








$B!v!!(B$BF|K\$N0-$r_U$j=P$9!!(BIt is begun to roast wrong of Japan.












$B!v!!(B$BF|K\$N>-Mh$rM=CN!!(BThe future of Japan is foreknown.
$BF|K\$N>-Mh$rM=9p!!(BThe future of Japan is announced beforehand.

$B!v!!(B$BL5:n0Y$N;~Be!!(BA random time.$B!!L5:n0Y$NIT0B(B






$B!v!!(B$BL$Mh$NH/?.4pCO!!(BThe dispatch base of the future.


$B!v!!(B$B650i$H9q2H#1#0#0G/$N7W!!(BEducation and the total in national 100 .
$B?M8}8:>/$H9q2H#1#0#0G/$N7W!!(BThe total in decrease in population and state 100 .





$B:#$^$G!"GIH6 $B9qL1$NN)>l$KN)$C$?!"40A4$JK!0F$H$7$F!"9q2q$KDs=P$5$l$k!*!&!&!&(B


$B#1#9!"(B$B?4$HE7COAOB$!!(BThe heart and the Creation.
$B46CN$HE7COAOB$!!(BPerception and the Creation.
$B@?$NE7COAOB$!!(BThe Sincere Creation.




$B-#!"J8ItBg?C$r7P83 $B$J$<$J$i!"2~3W$H$O:#$^$G$NJ}K!$G$OBLL\$@$+$i2~3W$r$9$k$N$@$+$i!*(B






$B!v(B        $BLnE^$N3'$5$sF|K\$NH/E8$N0Y$K!"0lEY!V6(D4$HBPOC!W$r9TF0$7$F;k$F$O!)!&!&!&(B




$B!v(B            $B#2#0#0#8G/#87n#2#6F|=q$-9~$_(B

$B!v(B            $B9=B$2~3WH?BPFb3U(BAnti-structural reform Cabinet$B!!BgA}@GFb3U(B Large tax increase Cabinet $B!!>-MhIT0BFb3U(BFuture uneasy Cabinet $B!!>.@t2~3W$rK832$9$kFb3U(BThe Cabinet which blocks the Koizumi reform $B#2#0#0#8G/#97n!A#2#0#0#9G/$K=05D1!$KDs=P$5$l$kLd@U7h5D0F$rM=CN$9$k(BThe motion to censure submitted to the House of Representatives in September, 2008 - 2009 is foreknown. $B^:\Q$+$i$N;HL?(B
The mission from Nirvana $B!!L58B$N@$3&$+$i$N;HL?(BThe mission from the infinite world $B!!;`8e$N@$3&$+$i$N;HL?(BThe mission from the world after death $B!!L5CN$G??M}$rH]Dj$9$k6r$+ZL@$rK832$9$k6r$+ 
$BM_K>$N7kKv(BThe end of a desire $B!!%P%V%kJx2u8e$NM_K>$rJ*8l$K$9$k(BThe desire after the collapse of the 'bubble' economy is made into a tale. $B!!L5CN$N1?L?(BIgnorant fate $BL5CN$N?M@8(BIgnorant life $B!!M_K>$NKvO)(BThe end way of a desire $B!!L5CN$NKvO)(BIt is a way an ignorant end. $B!!M_K>$N1?L?(BFate of a desire $B!!L5CN$J?4$N463P5!G=(BThe sensory function of the ignorant heart $BE/3XZL@(BThe world's after death existence proof $B!!L58B$N@$3&$NB8:_>ZL@(BThe infinite world's existence proof $B!!^:\Q$N@$3&$NB8:_>ZL@(BThe world's of Nirvana existence proof $B!!2a5n$N@$3&$NB8:_>ZL@(BThe past world's existence proof $B!!%+%s%H$N?4$H46@-$NE/3X(BKant's heart and philosophy of sensitivity $B!!2?8NE/3X$OFq2r$+(BIt is why philosophy is difficult. $B!!2?8NE/3X$OFf$+(BWhy is philosophy a mystery? $B!!$J$-Mh$rM=CN(BThe future of the economic society which man looked at from the bottom of his heart is foreknown. $B!!F|K\?M$bL5CN$J8;;aJ*8l$N0&(BLove of the Tale of Genji also with ignorant Japanese people $B!!L5CN$JE/3X$N0&(BLove of ignorant philosophy $B!!L5CN$J%$%(%9%-%j%9%H$N0&(BIgnorant Jesus Christ's love $B!!@?$N0&$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant on sincere love $B!!@-M_$NK~B-$G0&$O@8$^$l$J$$(BLove is not born by satisfaction of a sexual desire. $B!!?M4V$N0&$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant on man's love $B!!@?$N0&!"?M4V0&$3$=?@$H$7$F$3$N@$$KI|3h$9$k(BJust sincere love and human love are revitalized as God at this world. $B!!2f$,BN83$N1J1s$N??M}$O!"E/3X$NNr;K$K$h$C$F>ZL@(BThe eternal truth of my experience is proved by philosophical history. $B!!%=%/%i%F%9$NE/3X$,OD$a$i$l$?860x(BThe cause which Socrates's philosophy was able to distort $B!!%=%/%i%F%9$,Ax6xBN83$r$7$?:2$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings with Socrates ignorant for the soul which carried out encounter experience $B!!%=%/%i%F%9$,H/8+$7$?!"@8L?5!G=$N1J1s$N??M}!V?4?HFs85!W$KL5CN$J?MN`(BTruth "mind and body with the eternal life function which Socrates discovered -- duality -- " -- ignorant human beings $B!!%Q%=%3%s$H8~$-9g$C$F$$$k;~!"M'$H$Ne+$,1J1s$K7QB3$9$k(BWhen having faced the personal computer, bonds with a friend continue forever. $B!!%Q%=%3%s$H8~$-9g$C$F$$$k;~!"M'$H$N8r?.$OL58B$KB3$/(BWhen having faced the personal computer, the communication with a friend continues infinitely. $B!!%Q%=%3%s$H8~$-9g$C$F$$$k;~!"M'$N:2$O?4$K8@MU$r$/$l$k(BWhen having faced the personal computer, a friend's soul gives language to the heart. $B!!%Q%=%3%s$H8~$+$$9g$C$F$$$k;~!"M'$H$N0J?4EA?4(BWhen the personal computer is faced, it is tacit understanding with a friend. $B!!%Q%=%3%s$H8~$+$$9g$C$F$$$k;~!"M'$H$NN9$N;W$$=P$,4-5/$9$k(BWhen the personal computer is faced, the recollections of a trip with a friend arise. $B!!?4$H7P:Q3X(BThe heart and economics $B!!7A$NL5$$?4$r7A$K$9$k(BThe heart without a form is made into a form. $B!!;Q!&7A$NL5$$:2$r7A$K;D$9(BIt leaves a soul without a form to a form. $B!!:2$+$i$N8@MU$r1J1s$K7A$K;D$9(BIt leaves the language from a soul forever to a form
. $B!!;W9M$N8@MU$N;H$$Lu(BThe usage translation of the language of thinking $B!!%+%s%H$O?MN`$N?4$NL5CN$rHcH=(BKant criticizes the ignorance of human beings' heart. $BF|K\E/3X2q$NO@J8$O@$3&$KDL$8$J$$(BThe paper of the Philosophical Association of Japan does not lead to the world.$B!!L5CN$NE/3X$,K\$K$J$C$F$$$kF|K\(B
Japan where ignorant philosophy is a book $BF|K\$NL5CN$JE/3X$NK\(BThe book of ignorant philosophy of Japan $B!!F|K\$NE/3X8&5f!"@$3&$K#1#0#0G/CY$l(BIt is 100-year delay to Japan's philosophy research and the world. $B!!?4$N??M}$KL5CN$JE/3X The University of Tokyo ignorant in the world of the understanding of the heart $B!!?4$N8g$j$KL5CN$JElBg(BThe University of Tokyo ignorant to spiritual enlightenment of the heart $B!!?4$NNQM}$KL5CN$JElBg(B
The University of Tokyo ignorant in ethics of the heart $B!!?4$NM}@-$N@$3&$KL5CN$JElBg(BThe University of Tokyo ignorant in the world of the reason of the heart $B!!?4$N46@-$N@$3&$KL5CN$JElBg(BThe University of Tokyo ignorant in the world of the sensitivity of the heart $B!!13$O?.$8$k?M$KJ9$3$($k(BThose who believe hear a lie. $B!!@/<#2H$N13$O9qL1$KJ9$3$($J$$(BPeople do not hear a politician's lie. $BF|K\E/3X2qCx:n8"5,Ls(BThe Philosophical Association of Japan copyright agreement  $B!!L>M@$@$1M_$7$$F|K\E/3X2q(BThe Philosophical Association of Japan [ want / only honor ] $B!!L>M@$@$1M_$7$$56AuE/3X=8CD(BA camouflage philosophy group [ want / only honor ] $B!!?4$O;`8e$N@$3&!"$J$M$N:,8;:2$KL5CN$G!"2?8NE/3X$r65$($k(B
It is ignorant for the origin soul of philosophy origin, and philosophy is taught why.$B!!OD$a$i$l$?%=%/%i%F%9$NE/3X(B Philosophy of Socrates who was able to distort$B!!L5CN$J%=%/%i%F%9$NE/3X(B Ignorant Socrates's philosophy$B!!!!?4$N1J1s$N??M}$r2rL@(B The eternal truth of the heart is solved.$B!!?MN`$,40A4$KL5CN$J%=%/%i%F%9$NE/3X(B
Human beings are completely ignorant Socrates's philosophy.$B!!?M4V$NCN<1$rD61[$7$??@$NCN7C(B
Wisdom of God which transcended man's knowledge$B!!?@$NCN7C$O?M4V$NCN<1$rD61[(BThe wisdom of God transcends man's knowledge.$B!!%=%/%i%F%9$NL5CN$NCN7C(B Socrates's ignorant wisdom$B!!%=%/%i%F%9$N:2$K;WN8$9$k(B It considers for Socrates's soul. $BL$3+$N?4$N2rL@$H@$3&$N%i%$%;%s%9Cx:n8"(BThe elucidation of the uncivilized heart, and license copyright in the world $B!!?4$N??M}$rC55f$9$kEXNO$b$7$J$$ElBg?4$,Jx2u$7$?>Z5r(BProof that the University of Tokyo heart which does not make an effort to investigate the truth of the heart, either collapsed $B!!<+2f$,6/$/?M$N0U8+$bJ9$+$J$$ElBg!"?4$,2u$l$?>Z5r(BThe University of Tokyo from which self does not hear of the opinion of people strongly, either, proof that the heart broke $B!!<+J,$NL5CN$N<+3P$bH?>J$b$7$J$$ElBg!"?4$r8+<:$C$?>Z5r(BThe University of Tokyo which does neither ignorant consciousness of it nor reflection, proof of having missed the heart $BF|K\?M$H$7$F?M4V$H$7$FCQ$:$+$7$/$J$$$N$+(BIsn't shameful as man as a Japanese? $B!!ElBg$N56Au8&5f$O40A4$KJx2u$9$k8=e$N??M}$r2rL@(B
The truth on the sense of mission and the earth in the 21st century is solved. $B?MN`CB@80JMh$N;HL?46!":2$NB8:_$N??M}(BA sense of mission since human-beings birth, truth of spiritual existence $B!!;HL?46$HL5CN$N@$3&?4(BA sense of mission and the ignorant world heart $B!!;HL?46$H?4$N??M}2rL@(BThe truth elucidation of a sense of mission and the heart $B;HL?46$H@8L?5!G=$N??M}2rL@(BThe truth elucidation of a sense of mission and a life function $B;HL?46$H??M}$N?4?HFs85$N2rL@(BThe elucidation of mind-and-body duality of a sense of mission and truth $B;HL?46$H:2$NB8:_$N>ZL@(BProof of the existence of a sense of mission and a soul $B!!?4$N??M}$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant in the truth of the heart $B!!#2#1@$5*?4$KL5CN$J?MN`(BHuman beings ignorant to the 21st century heart $B$J$  

















