves a Japanese fool's name to history. $B!!L5CN$J8&5f?4$N@$3&(BThe world of ignorant spirit of inquiry $B!!F,$KB8:_$7$J$$?4$N@$3&(BThe world of the heart which does not exist in the head$B!!FyBN$NF,$KB8:_$7$J$$?4$N@$3&(B The world of the heart which does not exist in the corporal head $B!!%=%/%i%F%9$H%G%+%k%H$NE/3X(BPhilosophy of Socrates and Descartes $B!!?M4V0&$H%9%H!<%+!<$N6hJL$,$D$+$J$$J[8n;N(BThe lawyer whom distinction of human love and a stalker does not attach $B!!?M4V0&$H%9%H!<%+!<$KL5CN$J:[H=41(BA judge ignorant to human love and a stalker $B!!F|K\$N6r$+$rNr;K$K;D$9(BIt leaves a Japanese fool's name to history. $B!!F|K\$N8m2r

$B0-Kb$NElBg(BThe devilish University of Tokyo $B!!68$C$?F|K\E/3X2q(BThe mad Philosophical Association of Japan $B!!?4$,68$C$?ElBg(BThe University of Tokyo where the heart went wrong $B!!F|K\$N?4$rJx2u$5$;$kElBg(BThe University of Tokyo which collapses the heart of Japan $B!!?M$rMx8Jo<1$N7kKv(BA scientist's irrational end $B!!$J$<0U8+$,BPN)$9$k(BAn opinion is [ why ] opposed to each other. $B!!$J$$rCC$($F$b?4$OKa$1$J$$(BThe heart cannot be polished even if it trains a brain. $B!!F,$rCC$($F$b?4$OKa$1$J$$(BThe heart cannot be polished even if it trains the head. $B!!?@$NCR7C$K>!$kF,$OL5$$(BThere is no head which excels Chie of God. $B!!Hs>o<1$N;W$$9~$_(BAn irrational belief $B!!@8$-$k0Y$N=EMW??M}(BImportant truth for living $B!!H/8+$7$?:2$NF3$-$NCR7C(BChie of spiritual guidance who discovered $B!!F|K\$NE/3X8&5f$rHcH=(BJapan's philosophy research is criticized. $B!!?@$NF6;!NO$r@8$+$9(BThe insight of God is employed efficiently. $B!!?@$O$J$

$B!!L5CN$JE/3X8&5f(BIgnorant philosophy research $B!!:2$NB8:_$KL5CN$JE/3X(BPhilosophy ignorant in existence of a soul $B!!L5CN$G6r$+$JE/3XJ$bL5$$6r$+ Education of only the ignorant head $B!!6r$+$JF,$@$1$N650i(BEducation of only the foolish head $B!!?4$KL5CN$JF,$@$1$N650i(BEducation of only the head ignorant to the heart $B!!?4$KL5CN$J?4$N8&5f(BResearch of the heart ignorant to the heart $B!!?4$KL5CN$J56Au8&5f(BIgnorant to the heart -- it camouflage-inquires $B!!56Au8&5f$OI,$:K=O*(BCamouflage research is surely exposed. $B!!??M}$N8&5f$OI,$:>!$D(BResearch of truth surely wins. $B!!?4$KL5CN$JF,$N8&5f(BResearch of the head ignorant to the heart $B!!$J$ A foolish wall is discovered.$B!!?4$N8@MU$rL5CN!"L5M}2r!"8m2rZL@(BProof of the world existence after death $B!!L58B$N@$3&B8:_$N>ZL@(BProof of an infinite world existence $B!!%I%$%D4QG0O@$NE/3X Philosopher Fichte of German idealism $B:2$H$NAx6xJ}K!$N8x<08x3+$K$h$C$FBN83$5$;$kJ}K!(BHow to reverse a belief of a mistake $B!!L5CN$J;W$$9~$_$r5UE>$5$;$kJ}K!(BHow to reverse an ignorant belief

$B?4$N??M}$KL5CN$JF|K\(BJapan ignorant in the truth of the heart $B!!?4$N??M}$KL5CN$JElBg(BThe University of Tokyo ignorant in the truth of the heart $B!!?4$r8+<:$C$?#2#1@$5*$NF|K\(B
Japan in the 21st century which missed the heart $B!!?4$r8+<:$C$?ElBg(BThe University of Tokyo which missed the heart $B!!?4$r8+<:$C$?F|K\$N650i$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of a desire $B!!HQG:$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of worldly desires $B!!Mx8J

$B<+B:?4$H<+9{$l(BIt is conceit as pride. $B!!8X$j$H<+9{$l$N0c$$(BIt is the difference in conceit as pride. $B!!6r$+$J<+B:?4(BFoolish pride $B!!B8:_46$r<:$&<+B:?4(BPride which loses presence

$B<+B:?4$N6/$$6r$+The strong fool of pride $B!!<+B:?4$H8IFH(BAs solitary as pride $B!!CN$i$:$NB;(BFree loss $B!!CN$C$FFA$9$kE/3X$N??M}(BTruth of the philosophy which gets to know and carries out virtue $B!!CN$C$FF@$9$k@8L?5!G=$N??M}(BTruth of the life function got to know and gained $B!!?@$O@$3&$G:GBg$NCR7Ce$G:GBg$NCR7C  God is the greatest Chie person in an earth top. $B!!?@$NCR7C$O?r9b$K$7$F1|?<$$(BChie of God makes noble-minded and is deep. $B!!:2$O@$3&$G:GBg$NCR7C A soul is the world and is the greatest Chie person. $B!!:2$NCR7C$O?r9b$K$7$F1|?<$$(BSpiritual Chie makes noble-minded and is deep. $B!!:2$OCO5e>e$G:GBg$NCR7C    Why don't human beings know the heart of a dream? $B!!?MN`$O2?8NL4$N?4$KL5CN$+(BHuman beings are why it is ignorant to the heart of a dream. $B!!L5CN$J0Y$NB;(BLoss for being ignorant

$BBg0f:#D+M:$NE/3X3WL?(BKesao Oi's philosophy revolution $B!!Bg0f:#D+M:$N;`8e$N@$3&(BKesao Oi's death -- future generations -- a boundary $B!!Bg0f:#D+M:$NL58B$N@$3&(BKesao Oi's infinite world $B!!@$3&$NE/3Xe3X(BKesao Oi's metaphysics $B!!Bg0f:#D+M:$ND6463PE*CN3P(BKesao Oi's extrasensory perception $B!J#E#S#P!K!!Bg0f:#D+M:$NE/3X$N86M}(BThe principle of Kesao Oi's philosophy $B!!Bg0f:#D+M:$N!V?4?HFs85!W(BKesao Oi's "mind and body -- duality -- " $BBg0f:#D+M:$N2{5?O@(BKesao Oi's skepticism $B!!Bg0f:#D+M:$N>J;!(BKesao Oi's reflection $B!!Bg0f:#D+M:$NHcH=E/3X(BKesao Oi's critical philosophy $B!!Bg0f:#D+M:$N=c?hM}@-HcH=(BKesao Oi's pure reason criticism $B!!Bg0f:#D+M:$NpG0O@(BKesao Oi's feelings theory $B!!Bg0f:#D+M:$N0x2L$NK!B'(BThe law of Kesao Oi's cause and effect $B!!0x2L$NK!B'$H1?L?(BThe law and fate of cause and effect $B!!#2#1@$5*4q@WE*$KH/8+$5$l$?:2(BThe soul discovered miraculously in the 21st century $B!!#2#1@$5*4q@WE*$KH/8+$5$l$??@$NB8:_(BExistence of God discovered miraculously in the 21st century $B!!#2#1@$5*#2#5#0#0G/$NNr;K$rD6$($FH/8+$5$l$?%=%/%i%F%9$NAx6xBN83$r$7$?:2$NH/8+(BDiscovery of the soul which carried out Socrates's encounter experience discovered exceeding the 21st century 2500 years of history$B!!8@MU$NM}2rJ}K!$KL5CN$J?MN`(B Human beings ignorant to the understanding method of language $B!!8@MU$r7P83$G?4$G46$8$FM}2r$9$kJ}K!$KL5CN(BIgnorant to the method of feeling and understanding language by the heart by experience $B!!F,$KB8:_$7$J$$?4$N463P5!G=$KL5CN(BIgnorant to the sensory function of the heart which does not exist in the head $B!!F,$G9M$(?4$G;W$&?4?HFs85$KL5CN(B
The mind and body which consider intellectually and are considered by the heart -- ignorant to duality $B8@MU$r?4$G46$8$F$kJ}K!$KL5CN(BIgnorant to the method of feeling language by the heart and shining $B!!?4?HFs85$KL5CN$JE/3X.3X@8$G$b$o$+$kF,$H?4$N0c$$$KL5CN(Bmind and body -- a philosopher ignorant to duality is ignorant to the difference in the head and the heart which are known also by a schoolchild $B;`8e$N@$3&$+$i$N;HL?(BThe mission from the world after death $B!!L58B$N@$3&$+$i$N;HL?(BThe mission from the infinite world $B!!@U$a$l$P?4$rJD$8?T$/$;$P?4$r3+$/(BThe heart will be opened, if it blames and all the hearts will be closed. $B@U$a$l$P?4$rJD$8?T$/$;$P<+9{$l$k(BIt will be conceited, if it blames and all the hearts will be closed.$B!!IaDL$N?4$r2rL@(B The ordinary heart is solved. $B!!$J$$J?4$H:n0U!J:n0Y!K$J?4(Bthe gentle heart -- a central theme (artificiality) -- the heart $B!!?4$N;W$$$O9TF0!";Ep$H$7$FFyBN$KI=$o$l$k(BA thought of the heart appears in flesh as action, behavior, and an expression. $B5.J}$OF,$G;W$$?4$G9M$($k$H8@$$$^$9$+(BDo you say that it considers with the head and you think by the heart? $BF,$G;W$$?4$G9M$($kF|K\$NE/3X(BPhilosophy of Japan which considers with the head and is considered by the heart $B?4?HFs85$KL5CN$JF|K\$NE/3X(Bmind and body -- the philosophy of Japan ignorant to duality $B!!?4?HFs85$KL5CN$J;W9M(Bmind and body -- thinking ignorant to duality $B?4$3$=@?$N;`8e$N@$3&(BThe heart is just the world after sincere death. $B%i!<%a%s20BP6r$+e$N:2$NB8:_8&5f$3$=?MN`$NH/E8(B Soul's on the earth existence research is just human beings' development. $B0U;V$H$O?4$N;W$$(B
Will is a thought of the heart. $B!!0U<1$9$k$H$O?4$,L\3P$a$F$$$k>uBV(BThe state where the heart has woken up that he is conscious $B?4$N8@MU$H$O?4$N0U;V(BThe language of the heart is the will of the heart. $B!!8@MU$O?4$K$bB8:_(BLanguage exists also in the heart.

 $B?4$r8+<:$C$FF|K\(BThe heart is missed and he is Japan. $B56Au9qF|K\$NE/3X8&5f(BCamouflage country Japan's philosophy research $B@h9T$-IT0B$NF|K\(BJapan of uncertainty over the future $BE72<$j2&9qF|K\(BGovernment-parachutist-into-private-industry kingdom Japan $B?4$3$=FyBN$rF0$+$9(BJust the heart moves flesh. $B?4$N;W$$$3$=FyBN$rF0$+$9(BJust a thought of the heart moves flesh. $B?4$KL5CN$JE/3X8&5f(Bignorant to the heart -- it philosophy-inquires $B:2$NB8:_$KL5CN$JE/3X8&5f(Bignorant in existence of a soul -- it philosophy-inquires $BL5CN$KL\3P$a$hE/3X Philosophical ignorant human beings $BE/3X$N??M}$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant in philosophical truth $BHcH=$HH?O@J$r6/$/5a$a$k(BIt asks for reflection of the University of Tokyo strongly.

$B0x2L$NK!B'$H1?L?(B The law and fate of cause and effect $B0x2L$NK!B'$H?M@8(BThe law and life of cause and effect $B0x2L$NK!B'$H=P0)$$(BThe law of cause and effect, and encounter $B=P2q$$$3$=1?L?$r7hDj$9$k(BJust encounter determines fate. $BE/3XLes mots de Descartes sont décodés.  $B!!(BDescartes's words are decoded. $B%9%&%'!<%G%s%\%k%0$N8@MU$r2rFI(BSwedenborg's words are decoded. $B?MN`$NL5CN$H6r$+$r;XE&$7$F6=L#$r;}$?$;$kJ}K!(B
How to point out whether it is human beings' ignorance and Orok, and to give interest  $B;`8e$N@$3&$NAG@2$i$7$5$r8x3+$7$F6=L#$r;}$?$;$kJ}K!(BHow to exhibit the wonderfulness in the world after death and to give interest $B:2$H$NAx6xBN83$N2ACM$r8x3+$7$F6=L#$r;}$?$;$kJ}K!(BHow to exhibit worth of encounter experience [, with a soul ] and to give interest

$BFqBj$N2rL@$KD)$s$@;d(BMe who challenged the elucidation of a difficult problem $BFqBj$N2rL@$KL%NO$r46$8$?;d(BMe who felt charm for the elucidation of a difficult problem $B%=%/%i%F%90JMh!"C/$b2rL@$G$-$J$+$C$?FqBj$NE/3X$N2rL@$KD)@o(Bproblem The elucidation of the philosophy of the difficult problem that nobody has solved has been challenged since Socrates. $B:#$3$NCO5e>e$K2?$,5/$3$C$F$$$k$+(BWhat has happened on this earth now? $BCO5e>e$NBg$-$JFf$r2rL@(BThe big mystery on the earth is solved. $B?MN`$NFf?@Hk$J?4$NFf$r2rL@(Bhuman beings' mystery -- the mystery of the mystery heart is solved $B:2$NB8:_$KL5CN$JE/3Xe3X(BMetaphysics ignorant in existence of a soul $B56Au8&5f Hell of a camouflage researcher $B68$C$?E/3X8&5f $B:2$HAx6xBN83

$B!!J*$N@$3&$+$iL5$H6u$N@$3&$X(B To the world of the world of a thing to nothing, and empty $BE/3Xe3X$G:2$NB8:_$r8&5f$7$F$$$kE/3X It is not known that it is [ why ] natural. $B;~4V$N7P2a$GA1$/$J$k$3$H(BIt becomes good by progress of time. $B;~4V$,7P2a$7$J$$$H2r7h$7$J$$;v(B. Unless time passes, don't solve. $B;~4V$N7P2a$G0-$/$J$k$3$H(B. It worsens by progress of time. $B$=$N>l$G2r7h$9$k$3$H(BIt solves on that spot. $B?M$N?4$rCN$k$3$H$OFqBj$G$"$k(BIt is a difficult problem to get to know people's mind. $B?M$N?4$rFI$`$3$H$OFqBj$G$"$k(B. It is a difficult problem to read people's mind. $B?M$N?4$rF6;!$9$k$3$H$OFqBj$G$"$k(BIt is a difficult problem to discern people's mind. $B?M$N?4$rCN$k;v$OFqLd$G$"$k(BIt is a difficult problem to get to know people's mind. $B?M$O$J$ The language it cannot be understood that does not experience is discovered. $BM}2r$G$-$J$$F|>o8l$rH/8+(B. Discover the everyday language which cannot be understood. $B56Au8&5f$N=8CD2=(BCollectivization of camouflage research $B?MN`$,40A4$KL5CN$J?4$N5!G=(BHuman beings are the functions of the completely ignorant heart. $B<+2f$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant for Jiga$B!!<+2f$N?4$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant to the heart of self$B!!(B $B8}$GH/8@$7$F9TF0$,H<$o$J$$8@MU(BLanguage which speaks by the mouth and by which action is not accompanied $BHcH=$HH?O@$B#2#0#0#8G/#97n#6F|(B$B>.$5$J@/I\1?F0(BSmall government movement $B!!9q2q5D0w$rH>J,$K$9$k1?F0(BMovement which makes a Diet member a half $B!!8xL30w$rH>J,$K$9$k1?F0(BMovement which makes a government official a half $B!!#2#0#0#8G/#97n#1#2F|=q$-9~$_!!F,$GM}2r!"2r The end of camouflage research $B!!13$N7kKv(BA false end $B!!L5CN$N7kKv(BAn ignorant end $B!!@$3&$NFf$H??M}$N2rL@(BThe mystery in the world, and the elucidation of truth $B!!@$3&$NL5CN$H??M}$N2rL@(BThe ignorance in the world, and the elucidation of truth $B!!@$3&$NFf$HL5CN$r2rL@(BThe mystery and ignorance in the world are solved. $B!!@$3&$NL5CN$HFf$r2rL@(BThe ignorance and the mystery in the world are solved. $B!!<+J,$N?4$H:2$N0c$$(BOne's heart and the difference in a soul $B!!HyL/$J?4$HF,$N0c$$(BThe difference between the delicate heart and the head $B!!E/3X$KL5CN$G2?8NE/3X!$kCN7C$OF,$KB8:_$7$J$$(BThe wisdom to excel God does not exist in the head. $B?M4V$O<+J,$,0lHVBg;v(BFor man, he is a serious happening most. $B@U$a$i$l$l$P<+J,$r Why doesn't the heart exist in the head?$B!!FyBN$H?4$NO"F0(B Linkage of flesh and the heart  $B!!?.6D$HNQM}$ON>N)$9$k$+(BAre faith and ethics compatible? $B5~BgGI$HElBgGI$r2rL@(B
The Kyoto University group and the University of Tokyo group are solved. $B!!??M}$OAJ$(B3$1$F@$$K=P$k(BIt continues appealing against truth and it comes out to a world.$B!!7]=Q$3$=?4$@(B Art is just the heart. $B!!7]=Q$O?4$@(BArt is the heart. $B7]=Q$O?4$NI=8=(BArt is expression of the heart. $B!!L58B$N@$3&$O?4$K:_$j(BThe infinite world is in the heart. $B?4$3$=L58B$N@$3&(B
The heart is just the infinite world. $B?4$KL5CN$@$i$1$NElBg(BThe University of Tokyo full of ignorance to the heart $B?4$K40A4L5CN$JElBg(BThe ignorant University of Tokyo perfect to the heart $B?4$KL5CN$JF|K\E/3X2q(BThe Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant to the heart $B?4$KL5CN$JF|K\E/3X2q$K$OE/3X$O2r$1$J$$(BThe Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant to the heart cannot dispel philosophy. $B?4$K40A4L5CN$JF|K\E/3X(BIgnorant Japanese philosophy perfect to the heart $B@8@.$5$l$??4$H1?L?(BThe heart and fate which were generated $B@8@.$5$l$??4$H?M@8(BThe heart and life which were generated $BE/3X$N8m2r.$5$J@/I\(BAdministrative reform and a small government $B41N=2~3W$H>.$5$J@/I\(BBureaucrat reform and a small government $BFHN)9T@/K!?M$N2rBN(BDemolition of an independent administrative agency $BE72<$j9T@/K!?M$N2rBN0J30$KF|K\$N>-Mh$OL5(BThere is no future of Japan in addition to demolition of government-parachutist-into-private-industry administrative law people. $B:P=P:o8:$H>.$5$J@/I\(BCuts in expenditures and a small government $BE/3X$+$i!V:2$NB8:_$N>ZL@!W(BFrom philosophy "proof of spiritual existence $B:2$NB8:_$+$iE/3X$NFf$r2rL@(BA philosophical mystery is solved from existence of a soul. $B:2$NB8:_$+$i!V?4?HFs85!W$r2rL@(B"mind and body from existence of a soul  duality  "  it solves $B46@-$N@$3&$H?4(BThe world and the heart of sensitivity $BM}@-$N@$3&$H?4(BThe world and the heart of reason $B8g@-$N@$3&$H?4(BThe world and the heart of understanding $B!!(B
$B#97n#2#5F|!JLZ!K=q$-9~$_E>Aw(B$B!!!!?4$N?<$$;W$$$HNx(BA deep thought and love of the heart $B!!?4$N?<$$;W$$$HL$N}(BAs regretful as a deep thought of the heart $B!!?4$N?<$$;W$$$H:($_(BA deep thought of the heart and a grudge $B!!??M}$H56Au$NH=CG(BJudgment of truth and camouflage $B!!L5CN$J??M}$H56Au$NH=CG(BJudgment of ignorant truth and camouflage $B??56$NH=CG$KL5CN(BIgnorant to judgment of truth $B!!6r$+$JF,$,F|K\$rBLL\$K$9$k(BThe foolish head spoils Japan. $BL5CN$@$i$1$NM-<1   Ignorant well-informed person $B!!CN<1ITB-$NM-<1 A well-informed person with insufficient knowledge $B?M4V$NCN<1$O?4$HF,$KC_$($i$l$k(BMan's knowledge is stored in the heart and the head. $BF,$KC_$($i$l$kCN@-(BIntellect stored in the head $B?4$KC_$($i$l$k8g@-$H46@-(BUnderstanding and sensitivity which are stored in the heart $B?4$N!V@-!W!J$5$,!K$K$^$GL5CN$JElBg(BThe University of Tokyo ignorant to "Saga" of the heart $B?4$KL5CN$JE/3X  $BE79q$+$i$N;H2J3X$rNr;K$K=q$-;D$9(BIt forgets to write the name of a scholar ignorant in the truth of the heart in history. $B3XZL@(B Existence of a soul is proved from philosophy. $B@8L?5!G=$N??M}$+$i:2$NB8:_$r>ZL@(BExistence of a soul is proved from the truth of a life function. $BF,$G2r$i$J$$?4(BThe heart which is not known with the head $BF,$G2r$1$J$$?4(BThe heart which cannot be dispelled with the head$B!!F,$GL5CN$J?4(B The heart ignorant with the head $BL\$G8+$($J$$?4(BCardiac mind and body which are not visible by the eye $B?4?HFs85$+$i:2$NB8:_$r>ZL@(Bmind and body -- existence of a soul is proved from duality $B46@-$N@$3&$+$i:2$NB8:_$r>ZL@(BExistence of a soul is proved from the world of sensitivity. $B8g@-$N@$3&$+$i:2$NB8:_$r>ZL@(BExistence of a soul is proved from the world of understanding.$BM}@-$N@$3&$+$i:2$NB8:_$r>ZL@(B  Prove existence of a soul from the world of reason. $BE/3XZL@(BExistence of philosophical truth and a soul is proved. $B<+J,$NHH$7$F$$$k:a$K5$$,IU$+$J$$$[$IL5CN$G6r$+$JElBg(BSuch the ignorant and foolish University of Tokyo that he does not notice the crime which he has committed $B<+2f$N?4$rJ,2r(BThe heart of self is decomposed. $BF,$rCC$($F$b?4$OKa$1$J$$(BThe heart cannot be polished even if it trains the head. $BF,$rCC$($F$b?4$r46CN$G$-$J$$(BThe heart cannot be noticed even if it trains the head. $BF,$rCC$($F$b?4$O2rL@$G$-$J$$(BThe heart cannot be solved even if it trains the head. $BF,$KB8:_$7$J$$?4$r2r$/(B
The heart which does not exist in the head is dispelled. $BFyBN$KB8:_$7$J$$?4$r2r$/(BThe heart which does not exist in flesh is dispelled. $B6r$+$JElBg$N?4$r2rL@(BThe heart of the foolish University of Tokyo is solved. $BL5CN$JE/3X$r2rL@(BIgnorant philosophy is solved. $BL5CN$J?4$N%Q%i%I%C%/%9(BParadox of the ignorant heart $BL5CN$J:2$N%Q%i%I%C%/%9(BParadox of an ignorant soul $BL5CN$JE/3X$N%Q%i%I%C%/%9(BParadox of ignorant philosophy $BL5CN$J@8L?5!G=$N%Q%i%I%C%/%9(BParadox of an ignorant life function $BL5CN$J?4?HFs85$N%Q%i%I%C%/%9(BIgnorant paradox of mind-and-body duality $BElBg$,F|K\$rBLL\$K$9$k(BThe University of Tokyo spoils Japan. $BF,$@$1$N650i$N7g4Y(BThe defect of the education of only the head $BF,$@$1$N650i$N7kKv(BThe end of the education of only the head $BJ*$N;~Be$+$iL5$N;~Be(BThe time of the time of a thing to nothing $BM#G>O@$+$i?4?HFs85$N;~Be(BThe time of $BM#G>O@(B to mind-and-body duality$B?4$O7P83$G8@MU$r46$82J3X8&5f=j$N!V?4$HCN@-$X$ND)@o!W$NBg4V0c$$(BThe great mistake of "a challenge to the heart and intellect" of a brain science research institute $B?4$K$7$+B8:_$7$J$$@$3&(BThe world which exists only in the heart $B?4$K$7$+B8:_$7$J$$??M}(BTruth which exists only in the heart $BF,$KB8:_$7$J$$;`8e$N@$3&(BThe world after the death which does not exist in the head $B?4$K$7$+B8:_$7$J$$;`8e$N@$3&(Bthe death which exists only in the heart -- future generations -- a boundary $BFyBN$KB8:_$7$J$$;`8e$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart after the death which does not exist in flesh $BF,$KB8:_$7$J$$8@MU$r46$8$k463P5!G=(BThe sensory function which feels the language which does not exist in the head $BFyBN$KB8:_$7$J$$?4$N463P5!G=(BThe sensory function of the heart which does not exist in flesh $B?4$K$7$+B8:_$7$J$$463P5!G=(BThe sensory function which exists only in the heart $BF,$KB8:_$7$J$$46@-$N@$3&(BThe world of the sensitivity which does not exist in the head $BFyBN$KB8:_$7$J$$46@-$N@$3&(B
The world of the sensitivity which does not exist in flesh $B?4$K$7$+B8:_$7$J$$46@-$N@$3&(BThe world of the sensitivity which exists only in the heart $BF,$KB8:_$7$J$$8g@-$N@$3&(BThe world of the understanding which does not exist in the head $BFyBN$KB8:_$7$J$$8g@-$N@$3&(BThe world of the understanding which does not exist in flesh $B?4$K$7$+B8:_$7$J$$8g@-$N@$3&(BThe world of the understanding which exists only in the heart $BF,$KB8:_$7$J$$M}@-$N@$3&(BThe world of the reason which does not exist in the head $BFyBN$KB8:_$7$J$$M}@-$N@$3&(B
The world of the reason which does not exist in flesh $B?4$K$7$+B8:_$7$J$$M}@-$N@$3&(BThe world of the reason which exists only in the heart $BFyBN$NB!4o$d5!G=$OA4$FF1$8(BAll of corporal internal organs and a corporal function are the same. $B?4$N@-$l(BThe character of the heart is up to men. $B:2$N8@MU!&0U<1$7$F$N8@MU$H!"?2$FL50U<1$N;~L4$KIb$+$V8@MU$N0c$$(BThe difference between spiritual language, the language which he is conscious of, and the language which goes to sleep, and appears on a dream when unconscious $B??M}$KL5CN$G99$K56Au$N>eEI$j(BIt is ignorant in truth and is glazing of further camouflage. $BElBg$N56Au8&5f$NK=O*K\(BThe expose of camouflage research of the University of Tokyo $BF|K\E/3X2q$NL5CN$NE/3X$rK=$/(BThe ignorant philosophy of the Philosophical Association of Japan is revealed. $B;W9M$N8@MU$KL5CN$JElBg(BThe University of Tokyo ignorant into the language of thinking $B;W9M$N8@MU$rM}2r$G$-$J$$ElBg(BThe University of Tokyo which cannot understand language of thinking $B;W9M$N8@MU$r2rFI$G$-$J$$ElBg(BThe University of Tokyo which cannot decode language of thinking $BE/3X$O2?8NFq$7$$$N$+(BWhy is philosophy difficult? $BE/3X$O2?8N$KFf$+(BWhy is philosophy a mystery? $B$J$J$,CY$l$k$[$IElBg$N:a$O=E$$(BThe crime of the University of Tokyo is so heavy that ignorant consciousness and reflection are overdue. $BG>$,2r$C$F$b?4$O2r$i$J$$(BThe heart is not known even if a brain is known. $BE7$+$i$N=EMWG$L3$r\$7$$F|K\$NF,$N56Au8&5f(BCamouflage research which is the head of Japan detailed to one world mind $B@?$NE/3X$H?4$N??M}(BSincere philosophy and truth of the heart $B8@MU$NJI$KAK$^$l$kE/3X$N??M}(BTruth of the philosophy obstructed by the wall of language $B;~4V$O?4$G46$8$k$b$N(BTime is felt by the heart. $B;~4V$O?4$G46$8$k35G0(BTime is a concept felt by the heart. $B%"%$%s%7%e%?%$%s$H?4$N;~4V$N35G0(BThe concept of the time of Einstein and the heart $B8g@-$N8@MU$rL5M}2r$JF|K\E/3X2q(BHe is the inappreciative Philosophical Association of Japan about the language of understanding. $B46@-$N8@MU$rL5M}2r$JF|K\E/3X2q(BHe is the inappreciative Philosophical Association of Japan about the language of sensitivity. $BM}@-$N8@MU$rM}2r$G$-$J$$F|K\E/3X2q(BThe Philosophical Association of Japan which cannot understand language of reason $B?4$KL5CN$JF|K\E/3X2q(BThe Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant to the heart $B:2$NB8:_$KL5CN$JF|K\E/3X2q(BThe Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant in existence of a soul $B@8L?5!G=$N??M}$KL5CN$JF|K\E/3X2q(BThe Philosophical Association of Japan ignorant in the truth of a life function $BF|K\E/3X2q$O1J1s$KE/3X$N??M}$O2r$1$J$$(BThe Philosophical Association of Japan cannot dispel philosophical truth forever. $B7A$NL5$$?4!&7A$H$7$F;D$9J}K!(BHow to leave as the heart and a form without a form$BM=CNG=NO$H?4$N??M}(B They are intelligence power and the truth of the heart beforehand. $BM=CNG=NO$H@8L?5!G=$N??M}(BThey are intelligence power and the truth of a life function beforehand. $BM=CNG=NO$H?4?HFs85(Bbeforehand -- intelligence power and mind and body -- duality $BM=CNG=NO$H:2$NB8:_(BIt is existence of intelligence power and a soul beforehand.$BM=CNG=NO$H:2$NCN7C(BIt is the wisdom of intelligence power and a soul beforehand. $BM=CNG=NO$HE/3X(B They are intelligence power and philosophy beforehand. $B$J$ZL@(BThe heart which does not exist in the head is proved. $B?MN`$NL5CN$r2rL@(BHuman beings' ignorance is solved. $B@8L?5!G=$N??M}$NL5CN$r2rL@(BThe ignorance of the truth of a life function is solved. $BE/3X$NL5CN$r2rL@(BPhilosophical ignorance is solved. $B?4$N??M}$KL5CN$r2rL@(BIgnorance is solved in the truth of the heart. $B:2$NB8:_$KL5CN$r2rL@(BIgnorance is solved in existence of a soul.$BL5CN$J8@MU$NM}2rJ}K!2rL@(B The understanding method elucidation of ignorant language $B8@MU$r?4$G46$8$k463P5!G=$KL5CN$r2rL@(BIgnorance is solved to the sensory function which feels language by the heart. $BF,$N8&5f$H?4$N8&5f$N0c$$(BThe difference between research of the head, and research of the heart $BF,$O2J3X$GB,Dj$,$G$-$k$,?4$O2J3X$G$NB,Dj$OIT2DG=(BAlthough measurement of the head is possible by science, measurement by science is impossible for the heart. $BL5CN$H??M}$NAh$$(BArgument of ignorance and truth$BF|K\$N%=%U%#%9%H=8CD$H$N@o$$(B Fight with a Japanese sophist group. $B@$3&$N%i%$%;%s%9Cx:n8"$r%.%M%9$KEPO?(BThe license copyright in the world is registered into Guinness.$B?MN`$,?4$N??M}$KL5CN$@$+$i(B Since human beings are ignorant in the truth of the heart $B?76==!65$d%*%+%k%H=!65$KqY$5$l$k?M$,=P$k(BThose who are deceived by a new religion and occult religion come out. $B@$3&$N=!65GIH6$K$h$kA~$7$_9g$$$N@oAh$,5/$3$k(BWar of hate $B9g$$(B by the religion faction in the world breaks out. $BElBg$N56Au8&5f$,5/$3$k(BCamouflage research of the University of Tokyo takes place. $B?MN`$,@8L?5!G=$N??M}$KL5CN$@$+$i(BSince human beings are ignorant in the truth of a life function $B?MN`$,?4?HFs85$KL5CN$@$+$i(B
human beings -- mind and body -- since it is ignorant to duality $B?MN`$,?4$N??M}$r8&5f$7$J$$$+$i(BSince human beings do not study the truth of the heart $B9qL1$rqY$93X The scholars who deceive people increase in number.$B9qL1$rqY$9@/<#2H$,A}$($k(B The politicians who deceive people increase in number. $B2f$,??M}$NAJ$($K0lE@$NF^$j$bL5$$(BThere is also no cloudy weather of one point in the petition of my truth. $B?4$N??M}$KL5CN 
The mystery in the world is solved. $BE/3X$O2?8NH/>M$7$?$N$+(BWhy did philosophy originate? $B@$3&$NJ)65!"=!65$O$J$  The truth of the heart is eternal even if there is no type. $B?@$N8@MU$NF3$-$H2ACM(BGuidance and worth of God of language $B?@$O;`8e$N@$3&$NB8:_>ZL@$r6/$/4j$C$F$$$k(BGod is wishing the world's after death existence proof strongly$BL5CN$J?4$N;}$A-MhIT0B%"%K%a!<%7%g%sJ*8l(BA future uneasy animation tale of Japan $B6r$+e$N?@Hk$r2rL@(BThe mystery on the earth is solved. $B@?$N?MN`$N?@Hk(BSincere human beings' mystery $B;W$$$H9M$($k$N0c$$(BConsidering-thought difference $B?4$G;W$&$HF,$G9M$($k$N0c$$(BThinking-intellectually difference if it considers by the heart $B8g$j$N@$3&$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant in the world of spiritual enlightenment $B8g@-$N@$3&$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant in the world of understanding $BB;F@$G9TF0$9$k?M4V(BThe human being who acts for money $BB;F@$GH=CG$9$k?M4V(B
The human being who judges for money $B5f6K$NE/3X$H$O:2$N2rL@(BUltimate philosophy is a spiritual elucidation. $B5f6K$NE/3X$H$O?M4V3X$N2rL@(BUltimate philosophy is the elucidation of humanics.$BL5CN$J46$8$k@$3&$N?4(B The heart in the ignorant world to feel $B463PE*CN3P$OF,$KB8:_$7$J$$(BSensuous consciousness does not exist in the head. $B:2$KF3$+$l$k$H$O(BBeing led to a soul is. $B@8$^$l$D$-?4$KHw$o$C$?5!G=(BThe function with which the heart by nature was equipped $B@hE7E*$J?4$N5!G=(BThe function of the native heart $B@8$^$l$D$-$N?4$N@- Character of the born heart $B@hE7E*?4$N@-J,$K$9$k1?F0(BMovement which makes a Diet member a half$B!!8xL30w$rH>J,$K$9$k1?F0(B
Movement which makes a government official a half $B#2#0#0#8G/#1#07n#1#0F|=q$-9~$_E>Aw(B$B!!Subjective oneself and objective oneself $B8@MU$NM}2r$H?4?HFs85(Ban understanding and mind and body of language -- duality .$B#E#S#P8=>]$H?4?HFs85(B an ESP phenomenon and mind and body – duality$B!!:2$H$NAx6xJ}K!8x3+(B The encounter method public presentation with a soul $B?4$K;W$&=EMW2ACM(BImportant value which considers to the heart $B?4$K46$8$k=EMW2ACM(BImportant value felt for the heart $B?4$G5$$,IU$/=EMW2ACM(BImportant value which he notices by the heart $B?4$N;0Bg2ACM(BThe three major worth of the heart $B?4$N;0BgM_K>(BThe three major desires of the heart $BJ*$rM_$7$,$k?4(BThe heart which wants a thing $B?)$r5a$a$k?4(BThe heart which asks for a meal $B@-$r5a$a$k?4(BThe heart which asks for a sex $B!!?4$N;0Bg7gE@(BThe three major faults of the heart $B;W$$9~$_$N?4(BThe heart of a belief $BMx8J Wisdom of philosophy with ignorant human beings $BF,$GM}2r$G$-$k8@MU(BLanguage which can be understood intellectually$B?4$G46$8$k8@MU(B Language felt by the heart $BF,$G9M$($k8@MU$H?4$G;W$&8@MU(BLanguage considered intellectually and language considered by the heart $BF,$GM}2r!"2r He is an inappreciative philosopher about the language of spiritual enlightenment.$B8@MU$r8m2r A philosopher ignorant to the heart in which a soul exists $BBg?C$NC;L?$N860x(BA minister's short-lived cause $BL>M@$HB;F@$NBg?C$NC;L?(BThe short life of the minister of honor and profit and loss $BF|K\$NBg?C$NC;L?$rM=CN(BA Japanese minister's short life is foreknown. $B8}@h@/<#$NJx2u(BCollapse of lips politics $B?4$r8+<:$C$?@/<#$NJx2u(BCollapse of the politics which missed the heart $B?4$r8+<:$C$?F,$@$1$N650i(BEducation of only the head which missed the heart $B>.$5$$@/I\ Collapse of irresponsible politics $BE/3X$3$=?4$N8g$j$N3XLd(BLearning of spiritual enlightenment [ philosophy ] of the heart $BE/3X$3$=?4$N8g@-$N3XLd(BPhilosophy is just the learning of the understanding of the heart. $B?@$NCN7C$N40>!(BA complete victory of the wisdom of God $B6r$+$J1#JC$H?@$N>!Mx(BThe victory of foolish concealment and God $B<+J,$NI=8=$H?4?HFs85(B
one's expression and mind and body – duality$BJ[O@$H?4$N;W$$$N0c$$(B The difference in a thought of discussion and the heart $B?4$+$iF|K\$r%$%N%Y!<%7%g%s(BIt is an innovation about Japan from the bottom of its heart. $B?4$N@/<#%$%N%Y!<%7%g%s(BThe political innovation of the heart $B?4$r0i$F$k650i$N%$%N%Y!<%7%g%s(BThe innovation of the education which raises the heart $B?4$HE/3X$N%$%N%Y!<%7%g%s(BThe innovation of the heart and philosophy $B?4$HK\G=$H9TF0(BThe heart, instinct, and action $B?4$K@.8y$N1j$rG3$d$;(BThe flame of a success can be burned to the heart. $BL5CN$K5$$,IU$/=EMW2ACM(BImportant value which he notices ignorantly $B<+J,$r$KH?>J$N=PMh$J$$%(%4(B
Ego who cannot do reflection obediently $BL5CN World research which is after death ignorant in existence of a soul $BFq2r$NE/3X$N8@MU$r2rFI(BThe language of difficult philosophy is decoded. $BFq2r$JJ)65$N8@MU$r2rFI(BThe language of difficult Buddhism is decoded. $B5.J}$bE/3X

$B#2#0#0#8G/#1#07n#2#6F|!JF|!K=q$-9~$_E>Aw(B$B!!%=%/%i%F%9$N5U=1(BA counterattack of Socrates $B6r$+$JJI(BA foolish wall $BL5CN$N7kKv(BAn ignorant end $B6r$+$JL5CN$N7kKv(BA foolish ignorant end$BF,$G2r$$$?E/3X$H?4$G2r$$$?E/3X$N0c$$(B The difference between the philosophy dispelled with the head, and the philosophy dispelled by the heart $B=EMWJ82=$N0&$KL5CN$J?MN`(B
Human beings ignorant on love of important culture $BF,$h$jBg@Z$J?4$N??M}$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings more ignorant than the head in the truth of the important heart $BF,$K?4$,B8:_$7$J$$>ZL@(BProof to which the heart does not exist in the head $BF,$K?4$,ZL@(BProof to which the heart does not exist really on the head $BF,$K?4$,L5$$>ZL@(BProof which does not have the heart in the head $BF,$K?4$,B8:_$7$J$$M}M3(BThe reason the heart does not exist in the head $BF,$K?4$,r7o(B The conditions to which the heart does not exist in the head $B?4$,F,$Kr7o(BThe conditions to which the heart does not exist really on the head$B?4$,F,$KL5$$>r7o(B The conditions which do not have the heart in the head $B?4$,FyBN$r;YG[$7$F$$$k>ZL@(BProof as which the heart is governing flesh $B?4$,F,$KL?Na$r=P$9>ZL@(BProof with which the heart takes out a command to the head$B?4$,FyBN$r;YG[$9$kM}M3(B The reason the heart governs flesh$B?4$,FyBN$r;YG[$9$k>r7o(B The conditions on which the heart governs flesh $B?4$,FyBN$HO"F0$7$F$$$k>ZL@(BProof by which the heart is being interlocked with flesh $B?4$,FyBN$HO"F0$7$F$$$kM}M3(BThe reason the heart is being interlocked with flesh $B?4$,FyBN$HO"F0$7$F$$$k>r7o(BThe conditions on which the heart is being interlocked with flesh $B?4$K4X$9$k8@MU$NL5M}2r(BThe language about the heart is inappreciative. $B?4$K4X$9$k8@MU$NL5CN(BIgnorance of the language about the heart $B?4$K4X$9$k8@MU$N8m2r-Mh$rM=CN(BPolitics of Japan and the economic future are foreknown. $BF|K\$N650i$N>-Mh$rM=CN(B
The future of the education of Japan is foreknown. $B?4$HM=CNG=NO(BIt is [ the heart and ] intelligence power beforehand. $B:2$NB8:_$HM=CNG=NO(BIt is [ existence of a soul and ] intelligence power beforehand.$BM=CNG=NO$H:2$NB8:_(B It is existence of intelligence power and a soul beforehand. $B:2$NB8:_$HF6;!NO(BExistence of a soul and insight $BF6;!NO$H:2$NB8:_(BExistence of insight and a soul $B?MN`$NL5CN$JE/3X$r2rL@(BHuman beings' ignorant philosophy is solved.$B46@-$H8g$j$N@$3&?4(B The world heart of spiritual enlightenment with sensitivity $B46@-$H;`8e$N@$3&(BThe world after sensitivity and death $B46@-$HL58B$N@$3&?4(BSensitivity and the infinite world heart $B46@-$H:2$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of sensitivity and a soul$B46@-$H?@$N@$3&?4(BSensitivity and the world heart of God $B46@-$H^:\Q$N@$3&?4(BSensitivity and the world heart of Nirvana $B46@-$H8g@-$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of sensitivity and understanding $B8g@-$H8g$j$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of spiritual enlightenment with understanding $B8g@-$H;`8e$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart after understanding and death $B8g@-$HL58B$N@$3&?4(BUnderstanding and the infinite world heart $B8g@-$HL58B$N@$3&(BUnderstanding and the infinite world heart $B8g@-$H:2$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of understanding and a soul $B8g@-$H?@$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of understanding and God$B8g@-$H^:\Q$N@$3&?4(B The world heart of understanding and Nirvana $BM}@-$H8g$j$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of spiritual enlightenment with reason $BH=CGNO$H;W$$9~$_(BIt is a belief as judgment. $BM}@-$H8g@-$H46@-$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of reason, understanding, and sensitivity $BM}@-$H;`8e$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart after reason and death $BM}@-$HL58B$N@$3&?4(BReason and the infinite world heart $BM}@-$H:2$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of reason and a soul $BM}@-$H?@$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of reason and God $BM}@-$H^:\Q$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of reason and Nirvana $B8g$j$N@$3&$N?4$H8g@-(BThe heart and understanding in the world of spiritual enlightenment $B?4$N8g$j$H$O(BAbout spiritual enlightenment of the heart$B?4$N8g@-$H$O(B About the understanding of the heart $B?4$3$=;`8e$N@$3&(BThe heart is just the world after death.$B?4$3$=L58B$N@$3&(B The heart is just the infinite world. $B?4$3$=:2$N@$3&(BThe heart is just the spiritual world. $B?4$3$=?@$N@$3&(BThe heart is just the world of God. $B?4$3$=^:\Q$N@$3&(BThe heart is just the world of Nirvana.$BL5CN$N@$3&?4(B The ignorant world heart $BL$CN$N@$3&$H?4(BThe strange world and the heart $BL$CN$N@$3&$N?4$r2rL@(BThe heart in the strange world is solved. $B?4$N%Q%i%I%C%/%9(BParadox of the heart $B?4$N5U@b(BThe paradox of the heart $BBg3X$,E];:$N;~Be(BThe time of bankruptcy of a university $BL5?&$NGn;N$N;~Be(BA jobless doctor's time $BITMWBg3X1!$NJD:?(BClosing of an unnecessary graduate school $BGn;NFqL1(BDoctor refugee $BBg3X1!FqL1(BGraduate school refugee $BBgB4FqL1(BCollege graduate refugee $BF,$@$1$N650i$G?4$,Jx2u(BThe heart collapses in the education of only the head.$BF,$@$1$N650i$GMx8Jo8=>]$r3h$+$9(BThe supernatural phenomenon of God is harnessed. $B?@$ND6463PE*CN3P$r3h$+$9(B The extrasensory perception of God is harnessed. $B;~4V$N7P2a$H??M}$N8x3+$NNr;K(BHistory of public presentation of progress of time and truth $B#2#0#0#2G/#27n#9F|!JEZ!K$+$i??M}$N>ZL@$NNr;K$OF0$-=P$7$?(BThe history of the proof of truth began to move from Sat., February 9, 2002. $B:2$Ne$K51$/(BDiscovery in the world of the heart where human beings are ignorant shines with progress of years on the interchange^network in the world. $B?MN`$,L5CN$J@8L?5!G=$N??M}!V?4?HFs85!W$O!"G/7n$N7P2a$G%$%s%?!<%M%C%H>e$K1W!951$-$rA}$7$F9T(B. the truth "mind and body of a life function with ignorant human beings -- duality -- " -- on the Internet, increase brightness increasingly and go by progress of years $B#2#1@$5*?MN`$,L5CN$J?@$NH/8+$O!"G/7n$N7P2a$G1W!9!"@$3&$N%$%s%?!<%M%C%H>e$K51$-$rA}$7$F9T$/(BIncreasingly, on the Internet in the world, discovery of God with the ignorant 21st century human beings increases brightness, and goes by progress of years. $B?4$,FyBN$rF0$+$7$F$$$k(BThe heart is moving flesh. $B?4$,FyBN$r%3%s%H%m!<%k$7$F$$$k(BThe heart has controlled flesh. $B?4$,FyBN$r4IM}(BThe heart manages flesh. $B?4$KL5CN$J6r$+-Mh(BIt is discernment of the heart and is the future of politics and economy. $B?4$N??M}$K40A4L5CN$J?MN`(BIgnorant human beings perfect in the truth of the heart $B?4$N463PE*CN3P$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant in the sensuous consciousness of the heart $BFq$7$$E/3X$r0W$7$/2rL@(BDifficult philosophy is solved easily. $BFq2r$NE/3X$r4JC1$K2rL@(BDifficult philosophy is solved simply. $BE/3X$J$s$FFq$7$/L5$$(BThere is nothing difficultly in philosophy. $BE/3X$NFf$r4JC1$K2rL@(BA philosophical mystery is solved simply. $BFf$NE/3X$r4JC1$K2rL@(BThe philosophy of a mystery is solved simply. $B?4$HE/3X$N%$%N%Y!<%7%g%s(BThe innovation of the heart and philosophy$B?4$H@8L?3X$N%$%N%Y!<%7%g%s(B The innovation of the heart and life study $B?4$H650i$N%$%N%Y!<%7%g%s(BThe innovation of the heart and education $B?4$H0e3X$N%$%N%Y!<%7%g%s(BThe innovation of the heart and medicine $B?4$H?M4V3X$N%$%N%Y!<%7%g%s(BThe innovation of the heart and humanics $B?4$H#N#P#O%U%!%_%j!<(BThe heart and an NPO family $B:2$OL5CN A philosopher ignorant to spiritual enlightenment of the heart $B6r$+2a$.$k?4$N8&5f(BResearch of the too foolish heart $B?4$N8g$j$KL5CN$JF|K\(BJapan ignorant to spiritual enlightenment of the heart $B>.@b!VL$CN$N@$3&?4!W(BNovel "strange world heart" $B>.@b!VL5CN$H56Au!W(BNovel "ignorance and camouflage"$BE/3X

$B#2#0#0#8G/#1#17n#1#8F|!J2P!K(B$B?4$HF,$I$A$i$,D9@8$-$+(Bthe heart and the head -- which -- long life$B?4$OL58B!&F,$OM-8B(B The infinity and head of the heart are limited. $BF,$rCC$($F$b;`$s$@$i=*$o$j(BEven if it trains the head, when dying, finally it is. $BMDCU$G6r$+$JE/3X8&5f(BChildish and foolish philosophy research $BF,$G1J1s$K2r$1$J$$E/3X(BPhilosophy which cannot be forever dispelled with the head $BL5CN$GMDCU$G6r$+$JE/3X8&5f(BIgnorant, childish, and foolish philosophy research $BL5CN$GMDCU$GGO<*ElIw(BIt is ignorant, is childish and falls on deaf ears. $BL5CN$J%+%s%H$ND61[O@E*E/3X(BIgnorant Kant's transcendency theory-philosophy $BL5CN$J%+%s%H$N=c?hM}@-HcH=E/3X(BIgnorant Kant's pure reason critical philosophy $BL5CN$J%+%s%H$NM@$H6r$+$JE/3X   Japanese Kant association ignorant to reason and judgment$B?4$N8g@-$H8g$j$KL5CN$JF|K\%+%s%H6(2q(B It is the Japanese Kant association ignorant to spiritual enlightenment as the understanding of the heart.$B?4$N46@-$H8g@-$KL5CN$JF|K\%+%s%H6(2q(B
The Japanese Kant association ignorant to the sensitivity and understanding of the heart $B463PE*CN3P$H8g$j(BIt is spiritual enlightenment as sensuous consciousness$B?4$N(B.$B;HL?46$KL5CN$JF|K\(BJapan ignorant to . sense of mission of the heart
$BL5CN$NJI(B An ignorant wall $BFs$D$N?4$NH=CG(BJudgment of the two hearts $BB;F@$NH=CG$H;HL?46$NH=CG(BJudgment of profit and loss, and judgment of a sense of mission $BB;F@$NH=CG$H?M4V0&$NH=CG(BJudgment of profit and loss, and judgment of human love $B?4$N463P5!G=$KL5CN$JE/3XMn(BIt falls ignorantly in the truth of one world mind. $BL5CN$J8g$j$N@$3&?4(BThe world heart of ignorant spiritual enlightenment $B?4$N@D=U$H$ONx(BThe youth of the heart is love. $B?4$N@D=U$H$O@8$-9CHe(BThe youth of the heart is definite aim in life. $BD9@8$-$O?4$N@D=U$K:_$j(BLong life is in the youth of the heart. $BF,$N0U<1$H?4$N0U<1(BConsciousness of the head, and consciousness of the heart$B?4$N;W$$$H%[%k%b%sJ,Hg(B A thought and hormonal secretion of the heart $B?4$N;W$$$HLH1VNO(BA thought and immunity power of the heart $BL$7P83$GL5M}2r$J8@MU(BInexperienced and inappreciative language $BF,$G2r$1$J$$?4(BThe heart which cannot be dispelled with the head $BBg0f:#D+M:$NH/8+(BKesao Oi's discovery $B#1!":2$NH/8+(BSpiritual discovery $B#2!"?4$N??M}H/8+(BTruth discovery of the heart $B#3!"?4$N463P5!G=$rH/8+(BThe sensory function of the heart is discovered. $B#4!";`8e$N@$3&$N?4$rH/8+(BThe heart in the world after death is discovered. $B#5!"Fs$D$N8@MU$NM}2rJ}K!$rH/8+(BThe understanding method of two language is discovered.$B#6!"FyBN$r;YG[$9$k?4$rH/8+(B The heart which governs flesh is discovered.$B#7!"FyBN$HO"F0$9$k?4$rH/8+(B The heart interlocked with flesh is discovered. $B#8!"?4$N46@-$rH/8+(BThe sensitivity of the heart is discovered. $B#9!"?4$N8g@-$rH/8+(BThe understanding of the heart is discovered. $B#1#0!"?4$N8g$j$rH/8+(BSpiritual enlightenment of the heart is discovered. $B#1#1!":2$,:,8;$NE/3X$rH/8+(BA soul discovers the philosophy of the origin$B#1#2!"(B.$B:2(B $B$N:,8;$G$"$k?M4V0&$rH/8+(BSoul   The human love which is the origin is discovered. $B#1#3!"@8L?5!G=$N1J1s$N??M}$rH/8+(BThe eternal truth of a life function is discovered. $B#1#4!"?4?HFs85$rH/8+(Bmind and body -- duality is discovered $B#1#5!":2$HAx6xJ}K!$rH/8+(BA soul and the encounter method are discovered. $B#1#6!"?MN`$NL5CN$rH/8+(BHuman beings' ignorance is discovered. $BF,$G2r$1$J$$?4(BThe heart which cannot be dispelled with the head $BF,$G2r$1$J$$E/3X(BPhilosophy which cannot be dispelled with the head$B??M}$O0l$D(B
Truth is one. $B?MN`$h!"?4$NJu$rC5$;(BThe precious article of human-beings heart can be looked for. $B?MN`$h!"L\3P$a$h(Bhuman beings -- wake up $B?MN`$h!"8g$l(Bhuman beings -- it can realize $B?MN`$NL5CN$r2rL@(BHuman beings' ignorance is solved. $B6r$+$JE/3X The world of the heart which cannot be solved by the head and science $BF,$G2rL@IT2DG=$JE/3X(BPhilosophy which cannot be solved with the head $B?M4V$N:,8;$G$"$k:2$3$=?4$,2rL@2DG=(BAn elucidation of the heart is possible just for the soul which is just man's origin.$BE/3X$N:,8;$N:2$3$=E/3X$N2rL@$,2DG=(B A philosophical elucidation is possible just for the soul of the philosophical origin. $B:2$7$+2r$1$J$$?4$N??M}(BTruth of the heart that only a soul can be dispelled $B:2$7$+2r$1$J$$?M4V3X(BHumanics which can dispel only a soul $B:2$7$+2r$1$J$$E/3X$N??M}(BPhilosophical truth that only a soul can be dispelled $BL58B$N:2$,AOB$$7$??M4V(BThe human being whom the infinite soul created $BL58B$N?@$,AOB$$7$??M4V(BThe human being whom infinite God created $B?M4V$N?4$OL58B$N:2$+$iJ,$l$??4(BMan's heart is the heart divided from the infinite soul. $B?M4V$OL58B$N?@$N;R(BMan is the child of infinite God. $BE7COAOB$$NL58B$N?@(BInfinite God of the Creation $B?M4V$OL58B$N:2$N;R(BMan is the child of an infinite soul.$B?M4V$OE7COAOB$$N?@$N;R(B Man is the child of God of the Creation. $B?M4V$OE7COAOB$$N:2$N;R(BMan is the child of the soul of the Creation. $BElBg$N4m81$JH=CG$HF|K\$N>-MhIT0B(BIt will be uneasy dangerous judgment of the University of Tokyo and in the future [ of Japan ].$B?4$N??M}$KL5CN$JF|K\$N>-MhIT0B(B It will be uneasy at the truth of the heart in the future [ of ignorant Japan ]. $B?4$N9SGQ$HF|K\$N>-MhIT0B(BIt will be uneasy desolation of the heart, and in the future [ of Japan ].$BL5CN$N7kKv$HF|K\$N>-MhIT0B$rM=CN(B An ignorant end and future uneasiness of Japan are foreknown. $B5?;w2J3X$HG>2J3X8&5f(BFalse science and brain science research $B5?;w2J3X8&5f$HLPLZ7r0lO:(BFalse scientific inquiry and Ken-ichiro Mogi $B:>5=2J3X8&5f$HLPLZ7r0lO:(BFraud scientific inquiry and Ken-ichiro Mogi $BD6463PE*CN3P5!G=$rM-$9$k?4(BThe heart which has an extrasensory perception function $B?MN`$,L5CN$J?4$r2rL@(BHuman beings solve the ignorant heart.$B8@MU$r7P83$G46$8 The heart in which a soul dwells $B:2$NI|3h$9$k?4(BThe heart which a soul revitalizes $B?@$NI|3h$9$k?4(BThe heart which God revitalizes $B?@$,8@MU$rAw$k?4(BThe heart to which God sends language $B:2$,8@MU$rAw$k?4(BThe heart to which a soul sends language $B??M}$rOD$a$kF|K\$N%=%U%#%9%HE/3XZL@$rK832$9$kF|K\$N%=%U%#%9%HE/3XuBV$GHQG:B?H/(B The heart is worldly-desires frequent occurrence at a confusional state.$B0&$NJP8+!"?M4V0&$HNx$KL5CN(B Ignorant in the prejudice, the human love, and the love of love $B?MN`$N=EMWJ82=0&$KL5CN(BIgnorant on human beings' important culture love $B@?$N0&$O;`$s$G51$/(BSincere love dies and shines. $B?@$N4q@W$NI|3h(BRevival of the miracle of God $BMx8JM@$NH=CG$H7kKv(BCreditable judgment and an end












Verification of the existence of Shinto and Buddhist deities
It verifies in an experience person's words.
It verifies by the difference between the heart and flesh.
It verifies in the language which cannot be understood intellectually.
It verifies in time to action from the bottom of its heart.








